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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Scott Walker should say yes. You know Bush will say no, the goal should be to outflank him whenever possible - as long as it's not too ridiculous. No one will remember this in a few months except for republicans, which is what matters.

I mean, they'll remember it when Republicans actually shut the government down over Planned Parenthood, which they will try to do if Erickson can drum up enough support at the Red State Gathering.


I mean, they'll remember it when Republicans actually shut the government down over Planned Parenthood, which they will try to do if Erickson can drum up enough support at the Red State Gathering.

I can't wait. It's interesting to me how a group of people can be so predisposed to losing on every issue but try and try again.


aka andydumi
It's the same as Sanders, if it brings the topic into the debate during the primaries then it's a win.

Can the White House bring this into focus by changing the federal DEA stance on the drug? Didn't the surgeon general recently ahve some comments?


Also can we talk about this?

I'm more freaked out by the fact that he looks exactly the same except for the hair.
The GOP leaders have completely lost control of the GOP.

The rank & file base is completely directed by the loudmouths on AM radio that throw the meatiest red meat out there. Erick Erickson, Rush, Hannity, and zillion local right-talkers . . . they control the main agenda . . . and it remains bash the gays, anti-abortion, hate immigrants, hate muslims, love guns, love 'straight-talking' authoritarians, etc.

And the money is now out of their control because Citizen's United lets the donors control how they want to give & spend their money. They give to specialized PACs instead of to the party and to politicians.

And Trump is reaping the benefits.

What a beautiful clusterfuck.
Scott Walker should say yes. You know Bush will say no, the goal should be to outflank him whenever possible - as long as it's not too ridiculous. No one will remember this in a few months except for republicans, which is what matters.

I don't know if he'll say no. Even though it was his father that championed the Federal funding of PP through Title X.

Title X was approved in 1970, championed on the Hill by former President and then-Congressman George H.W. Bush and signed into law by Richard Nixon.

“We need to make population and family planning household words.” Bush said in 1969 when the legislation was being debated. "We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter."
The GOP leaders have completely lost control of the GOP.

The rank & file base is completely directed by the loudmouths on AM radio that throw the meatiest red meat out there. Erick Erickson, Rush, Hannity, and zillion local right-talkers . . . they control the main agenda . . . and it remains bash the gays, anti-abortion, hate immigrants, hate muslims, love guns, love 'straight-talking' authoritarians, etc.

And the money is now out of their control because Citizen's United lets the donors control how they want to give & spend their money. They give to specialized PACs instead of to the party and to politicians.

And Trump is reaping the benefits.

What a beautiful clusterfuck.
Yup. Even in the very likely instance that Trump loses the nomination the other Republicans they'll stake out such right wing positions they'll be screwed in the general. Hell Jeb Bush has already said we should get rid of Medicare and Walker thinks the minimum wage is lame.


My goodness.

North Carolina Republican Congressman Robert Pittenger said during an interview with SiriusXM’s POTUS Radio that Adolf Hitler seems like just a “minor player” when compared to global threat posed by the Iran deal.

Pittenger charged that the Obama administration “view an Iran that would change its stripes, but in reality Iran is not going to change its stripes. Hitler did not change his stripes. Chamberlin was under some illusion that Hitler would be different in Munich and he wasn’t and we paid a great price for that calculation early on and then we addressed it.”

“The consequences of this deal make Hitler look [like] a minor player in the context of the challenge to the rest of the world,” he concluded.
Trump might actually say no, and then go even crazier.

"The problem with planned parenthood isn't the organization, it's that they've got a monopoly! I wouldn't defund them, I'd create a new, counter-organization, Unplanned Parenthood! This group would be the biggest, classiest, most diamond-studded advocate for childbirth you've ever seen!"


No Scrubs
"The problem with planned parenthood isn't the organization, it's that they've got a monopoly! I wouldn't defund them, I'd create a new, counter-organization, Unplanned Parenthood! This group would be the biggest, classiest, most diamond-studded advocate for childbirth you've ever seen!"

