I don't understand the constant need of many Bernie supporters to absolutely loathe Hillary Clinton and the bloodlust they seem to have for her. It's really weird.
Just because Republicans insist on having this sort of toxic shit in their campaigns doesn't mean that Democrats have to as well.
I don't think it is new. I've been hearing my family, and nearly any other conservative loudmouth, bitch about her since the mid-90s, and there's always been some extra scrutiny and mistrust levied towards her. I remember a lot of people talking shit about her setting up shop in New York just so she could run for office. I remember going to the Idaho Caucus back in 2008 and there being this really strong anti-Hillary sentiment then. I was there supporting Obama, and you could feel this divide between her supporters and his that really felt pretty toxic.
I think that it is common to turn on whoever is opposing your candidate. I soured on her for a while, I think in part due to the Hillary is 44 crowd and because she didn't come across as very sympathetic or like a competent campaigner in Game Change. Not to mention her pretty much refusing to concede until long after Obama had clinched the nomination. I think some of that anger towards her is still lingering for some people who were paying close attention in 2008, and I think that Bernie has appealed to a new batch of young conservatives that will be opposed to Hillary in much the same way that I think most of PoliGAF was opposed to her the last time she ran.
She's absolutely got my support this time around. I think I've changed a lot since 2008 in terms of what is important to me. I think she'll govern competently and do a great job, but that is a secondary concern for me compared to the Supreme Court. I see the next 8 years as the most critical the progressive cause has seen in a while just because there are so many Supreme Court justices that are getting close to retirement/death and I want whoever is most likely to win in 2016 and get re-elected in 2020 to be in office.
As of now, I have a lot of respect for her. She's done a lot over the years that I think makes her uniquely qualified for the office, and I think she's done an incredible job of establishing herself as a politician on her own merits. I don't think she's a good campaigner, certainly not when compared to Obama, but I think she has been in the game long enough to be a fantastic President.