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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Your two options here are either he's running for VP, or completely, totally delusional.

I'm not sure which one is more likely here.

I think Rand's in the same boat as O'Malley. Both thought they could really make a move but are getting buried. If they don't get something out of the race it really hurts their credibility moving forward.


Let's just say, it was A Lot different. For one, there wasn't two forms, just a mishmash of every topic, flying by at lightning speed. We had gif avatars and signatures and it wasn't PC at all. Sometimes, I miss those days. We would get raided by trolls who would spam goatse and other garbage constantly, but it was fun.
Eh, it's not like the trolls always got a free pass, and that stuff still wasn't permitted. We were definitely less PC though, but then again so was the world.

There were things I liked better about old GAF, other things I don't miss at all.


Meta had a tiny kernel of a good point in his mostly terrible arguments in that thread.

It's not always productive to directly call people out as racists if you actually want to work with them to resolve racial issues through policy. That's true. For instance, we seem to be finding a bit of common ground with conservatives on mass incarceration. Most Republicans truly don't give a shit about mass incarceration from a moral standpoint, but they do care about it from a fiscal standpoint because it's too goddamn expensive. So even though I'd say Rand Paul almost certainly doesn't give a fuck about black people, if I'm one of his colleagues in the Senate, I'm not going to go up to him, call him a racist to his face, and then expect to work with him to address mass incarceration through the legislative process.

HOWEVER, Meta seemed to take offense to the very idea that one would assume that a person using the phrase "All Lives Matter" is racist. That's bullshit. This is one instance where a spade truly is spade. Not a single person using the phrase "All Lives Matter" is using it in good faith, and anyone claiming otherwise is being incredibly disingenuous. "All Lives Matter" is not a fucking olive branch.
His hairline makes me feel uncomfortable.

Tim Kaine/Mark Warner make more sense. Casto would garner so many Palin comparisons.
Palin was a boon to McCain until she opened her mouth and exposed herself as being a complete idiot. But you're right that the media would try and make that comparison. I just think he'd have a better chance of proving himself than Palin did.
Palin was a boon to McCain until she opened her mouth and exposed herself as being a complete idiot. But you're right that the media would try and make that comparison. I just think he'd have a better chance of proving himself than Palin did.

I'd learn towards whatever helps lock down Virginia...


No Scrubs
Hillary is looking like every other person's mom lately. Not sure if that's a good thing?

She does remind me a little bit of my mom in those pics...

I think it's a positive. You can't really say she's a robot this way. If anything she's redefining her image and that's good.


She does remind me a little bit of my mom in those pics...

I think it's a positive. You can't really say she's a robot this way. If anything she's redefining her image and that's good.
Agree. Older women vote - and as a group, they're ripe for improving margins in favor of the Dems.


Unconfirmed Member
Bernie Sanders rejects CEO Martin Shkreli’s campaign donation

On Thursday, however, campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said Sanders won’t keep the money. Instead, the campaign will make a $2,700 donation to the Whitman-Walker health clinic in Washington.

“We are not keeping the money from this poster boy for drug company greed,” Briggs said.

Shkreli made the contribution, he said, partly because he actually supports some of Sanders’ other proposals — just not the ones about drug prices. But mainly, he said, he donated to get the senator’s attention in the hopes that he could get a private meeting to explain why drug companies set prices the way they do.

Shkreli is “furious” that Sanders is using him as a punching bag without giving him a chance to give his side.

“I think it’s cheap to use one person’s action as a platform without kind of talking to that person,” Shkreli said in the interview. “He’ll take my money, but he won’t engage with me for five minutes to understand this issue better.”

Shkreli tweeted about his donation during Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential candidate debate, without saying how much he had given. He also challenged both Sanders and Clinton to say whether they’d prefer that he reduce the price of his company’s anti-parasitic drug, Daraprim, or use the money to develop a better treatment.

In the interview, Shkreli said he wouldn’t be surprised if Sanders gave the money back. But he wants Sanders to hear him out about why drug companies have to spend so much money on research and development — which he insists Turing does — and explain what he thinks is a reasonable amount for them to charge in return.

“I’d ask him, what role does innovation play in health care?” Shkreli said. “Is he willing to sort of accept that there is a tradeoff, that to take risks for innovation, companies have to invest lots of money and they need some kind of return for that, and what does he think that should look like?”

“And quite frankly, what I’m worried [about] is that he doesn’t have an answer for that, that he’s appealing to the masses, that he’s just kind of talking out of his rear end so that he gets some votes,” Shkreli said.

If Sanders gets his way and drug prices are limited, though, Shkreli said he’ll deal with it.

