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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I think one of my favorite things about this whole storyline is that the media aren't whining as loudly about "where's Hillary? Why won't she talk to us?" or some new whipped-up Clinton outrage Du jour. Intentional or not, he's running fantastic interference for her.
You think that would placate Trump?


You are not as used to hearing his shit as I am my friend. With him it's the top job or nothing. He will burn that party to the ground to get what he wants.
I never said he'd take it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He's the greatest comedy option of all time. I have no idea what I'm going to do when he's gone.

But they know if they force him out he'd just run third party and screw them in the worst way possible. They are literally stuck in an impossible situation, a real no win scenario.

Precisely my point: the RNC's only chance is to sit on their hands, rein in their attack dogs, and pray that Trump spins out on his own. But committing to that strategy means that, if he does look to be winning, there's not a damn thing they can do. And I doubt that they could stand and watch that happen.

So they fucked, basically.


Yes, yes. Channel the Reagan.

Gods, nothing lamer than a dude trying to look Hard while wearing safety spectacles and a regular t-shirt.

Also completely wasted the opportunity to do it like this:
He hadn't gotten to the OSHA regulations yet, they were farther down in the pile, so he had to wear them.


No Scrubs
Why would Trump run as an independent candidate?

He'd have to spend his own money.

You have no idea about the size of his ego do you? There's a reason he puts his name on all his buildings in big gold letters. If they force him out Trump will do everything in his power to screw them and I do mean everything. The only thing he hates worse than losing is being beaten when he thinks he could win.

Precisely my point: the RNC's only chance is to sit on their hands, rein in their attack dogs, and pray that Trump spins out on his own. But committing to that strategy means that, if he does look to be winning, there's not a damn thing they can do. And I doubt that they could stand and watch that happen.

So they fucked, basically.

Pretty much.


You have no idea about the size of his ego do you? There's a reason he puts his name on all his buildings in big gold letters. If they force him out Trump will do everything in his power to screw them and I do mean everything. The only thing he hates worse than losing is being beaten when he thinks he could win.
lol at this, like I'm unaware of Trump's history somehow? Everyone else was calling this a "publicity stunt for The Apprentice" and he'd "never run" because "this is what he always does" and so on, while I pointed out all the differences that indicated he would run compared to the two times he flirted and one time he ran before. I like to pretend I'm down with the OGT.

Trump running an independent bid to "screw" the GOP after already losing the primaries does nothing but damage his ego as his poll numbers crumble towards 1%, he has to spend his own money fast (less than three months) to get on all the ballots (except Michigan) and on TV with ads desperately trying to prop them up, since the media will cut him off as no longer "serious", the CPD's moving targets make it so he never gets in the debates, etc.

If he really wants to run the in the general with his own money he's better off not getting on any GOP primary ballots, dropping out before Iowa after using those debates for free, and buying the Constitution Party's nomination.

Instead, if the nominee is President Scott Walker he'll trudge back to his other affairs, and if it's not he'll say they should have picked Trump if they had wanted to beat Hillary and he has the benefit of having yet another Trump Unfalsifiable Narrative to crow about. And he spends relatively nothing in the process.

Just like he's currently doing. He loaned his campaign $2 million so far*. Pocket change. And independent bid wouldn't be like that, he'd have to spend a lot of his own money on his ego getting battered to hell.

*And paid himself with some of it lol:
The report shows Mr. Trump paid his own company $38,000 for the use of its facility, domain name and other unspecified resources in June.
He has also paid $9,583 in monthly rent to his company’s commercial real-estate arm, and $5,436 in lodging expenses to Trump hotels. He paid $4,050 to himself as payroll in June, according to the report.


Meanwhile, in one time 2004 Democratic Presidential near-Frontrunner/Savior news:

Wesley Clark said:
If these people are radicalized and don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principal that’s fine, that’s their right. It’s our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.


If I had thread making privileges:

Why libertarians, liberals, progressives, socialists and Democrats should love and support Bernie Sanders for President
The rise of Bernie Sanders feels familiar to me. When I was a libertarian-leaning Republican, I was a delegate for Ron Paul in the 2008 Nevada State Convention. Paul’s supporters were passionate if a bit nutty, but change seemed, if only for a moment, possible. The problem was that the ideology behind the candidate was bankrupt. The experience was the beginning of the end of my affiliation with simplistic libertarian blather and GOP politics altogether, but Paul’s rise was driven by the same frustration and anger that is now propelling Sanders.

For too long, the anger and passion has been driven by Tea Party types and libertarians.


