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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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John Kasich am cry. I wonder whose great idea was it to launch his campaign in the middle of an unstoppable Trumpnado.

It was probably decided at an opportune time to pop up in the media at just the right time to possibly get a bump in the polls and get into the debate (He'd only need an extra 3-4%). You couldn't predict the Trump craziness at the time it was decided.

It's not going to happen.
Love how telling the well known truth about Johm McCain being a fuckup is supposed to be a gaffe/insult/crime these days.

The real shitbags were/are the ones attacking Trump for avoiding slavery.
I am not aware of what mccain fucked up. Did it justify being imprisoned for years and then having your service belittled by someone who got a deferment?


I am not aware of what mccain fucked up.
What didn't he fuck up in his career? The only reason he was still flying planes is because of the Admiral in his pocket.

then having your service belittled by someone who got a deferment?
The latter is irrelevant outside of the fact that Trump should be applauded for it, as should anyone who manages to avoid slavery.

The former depends on whose "service" is being belittled, and how. If McCain was never captured so he could make tapes for the Communists nobody sane would bat an eyelash at belittling things like finishing nearly dead last in his class or his crashing every plane he flew or his continued outright incompetence...
What didn't he fuck up in his career? The only reason he was still flying planes is because of the Admiral in his pocket.

The latter is irrelevant outside of the fact that Trump should be applauded for it, as should anyone who manages to avoid slavery.

The former depends on whose "service" is being belittled, and how. If McCain was never captured so he could make tapes for the Communists nobody sane would bat an eyelash at belittling things like finishing nearly dead last in his class or his crashing every plane he flew or his continued outright incompetence...
Call the draft what you want, and point out all of mccains screw ups every chance you get. I am not going to applaud this blustering buffoon of a man, no matter how much entertainment he brings you or I, when he mocks a man who risked his life for the stated aims of the government in that war, when mr. trump stayed home and made his millions. The justness of the vietnam war is arguable, but the merit of mccain's tortuous experiences are not.


Johm McCain graduated from the Naval Academy in 1958. He was just following his dad and grandfather for an easy way out and got unlucky because Johnson escalated Vietnam. McCain was 31 when he got captured.

Attacking a 21 year old Trump using any reason he could to avoid slavery is what's despicable.


In today's military, a lapse in judgment that causes a crash can end a pilot's career. Though standards were looser and crashes more frequent in the 1960s, McCain's record stands out.

"Three mishaps are unusual," said Michael L. Barr, a former Air Force pilot with 137 combat missions in Vietnam and an internationally known aviation safety expert who teaches in USC's Aviation Safety and Security Program. "After the third accident, you would say: Is there a trend here in terms of his flying skills and his judgment?"

Jeremiah Pearson, a Navy officer who flew 400 missions over Vietnam without a mishap and later became the head of human spaceflight at NASA, said: "That's a lot. You don't want any. Maybe he was just unlucky."

Naval aviation experts say the three accidents before McCain's deployment to Vietnam probably triggered a review to determine whether he should be allowed to continue flying. The results of the review would have been confidential.

The Times asked McCain's campaign to release any military personnel records in the candidate's possession showing how the Navy handled the three incidents. The campaign said it would have no comment.


A federal judge is lashing out at the State Department for delaying for years in providing responses to Associated Press Freedom of Information Act requests seeking records about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's schedules and her top staffers.

At a contentious hearing last week, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon demanded explanations for why some of the AP's requests received no reply for four years or more before the wire service filed suit in March.

Leon said he was determined to establish "what has been going on in the State Department for four years dragging their feet, not addressing these issues for four years."

"I want to find out what's been going on over there. I should say, what's not been going on over there," the judge added. "The State Department, for reasons known only to itself ... has been, to say the least, recalcitrant in responding."


DOJ lawyers Lisa Ann Olson and Marcia Berman said the agency was prioritizing the public release of the 55,000 pages of emails in response to another judge's order requiring monthly releases of those records.

However, Leon accused Olson of responding with "convoluted gobbledygook" when she insisted that the State Department's processing of those emails would satisfy the AP's request for records about Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin's transition to a special part-time position at State.

"The State Department ... can't say it has done a thorough search until it reviews all 55,000 pages of documents," Olson said.

