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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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FGC Waterboy
Question: if Warren endorses HRC over Sanders, what happens?

Also - what happens if Warren endorses Sanders over HRC?
I don't think it really matters either way. The people who care about a Warren endorsement are probably already voting Sanders, and a Warren endorsement of Clinton would probably just lead to cries of betrayal and consequently ignoring of it.
Not to distract from serious discussion, but


Bill's snap game is fierce.
andrea tantaros is the most repulsive person on tv. her awfulness is fascinating
i wish juan williams would tell her to stfu once in a while
Lilly Ledbetter Endorsed Hillary today.

Of all the candidates in this race, she is the one we can count on to be a fierce and uncompromising champion for women, for basic fairness, and for opportunity for everyone. She’s not just a steadfast supporter of issues that affect women’s lives; she’s someone who has been there. She doesn’t just say the right things; she does the right things. And when it comes to finally closing the gender pay gap once and for all, that will make a world of difference.

Edit: Actually, no. I'm not going to be a snarky Sally today.
It'll be nice when Hillary wins Iowa on Monday and finally puts something in the W column.

Btw, what happens with all the Bernie Bros pretending to care about the email story after he loses in the primary and endorses Clinton? Are they going to be all like, "After examining the evidence again, it seems like this isn't of vital national importance after all"?


This is nice to see:


FAIRFIELD, Iowa — The internet is home to the best of the Bernie Sanders campaign — the grassroots, youth-powered, bottom-up energy of social media fueled Sanders’s challenge to Hillary Clinton.

But the social web has also shown off the worst of Sanders supporters. Writing in her endorsement of Clinton this week, progressive writer Joan Walsh complained of harassment from online supporters of Sanders that the Vermont senator’s campaign aides have been aware of for months. Walsh called them “the Berniebot keyboard warriors,” but they’re more commonly referred to as The Bernie Bros.

In fact, top Sanders campaign aides have quietly reached out to senior officials in the Clinton campaign and women like Walsh personally to apologize for Bro behavior. Online, aides are pushing their digital community to police itself and keep the Bros quiet. And some volunteer members of Sanders’s digital army are scrambling into action, reporting offenders and moderating bro-y posts.
Who is this establishment hack?

I think she only endorsed Hillary because they both have gross female parts. I mean, that's why Planned Parenthood did it. Something something reverse sexism?

I'm glad to see that Bernie's campaign is finally taking their Bernbro problem seriously. And for the record, "Bernbro" is not synonymous with a person who #FeelstheBern. The type of things they rant off should embarrass all liberals, regardless of who we support. It's gross.



Imagine the Trump campaign team apologizing for some of his fans.

Yeah, this is a good move. Hope it resonates. Sad that it had to be done.

I'm glad to see that Bernie's campaign is finally taking their Bernbro problem seriously. And for the record, "Bernbro" is not synonymous with a person who #FeelstheBern. The type of things they rant off should embarrass all liberals, regardless of who we support. It's gross.

Hammer Bro, Boomerang Bro, Fire Bro, and now, Bern Bro. It wears glasses and throws socialism at you.
It'll be nice when Hillary wins Iowa on Monday and finally puts something in the W column.

Btw, what happens with all the Bernie Bros pretending to care about the email story after he loses in the primary and endorses Clinton? Are they going to be all like, "After examining the evidence again, it seems like this isn't of vital national importance after all"?

"i'm sick and tired of hearing about her damn emails". Move on from there.

Same way pumas moved on from birther crap.
PUMAs were gross, and as a crazy 2008 supporter, I hated them being associated with my candidate. I'm sure a lot of Berners feel the same way. Absolutely wretched people.
Always nice to remember what moderate whites actually are.

By which i mean that when i see stuff like that, my confirmation bias sure as heck gets all "hmhmhmmmmm, moderate whites? more like *yes, i vote republican, but i sure as fuck ain't gon admit it*"


I wonder how many people in those green pillars call themselves "allies" and stuff.

"I'm totally with you! I think you're a complete drain on society, but don't worry! I'm one of the 'good ones'. I like, watch the BET and everything! Now get off this bridge you're killing my hypothetical grandma."
Always nice to remember what moderate whites actually are.

By which i mean that when i see stuff like that, my confirmation bias sure as heck gets all "hmhmhmmmmm, moderate whites? more like *yes, i vote republican, but i sure as fuck ain't gon admit it*"

I think racists that aren't hardcore will be too embarrassed to vote for Trump and he'll get crushed in the general because he's embarrassing, but a Nixon/Wallace type politician (very pro working class and very racist) I think might be some threat in 2020... Now do the Republicans have someone who can be clearly, obviously racist, pro-welfare and respectable enough coming up?
Question: if Warren endorses HRC over Sanders, what happens?

Also - what happens if Warren endorses Sanders over HRC?