“Right now the rule of law in the United States is that drug companies can price their products wherever they see fit, not wherever he sees fit,” Shkreli said. “If the rule changes by congressional vote, then you know, I’ll adapt to the rules.”

It's almost like that guy is purposefully trying to make himself look like an ass just to bring attention to everything that's wrong in america today.


At the end of the debate CNN mentioned the next GOP debate by them will be moderated by Wolf Blitzer.

Cons: He's Wolf, won't ask anything tough and sure as hell won't follow up like Cooper

Pros: Everyone will be in a dead heat coming in.

Wolf Blitzer is the worst. I have no idea why they keep him and Lemom around.


Unconfirmed Member
Sanders or the CEO?

Martin Shkreli. He's basically complaining that his donation isn't giving him insider access.

This is also the same guy that brought to our attention how screwed up drug pricing is when he raised the price of an AIDS drug 5,455%.


Everyone wants to run the Obama playbook from 2012 but they don't have the ability to consistently draw in new money. Also the Pres never had to go on the air. Its what killed Walker, is hurting Jeb!, and will be a problem for HRC if Sanders stays strong.

Walker was killed by exorbitant salaries and unwise spending.

I'm more looking toward the general. The infrastructure that is built up now (such as the Iowa field operation) isn't just important in the primary.

By the way in terms of staff in Iowa, both Hillary and Bernie have a far larger presence than any of the Republicans. This is unequivocally good regardless of who becomes the Democratic nominee.


Meta is definitely a valuable community member. I'd much rather have one long, semantics filled debate with him than deal with ten people who are unable to express their views intelligently vaguely complaining about echo chambers and then being unable to respond when directly engaged.

The views Meta holds have a fair representation in terms of supporters on GAF, but I haven't seen very many people beyond him defend those views intelligently. He will be missed, and I hope he returns.

On a general note, it is very clear that All Lives Matter is being said in opposition to Black Lives Matter by people without even a rudimentary knowledge of categories and sets (HINT: for all lives to matter, black lives must matter because black lives are a subset of all lives). Just another example of people being unable to comprehend that it is actually possible to care about more than one thing at a time, and that certain problems are more severe and less addressed than others and require specialized attention.


Martin Shkreli. He's basically complaining that his donation isn't giving him insider access.

This is also the same guy that brought to our attention how screwed up drug pricing is when he raised the price of an AIDS drug 5,455%.
Oh, that guy. No wonder. I thought he was a generic CEO and Sanders was using him as an example.
Palin was a boon to McCain until she opened her mouth and exposed herself as being a complete idiot. But you're right that the media would try and make that comparison. I just think he'd have a better chance of proving himself than Palin did.

Yea I'm going to assume he's smarter than Palin by a mile, but the media would still paint him as inexperienced and they'd be right. At least Palin had executive experience as governor of a state. Granted I think most people who run for president aren't "qualified" to be president but I don't want it to be an issue democrats get hounded on exclusively due to a young inexperienced VP.


Next Thursday, you're invited to watch Rising Tide's live coverage of a gala tribute in salute to Ronald Reagan. Host Haley Barbour joins special guest lady Margaret Thatcher in celebrating the former President's 83rd birthday. Tickets are $1000 dollars a plate but you can see the event free on GOP TV!

Images of perfection, suntan and napalm
Grenada, Haiti, Poland, Nicaragua
Who shall we choose for our morality
I'm thinking right now of Hollywood tragedy
Big mac: smack: phoenix r: please smile why'all
Cuba, Mexico can't cauterize our discipline
Your idols speak so much of the abyss
Yet your morals only run as deep as the surface
Cool, groovy, morning, fine
(If white)
Tipper Gore was a friend of mine
I love a free country
(told the truth)
The stars and stripes and an apple for mommy
(for one day)
Conservatives say: There ain't no black in the union jack
Democrats say: There ain't enough white in the stars and stripes
Compton, Harlem, a pimp fucked a priest
The white man has just found a new moral saviour
Vital stats, how white was their skin
Unimportant, just another inner-city drive-by thing
Morning, fine serve your first coffee of the day
Real privilege, it will take your problems all away
Number one, the best; no excuse from me
I am here to serve the moral majority
Cool, groovy, morning, fine
(If white)
Tipper Gore was a friend of mine
I love a free country
(told the truth)
The stars and stripes and an apple for mommy
(for one day)
Zapruder, the first to masturbate
The world's first taste of crucified grace
And we say: there's not enough black in the union jack
And we say: there's too much white in the stars and stripes
Fuck the Brady bill
Fuck the Brady bill
If God made man they say
Sam Colt made him equal

Good night PoliGAF!


Cross post:

First post debate poll:


Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate on CNN did what debates usually do, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. It allowed the two leading candidates to make a positive impression on an audience of millions.

