Goddamn, that Trump talk on Israel and Jerusalem. Its like I woke up in lala land.
Goddamn, that Trump talk on Israel and Jerusalem. Its like I woke up in lala land.
@ppppolls 3m3 minutes ago
Donald Trump at a record high level of support in our new North Carolina poll coming out tomorrow
Darth Trump
EDIT: didn't see there was a thread.
Also, Ralph Peters calls Obama 'a total pussy' on live television
Sure, he will deport all the jews, gays, muslims and mexicans and is a crazy bastard. Just never in my life time thought someone so high profile would say stuff like that about Israel not being a partner in peace, status of jerusalem, etc. Especially when it costs him nothing to tow the party line.Really? Dude spouted a bunch of antisemitic stereotypes and topped it off with one nugget of good sense.
He's batting above average for once is all.
Really? Dude spouted a bunch of antisemitic stereotypes and topped it off with one nugget of good sense.
He's batting above average for once is all.
Didn't think of that. Ha.Critiquing Israel is a great way to ensure Carson's votes go to Cruz as he withers. Maybe he's ok with that?
Donald Trump at a record high level of support in our new North Carolina poll coming out tomorrow
In bigger polling news, Monmouth's new Iowa poll has Cruz with a big lead.
Cruz 24%
Trump 19%
Rubio 17%
Carson 13%
Bush 6%
Paul 4%
Rubio surges in New Hampshire:
Everyone is surging. I could drive up to NH and probably start surging.
Didn't think of that. Ha.
But Trump doesn't come off as a chessplayer to me. He's more of a spray and pray cannon.
I love how "pro-life" Christians in Iowa have switched to Cruz after he pledged to make the Middle East glow, good work, guys.
Here's links to Cruz and Rubio's tax plans and analysis of the plans:
Clinton's plan is not much more specific. In fact, it's not any more specific. We have "I won't raise taxes on the middle class" (ditto Sanders), "I would increase capital gains tax by some unspecified amount" (ditto Sanders), and "I would increase taxes above the level set by Bush" (ditto Sanders). And there's an obvious reason why both of them are non-committal - economies have an odd habit of changing. Setting a cast-iron guarantee about the precise level now when by November '16 we could be talking about a golden generation boom or a lost generation bust is asking for attack ads.
If anything, Sanders is more specific. We know his top marginal rate would be above 50% and below 90%. For Clinton, we know it would be above 39.6%. That's it.
FiveThirtyEight when Trump is ahead: early polls don't matter!
FiveThirtyEight when Trump is behind in a poll: Trump has a BIG PROBLEM.
What's your interpretation?That's not how that reads at all.
86/8 support among GOP voters in NC for barring people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a firearm
New IBD/TIPP poll is out.
Trump 27% (-1)
Carson 15% (-8)
Rubio 14% (+3)
Cruz 13% (+7)
Bush 3% (-3)
Fiorina 3% (+0)
My boss, who is very political and has been voting for 40+ years, tells me not to pay attention to these polls at this point. He actually says I'm very naive for even bringing them up. He is betting me 100 bucks that Trump is not the nominee and someone else will be (his pick is either Cruz, Rubio, or Christie (lol)). I might be naive as I have never followed politics before, but seems like a good bet to me. He is giving me some weeks to make up my mind.
The GOP is just strange:
My super Republican friends and family actually loved Obama's speech when it came to gun control too...?
I'm sorry, but if you view embryos as "babies" then fertility clinics kill more Americans each year than the Iraq War did total. Stop being a weasel who mutters around about the relative scale. if Republican politicians cared about embryos, then the 31 Republican governors in charge of their state could shut down all of their fertility clinics (which aren't protected by the constitution) and would save thousands of "lives" every year. They would "save" more Americans within a month than ISIS will kill ever, yet they have zero interest in it. For fucks sake, most "pro-life" groups also are opposed to assisted suicide which affects a tiny, tiny portion of people.
Again, I really don't think it does and you're giving the electorate way too much credit in terms of its ability to understand constitutional law.
Unclear enough that 4 out of 9 disagreed.
Right, all it takes is that small matter of interpreting what freedom of speech is, which had four dissenting Justices.
The problems--and the areas that require extra-constitutional policy-making, contrary to Metamucil's position--are:
1. Extending First Amendment rights to corporations and unions. Admittedly, other courts did this previously, but CU expanded this. Corporate law, as it is understood today (ie. corporations created and regulated by statute), didn't even exist at the time the bill of rights was passed. After CU, directors of a corporation can use corporate treasury funds for their own political purposes. Clearly not in the text of the Constitution and an exercise of judicial activism.
2. The statement that political expenditures cannot give rise to corruption or even the appearance of corruption. Ideology, plain and simple.
3. The court's reliance on disclosure laws as a fail-safe, completely ignoring the possibility of shadow money which is now dominating politics.
4. The decision was way broader than it needed to be.
5. To the extent that you say the Court relied on stare decisis (ie. Past courts applied First Amendment to corporations) that's bullshit because the CU court went out of its way to overturn multiple prior decisions.
