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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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He hasn't yet, he said he will by July 22nd though.

Both Cruz and Jeb! have asked for extensions that would go past the first debate date though. Which if the story about Fox is true, would leave them out of the debate.


No Scrubs
He can drop out at any time without filing.

I expect him to hoist a mission accomplished banner and say he did everything he did everything he wanted to by running.

He better not, he's the only reason I'm excited about the GOP primaries. Everyone else is so boring in comparison.
As much as I love Sanders, even I know he has no chance at winning. I don't even think he wants to win to be honest. He is the only reason I am looking forward to the Democrat debates since he'll push Clinton more to the left. Popcorn at the ready for the Republican debates. Might die of salt overdose.


Why would Sanders push Hillary to the "left"? She doesn't have to sell herself to them since she's winning anyway, she can appear even more a sane centrist moderate while Sanders, O'Malley and Chafee make futile bids on her flank.




ARLINGTON, VA. — Bernie Sanders defended his past opposition to some gun control measures in a testy exchange Thursday night.

The Vermont senator and fast-rising progressive primary challenger to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination doubled down on his past votes to block people from suing gun manufacturers and allow people to check guns in their baggage on Amtrak trains.

Sanders was confronted at an appearance by Honora Laszlo, the local chairwoman of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, who criticized him for his votes and statements opposing some gun control measures.

“If somebody has a gun and somebody steals that gun and shoots somebody, do you really think it makes sense to blame the manufacturer of that weapon?” Sanders said, before he and Laszlo began talking over one another.

“If somebody assaults you with a baseball bat, you hit somebody over the head, you’re not going to sue the baseball bat manufacturer,” Sanders continued. “There’s going to have to be some compromises on both sides. So I don’t apologize for that vote."


“We can argue all that we want between Vermont and Montana and urban America about guns. We are not going to succeed,” he said.

Laszlo said she’d been a longtime Sanders fan and told the Daily News afterward that she arrived hoping he would walk away from his past positions because she’s not crazy about Clinton.

“He was dishonest in the way he talked about it. He is using this language that the NRA and their supporters use to polarize people,” she said. “I really hoped that if I gave him the chance to walk those statements back that he would, and instead he just really threw a bunch of smoke out.”

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Thursday provided an unusual peek behind the scenes at how the court did its work this term.

It's true, she said, that the liberal justices tried to be disciplined about having their majority opinions, and even their dissents, speak with one voice in one opinion. "The stimulus," she said, "actually began many, many years before ... when the court announced its decision in Bush v. Gore." That was the decision in which the Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, put an end to the dispute over the 2000 election returns in Florida, resulting in George W. Bush becoming president.

The time pressure in the case was excruciating, with the court issuing an opinion just a day after oral arguments, and, as Ginsburg put it, the four liberal members of the court "were unable to get together and write one opinion." Indeed, each wrote a separate dissent, resulting in such confusion that, as she pointed out, some early press accounts erroneously reported that the decision was 7-2, not as it in fact was, 5-4.

After that experience, "we agreed," said Ginsburg, that "when we are in that situation again, let's be in one opinion." It's important, she added, because the public and the lower courts need to know what the court has done or not done. And neither lawyers nor judges will stick with opinions that go on and on.


Why can't they just come out and fucking tell us already. "Yeah, it was an arms deal gone wrong. CIA operatives were facilitating a gun buy between Libyan extremist groups and Syrian rebels. Shit went south, plausible deniability, you've all seen the moves you know how this shit works." and be done with it. We're totally ok with you spying on our dick pics and murdering citizens with robots, this ain't shit.


She didn't screw up Benghazi. She's screwed up other things, but that was not her fault.

I was being sarcastic lol. I should have worded it that way. Aaron knows whats up though. xD

Wont change the fact that Republicans are going to run on it though. Get ready for clips of "What difference does it make". If she did any screw ups, they are minor.


