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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I wish there was a good election game. Political Machine 2016 is the same barebones stuff as Political Machine 2012, but with less candidates/features. Thanks, Hillary.

President Forever is pretty good. Plus, there's a hell of a lot of scenarios involving past elections.


Its stuff like this that make me think Sanders is going to under-perform once the actual votes start. Too much of his support is from people who generally aren't involved in politics but are drawn to his message. That's cool but people like that tend to not come on out election day. He'll still probably win NH but I think HRC gets Iowa.

I think there's something to this. There's some of this going on with Trump as well, I wonder how that will translate into actual votes.


They talk just like the right with the idea that of course the majority of the country agrees with them!

Which is of course nonsense. This campaign is embarrassing for the left

Sure it is, it will be even more embarrassing for the left when Hillary loses Iowa and slumps Nationwide.


I don't think this neo-fascism movement Trump is bolstering is going to be able to be put back in the box. There's probably going to be a purer Neo-Nazi who runs next time who could do well also.


My god, the General Election campaign commercials that'll end-up being run just based on his Twitter account alone..

And folks think he'll do well among black voters, eh?


And Trump Temptation is now the #2 book on Amazon in gay erotica. Hilarious.

Ugh. I'm gonna throw up. This is why a Bernie nomination is completely terrifying to me. Devine is a lunatic. Weaver is an asshole. Bernie...is well meaning, but completely out of touch with where most of the nation actually is.


Anyone else see Bernie's non-apology/explanation over the PP HRC thing? Ya. Great. Excellent. "I totally didn't say the thing I just said, but mean old Hillary made it sound like I said the thing I actually said. But I didn't."
Just a wild guess but I bet you could find a Reddit thread telling people to bomb that poll.

I don't think so. Remember the guy I mentioned a few days ago who was wishing for a Trump/Sanders ticket? These are people who think all politicians are corrupt, except Bernie because he has an "I" next to his name.

I find a subset of Drudge readers tend to be "both sides" people or otherwise think of themselves as "too smart" to follow parties.

These folks like Sanders *and* Trump.
Eh, I don't know. I know during the debates there were posts on Reddit and other places telling Bernie fans to freep all the polls they could find. Because online, self-selecting, opt-in polls are all that really matter.
I mean that's the biggest reason I oppose his candidacy. His ideas about politics are just wrong and actually damaging to getting things done

If you go by "person says something completely ludicrous", you better stay the fuck away from Hill's Issues page, otherwise you'll end up opposing everybody.

Politicians do quite enjoy hyperbole and saying that they'll do far more than they'll be able to. This is standard and you're well aware of it.

As for getting the details wrong, hey, you got a prez that once said this kind of idiocy
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.
People can change.

Bernie still gon hold an L obv
If you go by "person says something completely ludicrous", you better stay the fuck away from Hill's Issues page, otherwise you'll end up opposing everybody.

Politicians do quite enjoy hyperbole and saying that they'll do far more than they'll be able to. This is standard and you're well aware of it.
He's completely wrong on the supreme court or how to fix campaign fiance. It's not hyperbole.
He's completely wrong on the supreme court or how to fix campaign fiance. It's not hyperbole.

Wrong on the proceedings, correct about appointing people that oppose that crap, which is something that he shares with hills. Result will be about the same as hill's attempt to pass a constitutional ammendment.

Might as well be annoyed with stuff like this
Her proposals will curb the outsized influence of big money in American politics, shine a light on secret spending, and institute real reforms to raise the voices of regular voters.

Oh shit, she thinks her mere PROPOSALS will do that? No. Of course not.

Or this
Amplify the voices of everyday Americans. Hillary will establish a small-donor matching system for presidential and congressional elections to incentivize small donors to participate in elections, and encourage candidates to spend more time engaging a representative cross-section of voters.

The president can do that by himself? sheeeeit. Why hasn't obama done that yet?


In red states and districts, down-ballot candidates need to do better than the person at the top of their ticket. There may simply not be enough Democratic base voters to win an election in many of these districts, no matter how much Sanders energizes people. That means they need to convince voters to support them, even if the same voter is backing a presidential candidate of a different party.

