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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Hillary really really disappointed me in that debate. I'm not a Sanders 4 lyfe type guy, but Hillary rubbed me the wrong way. That answer along with a few others and some non answers and she just came across as a bad weather vane.

Also, I picked a really bad time to get banned. Completely missed most of the discussion of the debate with you guys and the thread :(. My first banning though!
I didn't think Hillary did poorly but there were a number of questionable answers. For example, when asked what the difference between her and Obama would be she responds back being a female. She pulled the "first female president" card way too much in the debates for my liking.


No Scrubs
I didn't think Hillary did poorly but there were a number of questionable answers. For example, when asked what the difference between her and Obama would be she responds back being a female. She pulled the "first female president" card way too much in the debates for my liking.

I thought that was a good response, the subtext was that she would basically just be a third Obama term. It was a way to scare Biden off and shore up the Obama coalition, all while making a joke.
I wonder how many people would bet money on Trump given the position he's in right now if he was less of a wildcard. People like to bet on safer choices and Trump is anything but safe.

I know that's how I would do it.



These are so good.


Marco opening up some space between bush on the money markets.


Those numbers seem pretty fair although I'd definitely sell on Carson, Fiorina, and everyone under her. I'd probably buy on Cruz until he reaches like 10% then sell. He'll probably improve before he goes away. I think 15% for Trump is extremely generous but I wouldn't mind holding at around 8%. Rubio definitely has a slight lead over Bush right now, but it's close. I would think more like 35% to 33%.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Trump once again proving he's legit the least shitty Republican candidate:

@realDonaldTrump: No @JebBush, you’re pathetic for saying nothing happened during your brother’s term when the World Trade Center was attacked and came down.
Those numbers seem pretty fair although I'd definitely sell on Carson, Fiorina, and everyone under her. I'd probably buy on Cruz until he reaches like 10% then sell. He'll probably improve before he goes away. I think 15% for Trump is extremely generous but I wouldn't mind holding at around 8%. Rubio definitely has a slight lead over Bush right now, but it's close. I would think more like 35% to 33%.

What is the path Bush follows to get this nomination?

In the three weeks since his donors tried to light a fire under him, he's responded by dropping even further in the polls, seeing his favorables become impossibly bad, and by making a bunch of racist comments that are too manufactured and cynical to attract the racists.


What is the path Bush follows to get this nomination?

In the three weeks since his donors tried to light a fire under him, he's responded by dropping even further in the polls, seeing his favorables become impossibly bad, and by making a bunch of racist comments that are too manufactured and cynical to attract the racists.
Appointed at brokered convention.


Trump once again proving he's legit the least shitty Republican candidate:

I'm surprised he didn't hit back with this at the second debate.

It's continually amazing to me that Bush and the GOP get a mulligan for 9/11 but Benghazi is so endlessly scrutinized.


Mr. Sanders’s aides decided over the summer to test how much they could raise online. It quickly became clear that the sums would be significant, according to Jeff Weaver, his campaign manager, and Mr. Sanders rapidly expanded his organization. His team had 28 staff members at the end of June, and 132 by the end of September. Now, they believe they are better prepared to keep raising money from their donor base than Mrs. Clinton is with hers.

“We feel like we’re in as good a position as anybody in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada,” Mr. Weaver said. “There’s not anybody that has a better case to make than us.”

But while Mrs. Clinton invested in infrastructure early, the F.E.C. filings show, Mr. Sanders only recently sent a few paid staff members to Nevada, and he has no office there. He has yet to spend anything on television ads.

And Mr. Sanders’s organization is far smaller than the one Mr. Obama had built by the same point in 2007, when he was a senator making his first White House run. Mr. Obama had 631 paid staff members by the fall of 2007, more than four times as many as Mr. Sanders has now.

To beat Mrs. Clinton, as Mr. Obama did, Mr. Shrum said, Mr. Sanders will need to grow quickly. “You can’t just do it with social media,” he said. “You’ve got to have people on the ground in those early states.”



Man, a modern brokered convention would be wild. I know Howard Dean is a big reason we didn't have one in 2008, but I would be fascinated to see one play out in 2016. Jeb most certainly would win it if he stayed in that long. Or Rubio. It would depend on the polling and other things that would change from now to then.


Man, a modern brokered convention would be wild. I know Howard Dean is a big reason we didn't have one in 2008, but I would be fascinated to see one play out in 2016. Jeb most certainly would win it if he stayed in that long. Or Rubio. It would depend on the polling and other things that would change from now to then.