"What you just said, Ms. Olson, made no sense," the judge replied. "You're failing to distinguish between documents created by the State Department independently of Hillary Clinton's emails — with Hillary Clinton's emails. And you're giving me some kind of convoluted gobbledygook. about how the emails contain within them the independently created documents relating to Huma Abedin's appointment as a special government counsel. ...That is nonsensical."


A transcript of the hearing suggests Leon grew angry when Olson said she had no estimate of how many State Department documents were responsive to the request about Abedin's employment.

"Have it by next week. Have it by next week when we have our hearing. Do you hear me?" the judge snapped. He also ordered the State official responsible for FOIA handling to appear at the planned hearing.
When my Uncle got drafted he was so lackadaisical that they basically didn't know what to do with him. He'd crack up laughing when the drill sergeants would do their famous tirades for example.


Another great piece of literature from reason

The rise of Bernie Sanders portends a socialistic future for the Democratic Party....

Although we rarely frame politics in these terms, as a philosophical matter, we've often been engaged in a debate that pits the theories of 18th-century liberalism—the kind that brought us the Constitution and limited government—against ideas first embraced in 19th-century Marxism. Is there any doubt the left's grassroots is driven by the latter, whether it's intuitively or on purpose? Just think about the emotional core (often confused as an intellectual position), the rhetoric and the focus that propel most ideas liberals toss around about inequality, plutocracy, "democracy" and the role of government in our lives.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Let me plug that into the "what he is really saying" machine:

"My poll numbers are horrid and I have to appeal to these crazies, so I guess I'll throw my ethics and morality to the wind for a shot at VP."


Coming from the same Republican party that did not try and denounce Trump accusing the President of not being born here. They deserve trump and reap what they sewed 4 years ago. The same party that said nothing when kerry was swift voted and Jeb Bush sent out a letter the day before his brother's swearing in for a 2nd term thanking the group who led the charge.


Its like he didn't know he was in bondage.
That's why it's insidious. It's couched in the lie that it's ones "duty" or that they've chosen to "sacrifice for civilization" rather than the reality that they're just more resources to be ground up in insane pursuit of sadistic corporate goals.


Sorry, friend. Kevin Carson wrote a summary of it for C4SS. I'm not too familiar with Reason or its contributors.
Reason publishes a bunch of syndicated columns for some reason, I assume to fill out the site. They then tag that person as a "contributor" this includes David Wiegel, one dude who writes only about Virginia, and also that "Libertarian Democrat" guy who denies that HIV and AIDS are related.

Benji is your avatar from a poster that one can purchase?


Reason publishes a bunch of syndicated columns for some reason, I assume to fill out the site. They then tag that person as a "contributor" this includes David Wiegel, one dude who writes only about Virginia, and also that "Libertarian Democrat" guy who denies that HIV and AIDS are related.




Colonel sanders just picked up his most ringing endorsement yet.


"I think what Bernie is doing is wonderful," [Jesse] Ventura wrote in his newest post at Ora.TV. Pointing out that Sanders was "on the right track," noting that the minimum wage had been stagnate for so long that people simply can't survive on it. Ventura continued, doubling down on a policy position he previously supported. "I'd like to see them implement a maximum wage," Ventura wrote, stating, "If you can't live off of $100,000,000 a year, there's something wrong with you."

Thermite paint!!


Reason publishes a bunch of syndicated columns for some reason, I assume to fill out the site. They then tag that person as a "contributor" this includes David Wiegel, one dude who writes only about Virginia, and also that "Libertarian Democrat" guy who denies that HIV and AIDS are related.

Who is that?

The only guy I actually know from there is Sheldon Richman. And only because he tends to really annoy the readers there.


Who is that?