Why can't they just come out and fucking tell us already. "Yeah, it was an arms deal gone wrong. CIA operatives were facilitating a gun buy between Libyan extremist groups and Syrian rebels. Shit went south, plausible deniability, you've all seen the moves you know how this shit works." and be done with it.
Never admit defeat.


I was being sarcastic lol. I should have worded it that way. Aaron knows whats up though. xD

Wont change the fact that Republicans are going to run on it though. Get ready for clips of "What difference does it make". If she did any screw ups, they are minor.

gah should have known from the Hillary avatar. Sorry, it's been a long work week, still waking my brain back up lol


Obama's Folsom Prison Blues moment

President Obama will visit a federal prison in Oklahoma on Thursday, White House officials said Friday, as part of his intensified push to overhaul the nation's criminal justice system.

The trip will be "the first visit by a sitting U.S. president to a federal prison," White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters at the daily briefing, adding that it will come after Obama will speak Tuesday about reforming sentencing guidelines at the NAACP's annual conference in Philadelphia.

"The president will outline the unfairness in much of our criminal justice system, highlight bipartisan ideas for reform and lay out his ideas to make our country fairer, smarter and more cost effective while keeping the American people safe and secure," Earnest said.

Obama, who views sentencing reform as one of the remaining areas where he may be able to forge a bipartisan compromise before leaving office, will visit El Reno, a medium security prison in El Reno, Okla. Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels Jr., who recently announced he will retire by the end of the year, is expected to accompany him.

While at the prison Obama will participate in an interview with VICE as part of the outlet's special on the criminal justice system. The president has campaigned for months to overhaul sentencing guidelines for non-violent offenses that have kept many men and women of color in prison for decades.

Obama is also likely to commute the sentences of dozens of non-violent offenders next week, according to individuals familiar with the decision. In March, the president commuted the sentences of 22 drug offenders, the largest number of commutations he had granted since taking office.

Asked about the possible commutations, Earnest declined to provide details but said, "I can say as a general matter, the president has used his executive authority previously to commute the sentences of some nonviolent offenders, and I certainly wouldn't rule out the possibly that he would use that kind of authority in the future."

Fourth quarter Obama is going to personally unlock the cell doors of his black panther brethen.
Why would Sanders push Hillary to the "left"? She doesn't have to sell herself to them since she's winning anyway, she can appear even more a sane centrist moderate while Sanders, O'Malley and Chafee make futile bids on her flank.

Yeah, exactly.

Bachmann, Gingrich, and Cain could push Romney to the right because they were actually polling ahead of him at one point, and he needed to wins those voters back.

Sanders is no threat to winning the nomination, so there's no reason for Hildawg to change her stances to grab his voters.


Why has Kaine become a front runner/why don't people think she'll have a minority VP?
The media has deemed him a front runner. That's why. But it makes sense. He's a strong candidate. He has experience as a legislator and executive, and he's won three elections in a large swing state. Regarding your second question, many people think Castro is a front runner. I think that's unlikely considering his inexperience. And aside from Castro, there are not many viable options.
Well I could see him being offered Treasury Secretary or whatever position of economics within her hypothetical admin.
Bernie Sanders will never become the Treasury Secretary. That's funny.
So you guys/gals are pretty much saying that Hillary might as well be running unopposed? I agree that she will get the nomination easily, but I am not sure I'd say Hillary would still have the same stances in both scenarios.


No Scrubs
So you guys/gals are pretty much saying that Hillary might as well be running unopposed? I agree that she will get the nomination easily, but I am not sure I'd say Hillary would still have the same stances in both scenarios.

Oh she wouldn't, just by having some competition from her left will alter her stances slightly.


Only reason he hasn't ended his campaign yet is no one is paying attention due to TRUMP. He'll be done after the first debate, he literally has nothing to run on.
PD's (and my) point about Walker that you guys are all missing is that you're not looking at it from the GOP base's POV.

He's perfect.

