So, I'm now literally an oligarch.
I've supported many a candidate who I know is going to lose. Quite a few, actually. A few months ago, I was talking about our local mayoral race I was involved in. Dude was always going to lose. I knew it. He knew it. Everyone who volunteered knew it. I still was engaged, though. And, ya, we didn't win.
Edit: And, this may be a failing on my part. I'm a realist when it comes to politics and nearly everything else.
I have no issue whatsoever with anyone who wants to get involved in politics. I think more people should. However, I also feel that it's important to be realistic about a candidate's chances. Pointing out flaws or issues is not being disdainful. It's just showing where that person is weak compared to the rest of the field.
No. I get it. If we lose, you lose more because, frankly, as a young gay person, you
have more to lose. Truly, I understand that (and I'm not reducing you to your homosexuality when I say that, just acknowledging a very real truth).
I don't know where you are in your career or your aspirations, but I believe you're probably younger and less-established than I am. I dunno, maybe not. I'm mentally ill and got a late start in anything resembling a career. I'm finally in a relationship that has lasted longer than a year, at the youthful age of 41. Then again, I hear that next year I'll have the answer to life, the universe, and everything. So there
is that.
My dream was to go to art school. I ran out of money after one quarter (that was in '93 - I'm sure it's even harder now). I lived with a dyslexic, neo-Nazi (yes, really), suicidal, alcoholic father who ironically died of a heart attack when I was 24. I inherited the gun he always threatened he would kill himself with (A Dan Wesson .357 Magnum). It would have been more appropriate if it had gone to my brother, but he's a 2x ex-convict and so he can't own it. I don't keep it because, well, I'm mentally ill. I went to massage therapy school and I was and am a damned good massage therapist, but I have no role-models for running my own business and you make peanuts if you work for others.
I graduated from community college for Nursing when I was 29. I did well at that first job but I was fired from the next two (again, mentally ill).
I now work at a job I hate with the exploding (and eventually imploding) passion of a super-nova yet also live in terror that I will be fired at any moment, that I will be a burden to my loved ones, and that I will ultimately end up homeless.
My point is simply this: I may or may not be closer to absolute ruin than you are at any given time. I'm in pretty successful recovery from my mental illness (a personality disorder for which
no one, not even mental health professionals, is/are especially sympathetic about).
I'm not trying to fuck you over by not voting for Hillary Clinton. I am not especially okay if the Republicans win the presidency. Yes, I am white and I am male, and I am straight. But I am also vulnerable to the depravity of an unsympathetic mob. I do not blend in well. I am not Christian. I am a socialist. And I can not keep my mouth shut when someone is getting bullied by the cruel and mindless mob.