The only guy I actually know from there is Sheldon Richman. And only because he tends to really annoy the readers there.
Richman is also syndicated! He mostly riles up the Republicans and pro-war, "Sheldon's an anti-Semite!", etc.

http://www.terrymichael.net/PDF Files/MontrealGazette_JunkScienceAIDS_02_05_11.pdf

EDIT: The greatest Richman-related comments maybe: http://reason.com/archives/2015/01/29/the-american-sniper-was-no-hero

EDIT2: Top favorite Objectivist that posts on Reason:
Cytotoxic|1.29.15 @ 2:25PM|#|–|filternamelinkcustom

That's stills silly because the regime America overthrew was a dictatorship and had no rights. Free states have the right to annex or change the regimes of unfree ones as long as they are much freer afterward.
Cytotoxic|1.29.15 @ 2:31PM|#|–|filternamelinkcustom

All the peacenazi ass-lickers come here to mewl and whine that people don't agree with them why won't they just LEAVE RICHMAN ALOOOOONE.
Cytotoxic|1.29.15 @ 2:38PM|#|–|filternamelinkcustom

Thanks Sheldon for vindicating my decision not to donate any more money to Reason, and shame on anyone who has. This ignorant immoral pig of a writer is going to continue to be indulged by the magazine until the magazine is punished for it.

You cannot legitimately 'resist' US occupation, because you cannot legitimately resist freedom in favor of tyranny. All those that do so deserve only death.


IIRC, Cytotoxic once argued that the "appropriate" response to 9/11 was to "tactically nuke" Mecca and Medina. And like five other major Islamic cities.

Objectivism!!! Not even once!



These are really effective IMO.

I really don't know why liberals don't think clinton is one of them. she's much better than bernie at turning social issues to economic issues

apparently she is a corporalist beholden to the rich and status quo. Electing her is no different than electing a Republican.

Contrary to most polls that show her approval rating with liberals to be in the high 60s and 70s

Most certainly apart of that vast right wing conspiracy.


apparently she is a corporalist beholden to the rich and status quo. Electing her is no different than electing a Republican.

Contrary to most polls that show her approval rating with liberals to be in the high 60s and 70s
That just means they're hoodwinked by the Clinton spin machine.


Richman is also syndicated! He mostly riles up the Republicans and pro-war, "Sheldon's an anti-Semite!", etc.

http://www.terrymichael.net/PDF Files/MontrealGazette_JunkScienceAIDS_02_05_11.pdf

EDIT: The greatest Richman-related comments maybe: http://reason.com/archives/2015/01/29/the-american-sniper-was-no-hero

EDIT2: Top favorite Objectivist that posts on Reason:

That's the article that comes to mind. I read through a lot of those comments. Best part is that he actually responded and was basically trolling. Such a wide range of beliefs over there apparently.


That's the article that comes to mind. Such a wide range of beliefs over there apparently.
That is the one reason I like Reason over some others including C4SS, when you combine its regular commentators with the site content you get the gamut of libertarian opinion. From the intelligent and 100% correct anarchists to the minarchists to the Ron Paul people to the totalitarian Objectivist scum to the Tea Partiers to the Republicans who like to smoke pot to the odd Democrat who likes to either spar or only cares about civil liberties, etc.

The main site writers are mostly "cosmos" (from lew rockwell/paleoconservative/paleolibertarian types) which means they focus on social issues and don't find the gay marriage ruling a step back because it further enshrines the state into marriage but that the's the best you're going to get, stop demanding perfection, etc. type. Outside of Peter Suderman and some others who do more economics focus.

Also, site design, reason's is a lot better than Lew Rockwells or C4SS's. And functional. Once you get rid of all the facebook and twitter and linkedin garbage.
Coming from the same Republican party that did not try and denounce Trump accusing the President of not being born here. They deserve trump and reap what they sewed 4 years ago. The same party that said nothing when kerry was swift voted and Jeb Bush sent out a letter the day before his brother's swearing in for a 2nd term thanking the group who led the charge.
Jeb! getting a free pass on this whole charade is disappointing. People should bring up his involvement with swift boaters.


Speaking of Objectivists, let's swing by THE ATLAS SOCIETY tonight:
In a recent article ESPN takes a look at the rocky ups & downs of soccer star Hope Solo's life and career. The stellar goalie and two-time Olympic gold medalist states that reading Ayn Rand "saved" her life.

After her arrest, Solo was put in jail for three days. "I didn't think I could last," she says, weeping more now, dropping her head as she does.

Once in custody, Solo asked whether there was anything available to read, and the guards rolled in the jail's portable bookshelf. It was stuffed with well-worn romance novels and easy readers. Disappointed, Solo spun the shelf to the other side and there, in the bottom, snug and pristine, was a copy of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. Solo grabbed the novel and clutched it to her chest, heart pounding. Rand had been her favorite author for years. She feels a kinship with a woman "most people think of as selfish." Someone whose message is "misconstrued."