So you guys/gals are pretty much saying that Hillary might as well be running unopposed? I agree that she will get the nomination easily, but I am not sure I'd say Hillary would still have the same stances in both scenarios.
She is. I'm shocked that she intends to actually attend the debates. I guess she really wants to dig the knife in.
Only reason he hasn't ended his campaign yet is no one is paying attention due to TRUMP. He'll be done after the first debate, he literally has nothing to run on.

He has the best record of anyone running in the republican field. You guys keep basing it on our (liberal/fact based) view of his record. Meanwhile in republican world he has enacted nearly every republican idea over the last few years. Wisconsin's unemployment rate is still low, especially when compared to Florida (Bush/Rubio) or NJ (Christie). He crushed unions. He has underfunded public universities. He has drug tested Medicare beneficiaries. He has cut taxes. He has signed ridiculous voter ID laws. He has won two elections in a democrat state.

He has done everything the base who will elect the GOP nominee wants, and it hasn't resulted in a complete disaster like Kansas. Voters can relate to him, unlike Bush.


So you guys/gals are pretty much saying that Hillary might as well be running unopposed? I agree that she will get the nomination easily, but I am not sure I'd say Hillary would still have the same stances in both scenarios.

She could have announced her candidacy the day before the DNC convention in July 2016 and I guarantee the party would give her nomination in such a scenario. If it was ultimately up to the party and not primary voters, she would have it in a heart beat no questions ask.

Most of the party is behind her publicly and also privately. They obviously wont say it publicly but I am sure the vast majority of them would have had no problem with her "coronation" to the nomination. Hence the lack of serious opposition even by the sitting Vice President of the United States. She has been endorsed by 115 Congress Members of her party representing half of its members out of 233.


No Scrubs
He has the best record of anyone running in the republican field. You guys keep basing it on our (liberal/fact based) view of his record. Meanwhile in republican world he has enacted nearly every republican idea over the last few years. Wisconsin's unemployment rate is still low, especially when compared to Florida (Bush/Rubio) or NJ (Christie). He crushed unions. He has underfunded public universities. He has drug tested Medicare beneficiaries. He has cut taxes. He has signed ridiculous voter ID laws. He has won two elections in a democrat state.

He has done everything the base who will elect the GOP nominee wants, and it hasn't resulted in a complete disaster like Kansas. Voters can relate to him, unlike Bush.

By that logic Trump is the GOAT candidate.

The base will love Walker, but the elites will sink him if he gets anywhere near the nomination. They're looking for electability and not at who the base loves.


He has the best record of anyone running in the republican field. You guys keep basing it on our (liberal/fact based) view of his record. Meanwhile in republican world he has enacted nearly every republican idea over the last few years. Wisconsin's unemployment rate is still low, especially when compared to Florida (Bush/Rubio) or NJ (Christie). He crushed unions. He has underfunded public universities. He has drug tested Medicare beneficiaries. He has cut taxes. He has signed ridiculous voter ID laws. He has won two elections in a democrat state.

He has done everything the base who will elect the GOP nominee wants, and it hasn't resulted in a complete disaster like Kansas. Voters can relate to him, unlike Bush.

Three elections, brah.

Pretty much agreed with everything here, except with one key omission: he'll never have to worry about fundraising, given the pair of brothers he already has in his corner.


By that logic Trump is the GOAT candidate.

The base will love Walker, but the elites will sink him if he gets anywhere near the nomination. They're looking for electability and not at who the base loves.
Walker is the electable compromise candidate.

We can for the most part write off Carson, Cruz, Carly, Gilmore, Graham, Jindal, Kasich, Pataki, and Santorum without any need for a campaign.

Paul is out because of foreign policy. Huckabee and Perry are old hat and thus have a ceiling built in as well. Trump will always be a flavor of the moment candidate like a less probable form of Gingrich. Rubio and Jeb! are hurt by immigration and base distrust. Christie will never get over hugging Obama.

That leaves Walker. (Who isn't perceived as majorly conservative by independents, more like "who?")