I'm even more bearish on Rubio after watching that Chris Wallace interview. If Chris Wallace can get under his skin that easily, what will Trump do? Jeb might even have a few burns in his pocket to save himself.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
This debate is going to be full of ether, you just know it. And once again, reasons will dwarf the Dem debate. People love a train wreck.
Kevin Williamson?

Reading through National Review tweets for tonight, they're saying Fox News is the liberal media and they're STILL carrying water for fucking 'Nam.

And these guys are hated by the Nazis for not being enough to the right, Trump is doing interesting things to American politics right now.
The rationale of the Sanders campaign is that it can win by appealing to disaffected voters and expanding the electorate. Devine said he told the Democratic National Committee they should set up a table and register voters at Sanders rallies. “We’re trying to get them in the door here. It would be smart for the Democratic Party to take advantage of the Sanders phenomenon. If you go to a Sanders rally now, there’s a good chance you’ll vote for a Democrat in 2016.”

So far, the DNC hasn’t taken him up on the idea. “I think they’re afraid they’ll all vote for Bernie,” he says, chuckling.



Professional Schmuck
When Jeb! raises his arms out to his sides in that 'uh, whatever!' motion, I honestly gasped. I can't believe someone that wants to be president and was raised by a president and has a brother as a president had that moment. I can't believe it.

And yet there it is.
Is that actually the DNC's role? And do they have the actual resources to do these sorts of things at this stage of the cycle?
From a look at that link there are comments (mixed in with Grrrr Debbie!!!) to the effect that it would be something that campaigns coordinate with local volunteers, and that it isn't something the DNC has done in past elections and isn't doing now with any of the candidates.
Although I don't know the veracity of those comments.
The DNC apparently isn't registering voters at Sanders events. Clown show.

Isn't that usually the candidate's job, though?

When I volunteered for Hillary in 2008, I often worked the registration table. The paid staffer wasn't affiliated with the DNC, but was paid by the Clinton campaign. (We were told a bajillion times that you weren't allowed to ask who the person wanted to vote for. Just give them the forms) At the Obama rallies I went to and volunteered at, someone from Obama for America ran the registration both. I think it was the same in 2012, although I never volunteered at the both. I know for a fact that the 2008 drives were all staffed by the candidate's team.


From the article linked.

So, I mean, everything is fine, right? I don't really understand the outrage here. The DNC isn't registering voters at Sanders events because Sanders, a politician running for the Democratic nomination, has staff registering voters there.


So, I mean, everything is fine, right? I don't really understand the outrage here. The DNC isn't registering voters at Sanders events because Sanders, a politician running for the Democratic nomination, has staff registering voters there.

Me neither, and going by the comments, that's standard. Shame on me for falling for PD.
So, I mean, everything is fine, right? I don't really understand the outrage here. The DNC isn't registering voters at Sanders events because Sanders, a politician running for the Democratic nomination, has staff registering voters there.

Unless I'm really, really wrong, the DNC never registers voters. That would be done by the candidates or, more likely, the local chapter of the Democratic Party. I've never met anyone from the DNC, let alone seen someone from the DNC come in and tell someone how to register people. I asked my mom, who's been volunteering in politics since she was 16, and she thought it was always done at the local level too.


What is the path Bush follows to get this nomination?

In the three weeks since his donors tried to light a fire under him, he's responded by dropping even further in the polls, seeing his favorables become impossibly bad, and by making a bunch of racist comments that are too manufactured and cynical to attract the racists.

A lot of people here are high on Trump. Every candidate looks unbeatable when they're polling well. The fact is, the entire Republican establishment won't allow someone like Trump to win. We already know that the Republican establishment does not care at all about outright lying about candidates they don't like. They will drag Trump through the mud until he is straight unelectable even to the crazies. Once he's gone, Carson will be off selling books somewhere and it'll just be Rubio and Bush left (since they'll be the only people with money left by this point) and maybe Cruz.

Bush won't leave soon since he has so much money and he'll get stronger every time a candidate drops out. He does have to contend with Rubio, but his family ties gives him a much stronger political network.

The path itself isn't very clear cut, but he has so much going for him compared to the rest of the field that polling at 5% right now doesn't really matter. I bet he's annoyed that there's still 15+ Republican candidates though. Every time some idiot like Huckabee says something insanely stupid, it sucks up the media attention that he could be getting.
Why do people hate Debbie? I know that's been ongoing for a long time, but never knew the cause.

I think part of it is the natural outcropping of our losses in 2014. (She got a pass for 2012, since we won the Big One). She's also not the nicest person in the world. I don't personally like her as DNC Chair, but I don't have as much hatred as some seem to have. She's done some actual shady things over the debates, although I don't feel limiting the number of them is one of them.

