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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I think O'Malley ran as basically a 2nd choice for establishment Democrat's thinking that Clinton might possibly crash 'n' burn thanks to Benghazi plus this was his only real chance to run since he'd be old news by 2024. He probably gets a job on some nonprofit board or corporate lobbyist gig since he's obviously not going to be in Clinton's Cabinet.

If you like The Political Machine, try President Forever.

Yup. I think Rubio expected Jeb to win this thing, then he collapsed and all of the sudden he's the Establishment front runner. But, this run was all about making the connections to succeed Scott as Governor, then run against Castro or Kamala Harris in 2024.

Thanks for the game recommendation. I love The Political Machine, so I guess I'd love that one too. Gonna order it after my interview!
O'Malley will be a lobbyist or on a corporate board, unless he wants to run for a senate or congressional seat in the future. He has no future in national politics. Dude has been pretty terrible so far in the campaign; I thought he had a good second debate but he didn't make any progress. The third debate was a disaster IMO, with him clearly using scripted attacks regardless of situational/circumstantial changes (slamming Bernie and Hillary for bickering when they hadn't, attacking Sanders on Wall Street, etc).

He also has this very melodramatic delivery that sounds corny as fuck in 2015; imagine if Obama used his idealistic/hopeful speech tone during debates and general conversation...it would be weird.
I hate to bring it up again, but doesn't it seem like he's not really running for president, perhaps because he knows the end is nigh? Meanwhile he's attending every fundraiser he can and is making connections.

I think he'll be running for governor in a few years.

His campaign is making weird money decisions if this is the case. For example, his campaign and super PAC are spending a combined $2.2M on ads this week.

He's running for president, but doing it in the laziest, Rubioist way possible.


No Scrubs
Is a potential Clinton/Trump matchup just going to be them calling each other liars nonstop?

Trump also going to say something along the lines of, "If she couldn't please her husband how could she please the American people" and that'll be the end of the campaign.
His campaign is making weird money decisions if this is the case. For example, his campaign and super PAC are spending a combined $2.2M on ads this week.

He's running for president, but doing it in the laziest, Rubioist way possible.

New article on his strategy
"The overall contest is heavily influenced by the momentum candidates get from wins or perceived wins. It becomes difficult to consolidate support if you don't have one of the early states in your trophy case," said Kevin Madden, a former top adviser to Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign. "Is there a path without a win in one of those states? Possibly, but it's a path with longer odds."

Never in the modern nominating contest has a Republican won the nomination after losing both Iowa and New Hampshire. Rudy Giuliani's once front-running 2008 campaign faded after he failed in the early states. Romney's 2012 victory in New Hampshire helped him consolidated support and gradually knock off rivals.

"There is no substitute for a good ground game," said Republican strategist and lobbyist John Feehery.

Basically the only early state he could win is NH, and he's pretty far behind there while Christie has the momentum. How does he reassure donors after losing the four early states?
His campaign is making weird money decisions if this is the case. For example, his campaign and super PAC are spending a combined $2.2M on ads this week.

He's running for president, but doing it in the laziest, Rubioist way possible.

This is it. Rubio wants to be President without having to give up his Saturdays. He thinks the way to do this is cozy up to billionaires and then use their money to carpetbomb the race. I don't think its going to work but lets not make it look like this is some wacky strategy to position himself for the governor's race.
New article on his strategy

Basically the only early state he could win is NH, and he's pretty far behind there while Christie has the momentum. How does he reassure donors after losing the four early states?

I don't get it either. Ask any political strategist about his campaign and they'd laugh.

Either they are delusional enough to actually think this strategy will work out for them, or they are just spending money on ads to keep up the appearance of a functioning campaign for something else down the line. We've seen campaigns make decisions based on delusions before so I don't think we should rule it out.


Rubio would totally be our first slacker President, if unavoidable problems didn't keep getting in his way like missing Senate votes and not doing anything to rally popular support. But those football games won't watch themselves, bro, amirite?
Nah, Bush did it first.

So, what do ya'll think is An Unidentified Man's end game here? I mean, he'll be out after Iowa or New Hampshire (probably Iowa), but what's his goal? Is it to position himself as a potential 2024 candidate? I mean, coming 3rd in a 3 way race doesn't scream winner. And, by then, assuming we have two terms of Hillary, he'd have to go up against whomever she selects as her successor/Vice President.
So, what's he playing at...other than my heart? He's burned way too many bridges to expect a role in a Clinton White House...
I was about to ask that about as well, having finally watched the debate last night. What kinds of positions could he get in the DNC? Is that kind of involvement plausible?
Nah, Bush did it first.

I was about to ask that about as well, having finally watched the debate last night. What kinds of positions could he get in the DNC? Is that kind of involvement plausible?

Ya, but see, Ronnie Raygun was tired from smashing the Berlin Wall on his own. He single handedly defeated Communism. Dude was entitled to like a decade or two off. He could and should have been our perpetual President. That lazy Obummer gets tired after a limp wristed round of golf. The commie bastard.