Warren endorses HRC: Mostly pushback from the progressive end of the party. Maybe a few die-hard warren fans give Hillary a 2nd look.

Warren endorses Sanders: Maybe a small bump among some demographic that Warren has broader appeal to, but there's already a lot of crossover between the two.
It'll be nice when Hillary wins Iowa on Monday and finally puts something in the W column.

Btw, what happens with all the Bernie Bros pretending to care about the email story after he loses in the primary and endorses Clinton? Are they going to be all like, "After examining the evidence again, it seems like this isn't of vital national importance after all"?

What happened to the Clinton fans pretending to care about Obama's questionable ancestry after Obama won a much more vitriolic primary? People will fall in line. There was more snark not just between the bases, but also between the candidates in that campaign. Sanders and Hillary (and O'Malley) are a step away from debate and chill comparatively.

I'm more interested in what happens to the republicans once Trump wins.
I think racists that aren't hardcore will be too embarrassed to vote for Trump and he'll get crushed in the general because he's embarrassing, but a Nixon/Wallace type politician (very pro working class and very racist) I think might be some threat in 2020... Now do the Republicans have someone who can be clearly, obviously racist, pro-welfare and respectable enough coming up?

I don't see how they need a Wallace type to draw in the racists, those people have largely been voting Republican for a long time now. They need someone who can hide it better and shield himself behind a veneer that won't turn off so much of the electorate.

And I'm skeptical that a populist with pro-welfare views could come out of the Republican primary without Trump's persona.


What happened to the Clinton fans pretending to care about Obama's questionable ancestry after Obama won a much more vitriolic primary? People will fall in line. There was more snark not just between the bases, but also between the candidates in that campaign. Sanders and Hillary (and O'Malley) are a step away from debate and chill comparatively.

I'm more interested in what happens to the republicans once Trump wins.

Mr. Trump or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wall

edit: I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed
What's that saying? Republicans will fall in line.

On the graph, I mean at some point the Democratic party will probably have to address this schism between their social and economic planks. In the Venn diagram of these market segmentations they presumably overlap to a degree.

In recent reading, explanation of the political revolution seemed to imply it would require bringing those with views on race, gender and sexuality anathema to the social liberal into the fold as they realise the folly of voting against their economic interests (or for the economic interests of others far better off.)

But I don't know if that's a pill the latter would swallow.
I don't see how they need a Wallace type to draw in the racists, those people have largely been voting Republican for a long time now. They need someone who can hide it better and shield himself behind a veneer that won't turn off so much of the electorate.

I don't think the Republicans need that politician, I just think that politician would dominate the primary process even more than Trump and, unlike Trump, be possibly competitive in a general election.

And I'm skeptical that a populist with pro-welfare views could come out of the Republican primary without Trump's persona.

I think they will. The Dixiecrats make up a huge part of this party. They'd carry the south and get enough momentum to win the primary.


Cruz, speaking in a plastics factory: "I'm reminded of The Graduate. 'Plastics, it's the future'"


I loathe this man's politics, but damn if he doesn't have a knack for hitting my movie references. STOP IT!
(and now I'm in the mood to blow the weekend playing Civ 5)
It's actually possible to not loathe people you think are a net economic drain. I mean there's people who undeniably take more economically from society than they contribute (eg some people with various congenital defects) . But I don't dislike them. I'd be strongly against society reducing the money spent on such people because it would be cruel and morally unjust.

Which is not entirely applicable in this case admittedly, since that question appears to be in terms of net social contribution anyway, and thinking an entire class of people defined only by their race is bad society is appalling. I just wanted to point out that people aren't necessarily holding hypocritical beliefs in all such cases.
More on the busing crisis:

Anecdotal, but the plural of anecdote is I'm starving for hard data here GOD.

This why I can't stand Millenials and their participation ribbon culture. You have a guy promising them free college, free healthcare, and free jobs and they can't even get off their asses to participate. Meanwhile, you have people saying they "would breaststroke through hell to vote for Ted Cruz."
I don't think the Republicans need that politician, I just think that politician would dominate the primary process even more than Trump and, unlike Trump, be possibly competitive in a general election.
Trump's so great at projecting his persona and personality that he's become above most policy issues. A normal politician would be so much more vulnerable to getting hammered for not being conservative enough.

I think they will. The Dixiecrats make up a huge part of this party. They'd carry the south and get enough momentum to win the primary.
If that's true, why don't we see Dixiecrat policies in Republican controlled states? Why are the representatives elected from those southern districts so conservative when it comes to economics?
This why I can't stand Millenials and their participation ribbon culture. You have a guy promising them free college, free healthcare, and free jobs and they can't even get off their asses to participate. Meanwhile, you have people saying they "would breaststroke through hell to vote for Ted Cruz."

Are you trolling or something?
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