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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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PPP is polling Ohio this weekend so it should be up probably by Tuesday or Wednesday

Cool. Should be interesting.

Portman's strategy so far seems to be going aggressively anti-Strickland, trying to smear him for his time as governor. Not sure how that's going to work out for him when Strickland still seems broadly liked while Ohio voters have virtually nothing to say about Portman.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What more can you really say? Fortunately, Fox news is, for once, outside of the mainstream on this issue. Anyone but the most staunch evangelist can see how fucked up this family is at this point
Yeah... even Huckabee is trying to quietly back away now.


Anyone notice all the articles on gerrymandering. Nate Cohn, Sabat's Crystal Ball, Realclearpolitics & Dailkos all have articles about them.

I suggest in light of the soon to be decided Az redistricting case to look at the DailyKos articles by Stephen Wolf. He has an ongoing blog detailing every region of the country and how non-partisan gerrymandering would affect house seats distribution. Its still an ongoing analysis






I have to think Mia Love was misquoted here?


"What makes this country great can be described in one word and that is freedom," Love said. "You are free to be as ordinary or as extraordinary as you choose to be. My parents came to this country with $10 in their pockets and raised three children. One of them became the first black female in the House of Representatives."

Except for... Shirley Chisholm, Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, Barbara Jordan, Cardiss Collins, Katie Hall, Barbara-Rose Collins, Maxine Waters, Eva M. Clayton, Corrine Brown, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Carrie P. Meek, Sheila Jackson Lee, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Julia Carson, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Barbara Lee, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Diane Watson, Denise Majette, Gwen Moore, Yvette Clarke, Laura Richardson, Donna Edwards, Marcia Fudge, Karen Bass, Terri Sewell, Frederica Wilson, Joyce Beatty, Robin Kelly, Alma Adams, Brenda Lawrence, and Bonnie Watson Coleman.

(Yes, I know she's the first black female Republican member of the House of Representatives.)


Let them make a hard choice between Obama's foreign policy and ground troops in multiple countries, and respect for Barry would shoot up tremendously.

That's one big thing. I see folks looking at various public figures' approval ratings individually, when it's the comparison that matters. We saw no shortage of fretting over Obama's individual numbers in 2012 (meanwhile, FreeRepublic & co. gloated repeatedly and loudly over the whole "no one has ever been re-elected with such poor approval ratings!" thing, only to be blindsided on Election Night), but they looked fine compared to Republicans' abysmal numbers.

We're still seeing separation in approval ratings of the parties, with the Democrats running consistently better than the GOP. If that gap starts to close, I'll get a bit antsy.
That's one big thing. I see folks looking at various public figures' approval ratings individually, when it's the comparison that matters. We saw no shortage of fretting over Obama's individual numbers in 2012 (meanwhile, FreeRepublic & co. gloated repeatedly and loudly over the whole "no one has ever been re-elected with such poor approval ratings!" thing, only to be blindsided on Election Night), but they looked fine compared to Republicans' abysmal numbers.

We're still seeing separation in approval ratings of the parties, with the Democrats running consistently better than the GOP. If that gap starts to close, I'll get a bit antsy.

I think the thing people will have to understand in the future is that with the polarization of the American electorate, no President will ever have Reagan or even Clintonian approval ratings ever again.


I think the thing people will have to understand in the future is that with the polarization of the American electorate, no President will ever have Reagan or even Clintonian approval ratings ever again.

Pretty much. It'll take something extraordinarily good or bad for the public to swing one way or another.

(On a related note, it's this new polarized reality would make me interested in seeing how a True Lefty vs True Righty election would work out. Warren v Cruz? Sanders v Jindal?)
I think the thing people will have to understand in the future is that with the polarization of the American electorate, no President will ever have Reagan or even Clintonian approval ratings ever again.