Sanders’ messages don’t conform to the partisan binary we have the gall to call “democracy.” It sounds different, because politicians still dust off the same talking points. Hard work, play by the rules, love Jesus, yada, yada, yada. It’s the same crap they’ve been peddling since Reagan and just as effective. If I have to listen to one more Republican worshiping at the alter of Ronald Reagan, I think I might lose it.

You can’t blame conniving, selfish politicians for doing what works. They only play to the willing cameras, repeating meaningless lines that someone has wrote or some consultant has poll tested. Our entire political debate has been reduced to a bad reality show, deductions for gaffes, stumbles and extramarital affairs, and extra credit for soundbites and signing pledges.

The majority has ceased to rule here. Most people don’t even bother to vote, and that’s by design. Liberal ideas would always win if everyone voted, which is why there is such a nonstop, furious attack on voting by the right. America is under siege by a small, insular aristocracy, and they won’t go down without a fight. It’s telling that we could easily see candidates from only two “noble” families, the Bushes and the Clintons, in our next election. We need no more perfect example of American feudalism than power being passed back and forth between ruling houses.

Despite my conviction that Sanders could win, I find myself fighting hopelessness over what has become the “narrative.” It’s not only insipid talking heads or professional pundits spouting conventional wisdom. On a home-grown podcast, I chatted up two fellow liberals who both expressed great support for Sanders, but at the same time they both insisted that “he can’t possibly win,” tapping into my own deep cynicism. I worry that change cannot happen so long as the angry, mostly white and gullible, keep protecting their shrinking piece of the pie.

I offer only one ray of hope in the form of Shakespearean-level irony. The fuming, hate-filled and false rhetoric that has labeled Obama a “socialist” might have actually removed the sting from the insult to the point that is now meaningless. The insults have grown so far from reality that there is nothing credible for the professional furious to spew.


Despite my appreciation for his ideas and policies, Sanders, nor any public figure, is the messiah. I don’t believe in an all powerful savior, political or otherwise, but I do believe that ideas and people matter, and Sanders offers something that we haven’t tried before—unabashedly progressive ideas.
He's the greatest comedy option of all time. I have no idea what I'm going to do when he's gone.

I feel like the Onion ran this piece directly at you, B-dubs.

The latest polls are out, and just as I predicted, I’m leading the Republican presidential race by a wide margin. You might be wondering how that could be. After all, it’s hardly been a month since I entered the field and I’ve already alienated America’s largest immigrant population, seen dozens of my high-profile business deals implode one after the other, and publicly insulted a national hero’s military service, all while not offering a single viable policy idea. But none of that matters at all, and my candidacy continues to surge forward, because none of you—not a single one of you—can look away. Not even for a second.

Admit it: You people want to see just how far this goes, don’t you?

Moar: http://www.theonion.com/blogpost/admit-it-you-people-want-see-how-far-goes-dont-you-50895


No Scrubs
Would bet good money that Berlusconi has him beat on dick size, tho.

You'd think that but listen to Trump's comments on his penis disclosure form:

"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. JFK jr. wishes he had a penis like mine. I mean, look at it. It's YOUUUUUGE. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump

I saw it. This is like they're talking right to me.


Shots fired at Hillary by Obama:
As he stepped up efforts to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the American public and skeptics in Congress on Tuesday, President Barack Obama compared critics’ opposition to the agreement with support for the invasion of Iraq.

In both a muscular speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Pittsburgh and a taping of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” Obama cast critics of his diplomatic approach as the same kind of misguided warmongers who pushed for an invasion of Iraq during George W. Bush’s presidency.

“We’re hearing the echoes of some of the same policies and mindset that we’ve heard in the past,” Obama said. His loudest critics, he added, are “the same folks who were so quick to go to war in Iraq and said it would take a few months.”

A few hours later, on the “Daily Show” set in New York City, Obama took another jab at his critics, this time invoking Dick Cheney. He mocked those who he said seem to believe that if “you had brought Dick Cheney to the negotiations, everything would be fine.”
You'd think that but listen to Trump's comments on his penis disclosure form:

"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. JFK jr. wishes he had a penis like mine. I mean, look at it. It's YOUUUUUGE. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump

We talking about a man in a position of power that flat-out stated that the most powerful woman in europe was "an unfuckable lard-arse" and legit bangs 17-year olds in bunga bunga orgies on the reg and gets away with it.

Trump can talk the talk all he wants. Il Cavaliere, meanwhile, is busy walking the walk.

Let's face it: even if The Donald won, Silvio would try to find a way to bang Ivanka as revenge.


Unconfirmed Member
Did anyone predict the Trump shit storm?
I feel like he's come out of nowhere and it's awesome.

Very few predicted he'd actually enter, but everyone knew it'd be a shit storm once he did enter. We are talking about the birther in chief here.


