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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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so? he was better than the alternative Rick Scott but point taken lol. Besides Patrick Murphy who we all want to beat Grayson was a Republican before he won his house seat in 2012.
so? he was better than the alternative Rick Scott but point taken lol. Besides Patrick Murphy who we all want to beat Grayson was a Republican before he won his house seat in 2012.

As obama's popularity numbers post-midterms showed, talking about stuff that people care about is almost as important as being able to actually make it come true.

Fact is, democratic candidates running midterms know that they've a problem getting their voters into the booths. They wanna be elected, they gotta find a way to attract them. Sure as fuck is easier to change a coupla dozen candidates than several hundred thousand voters.

Or you can do what you always do and get the same results you always get.
It's like you have no idea how statistics work. It is literally painful to me.

I understand them perfectly. Every poll express a valid reading as long as it is based in scientific methodology. Outiliers are outliers because of statistical errors, not so much because of a consensus of pollsters.

Anyway, seems like a community manager is going to lose their job today lol.
How does your student loan debt make you feel?
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Unconfirmed Member
^I keep reading this and it bugs me. I don't think I prescribe to this sole reason the D's loss the house in 2010 and Senate in 2014 since the two election demographics vary so differently between Pres and midterms.

I think the Democrats playing safe in Presidential elections is a bet worth taking. It is what the parties obviously want to do. I can't blame the party fully for the Democratic losses when voters have a job to go out and vote despite how "bad" the two opponents are.

idk maybe I am overthinking it. Many factors explain their losses and it isnt just Democratic turnout. Party out of Power dynamic is at work. Democrats saw how Obama was being opposed tooth and nail by the Republicans. How is that not motivation to turnout and support your leader by electing your Reps in state and Congress.

True, in presidential races turnout is more guaranteed and swing voters are more likely to take vote, so playing to the center can be nice. It's getting less and less true as swing voters disappear as they seem to be lately, but still.

I just hope they focus more on exciting the base in 2018. They might still be predestined to lose like in 2010 and 2014, but hopefully democrats can at least meet or surpass the expectations in 2018 instead of getting blown out even harder than originally anticipated like in 2010 and 2014.

Honestly, it's the Senators and Congresspeople and Governors that need to learn how to excite the base and create turnout, not the candidates for president.
It's all preachy high horse condemnation. I gotta hear how being bold and sacrificing my vote for Bernie is equitable to taking a chance on civil rights.

To be fair, entertaining that sorta narrative does sound somewhat similar to republicans going "how's that hope and change working out for ya?".

Especially when the counterpoint often is how hillzy will magically be able to work with a republican congress, but ben ben won't.

What i'm saying is that both sides are the same.


Ehh, Crist fully embraced Obama and went full on liberal in a purple state in 2014. People can say what they want about flip flopping and him being a former R but the guy didn't run from Obama like most of the other Dems in swing states.


It's all preachy high horse condemnation. I gotta hear how being bold and sacrificing my vote for Bernie is equitable to taking a chance on civil rights.

To be fair to them its simply boils down to apathy. The system is bad, rigged etc and needs to be rebuilt.

A lot of that is certainly Bernie's rhetoric and it resonates with disaffected Obama voters or voters tired of the two party system who always vote third party.
To be fair, entertaining that sorta narrative does sound somewhat similar to republicans going "how's that hope and change working out for ya?".

Especially when the counterpoint often is how hillzy will magically be able to work with a republican congress, but ben ben won't.

What i'm saying is that both sides are the same.

Except I don't think Hillary will have an easier time getting shit passed. She represents the best odds for a liberal SC appointee and best shot at the GOP not not controlling all legislative branches. It's pragmatic and hyperbole won't change that.

To be fair to them its simply boils down to apathy. The system is bad, rigged etc and needs to be rebuilt.

A lot of that is certainly Bernie's rhetoric and it resonates with disaffected Obama voters or voters tired of the two party system who always vote third party.

I like Bernie better than Hilary. If he becomes a clear shot like Hilary I would switch.
It's all preachy high horse condemnation. I gotta hear how being bold and sacrificing my vote for Bernie is equitable to taking a chance on civil rights.

People like believing their part of something like a revolution and it's easy to put all their hopes on single person. That's the problem with the left and the Republicans have been very smart in focusing on the local and state level. Regardless if people like Obama or not, the federal government has been very very unproductive in the last 7 plus years, and some people are putting their hopes on a single person again. Since for more than a decade it is some clearly that the opposing party can easily convince or manipulate opinions and do what they need to to make sure the other parties agenda does not get through as evidenced through 2010 or 2014 . If Bernie is seen as a threat; Republicans very very easily do that.
During an appearance on the evangelical Christian radio show “Understanding the Times,” former Minnesota Rep. and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said that people should be feeling “privileged to live” in the End Times – which are now upon us because of President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

Referring to prophecy from Zechariah 12:3 where it says that the world’s nations will unite against Israel, Bachmann reassured listeners that that God will defeat the deal in Congress and in doing so “prove to the world [God’s] power and [God’s] strength.”