“It’s hell of an anchor around the neck of any down-ballot candidate,” said a Democratic strategist involved in several House races in non-blue states. “For Democratic candidates in places where the competitive house seats are, mid-wester states, in western states, in swing districts, in suburban districts, in places where you have to outperform your presidential candidate, I think it would be incredibly hard.”

The strategist doubted whether Sanders even could drive higher turnout, considering he has struggled to energize minority voters and lacks the historical imperative of both of Obama’s presidential bids or Clinton’s.

Jim Manley, a Senate Democratic strategist who has worked for some of the chamber’s more liberal members, worried Sanders-mania would not translate to other candidates. “His supporters may like him – but I doubt they are going to lift a finger to help anyone else down ballot,” he said.

1. Trump wins Iowa
2. Huckabee and Cruz drop out and endorse Trump
3. Trump climbs to 55% in national polls
4. Trump claims Anne Frank was a loser
5. Race over by third week of February.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
1. Trump wins Iowa
2. Huckabee and Cruz drop out and endorse Trump
3. Trump climbs to 55% in national polls
4. Trump claims Anne Frank was a loser
5. Race over by third week of February.


LOL at Cruz endorsing Trump.



On the Democratic side, the same insider said Hillary Clinton’s campaign is better organized than Bernie Sanders’ – and is poised to take advantage of the delegate allocation system on that side, in which the number of delegates at stake in each precinct is pre-determined, regardless of turnout.
“The Sanders organization is confined to university pockets, whereas Hillary Clinton is demonstrating the geographical diversity needed in order to win the delegate game,” the GOP insider said.


Clinton has the better ground game in the other three states, according to insiders. One New Hampshire Democrat called it “the best I’ve ever seen.”
Others predicted her superior organization could help her overcome Sanders, who leads in the polls in New Hampshire.
“Clinton has battle-tested veterans of close statewide … campaigns, and has been working on voter lists for longer than any of the candidates,” said one New Hampshire Democrat. “In a close race, this pays off.”
“The [Jeanne] Shaheen machine has never lost a N.H. primary,” said another. “It won't [lose] this one either.”


Sanders’ campaign appears to trail Clinton from an organizational standpoint in the next two states – Nevada and South Carolina – insiders said.
“The Clinton campaign learned what to do – and what not to do – in 2008,” said a South Carolina Democrat. “They are much better organized and using resources more wisely. Sanders appears susceptible to wasting money in his [get out the vote] operation in areas where there will be little return.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...endorsement-hurting-cruz-218083#ixzz3xzoGRjrT


Professional Schmuck
On one hand, I have problems with Hillary and am excited for Bernie's platform. On the other, I read that ^^ and think what most of us are thinking about Bernie's chance to effect actual change is true. Jesus.

edit -- wait where did that 'interesting crosspost' go?


While I agree with that assessment having worked with Sanders' and his staff staff, I wouldn't even compare him to McCain who I believe is moreso a hypocritical opportunist than anything else. McCain makes promises and backs out at the last minute because of vendettas or primary opponents. I'll give Sanders credit, I haven't known him to do that.

Sanders isn't a democrat. He has lampooned the party for years and it's not surprising he isn't on great terms with their establishment advocacy groups. He's not sexist or a racist or anything else...he's a tone deaf politician from Vermont who didn't expect his campaign to do this well. And now he's surrounded by a terrible staff of McGovern/Mondale/etc flunkies and anti-Obama absolutists who don't know or care how Washington works.

Obama swept in a new congress. You can argue about his successes or failures in 2009-2010 but the fact remains any change in DC requires changes in congress. Sanders is incapable and not even interested in changing congress. He's not endorsing candidates or letting many congressmen speak at his events, or doing small fundraisers for like minded people. Even Ron Paul helped out some libertarians during his runs. Sanders is living in the past and it would be a disaster to nominate him.

interesting cross post
Iowa polls seem almost useless given how caucuses work. I'd expect Hillary to win given how concentrated Sanders support is (in college towns for instance).
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