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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Woah, Trump just sent this out:


Calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

Trump will be polling at 50% tomorrow confirmed
The Party Decides has an interesting bit of history in talking about how the Know-Nothings helped start the Republican party (back when it started as just an anti-slavery party) out of the "slaves taking white protestants jerbs!" That's kind of fascinating that an incredibly racist group of people helped end slavery for the worst, most stupid reasons, lol.

Also, that's one of the most disgusting press releases I've ever seen.
I don't like twitter and don't use it. Lends itself to too much nonsense.

But I would have to be pretty ignorant to ignore how its used in journalism and by journalists. The standards don't drop into the basement because "oh it's twitter no one takes it seriously lol". People can and do, and we're long past the point where an errant tweet can ruin careers. The wrong tweet at the wrong time routinely ends up as the lead story on the nightly news.

But that aside, it's shitty behavior. Tell you what, go make a thread right now with that tweet title, and link to that article that doesn't back it up. I'd be willing to bet that the mods would be less than amused at the clickbait...and this is NeoGAF, not a site that wants to be taken as seriously as the new York Times.

The criticism should be that 538 is stooping to clickbait, not that they are inconsistent on their view of polls.

If that's what Yellowtail said, I wouldn't have responded.
Trump leads big in Iowa in CNN poll:

Just goes to show you how insane primary polling can be, especially this far out.

In 2012, the polling differences were between polling agencies and how they screened likely voters. Many thought 2008 was unique in terms of demographics and they were proven wrong.

In 2014, the differences among likely voters was about turnout and that one obviously fell on the side of low turnout.

the 2016 primaries are also interesting. Right now we have Trump, who in general is leading most polling, but we can't be convinced his supporters, who at this point probably won't leave him, will actually turn out to vote. Nor do we know how the field will appear in 2 months.

Clearly, CNN's group and Monmouth are doing 2 different screenings here. My guess is Monmouth looks at past voters and CNN self-identified would be voters. Who wins this battle will shape future polling.

If Trump maintains this lead til near the first primaries and the polling is completely wrong and he loses (assuming no major event causing his slide), it will mean primary polling this early is worthless outside of where big money goes (ie scott walker, Rick Perry). But if it's right, maybe the dynamics of polling in the future has no changed...or Trump is unique and it's a one time thing.

If Trump wasn't involved, I'd be saying "meh, too early to care, wait til late January," but this wrench is so intriguing. We don't know who is right at all, we can only watch it unfold.

All that said, I personally expect Cruz to do really well in Iowa. Cruz is a religious fundamentalist and they eat that shit up. I'm not saying he'll win (If Trump does win Iowa, I don't know if he can lose the nom) but he should perform well with no one else out there that is further to the right of him socially.
Jesus, I'm more offended by the content, but I am also offended by the 3rd-grade writing level of that press release.

Bigoted and stupid is a horrible combination.
The criticism should be that 538 is stooping to clickbait, not that they are inconsistent on their view of polls.

If that's what Yellowtail said, I wouldn't have responded.

It's really both. The point of the tweet was that the Monmouth Iowa poll was bad news for Donald Trump.

The position of Nate and Harry specifically up until this morning was that polls this far out meant nothing. Trump up by 20 points? Meaningless! Cruz up by 4 in a single poll? BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP

So which is it?
Trump doubling down on the crazy authoritarian anti Muslim rhetoric that partially got him his polling numbers in the first place is probably the most obvious thing to happen after the SB shootings. That press release is pretty tame, honestly. Nothing about tattooing Muslims with barcodes or the like. His base will eat it up.
It's really both. The point of the tweet was that the Monmouth Iowa poll was bad news for Donald Trump.

The position of Nate and Harry specifically up until this morning was that polls this far out meant nothing. Trump up by 20 points? Meaningless! Cruz up by 4 in a single poll? BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP

So which is it?

The article contradicts the tweet, and I give it precedence since *it's not a tweet*.

I'm not letting them off the hook for the clickbait, but that's all you can reasonable interpret it as in context of the article itself. And people react too damn much to out-of-context quotes, clickbait headlines, and simplified analogies. My initial response was specifically about that.