East Lake

Why do people hate Debbie? I know that's been ongoing for a long time, but never knew the cause.

Whatever debate plan the DNC pursued was always bound to be controversial. But the manner in which Wasserman Schultz crafted the scheme all but guaranteed an eventual blowup. According to several people with front-row seats for the hatching of the plan, the chairwoman made her decision unilaterally, without consulting or even telling the rest of the committee’s high command, including her vice chairs, in advance. “She presented this to us as a fait accompli as she was about to go out and announce it to the whole committee,” Rybak told me. “I said to her, ‘Well, at least there's some way you can explain why you came to that decision.’ She didn't even do that. She gaveled people out of order without any explanation.”

“For someone who’s the head of a national party, you would think she’d be better at, you know, politics,” says a senior Democrat with close ties to the DNC. “How do you not line up your own folks? How do you not touch base and say, ‘This is what I need from you guys’? At best, you consult; at least, you notify. But her default is to see her vice chairs as nuisances, not partners—not even close. The word partner would never cross her lips.”

The result was predictable—and, in fact, predicted by some Wasserman Schultz advisers. Many state party officials, who prize debates as organizing opportunities, were furious at both the plan and the chairwoman’s refusal even to consider a change of course. (“We’re going to have six debates—period,” she declared to reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington.) In mid-September, Massachusetts Democratic Party Vice Chair Deb Kozikowski accused her of “establishing a full-fledged dictatorship at the DNC.” A few days later, at a speech before the New Hampshire Democratic Party convention, Wasserman Schultz was greeted with raucous chants of “We want debates!”

At the same time, her motives were called into question, most aggressively by O’Malley, who accused the DNC of “rigging the process and stacking the deck” in Clinton’s favor. Given the desire of the other candidates for more debates, the insistence of the Clinton team on fewer, and Wasserman Schultz’s status as a long-time Clinton ally (she was a co-chair of Hillary’s 2008 campaign), the accusations carried a distinct whiff of plausibility.


i want Kamala Harris as VP but i guess she thinks she needs more time :(
Robert Murray.

Daniel Larsen.

Why do people hate Debbie? I know that's been ongoing for a long time, but never knew the cause.
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose term has two years to run, is deeply at odds with White House staffers, they say, and has rarely even spoken to President Barack Obama since she took over in 2011.


“It’s rare in Washington for President Obama and Senate Republicans to agree, but we are all in agreement that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been a terrible DNC chair and would make an even worse Senate candidate,” said NRSC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek.


Wasserman Schultz, meanwhile, appears to have more liabilities, including what some of her milder critics refer to as “her capacity to misspeak” — like her accusing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last fall of a record on women’s rights that was like “grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back.” This week, she got into a spat with proponents of medical marijuana, including prominent Florida donor John Morgan, who released emails that appeared to show her staff offering that the congresswoman would change her position if he would retract his criticisms.


Throughout her time as chair, Wasserman Schultz has turned off colleagues, other top Democrats and current and former staff for a management style that strikes many as self-centered — even for a politician — and often at the expense of the DNC or individual candidates or campaigns. Many top Democrats, including some she counts as supporters and friends, privately complain about her trying to use the DNC as a vehicle for her own personal promotion, and letting her own ambition get in the way of larger goals.

Wasserman Schultz has a different sense of herself. According to people who spoke with her, when she sensed Obama was considering replacing her as chair in 2013, she began to line up supporters to suggest the move was both anti-woman and anti-Semitic. Under fire last fall for her leadership, she took Obama’s decision not to remove her then as evidence of renewed strength and said she was confident no one could get her out of the DNC before her term is over at the beginning of 2017, according to sources who’ve spoken with her.

Watch any of these videos and prove she's not actually a GOP plant or has the brainpower of a potted plant. Or both.









Wouldn't a party registering voters at candidate rallies sound like...communism? I don't know, it just sounds very top down. In my opinion, if a candidate wants the job, they should drive the voters and not rely on the party for doing that.

Also, I am not 100% sure Trump going after Jeb for W's record is a good thing for him politically. It's a great thing for the rest of the country, as even fucking Obama refused to go after W and instead shut down any prosecutions of the intelligence failure in the administration or the torture memos because of "its time to heal" bullshit. Trump might alienate some of his supporters who think W was a great guy and don't like going after him for 9/11. 9/11 failure registers extremely low on their scale in the grand scheme of things. Katrina is a better example of W's failure and the entire debacle that followed "heckuva job brownie" as hundreds of people were dead floating down the street.
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