Shrub was tired from keeping us all so damn safe all the time. Dude stood watch on his own. He even wore his flight suit.

And the DNC loves incomptenece, so I'm sure he could have a place. However, he went after the DNC pretty hard earlier in the year. I doubt there's an O'Malley wing of the party. But, DWS got in there, so what do I know?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I can imagine at Jeb! headquarters they keep telling themselves to stay the course by focusing on the long game. Once the field thins out, it will be Jeb!s time to shine.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd imagine in 20 years historians will look at Obama's dismissal of ISIS as a "JV team" in a similar light.
I doubt ISIS will ever have the body count of (Americans) that AIDS did. Also underestimating a terrorist group and treating human suffering as a joke (because it was just a "gay plague") are on two different levels.
Ya, but see, Ronnie Raygun was tired from smashing the Berlin Wall on his own. He single handedly defeated Communism. Dude was entitled to like a decade or two off. He could and should have been our perpetual President. That lazy Obummer gets tired after a limp wristed round of golf. The commie bastard.

Shrub was tired from keeping us all so damn safe all the time. Dude stood watch on his own. He even wore his flight suit.

And the DNC loves incomptenece, so I'm sure he could have a place. However, he went after the DNC pretty hard earlier in the year. I doubt there's an O'Malley wing of the party. But, DWS got in there, so what do I know?
Man I saw want to see that blacklisted Hollywood script made into a movie where Reagan is sufferring Alzheimers and his aides make him believe that he's acting as a President in a big hollywood movie in order to finish his term.
Man I saw want to see that blacklisted Hollywood script made into a movie where Reagan is sufferring Alzheimers and his aides make him believe that he's acting as a President in a big hollywood movie in order to finish his term.

MY favorite is that Colin Powell quote about how when he went to Raygun for help on something, Ronnie spent the whole time talking about a squirrel outside.

Colin's reaction was:

This is so obvious." What he was saying to me was, "Colin, I love you, I'll sit here for as long as you want me to. But so far you're only telling me about your problems. Until you give me a problem, I'm going to enjoy watching the squirrels out in the Rose Garden."

No, what he was saying is I'm demented as fuck and I think I should give the nuke codes to the god damn squirrel.
Hillary's email in full:

From: Hillary Clinton
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2015
Subject: I need your help.

Friend --

I don't know how else to say it except by saying it: We could lose the nomination.

The other candidates on that stage tonight would like nothing more than for our team to sit back and relax right now, but I am not taking anything for granted.

You can't either, I need your help.

Let's show the world that we're going to fight hard, secure the Democratic nomination, and go on to the White House. I know you'll step up when I need you. Chip in $1 today:




I thought Jonathan Karl said it best (an awesome start to ABC's debate coverage):

Here in New Hampshire, you could argue Bernie Sanders is the front runner.

There was a poll out just last week, by CNN, that had him with a ten point lead.

Hillary Clinton's got all the big endorsements, almost all of them in this state, from the Governor, on down, but Bernie Sanders has this fervent support among young Democratic voters, in this state, a 56 point lead, over Hillary Clinton among voters under age 35.

And one point on that national number, that you mentioned; Hillary Clinton with a 31 point lead, nationally, eight years ago today, a poll came out that showed her with a 29 point lead, over Barack Obama, and we know that she got creamed.


O.k., I ad-libbed with "she got creamed", as I had trouble making out what he was saying, but you get the gist ;).

And Matthew Dowd is full of crap:

Mathew Dowd said:
He's drawing nearly as biggest crowds as anybody in the course of this race.

No, Matthew, he's drawing all time record crowds, such as the 28k, at his rally in Portland, Oregon, where Obama's best was only 10k (pre-nom)!

So, I think that dispels any question over whether I'm still 100% #FeelingTheBern, and Hillary's sold debate performance just means that if she gets the nom', it won't feel so much like I'm suckling on a lemon, when I cast my vote in the GE ;).
Daniel B·;190096265 said:
Hillary's email in full:

I thought Jonathan Karl said it best (an awesome start to ABC's debate coverage):


O.k., I ad-libbed with "she got creamed", as I had trouble making out what he was saying, but you get the gist ;).

And Matthew Dowd is full of crap:

No, Matthew, he's drawing all time record crowds, such as the 28k, at his rally in Portland, Oregon, where Obama's best was only 10k (pre-nom)!

So, I think that dispels any question over whether I'm still 100% #FeelingTheBern, and Hillary's sold debate performance just means that if she gets the nom', it won't feel so much like I'm suckling on a lemon, when I cast my vote in the GE ;).

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

A campaign that's winning NEVER tells anyone they're winning. The campaign that's losing, those are the ones who tell you that, in the metrics that matter, they're kicking ass. Of course, the only metrics that matter are the ones in which they're doing well.

