I can't imagine how a drunk Hillary trash talk is supposed to be like
A diss track?
I sort of hope we have old Hillary staffers here who know the actual story / full story and can tell it better then I can. I (alas) only got the Cliffs notes version, and it's hard to tell without having the pantomime aspect our friend was doing along with telling the story.
Mind you, I have NO idea if this is true - but it's not that surprising, and the entertainment value of my mind canon having a drunken, snarky, trash-talking HRC is totally worth it to me.
Basically it comes down to drunken Trivial Pursuit games. They're somewhere (might have been traveling via plane?), and someone gets the bright (read: tipsy) idea to break out Trivial Pursuit and challenge HRC. She accepts, they break out a bottle of wine, and the idea is, every time a right answer is gotten, you take a drink of wine. Mind you, it's multiple people vs just HRC.
So, none of them drink any wine, as HRC proceeds to win the game straight without missing a single question, and proceeds to drink the entire bottle. At which point, someone jokes out loud "best two out of three!", which is promptly accepted by a (probably inebriated) HRC, who then proceeds, while probably drunk as hell, to one-turn the entire game (after letting them go first this time) again. After which, she starts (jokingly) trash-talking them for a solid 15 minutes after the fact.
This is the most disappointing bullshit I've seen this cycle on the left. I saw someone citing news max before.The Washington Times must be super excited at their sudden circulation boost among the hard left.
I now believe this entirely and will probably dream about it tonight. Thank you.
This is the most disappointing bullshit I've seen this cycle on the left. I saw someone citing news max before.
That almost looks like real human emotion on her face. That's some good programming.There was also a story in the DMR about a woman Hillary spoke with about how she lost her home because of cuts that affected her as a widowed woman. The woman was very impressed by Hillary. When people actually see her, see her speak, see her interact with people....they typically like her.
Mods be stifling our freedom of speech so much that they can't remember what they've banned and what they haven't!That almost looks like real human emotion on her face. That's some good programming.
Also, I thought we banned the Moonie Times, but it may have been Breitbart.
Isn't it interesting how all of these whistleblowing FBI informants are only talking to Republican Congressmen, and not to journalists?
Like I've said before, this is a whole new generation of kids who don't realize what right-wing sources are just kind of bullshit (Wall Street Journal) and which sources are complete bullshit (Newsmax).
Someone on my Facebook news feed linked to a hitpiece from a site called daily conservative or something like that. I think some people don't even consider the source of a story. And this girl is about 28. She's not some college freshman.
At least Washington Times sounds like a normal source if you're unfamiliar with newspapers. But I see people quoting Breitbart and The Blaze for news about the Democrats!The Washington Times must be super excited at their sudden circulation boost among the hard left.
Of course, running as an outsider has its risks. If Paul faces a challenge, it might not be from his GOP rivals at all. Ive got a lot of friends who were Ron Paul supporters but now theyre Bernie supporters, said Jack Heimbach, a 20-year old community college student from Des Moines now organizing for Rand Pauls campaign.
Ron Paul supporters are actually just antiestablishment contrarians? Well who woulda thunk it?
Does anyone know what would happen if a democratic caucus location didn't have the capacity for the amount of people who showed up to caucus?
I was going to ask if that's a current photo but I see his campaign sign!This is from the Politico article on Iowa college students:
He doesn't even look like the oldest guy there
Would they move to a ballot?I assume they'll move it, but after 2008 I bet most precincts are in bigger rooms. I doubt it'll be an issue, there's no sign of insane turnout past the 08 levels.
Would they move to a ballot?
Devine insists Sanders would scramble the traditional Electoral College map. The battleground states states in which the campaign is legitimately contested remain largely unchanged since George W. Bush eked out a 4-vote victory in 2000.
Citing his candidates appeal to younger voters, independents and those otherwise disillusioned with politics, Devine said Sanders could put in play a number of states that have been reliably Republican for decades.
He mentioned specifically a number of states in the Deep South with high African-American populations but that have still backed Republicans by wide margins.