The important part of freedom of speech was not just the idea that the government can't prevent speech, but the idea that everyone's speech should be heard. Even if it remains legal for me to speak out on a topic, if I have no practical way of doing so, then my speech is not really free; it's still constrained. The effect of corporate megabucks reduced freedom of speech because they crowd out the speech of all those who don't have the money to compete for access to the public domain. It's not framed like that in the constitution, but the constitution was written in 1789, before the radio, television, the internet, and a society of 320 million people where almost the entire nation is enfranchised. The drafters of the constitution never envisaged a situation where it was likely that anything would be able to challenge freedom of speech other than the government, given the highest non-governmental barrier in 1789 was whether you had the money to pay for pamphlet distribution or not, so of course it's couched in terms of the government. However, any reasonable modern interpretation must take into account the fact that freedom of speech can be meaningfully curtailed by institutions that aren't the government. Citizens United fails to do that, so the dissent is fully justified.
What's your interpretation?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Thats what I imagine Reince Priebus, head of the Republican National Committee, repeating to himself as he tries to fall asleep every night. Because heres the problem for a Republican establishment hoping to avoid nominating Donald Trump: Trump continues to lead poll after poll, and hes held a consistent edge among all ideological groups nationally and in most states, including New Hampshire. To beat Trump, the establishment may have to defeat him in Iowa, but recently, the Iowa caucuses have been unwelcoming to establishment-approved candidates.
Yeah, fucking take THAT, Malala.
That's not how that reads at all.
Whoa, that escalated quickly.
Daniel B·;188312294 said:This has to be a joke post, and one in very bad taste, at that?!
Malala Yousafzai does indeed deserve great praise, for standing up to the Taliban, and the right for girls to receive the same education as boys, as sometimes it takes a brave sole to put their life on the line, to effect real change, however, Bernie is trying to bring forth, nothing short of a complete overhaul of the political system of the United States, reclaiming it from the corporations and special interests, for every American citizen, where, if we are successful, will likely have positive repercussions for the whole World, including Malala's home country of Pakistan.
I'm not gonna quote that post ItWasMeantToBe19. Just edit it already.
Well, I think the holding in Obergefell is also clearly rooted in the Constitution (Kennedy's vigorous attempts to sever that connection notwithstanding), and that also had four dissenting justices. Roe, on the other hand, "is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be" (PDF).
I'm sorry, but family members crying to me about how they were called murderers just to get away from their abusers makes me think that Christianity is nothing but a plague. People like Meta have harmed my friends and family more than any member of ISIS ever will.
That's word for word how the tweet reads.
The article however is a different take, but if Harry wants to present it differently for clicks then that's on him.
Nope, . . . and call the women I love murderers to my face[.]
Dude, we're not talking about whether abortion is murder. We're talking about whether pro-life groups oppose abortion and contraceptives because they secretly oppose sex. There's no reason to throw away your account over this.
Edit your posts.
You called abortion murder days ago and now you're trying to use a defense when anti-abortion groups are simultaneously incredibly informed and incredibly uninformed that would lead to failing logic 101.
Sure, but the post here is just mindlessly pushing the anti-538 angle, when the article is quite reasonable. I do expect people to click though and not just react to tweets when there's an article present.
There's a reason I don't Twitter actively, and it's this kind of simplification. It's dumb and counterproductive.
Nov. 28-Dec. 6
Trump 33%
Cruz 20%
Carson 16%
Rubio 11%
Bush 4%
Trump leads big in Iowa in CNN poll:
Like I said...the article has nothing to do with the tweet, but if the articles author goes out of his way to present it as a TRUMP IS DOOMED article when it's no such thing, or backpedaling on "polls are meaningless this far out" the minute said polls are bad for Trump, then 538 and Harry Enten deserve every single bit of vitriol that comes their way because of it.
These people are professional journalists, not forum posters and should be held to a higher standard. If that's too much to expect then perhaps they should go back to doing burrito brackets instead of playing pundits.
haha, what a roller coaster of polls today. CNN just had an article this morning about the Monmouth poll and what it means for Trump/Cruz and they turn around and release their own poll that tells a different story.
I only read the tweet, but it's Harry's own fault if he gave us a faulty summary of his own articleIt reads to me that *if* the GOP establishment can take down trump, Iowa is the best place to do it.
I suppose the tweet itself looks like that, but I hardly pay any attention to tweets and my guess is it's just worded that way as clickbait. The tweeter *is* the author of the article and the article isn't pushing that narrative.
538 will release an article about this poll soon tho obviously.
I only read the tweet, but it's Harry's own fault if he gave us a faulty summary of his own article![]()
You take twitter a lot more seriously than I do, obviously. And Yellowtail was presenting is as 538's opinion overall, as opposed to an advertisement for and article with nuance.
I suppose what really triggered my reaction is that people keep pushing this 538/Trump narrative when reading the site doesn't support anything like the vitriol that gets posted here.