Solo read all day and night. "And at my lowest point in my life," she says, her voice hitching, "it saved me."


Fiorina argues that as a top business executive she understands what is needed for economies to grow, in particular, the sort of entrepreneurship that dominates the tech sector. She’s right, of course, but her tenure at HP was controversial and could be a political disadvantage outside of the GOP.

In 2005 she was fired from HP by the board. Her business decision to purchase Compaq, the PC maker, was seen by many as a bad move, leaving the company worse off with lower earnings and profits, which upset shareholders. Fiorina counters that HP’s revenues doubled and that the company grew from the 28th largest to the 11th largest in America from 1999 when she arrived to her departure.

By the way, Hillary Clinton was fired during her career, when she was a staffer on the Watergate committee investigating the erased tapes and unethical conduct of President Nixon. Clinton was fired for unethical conduct. Hmmm, and now she erases emails!

Be that as it may, Fiorina was seen by many in Silicon Valley as the anti-Steve Jobs, a polarizing rather than an inspiring CEO. Indeed, one can imagine that, if Jobs had chosen to run for public office, whatever his policy positions, he would have been universally acknowledged as a top value creator who revolutionized the economy.

Democratic opponents will come at Fiorina the way they came at Mitt Romney, arguing that she cut thousands of jobs at her company and sent many overseas. She counters that she took the tough decisions to take her company through the dot.com bust that shrunk or even sunk many firms. That much may well be true, but “At least HP survived” doesn’t make an inspiring bumper sticker.


However one judges Fiorina’s HP years, all of us who understand that prosperity depends on both exponential technical innovation and free markets should appreciate the opportunity that her campaign offers us to frame the discussion about the country’s direction.

The country is in a civil war between makers and takers. It is the producers, those exemplified by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, against the expropriators, those exemplified by the cronies inside and outside of government.

The former value human achievement. They understand the power of the human mind to change the world for the better. They are individuals pursuing their own visions. And they love and take pride in their work.

The latter resent the achievers, damn them for growing prosperous through their own efforts, and punish them with confiscatory taxes, and demand that they apologize for their virtues.

Fiorina comes close to defining this battle with her celebration of entrepreneurship and opposition to cronyism. But she hasn’t framed the issues clearly enough.

Those of us who see the positive contributions she’s making to the GOP primaries can push her to be even clearer. (Rand Paul, also running for the GOP presidential nomination, notably has already reached out to Silicon Valley!) More importantly, we can challenge all Republican candidates—and Democratic ones as well—to take a stand either with the achievers and individual liberty or with the destroyers and government chains.

And we should understand that this is the value basis by which to reach out to achievers who often see themselves as standing on the Democratic side of the political divide.


Fiorina takes many positions that will not endear her to socially liberal young entrepreneurs. Fiorina opposes abortion, though she focuses on restrictions in the third trimester. She opposes same sex marriage but favors some form of civil unions and points out that at HP she provided benefits for same-sex couples. Will she continue to give priority in her campaign to restoring liberty or to a liberty-limiting social agenda?

Libertarians will not find her perfect. But the Fiorina campaign is an opportunity to define and frame issues, to make it clear that cronyism and punishing achievement will simply lead to an impoverished, dystopian future. Meanwhile, individual liberty and the human achievement ethos can lead to a fantastic non-fiction future.

The rioting in Baltimore represents criminal culture writ large. It is what happens every day on a smaller scale in poor minority communities: theft, vandalism, and violence.

The flames in Baltimore hideously illuminate the fact that the culture of the welfare state creates the criminals and rioters that plague this city in my native state.

Barack Obama is pushing for a nuclear weapons agreement with Iran because he believes “the more people interact with open societies, the more they will want to be part of an open society,” according to former NATO ambassador Ivo Daalder (quoted in the Washington Post).

But Obama himself disproves his own belief in the open society.


Critics and even some supporters are baffled by Obama’s eagerness to secure from Iran any deal that pretends to prevent that theocratic tyranny from getting the bomb. But he has essentially let Iran get what it wants—it can continue to enrich uranium and develop ballistic missiles, avoid serious inspections, and not close down key facilities.