If I could go back in time, I'd write "That tweet doesn't represent that article at all, it's not what the author is asserting."
The idea of Trump running at first seemed funny. Often times he appears to be a troll (McCain not a war hero, telling Obama not to give a speech on Chanukah but rather friday night, etc) but the way he's ran this campaign is so fucking vile and it scares me.

If Trump wins the nom and his defeat is inevitable and he looks like a joke and it causes massive down turnout for the GOP, maybe the Dems do really fucking well. But the election is bringing out the worst in America. And while I'll be happy for such an event, it is almost like you have to hope for evil to defeat it and that's weird. I'm uncomfortable with it.

But on the flip side, the alternatives are pretty much the same, especially Cruz who is actually more vile than even Trump. And his defeat should trigger either a massive break in the GOP or the more compromising elements to wrangle control back which is good for Dems and the country.

I just feel...saddened. Romney would have been a terrible President, but I never felt he was bringing out the worst in Americans. Yeah, he said half of us vote for Obama for free stuff, but that's at least an argument for a selfish reason among who he attacks...and a justifiable one at that. The new GOP is basically enabling those with hate and rage to express themselves and it's ugly.
The idea of Trump running at first seemed funny. Often times he appears to be a troll (McCain not a war hero, telling Obama not to give a speech on Chanukah but rather friday night, etc) but the way he's ran this campaign is so fucking vile and it scares me.

If Trump wins the nom and his defeat is inevitable and he looks like a joke and it causes massive down turnout for the GOP, maybe the Dems do really fucking well. But the election is bringing out the worst in America. And while I'll be happy for such an event, it is almost like you have to hope for evil to defeat it and that's weird. I'm uncomfortable with it.

But on the flip side, the alternatives are pretty much the same, especially Cruz who is actually more vile than even Trump. And his defeat should trigger either a massive break in the GOP or the more compromising elements to wrangle control back which is good for Dems and the country.

I just feel...saddened. Romney would have been a terrible President, but I never felt he was bringing out the worst in Americans. Yeah, he said half of us vote for Obama for free stuff, but that's at least an argument for a selfish reason among who he attacks...and a justifiable one at that. The new GOP is basically enabling those with hate and rage to express themselves and it's ugly.

Jeb hates women, wants endless war, and wants to fuck over the poor and I would give huge sums of money if it guaranteed he was the Republican nominee. Cruz and Trump are evil.


Woah, Trump just sent this out:


Calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

His poll numbers are slightly decreasing, so he has to do something like this to get them to go up. Like. Clockwork. Stuff like this will play so well in Iowa.
I feel the same way, Mamba.

On one hand, it's a little delicious that this out-of-control and extreme guy is capturing the attention of the GOP voters-- and should be get the nom, will probably lose catastrophically. OTOH-- he's making all these unspeakable opinions speakable, and emboldening the worst people in our society. I fear that even if they lose, the GOP will end up further right as a result.


Perhaps I am being optimistic about the effect of Roe's poor reasoning on its opponents. However, there still remains that difference between abortion and fertility clinics--one has been enshrined by Constitutional law; the other has not--that could explain the different treatment by pro-life groups.

The debate has been centered around abortion, not fertility and the ethics of fertility, thus, abortion clinics are the target for most of the vitriol from pro-life groups. It doesn't have anything to do with the way that Roe's decision was made.

Well, I think the holding in Obergefell is also clearly rooted in the Constitution (Kennedy's vigorous attempts to sever that connection notwithstanding), and that also had four dissenting justices. Roe, on the other hand, "is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be" (PDF).

What, do you work at Cato or something?

Also, guys: I get that this is a topic of importance and emotion, and I've lost my shit once this year in this thread, but keep it calm.
Was having a look at the sanctions russia got over the ukraine mess, ran into an article on how it`s projected to cost yurop 100 bil, factoring Vlad's popularity
, and, well... there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of reason to continue them? Unless one wants to help boost russian nationalism, apparently.

The AI thread reminded me - I expect a pretty severe recession in the early 2020s. Moore's Law will pretty much conclude in 2020 and then we'll have a period of linear improvement until we come up with a suitable replacement for silicon. I don't think Intel will be ready. Would be severely damaging to companies like Apple and Sony.