Last man standing.
He has the best record of anyone running in the republican field. You guys keep basing it on our (liberal/fact based) view of his record. Meanwhile in republican world he has enacted nearly every republican idea over the last few years. Wisconsin's unemployment rate is still low, especially when compared to Florida (Bush/Rubio) or NJ (Christie). He crushed unions. He has underfunded public universities. He has drug tested Medicare beneficiaries. He has cut taxes. He has signed ridiculous voter ID laws. He has won two elections in a democrat state.

He has done everything the base who will elect the GOP nominee wants, and it hasn't resulted in a complete disaster like Kansas. Voters can relate to him, unlike Bush.
Will be great for the base and terrible for the general election. Can't wait!


By that logic Trump is the GOAT candidate.

The base will love Walker, but the elites will sink him if he gets anywhere near the nomination. They're looking for electability and not at who the base loves.

He is up there with Bush and Rubio in the elect-ability stakes (whatever that means). Maybe Kasich would be the fourth in that group but it won't matter much because it will be tough for him to get out of the primaries.

He's a governor (read: executive experience which the GOP electorate values more than lawmaking) of a swing state, who's enacted wet dream conservative policies and gone on to defeat democrats in three elections over four years. Oh, and he'll have no trouble amassing a war chest.

Other than not liking him personally, I don't see how one could discount his potential impact on the race.


By that logic Trump is the GOAT candidate.

The base will love Walker, but the elites will sink him if he gets anywhere near the nomination. They're looking for electability and not at who the base loves.

So do you think Bush will ultimately be the nominee? Can he take down Walker with what PD just mentioned? Will the heart of the Republican party represented by the primary voters/tea party etc where Walker is at beat where the head of the Republican Party representing the party operative/Establishment/elites/electibility?

Head over Heart. Bush Vs Walker. Who will win that fight. PD might be right.


From that recent CNN poll with all the massive Clinton leads:


Clinton - 51/12
Jeb! - 42/84

Clinton - 56/11
Rubio - 38/87

Clinton - 53/14
Christie - 38/82

Clinton - 59/19
Trump - 33/71

Clinton - 56/11
Walker - 38/87

Trump isn't treated seriously enough. Walker vs. Rubio is advantage Walker.
PD's (and my) point about Walker that you guys are all missing is that you're not looking at it from the GOP base's POV.

He's perfect.

"Perfect" would imply also having charisma, and in that regard dude is pretty much tied with Jebbo.

I'm totes with ya that dude's the main threat to Jebster, tho. Especially since his attempt won't fall apart as soon as someone brings up Schiavo.


RCP Average before that CNN Poll:

Clinton 47 - Rubio 43
Clinton 47 - Jeb! 41
Clinton 48 - Walker 41
Clinton 50 - Christie 39
Clinton 53 - Trump 34

(And that's with the FOX poll that shows Clinton and Jeb! tied at 43 and Clinton only beating Rubio by 1.)

"Perfect" would imply also having charisma, and in that regard dude is pretty much tied with Jebbo.
Romney. McCain.

It's not really a handicap if you can avoid looking like Perry did.


Point of my posting those head-to-heads was to show that when party elites look at them, Walker looks competitive against Clinton as much as Jeb!, and when you look at the party breakdown he also does better with the GOP. This prevents Jeb! from wrapping them all up simply because he's a Bush. (Especially when the Bush machine is such a small faction of the party now compared to 2000.)

Say you setup a scale where 1 = "ideal Democrat" and 7 = "ideal Republican" based on perception and not actual ideology. Sanders is a 1, and say probably Cruz is a 7.

Clinton's goal is probably to be looking like a 3.6/3.7, Jeb! and Walker are both able to get near 4.5 if presented properly. Other than Rubio and some of the 1% candidates, that's not so easy. Jeb! might be able to hit 4.5 exactly, Walker's best might be a 4.8. But that's close enough to satisfy the broad base of the party AND independents. Someone like Christie can probably get closer to 4, but he's already dead weight.

Trump is trying to get to 8 on immigration apparently, but what about everything else?
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