The sad part is he might actually say this and the base will eat it up.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think people on here are dreaming if they think Trump isn't going to fall in line with generic GOP stances. Read the Forbes article on how he wants to simply replace Obamacare withe the exact same system we had before.
I think people on here are dreaming if they think Trump isn't going to fall in line with generic GOP stances. Read the Forbes article on how he wants to simply replace Obamacare withe the exact same system we had before.
He might try but he'd fail. McCain and Romney were both touted as moderate candidates and they lost all credibility with moderate voters because they staked out such far right positions in the primaries. Trump is just wacko so he starts out with that problem.
"The problem with planned parenthood isn't the organization, it's that they've got a monopoly! I wouldn't defund them, I'd create a new, counter-organization, Unplanned Parenthood! This group would be the biggest, classiest, most diamond-studded advocate for childbirth you've ever seen!"

This is great satire pointing out how stupid the conservative position is. We are so used to the name "Planned Parenthood" that we forget what it is actually about . . . planned parenthood. The goal that every baby is a fully desired baby and affordable by the mother instead pregnancies to women (or girls) that are not ready mentally or financially.


Fuckabee claiming he would use federal troops to stop abortion.

I can't with these people anymore. It's just too sad and pathetic... You almost want to pity them... But, not really.
"The problem with planned parenthood isn't the organization, it's that they've got a monopoly! I wouldn't defund them, I'd create a new, counter-organization, Unplanned Parenthood! This group would be the biggest, classiest, most diamond-studded advocate for childbirth you've ever seen!"

There actually is a hashtage #unplannedparenthood


does anyone fear party makeup will be more R than D next year? Hillary's problems might effect an enthusiasm gap next year resulting in decreased Democratic turnout


Jeb Bush is raising way too much money. It's ridiculous and abundantly clear that establishment republicans see him as their only chance of winning the presidency. His super PAC has raised 103 million in 6 months.
This sort of talk reminds me republicans in 2012. Follow the average.

If we get multiple polls showing higher republican % than democrat then it means the party makeup of the electorate has changed, not that polls are wrong.

I'm pretty sure it's just Quinnipac showing this though, so until then...


No Scrubs
Jeb Bush is raising way too much money. It's ridiculous and abundantly clear that establishment republicans see him as their only chance of winning the presidency. His super PAC has raised 103 million in 6 months.

Trump has likely scared the establishment shitless, they'll be throwing all the money they've got at Jeb in the hopes he can ride Trump out. If anything Trump running is good for Jeb because it's forcing the establishment to make their pick earlier than they wanted to, they wanted to see if Walker was a better pick but not they can't afford to wait.


Trump has likely scared the establishment shitless, they'll be throwing all the money they've got at Jeb in the hopes he can ride Trump out. If anything Trump running is good for Jeb because it's forcing the establishment to make their pick earlier than they wanted to, they wanted to see if Walker was a better pick but not they can't afford to wait.

I'm really hoping Trump clashes with Bush and drags him down to make room for Walker or Rubio, at least to ensure a drawn out primary and a weakened Bush in the general. But even if that happens, Bush has planned for the long haul. What really needs to happen is some primary upsets. If someone else besides Bush can win New Hampshire, I'd be ecstatic.

But yeah, the establishment Republicans are coming out for Bush in a real big way that will probably lock the nomination up for him.


I'm really hoping Trump clashes with Bush and drags him down to make room for Walker or Rubio, at least to ensure a drawn out primary and a weakened Bush in the general. But even if that happens, Bush has planned for the long haul. What really needs to happen is some primary upsets. If someone else besides Bush can win New Hampshire, I'd be ecstatic.

But yeah, the establishment Republicans are coming out for Bush in a real big way that will probably lock the nomination up for him.

you fear Bush?


you fear Bush?

In a general against Hillary? I don't know. Obviously the electorate is stacked in favor of dems in nationwide elections, but Hillary doesn't strike me as the best politician in terms of campaigning. If I imagine a Bush vs. Clinton general, I get the image of two too-old-for-this boxers trying to beat the hell out of each other.


I think it's fair to say there is a legitimate chance Bush could do better than say Walker. Although Walker winning 3 times in Wisconsin makes me worry about under-estimating Walker in the general.


I think it's fair to say there is a legitimate chance Bush could do better than say Walker. Although Walker winning 3 times in Wisconsin makes me worry about under-estimating Walker in the general.