Bachmann went on to warn that “heaven’s armies” will be ending the party pretty soon and that the “prophets longed to live in this day,”

“You and I are privileged to live in it,” she said, referring to the End Times.

Sounds legit. Kinda miss having Batshit Crazy to kick around.
Recently, Rand Paul called me and asked me to play golf. I easily beat him on the golf course and will even more easily beat him now, in the world in the politics.

Senator Paul does not mention that after trouncing him in golf I made a significant donation to the eye center with which he is affiliated.

I feel sorry for the great people of Kentucky who are being used as a back up to Senator Paul’s hopeless attempt to become President of the United States--- weak on the military, Israel, the Vets and many other issues. Senator Paul has no chance of wining the nomination and the people of Kentucky should not allow him the privilege of remaining their Senator. Rand should save his lobbyist’s and special interest money and just go quietly home.

Rand’s campaign is a total mess, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t know he had anybody left in his campaign to make commercials who are not currently under indictment!
I don't know why Rand is fixated on Trump? I mean, it's not gonna get you anywhere. Trump will win that battle. You can't win that fight against him, it's not possible. Either pick up whatever dignity you have left and drop out, or focus on things that are not Trump. How hard is that?


Seems like his prognosis is good though, hopefully things turn out well for him.

Washington Post has an article up about the hurdles Bernie faces, specifically a chart:

I want to know how the Hispanic vote is looking too. But it does feel like Hillary's base with Hispanics might be too strong for Bernie to tackle. That strong base with Hispanics will also be necessary for the general election.
And Hillary will have the ability to use Obama on the campaign trail- she won't do what Gore did.
I don't know why Rand is fixated on Trump? I mean, it's not gonna get you anywhere. Trump will win that battle. You can't win that fight against him, it's not possible. Either pick up whatever dignity you have left and drop out, or focus on things that are not Trump. How hard is that?

Trump took all of his supporters and Rand is pissed about that. Rand thought his voters believed in libertarian stuff, but instead they just believed in racism and hating the government.
How does one go after trump though? Attacking direct isn't working at all. I would normally think just wait for his own implosion. That tactic seems to assume he will take a stance on a policy that's gonna ruin him though. His comments on PP, his attack on McCain, sexist comments, attacks on fox and even admitting single payer works elsewhere hasn't done it.
Rand probably (correctly) sees that he will have a far harder time taking several other candidates down in order to stay relevant, so he's focusing on Trump.

Rand is Ahab.




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Absolutely annihilated. Like 2005-era Drinky Crow trolling Nintendo fans level demolishing. God bless The Donald.


Rand probably (correctly) sees that he will have a far harder time taking several other candidates down in order to stay relevant, so he's focusing on Trump.

Rand is Ahab.

Yeah that's whats he's doing. Just gotta ask yourself, Rand, the castaway from Koch fundraisers, is doing that attack-stunt without getting a single penny from the Koch brigade. Definitely a loser, as Donald would say.
Rand probably (correctly) sees that he will have a far harder time taking several other candidates down in order to stay relevant, so he's focusing on Donald "That baby was driving me crazy" Trump.

Rand is Ahab.

No. No, ma'am. He's a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about.
You missed the most revealing quote in the release

As a world-class businessman, who built one of the great companies with some of the most iconic real estate assets in the world, it was my obligation to my family, my company, my employees and myself to maintain a strong relationship with all politicians whether Republican or Democrat. I did that and I did that well.


Rand's self proclaimed status as a Washington outsider and iconoclast is pretty rich for a second generation Senator who votes pretty consistently with the GOP.

You missed the most revealing quote in the release

Whoever is writing these things for Trump they have a fantastic grasp of the cadence and tone of his speeches. I can just hear him saying this before a challenge on the Apprentice.
How does one go after trump though? Attacking direct isn't working at all. I would normally think just wait for his own implosion. That tactic seems to assume he will take a stance on a policy that's gonna ruin him though. His comments on PP, his attack on McCain, sexist comments, attacks on fox and even admitting single payer works elsewhere hasn't done it.