Wed have to take a real hard look at a state like Georgia, for example, Devine said. A state like Louisiana, where Democrats havent competed since Bill Clinton won it in 1996, were going to have to take a look at that.
(President Barack Obama didnt campaign in either state, despite wide popularity with black voters and lost Georgia and Louisiana by 7 and 17 points, respectively.)
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...-an-electability-problem-218432#ixzz3ygGhITgeHe didnt stop there, mentioning Alabama, which Mitt Romney won by 23 points, and Mississippi, which has the greatest black share of the population of any state (excepting the District of Columbia) but still gave Romney an easy, 11-point victory four years ago.
Outside the South, Devine pointed to Montana, which Obama nearly won in 2008 but lost by a double-digit margin four years later) and Arizona, where demographic change is making the state more competitive, but Republicans still dominate.
I think a lot of states which havent been part of the overall [Democratic] targeting could come into play, he said.
A friend of mine asked what would happen and I said that it probably wasn't an issue, but didn't have a legit answer and couldn't find anything online so I threw it out there to satiate his curiosity. Thanks!They're not going to change the format. That'd completely change the dynamic of the whole thing. If anything they'd just move to the parking lot or something. Why ask?
A friend of mine asked what would happen and I said that it probably wasn't an issue, but didn't have a legit answer and couldn't find anything online so I threw it out there to satiate his curiosity. Thanks!
Does anyone know what would happen if a democratic caucus location didn't have the capacity for the amount of people who showed up to caucus?
The video highlights the "fog of war" in campaigns and unpredictability of the Iowa caucuses. Even within hours of the voting in 2008 it was not clear to experienced professionals what was about to unfold. A tidal wave of Obama Iowa supporters effectively ended the campaigns of every other candidate except Clinton. At the Des Moines caucus I attended the Obama supporters kept arriving and arriving. The school gym was packed and beyond capacity. The excess Obama supporters were sent to the school cafeteria. And then the cafeteria was filled to capacity.
You couldn't come up with a more stereotypical young Republican/frat bro than the kid on Rubio's right.This is from the Politico article on Iowa college students:
He doesn't even look like the oldest guy there
I dunno how many people were taking this seriously, but I think appointing Obama to SCOTUS would be a bad plan. Guaranteed filibuster and plenty of "he circumvented the Constitution" pleas.
Someone on my Facebook news feed linked to a hitpiece from a site called daily conservative or something like that. I think some people don't even consider the source of a story. And this girl is about 28. She's not some college freshman.
This is from the Politico article on Iowa college students:
He doesn't even look like the oldest guy there
The people who Sanders has picked to run his campaign leave me with little confidence in his GE outcome. I thought Clinton had some weak people working her campaign but this is even more ridiculous.
Sounds like the early pitches of a renewed 50 state initiative.Is he drunk?
A friend of mine asked what would happen and I said that it probably wasn't an issue, but didn't have a legit answer and couldn't find anything online so I threw it out there to satiate his curiosity. Thanks!
Sounds like the early pitches of a renewed 50 state initiative.
That they don't have the resources to even start to get it off the ground is secondary.
So, I'm kind of curious whether people on the whole consider it a good thing (will help to win the general etc. etc.) or a bad thing (undue influence etc. etc.) that the Priorities SuperPAC has pledged donations already in excess of their total 2012 haul for Obama?
(Their expenditure might be higher since Obama was uncontested, not sure if they've been running any ads etc. since last reporting and don't know whether they had any expenditure at this stage in '12)
If it plays into my biases, fits into my narrative, and will make me look informed, it's the word of God Himself.
It definitely has been strange. Users who have been here for ages have been linking to Russian propaganda sites and ones with no ground to stand on at all; one user, quite sure of himself, linked to a website that prides itself on calling Hillary "Satan". Not a hint of irony in his post. At least most people just disappear and stop posting after getting called out instead of doubling down, but it may not stop them from peddling it again. And again.
So, I'm kind of curious whether people on the whole consider it a good thing (will help to win the general etc. etc.) or a bad thing (undue influence etc. etc.) that the Priorities SuperPAC has pledged donations already in excess of their total 2012 haul for Obama?
Or lying.![]()