In a strange way I worry more about Walker than Bush in a general. He has more unknowns, less baggage, and some kind of charisma/blank-slate-face that has allowed him to sell his record in Wisconsin as a successful one (that amazes me more than anything). I think Bush has a better campaign infrastructure for a successful general election run, but Walker is seemingly a good retail candidate and looks fresher against Hillary. Walker reminds me of W Bush in 2000.


I think it's fair to say there is a legitimate chance Bush could do better than say Walker. Although Walker winning 3 times in Wisconsin makes me worry about under-estimating Walker in the general.

I could see a scenario in which Walker wins. Neither Bush nor Walker should be underestimated. Hillary's campaign needs to destroy them at all cost. They have the money to do it and need to do it. We know the Koch brothers will be funding their conservative darling Walker and Bush will have his SuperPAC.

The only saving grace of Bush in a general is if enough Republican decide they are not enthused about "another Bush" and decide to stay home. In no way would I expect a scenario like that to play out and Hillary's camp would be wise to discount it and focus on doing everything they can to win.

Scandals aside, they have the money and the Obama Coalition to win. The necessary tools are there for them to win. They just need the wheels to continue turning in their direction.


No Scrubs
I think it's fair to say there is a legitimate chance Bush could do better than say Walker. Although Walker winning 3 times in Wisconsin makes me worry about under-estimating Walker in the general.

It shouldn't because of the circumstances under which he won those elections favored him immensely. He had a midterm electorate, those skew very old and very conservative. He won't see the same results in a general election situation.
This sort of talk reminds me republicans in 2012. Follow the average.

If we get multiple polls showing higher republican % than democrat then it means the party makeup of the electorate has changed, not that polls are wrong.

as theprodigy said, it's basically just Q showing a shift in any significant capacity


as theprodigy said, it's basically just Q showing a shift in any significant capacity

That's what's been odd about Quinnipiac so far; they're the only ones really showing this discrepancy. It really reminds me of how Gallup was consistently off in its 2012 polling and we were kinda sitting here at PoliGAF, tilting our heads, wondering what the hell what going on in Omaha. Gallup looked like the oddball, but it still introduced that tiny bit of polling doubt.

Other polls are showing an absolutely lousy GOP public image, and either a steady-state or slightly-drifting-away-from-GOP trend in party ID. Quinnipiac's numbers just don't jive. I won't totally discard their findings, but I'll still look at them semi-cockeyed like I looked at Gallup in 2012.


Marist Poll:

While Clinton, 49%, edges Bush, 43%, by 6 points in a two-way, general election contest, a three-way race with Trump cuts into Bush’s support and gives Clinton, 44%, a 15 point lead over him, 29%. Trump garners 20% in such a contest. When Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush in 1992, he received 43% of the popular vote. While Clinton retains her support among her Democratic base in a three-way race, Bush’s support among Republicans freefalls from 92% to 63%, a 29 point difference. Trump garners 28% of the GOP vote. Among independents nationally, Clinton’s 6 point edge over Bush, 48% to 42%, more than doubles to 13 points with Trump in the race. “The 2016 election cycle has already had its share of ups and downs,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “But, what a rollercoaster ride it would be if Donald Trump runs for president as an independent.”





I just dont get how she is still leading in the polls in the primary and general despite her untrustworthy and favoribilty ratings in the toilet. If she somehow pulls through next year she is teflon incarnate.
I just dont get how she is still leading in the polls in the primary and general despite her untrustworthy and favoribilty ratings in the toilet. If she somehow pulls through next year she is teflon incarnate.

For HRC's unfavorables to hurt her there would have to be a more popular Republican. Modern politics is about about being less unpopular than your opponent and right now that's Clinton.
I just dont get how she is still leading in the polls in the primary and general despite her untrustworthy and favoribilty ratings in the toilet. If she somehow pulls through next year she is teflon incarnate.

There are more democrats and maybe thats reflecting in some of the polls. Since a huge portion of democrats still trust her and a few independents it is probably why she is leading in the polls. Many White American democrats, most independents, and nearly all republicans don't trust her.
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