The reason Kasich is to be taken seriously in his bid for the White House, in addition to his enormous success in the Buckeye State, is that he has always overcome obstacles when people told him what he couldn’t. When he was just 18 and a freshman at Ohio State, Kasich pestered the secretary to then-OSU President Novice Fawcett for a meeting. When she relented and added him to the schedule, Kasich discovered that Fawcett was about to leave for a meeting with President Nixon.

Kasich was turned down in his request to join Fawcett’s meeting with the president, but he didn’t walk away empty-handed—Fawcett agreed to deliver a letter from the young freshman asking for his own meeting with the president.

In part, Kasich wrote on December 2, 1970: “I would immediately pass up a Rose Bowl trip to see you. My parents would permit me to fly down and see you anytime and I know my grades wouldn’t suffer…I know how busy you are and this is probably a ridiculous request but to me it would be a dream come true.”

Surprising nearly everyone except Kasich, Nixon agreed to a sit-down with the young student. The two would meet nearly three weeks later and Kasich spent nearly 20 minutes with the president. And, being Kasich, he wound up doing most of the talking.
Kasich’s empathy and compassion for others, particularly children in distress, is little known. We had a young woman named Christine Stephan who worked in Kasich’s office as in intern in the mid-1990s. Stephan was full of energy and life even though she had been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and given little time to live. Kasich closely monitored her condition even after she had returned to Columbus following her internship to await a new set of lungs at Children’s Hospital.

Christine was a big fan of then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich. As she lay dying in her hospital bed, Stephan asked if Kasich could fulfill one of her final requests: a signed photograph of the new Speaker to place in her hospital room. Kasich’s eyes welled with tears when I told him of her wish—and I was blessed to deliver the treasured photo to her just days before her death in July 1997. The unbridled joy Christine took in receiving a photo from her political hero lit up the room with energy and light even as she lay dying.

John Kasich is ready to be president.


There's another risk involved for the GOP in not denouncing/antagonizing Trump too much to make sure he doesn't run as a third party spoiler candidate out of spite: the Dems will hammer them for not standing up to him.

The Mexican comments already seem to have done plenty of damage (Priebus didn't want to make that phone call, I'm sure) and there's already been plenty of commentary along the lines of "where was this indignation when he called Mexicans racist?" re: the McCain kerfuffle.

Team Hillary will probably say that every ludicrous Trump comment is actually pretty close to how the other candidates really feel. And it's at least partially true.


Fake, but Accurate: The Movie
Dan Rather is coming to your local movie theater. At least the story behind why he’s no longer at CBS is. In “Truth,” Robert Redford plays Rather. Cate Blanchett plays his CBS producer Mary Mapes.

In 2004, Rather reported that President George W. Bush’s powerful father arranged to keep his son in the National Guard to prevent serving in Vietnam. The report caused such hoo-hah that a treasured 24-year anchorman lost his job.

Dan: “I’ve read the script. It’s serious. People behind it do a good job. It’s two great actors. You couldn’t want for a better cast. Redford playing me makes me feel humble — which is not a word usually associated with anchors.

“The nuanced, not preachy, script makes clear our report was true. Facts can’t be denied. But today it’s more about big corporations having big power than about truth. Bush was up for re-election. Sumner Redstone wanted him re-elected and would have his news division do what he wanted. What develops is the habit of pulling back, working from fear.

User 406

Who said anything about watered down policies? I don't think you realize it but you're effectively arguing for white people to all get together and grant black people their rights, which is a nice sentiment but more or less unworkable as any sort movement.

Black people are 13% of the population. They can't stop structural racism without widespread white support. They simply don't have the power, which is why they're still oppressed. And for decades now white progressivism has allowed colorblind politics to effectively halt advancement of racial justice by only really getting behind broader economic policies that only help with part of the problem. The BLM folks are trying to change that by making it clear that just addressing economic issues with infrequent references to racial issues is just not good enough anymore. Racial justice has to take a consistent front line position in the progressive agenda again.

What's worse is they're heckling the dude who already supports their policies. It's not like they were in there to demand something more radical than what Bernie was offering.

See, as a white progressive and a Bernie supporter, that was my first reaction too. But part of the problem is that what we've come to accept as a "complete" progressive package really isn't cutting it for the black community. One of the more difficult lessons for allies on the intersectionality of movements is to learn to listen. What we are hearing right now is a very deep dissatisfaction that has been simmering for a very long time. And the fact that there is a pretty strong pushback from white progressives on this underscores just how comfortable we've become with colorblind politics. We need to get uncomfortable again.

Bernie is actually the best target for this, since he's the closest in policy to what the activists want. He needs the least amount of adjustment. :p Here's hoping he figures it out, Hillary has already been responding pretty well.
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