Hrm, i wonder. There's been very little reason for regular folk to upgrade their cpu's since 2011, and yet intel still does fine (im assuming that things are Quite Different on the business hardware side). They could always try to go amd's route with More Cores and damn the consequences.

But hey, at least amd might finally catch up to them again.


Woah, Trump just sent this out:

Calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States".

I'm trying to keep myself from making historical analogies but Trump's knocking down Umberto Eco's definitions of fascism like bowling pins.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Isn't Monmouth a terrible pollster?

As for Trump's latest statement, I mean, come on. I can't believe how insane he is.
Trump even wants to stop Muslim tourists from coming here.

the people defending this stuff online, and I generally hate invoking Godwin, sound so much like the 1930s germany era.

edit: I hope every candidate is asked if they support his pledge here. Put them on the fucking record.
Trump's campaign manager says he's going to go into more detail at a speech tonight in SC.

The rally is being held on the USS Yorktown in honor of Pearl Harbor.


Hrm, i wonder. There's been very little reason for regular folk to upgrade their cpu's since 2011, and yet intel still does fine (im assuming that things are Quite Different on the business hardware side). They could always try to go amd's route with More Cores and damn the consequences.

But hey, at least amd might finally catch up to them again.
Yeah, desktop CPUs are irrelevant and I still have my 2500k. I expect shit to go down when there's no reason to upgrade your phone or tablet. The server market will probably fall off before then. More Cores is definitely the future, but it's a scary future.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Just like FN in France right now.

FN were doing about the same before and after Paris, actually. That's a much longer-term failing by the Socialists, not something new.


Which candidate was it that said President Obama was making up that people were discriminating against Muslims? Rubio, right?

Well, there's Trump!


Don't worry Makai. Planned obsolescence will just become even more of a thing to compensate. :D
Introducing the PlayStation 5, with guaranteed RROD after two years.

I'm more worried by the prospect of never becoming an automated society. Lots of people seem to think it's right around the corner but it's never happening if the 9600k is the best CPU we're going to get.
Why? The strategy is sound, it's just completely amoral

I can't say I'm completely clear on his politics historically, but my impression up until a few years ago was basically that of a Bloombergian New York plutocrat with a measured helping of tacky sleaze.

I don't recall much before he went full birther earlier in the decade that would suggest this kind of rhetoric from him.
I can't say I'm completely clear on his politics historically, but my impression up until a few years ago was basically that of a Bloombergian New York plutocrat with a measured helping of tacky sleaze.

I don't recall much before he went full birther earlier in the decade that would suggest this kind of rhetoric from him.

It makes perfect sense if you assume Trump only cares about winning. The collateral damage from the racist and xenophobic language used to get him there is just the cost of doing business.


At least we have an audio of this from June:


Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte from New Hampshire said Tuesday that Donald Trump running for president is “a positive thing” because it gives people more choices.

“Well I think I said before, anyone has a chance to win in New Hampshire,” Ayotte told Boston Herald radio on Tuesday morning when asked about his chances to win the Granite State. “The thing about the Republican field right now is it’s obviously a very broad field and it’s got a lot of depth.”

“So I think the more individuals that get in so that the people of New Hampshire and the country have a choice, I think that’s a positive thing.”



And this is where we are...

I had to look up Hope Hicks. Turns out she's 26 years old. I hope this campaign destroys her future political career, because it's depressing to see someone in your own generation recycling rhetoric three generations out of date.

User 406


America is going to be so Great Again, so Great, and so pure. Pure like crystal. Maybe Trump's supporters can have a big celebration about it. Some kind of evening program. Call it "Crystal Night", maybe. Sounds very classy and luxurious. Show everyone how Great we want America to be Again.

the people defending this stuff online, and I generally hate invoking Godwin, sound so much like the 1930s germany era.

The big problem with Godwin's Law is that it undermines legitimate comparisons to Nazi Germany.

And this is looking legitimate as all hell.

One thing's for sure, if Trump is the nominee, this time next year we will have a very solid floor on just how many racists are in this country.
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