I'm happy to provide you with a plethora of emails from 2012 where Obama, the DNC and everyone else, let me know that without my $5, Romney would be the next President. It's called fundraising.

Also, great poll to pick from in this point in 2007. Let's look at a few others.

Hillary Clinton 38%, Barack Obama 27%, John Edwards 13%

Hillary Clinton 40%, Barack Obama 32%, John Edwards 13%, Bill Richardson 3%, Joe Biden 3%, Chris Dodd 1%

USA Today/Gallup
Hillary Clinton 33%, Barack Obama 33%, John Edwards 20%, Dennis Kucinich 3%, Bill Richardson 1%

Or what about a few Iowa Polls?

Obama 27%, Clinton 27%, Edwards 22%, Richardson 8%, Biden 5%

Obama 33%, Clinton 29%, Edwards 20%, Richardson 8%, Biden 4%, Kucinich 1%, Dodd 1%, No opinion 3%

Obama 30%, Clinton 29%, Edwards 28%, Biden 5%, Richardson 2%, Dodd 1%, Kucinich 1%, Undecided 4%

(These were from early-late December 2007).

And today?

Hillary's spread is, on average, nearly 15%.

2016 is not 2008.

The same dynamics are not in play. It's not even close.
MY favorite is that Colin Powell quote about how when he went to Raygun for help on something, Ronnie spent the whole time talking about a squirrel outside.

Colin's reaction was:

No, what he was saying is I'm demented as fuck and I think I should give the nuke codes to the god damn squirrel.

*Queue end of the "Land of Confusion" music video...or even just the whole video because its awesome*
The same dynamics are not in play. It's not even close.

Sorry, you lost me.

I was, of course, aware of the fund raising angle (I typically see all PoliGAF posts), but I'm saying (as so enthusiastically put by Jonathan Karl), that there is an element of truth to what she's saying, and you'd be mad to bet the farm, on a Hillary nomination at this point.

At this time, in 07, Hillary's lead in NH had, at one point, shrunk to just 1 polnt, before recovering some, to 6 points, by 12/21 (source: RealClearPolitics).

Bernie has been maintaining a lead over Hillary, in NH, since late August, and is currently up 4 points (source: HuffPost).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh look, Politifact didn't decide to engage in right-wing affirmative action with their Lie of the Year this time:


Of course, the Donald is as low hanging fruit as you can get, so it's not necessarily something to celebrate about. I'm just glad he was there to take away the title from Hillary's claim that Benghazi was caused by youtube video.
Daniel B·;190101911 said:
Sorry, you lost me.

I was, of course, aware of the fund raising angle (I typically see all PoliGAF posts), but I'm saying (as so enthusiastically put by Jonathan Karl), that there is an element of truth to what she's saying, and you'd be mad to bet the farm, on a Hillary nomination at this point.

At this time, in 07, Hillary's lead in NH had, at one point, shrunk to just 1 polnt, before recovering some, to 6 points, by 12/21 (source: RealClearPolitics).

Bernie has been maintaining a lead over Hillary, in NH, since late August, and is currently up 4 points (source: HuffPost).

The difference is, by this time, there was evidence of movement for Obama in states outside of Iowa and New Hampshire. Show me a state that's not full of white people that Sanders is close in and I'll begin to believe he has any chance.


No Scrubs
The difference is, by this time, there was evidence of movement for Obama in states outside of Iowa and New Hampshire. Show me a state that's not full of white people that Sanders is close in and I'll begin to believe he has any chance.

Don't forget that NH is as close to Vermont as it gets and losing in NH would be like losing at home. Bernie's always been expected to do well in NH.
Daniel B·;190101911 said:
Sorry, you lost me.

I was, of course, aware of the fund raising angle (I typically see all PoliGAF posts), but I'm saying (as so enthusiastically put by Jonathan Karl), that there is an element of truth to what she's saying, and you'd be mad to bet the farm, on a Hillary nomination at this point.

At this time, in 07, Hillary's lead in NH had, at one point, shrunk to just 1 polnt, before recovering some, to 6 points, by 12/21 (source: RealClearPolitics).

Bernie has been maintaining a lead over Hillary, in NH, since late August, and is currently up 4 points (source: HuffPost).

You literally have lost me.

I don't think anyone in their right mind doesn't think Bernie has a good chance of taking NH. He's basically a home town boi up in there. In fact, he should win commandingly. The ONLY place there has been a back and forth in the polling is New Hampshire. No where else. At this point in the race, there were polls of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina that showed Obama winning. National polls often showed a single digit race.

There has not been a single poll of any state (outside that weird ass Utah one) that shows Bernie leading anywhere other than New Hampshire.

You cannot compare 2007 polling to 2016 polling. It's ludicrous to do it.


0% net favorable from college educated women? It's that high? Also LOL at those Bush numbers.
This is amazing. Truly, Trump has no shot at the general with those numbers. Makes you wonder what percentage of women Hillary would get. Is 70% too high to hope for?
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