If I wanted to insult you, I'd do it behind your back, I was raised right.

That's a joke, by the way. I wouldn't want to insult you regardless.
I was calling that small group of PUMAs who were causing all kinds of trouble wretched people. The people who make outright lies about Obama because it makes them feel better when Hillary didn't win. They were pathetic, and they really grossed me out by some of the things they said and did. That type of behavior wasn't something they should have done, and it definitely wasn't the reason I supported Hillary.I said I was embarrassed by them, as I'm sure many Bernie supporters are embarrassed when people try to do the same thing to Hillary.
Anyone who doesn't want to vote for Hillary because they disagree with her policies is not a bad person. I disagree with them, but they're not bad. The "Berniebros" I meant are the ones who are using barely concealed sexist attacks in an attempt to "support" Bernie. They're not supporting him at all, because I highly doubt he would tolerate half of the stuff they spew out.