Its morbid to say, but one thing that's going to help Obama here is that a decent chuck of the people who were most opposed to his Presidency are going to die off in the next 6 - 10 years. A month ago or so someone tweeted that using actuarial data, 2.8 million Romney voters have died since the election vs 2.3 Obama voters. That trends just going to continue.
Anyone notice all the articles on gerrymandering. Nate Cohn, Sabat's Crystal Ball, Realclearpolitics & Dailkos all have articles about them.

I suggest in light of the soon to be decided Az redistricting case to look at the DailyKos articles by Stephen Wolf. He has an ongoing blog detailing every region of the country and how non-partisan gerrymandering would affect house seats distribution. Its still an ongoing analysis





Just found out today that Virginia is going to have to redraw their maps by this September. McAuliffe can also veto any map that comes his way, which is reassuring. A similar decision could happen in NC this Summer. Not trying to get my hopes up, but the Dems could make some minor gains in those states next election. Hopefully the SCOTUS doesn't screw up Evenwel v. Abbott.


I don't get why Jeb isn't the prohibitive favorite in all polling. The establishment has picked him. He has so much money. What are the hicks in Iowa doing?!?!
The establishment hasn't picked him. Silver wrote an article on this last month. Bush is raking in the money, but few prominent Republicans have endorsed him. He has some support in Florida, but that's the extent of it. There is not an establishment candidate yet. And with the plethora of candidates, I don't think there will be for a while.

Welcome to waking up screaming.
Now that is a big, fat dynamo.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How could he be raking in the money and not be the establishment candidate? I just find that odd. Sugar daddies?


How could he be raking in the money and not be the establishment candidate? I just find that odd. Sugar daddies?
It does seem odd. But with uncapped donations, fundraising has been divorced from party support. His Super PAC can rake in the money with relatively few supporters.


How could he be raking in the money and not be the establishment candidate? I just find that odd. Sugar daddies?

His abuse of the "not a candidate" loophole while very obvious being a candidate, and even announcing WHEN he'll be a candidate, which is basically "send all your money by the 15th before you get limited"
Jeb's got the Bush Family Rolodex, but that's not the same as the GOP establishment by any means. Many of these donors haven't been politically relevant in over a decade (i.e. since W ran for reelection). The Clintons found the same problem in early 2007, much to their shock and fury.

It does seem odd. But with uncapped donations, fundraising has been divorced from party support. His Super PAC can rake in the money with relatively few supporters.
I think Bush has actually been one of the biggest losers from Citizen's United. Amassing the most bundlers doesn't cut it anymore, when you only need one billionaire to bankroll a candidate's campaign. Hence, why more candidates than ever are jumping in, thinking they've all got a shot.

In truth, the establishment basically only care about winning. They have no loyalty to candidates. They were ready and willing to throw Romney aside in 2011 when he looked weak for Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie. They're so hesitant about Bush because he looks like a loser, and many are already gravitating towards Rubio. If Bush loses Iowa and New Hampshire they'll dump him in a second.


How many of us actually think it would be better for Christie to call in sick to a charity event that raised thousands of dollars for the families of fallen NYPD officers, on the advice of some political handler, so he doesn't have to put on a pair of white baseball pants and be photographed in them?

Can't you fools see that Christe only did it out of love for the fallen, and not out sheer political opportunism? Have you no shame?


Bush has the money to go all the way till the end. No one should be surprised when he and his PAC negative ad bomb his competitors. This is the Bush patriarch we are talking about. The Bushes will do everything in their power to get what they want. Rubio will be swift voted if the campaign deems it necessary.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I still feel like the GOP's interest in Rubio is some illusion. There's got to be someone else behind that curtain.
Cuz nothing sez real america like riding a bike with safety glasses and eating bbq ribs with latex gloves.

First pic is good, tho. nvm noticed the fingerless gloves.
Scott Walker is the only potential presidential candidate who can go to a biker rally and mean it

At least seven presidential candidates or likely candidates are expected to attend the Ernst “Roast and Ride,” but but Walker will probably be the only one to ride. Campaigns are quietly being advised not to put a politician on a bike if he or she doesn’t know how to safely operate it. Ernst said she offered to let Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) ride on the back of her hog.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
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