Rand was mocking Trump, like mimicking him and making fun of him while talking about his "Fair & Flat Tax Plan". The comedy was too much for me.
How does one go after trump though? Attacking direct isn't working at all. I would normally think just wait for his own implosion. That tactic seems to assume he will take a stance on a policy that's gonna ruin him though. His comments on PP, his attack on McCain, sexist comments, attacks on fox and even admitting single payer works elsewhere hasn't done it.
I don't think the policy stuff matters all that much. A big part of Trump's appeal is that he comes across like a winner and the base is sick of losing. They've lost the last two Presidential elections with ineffectual moderates and they've regained the Senate and watched all their party's legislative promises fail to materialise due to perceived RNC capitulation while Obama is Jordaning his fourth quarter. Trump is rich and successful and powerful and slaying every MSM and RINO foe that stands in his way. He looks like he can win everything. No one thinks bumbling effete Jeb Bush can beat Clinton, but Trump seems unstoppable. He's almost like the standard establishment pick where the base compromise ideals for a winner. He's speaking for that base, but he can probably get away with a few ideological divergences.
How does one go after trump though?.

What I think is hilarious here is that if you looked at Trump's comments it's seemingly easy.

He thinks we'll beat ISIS by bombing Iraq's oil fields.
He says he's going to build a wall on the border and Mexico is going to pay for it.
He thinks China will truckle to our every demand on trade after he yells at them.
He says he'll be good at stuff while being President, without saying what he's actually going to do.

Normally you'd just say, "He has no solutions and the ones he has are fucking stupid." But many Republicans look at bombing Iraq's oil fields to defeat ISIS as a strategy and go, "Yeeep! That there's a good plan!" And they're fucking serious about it. Same for building the wall and charging Mexico. People believe it is a legitimate solution and Trump, seeing as how he is a businessman and all, knows how to pull it off. He has that magical, businessman knowledge that they don't have that's going to get that done.

This ignorance is exactly what's preventing other candidates from being able to take any real shots at Trump.


What I think is hilarious here is that if you looked at Trump's comments it's seemingly easy.

He thinks we'll beat ISIS by bombing Iraq's oil fields.
He says he's going to build a wall on the border and Mexico is going to pay for it.
He thinks China will truckle to our every demand on trade after he yells at them.
He says he'll be good at stuff while being President, without saying what he's actually going to do.

Normally you'd just say, "He has no solutions and the ones he has are fucking stupid." But many Republicans look at bombing Iraq's oil fields to defeat ISIS as a strategy and go, "Yeeep! That there's a good plan!" And they're fucking serious about it. Same for building the wall and charging Mexico. People believe it is a legitimate solution and Trump, seeing as how he is a businessman and all, knows how to pull it off. He has that magical, businessman knowledge that they don't have that's going to get that done.

This ignorance is exactly what's preventing other candidates from being able to take any real shots at Trump.

Trump's platform seems to be the ultimate teenage boy's "if I were President" fantasy, right down to the Karate Kid "You're the Best!" theme music. It's like Mac from Always Sunny grew up, got insanely wealthy, and is now running for office. I wouldn't be surprised if he started trying some killer karate chop moves on stage at some point.
Political consensus seems to assume he's folding too. I'm just curious what that issue will be that does him in. He's already said stuff that would kill other candidates. He lacks substance and what substance he's offered is joke worthy and none off its mattered.
This GOP primary battle is just so upside down. Normally, the base is pushing for some whacko-bird extremists like Santorum, Herman Cain, Ted Cruz, etc. while the establishment pushes for more moderates like Dole, Romney, etc.

This time the base is backing a (stealth) moderate Donald Trump while the establishment is pushing for some whacko-bird extremists like Walker, Rubio, and Bush (with that Scarlett letter law & his Terry Schiavo nonsense).

But I guess Trump is 'anti-establishment' in that he is not a politician, he's loud, he's boorish, he's unfiltered.
Saw this dumb comment on a news story about the bigot Kentucky clerk losing her lawsuit, and it made me laugh and laugh and laugh.


I'm not sure what's funnier: "Works at God" or "no pepperoni."

Sorry. I'll refrain from posting any further pointless website comments.
That front row looks like Walter White, Scott Walker clone, Duck Dynasty guy, and JOHN BOLTON(!).

Don't forget John Bolton's brother in the white hat and Dr. Dre on the right side.

Saw this dumb comment on a news story about the bigot Kentucky clerk losing her lawsuit, and this comment on it made me laugh and laugh and laugh.


I'm not sure what's funnier: "Works at God" or "no pepperoni."

Sorry. I'll refrain from posting any further pointless website comments.

Maybe he just missed punctuation. Perhaps it was supposed to be, "The Supreme Court, no, pepperoni is completely miscued from its original purpose as much as in this day." Secretly, pepperoni made the gay marriage decision. It was an inside job between Superallah Obama and Hellary "A-rab Money" Clinton
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