It continues its quest for nukes even as it continues to spout its “Death to America” rhetoric, declare that the destruction of Israel is non-negotiable, and support Islamist terrorism and its political proxies throughout the Middle East. This current behavior makes clear that, when armed with nukes, it will be one of the most dangerous regimes in the world. So why is Obama letting Iran continue to prepare for mass murder?

Ambassador Daalder’s remark seems to confirm what many opponents think: that Obama is dangerously naive about the world. He believes that arrogant American foreign policy is the root of most of the world’s problems, and that if America just makes nice, a friendlier world will result. Commentator Charles Krauthammer even suggests that Obama thinks he can make Iran his partner in managing affairs in the Middle East. If Nixon can go to China, he can go to Iran!

This belief is, at best, delusional and, at worse, malicious. But it is important to sort out why.


The best advertisement for the virtues of an open society is to spend time in one. Students from overseas who study in America can take back to their countries an appreciation for the free exchange of ideas and the prosperity that results when entrepreneurs are allowed to follow their visions in a free market. Military officers from other countries who train here can see how an army can remain under civilian control while Constitutional safeguards keep government power in check.

But those virtues will only be appreciated by those individuals who already hold at least some of the corresponding Enlightenment values: a love of life, a respect for individual autonomy, an appreciation for the power of human reason, and a desire for economic prosperity. But many don’t share these values.


Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian on a student scholarship in Colorado, was appalled by the materialism, individualism, the elevated status of women, and the sexual openness in American society. And that was in the America of 1950! On his return to Egypt, he became a leading ideologue in the murderous Muslim Brotherhood.

Osama Bin Laden was from a wealthy Saudi family. He was educated in a Saudi school that had a more modern Western-style curriculum and allowed Western dress. He traveled for vacations in the West. But he founded al Qaeda. The 9/11 terrorists who followed his orders to fly planes into buildings in America were mostly Middle Eastern students studying in Western countries. And the Islamists who’ve carried out attacks in European countries in recent years have mainly been home grown or living in these Western countries for some time.

Islamists reject the Enlightenment
Islamists don’t fall in love with open societies because they do not share Enlightenment values. Instead of peaceful coexistence with others, they violently force others to adhere to every barbaric prescription of their religious dogma, no matter how much poverty and misery they inflict on the world. And killing anyone who disagrees is central to their dogma.

Further, they refuse to reflect on their values; that is central to their dogmatism. So exposure to the prosperity and peace of open societies will only infuriate them and reinforce their commitment to their dogmas.


And does this mindset not describe Obama? He has spent much of his life in open America. Yet, in a dogmantic pursuit of “equality,” he has made himself the mortal enemy of the entrepreneurs, businessmen, and businesswomen who make everyone wealthy. Never mind that his policies clearly impoverish the very people he claims to be helping.

He has made himself the enemy of the Constitutional checks and balances on government, unilaterally assuming powers not granted to the executive, using the government to punish enemies, all in the name of creating “social harmony.” Never mind that this has made the country become increasingly polarized.

If Obama looks in the mirror and understands his own mindset, he would understand that his belief that Iran will grow kinder and gentler because of interactions with an open America—which Obama is trying to close—is an illusion. But he can’t or won’t. This is why both the nuclear deal with Iran and Obama are dangerous to a peaceful and open world.


That is the one reason I like Reason over some others including C4SS, when you combine its regular commentators with the site content you get the gamut of libertarian opinion. From the intelligent and 100% correct anarchists to the minarchists to the Ron Paul people to the totalitarian Objectivist scum to the Tea Partiers to the Republicans who like to smoke pot to the odd Democrat who likes to either spar or only cares about civil liberties, etc.

The main site writers are mostly "cosmos" (from lew rockwell/paleoconservative/paleolibertarian types) which means they focus on social issues and don't find the gay marriage ruling a step back because it further enshrines the state into marriage but that the's the best you're going to get, stop demanding perfection, etc. type. Outside of Peter Suderman and some others who do more economics focus.

Also, site design, reason's is a lot better than Lew Rockwells or C4SS's. And functional. Once you get rid of all the facebook and twitter and linkedin garbage.
Minarchism is the fucking worst.
The fuck benji, I thought you were cool.
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