More critically, however, the debate allowed front-runner Hillary Clinton to boost her standing among a far bigger base of support, making her the clear winner in the eyes of most Democratic voters.

A 55 percent majority of registered Democratic voters who watched the debate said Clinton won. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who saw a surge in online interest and fundraising, was a distant second, with only 22 percent saying he was the best of the night.

Clinton also saw an uptick in the proportion of Democrats who say they want her to be the party's presidential nominee. Before the debate, 44 percent of registered Democrats said they wanted Clinton to be the nominee. After the debate, the figure had risen to 52 percent.

That movement, however, is thanks to a lower percentage of undecided voters. The number who wanted someone other than Clinton has remained stable. Prior to the debate, 33 percent of Democrats wanted someone else. Post-debate, it was 32 percent.



Other highlights:

3% (?) of Democrats thought Lincoln Chaffee won
11% of Republicans thought Jim Webb won

Only 30% of White voters thought Hillary won. 52% of Black voters thought Hillary won. 62% of Hispanic voters thought Hillary won.

Bernie and Hillary were in a statistical tie on total voters who had their opinions improved on them -- 29% (Hillary) and 30% (Bernie). For Democrats, it was 50% Hillary and 44% Bernie.


Game Change -> Double Down

What will be the title of the presumptive third book? The previous two evoke a damning decision by the losing Republican candidates. We all know Trump will win the nomination handily, so the title is obvious: Deal With It


So what is Lincoln Chafees goal here in running? He can't be in it for the book deal circuit. The dude is mega rich, net worth of 39 million dollars already. What is the end game?


No Scrubs
hmm, too bad there's no way to filter out Republicans in the rest of the crosstabs, oh well

regardless, Clinton's margins on who won the debate by race:
white: 30-26
black: 52-13
Hispanic: 65-14
other: 32-24

raise your hand if you saw this coming

All those results were as expected.
So what is Lincoln Chafees goal here in running? He can't be in it for the book deal circuit. The dude is mega rich, net worth of 39 million dollars already. What is the end game?

I'm imagining him in bed with his 45 year old mistress, watching CNN cover email-gate. His mistress, who he stole from some donor, casually says "you know who should run for president? You."

And here we are.


So what is Lincoln Chafees goal here in running? He can't be in it for the book deal circuit. The dude is mega rich, net worth of 39 million dollars already. What is the end game?
Cabinet I guess. Likable, former Republican. He can get it.


I'm imagining him in bed with his 45 year old mistress, watching CNN cover email-gate. His mistress, who he stole from some donor, casually says "you know who should run for president? You."

And here we are.
Lol, you think everyone has a sex scandal in their closet. "You know who's feeling the burn? Me. Get tested."


So what is Lincoln Chafees goal here in running? He can't be in it for the book deal circuit. The dude is mega rich, net worth of 39 million dollars already. What is the end game?

It's a low-percentage move, but given his emphasis on being scandal-free I think he got in hoping that something or other would stick to Clinton. Unlike the Republicans the Democrats don't have a very big field, and if Clinton blows up it's anybody's nomination provided Biden's not in. He'd have to beat a socialist and O'Malley.
Cross post:

I wonder why hispanics didnt warm up to Sanders after the debate.

34% (39% clinton) of improvement with the black demo but only 15% with the hispanic demo. Also, above Clinton in the key 45-64 demo (it probably skews white?)

At least Bernie has the lowest %s in the "worsened opinion" question (not counting Webb lol)

We may be getting the first not-web based polls this friday. Whatever the outcome, Reddit will be a fun place to post tomorrow.


I wonder why hispanics didnt warm up to Sanders after the debate.

34% (39% clinton) of improvement with the black demo but only 15% with the hispanic demo. Also, above Clinton in the key 45-64 demo (it probably skews white?)

At least Bernie has the lowest %s in the "worsened opinion" question (not counting Webb lol)
The key take away is her lead over Sanders increased post-debate. The exact opposite outcome many were hoping for.
Surprised at the level of negative response that all the candidates got. I figured being the first major exposure it would be mostly positive. Sanders has the stat distribution I would have expected for all of them.

Improved Opinion / Worsened Opinion

Chafee: 7 / 24
Clinton: 29 / 30
O'Malley: 16 / 14
Sanders: 30 / 19
Webb: 11 / 19
None: 32 / 33
Unsure: 5 / 11
She's looking incredibly strong among Hispanic voters. I said damn.
She's always had a pretty solid favorable rating amongst minorities which is why I find the "Well there's not a black guy on the ticket so they won't turn out this time" argument a little ridiculous.

But then again in 2012 they were trying to say "Well Obama's been a disappointment so of course blacks won't turn out"
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