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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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She literally said "I represented Wall Street." Granted the following part was "as the senator from New York" but it was still such a puzzling thing to say out loud. Followed by her puzzling "I told them hey guys, cut it out" lol.

Does anything think Obama wouldn't have pounced on that? Sanders had little to say, barely took any direct shots at her, and overall just seemed passive. Folks should go back and watch those 2008 debates...that's how you take down a favored opponent.

Honestly Obama would have attacked her on the emails too. Not directly in terms of getting into the nitty gritty of the bullshit, but just a simple "you know, this is something the American people are tired of. The same politicians embroiled in the same media stories over and over while nothing gets done in Washington..."

I pretty much called it the moment she said that at the debate OT. It's going to be a nice GOP attack ad for sure. The fuq was she thinking? Yeah Sanders went light on her on both where he should and where he shouldn't have.
I pretty much called it the moment she said that at the debate OT. It's going to be a nice GOP attack ad for sure. The fuq was she thinking? Yeah Sanders went light on her on both where he should and where he shouldn't have.
The only way that could make an effective attack ad for Republicans is if Trump wins the nomination.

Do you really expect someone like Rubio or Bush to call out Clinton for being lax on regulating Wall Street when they're very much in favor of loose regulation of the financial sector?


The only way that could make an effective attack ad for Republicans is if Trump wins the nomination.

Do you really expect someone like Rubio or Bush to call out Clinton for being lax on regulating Wall Street when they're very much in favor of loose regulation of the financial sector?
Exactly my thoughts as well. Republicans attack democrats for being anti-capitalist. For not supporting businesses enough and thus harming the economy. Like you said, other than Trump.

They cany attack her for being exactly what they typically attack Democrats for not being.

It was a dumb comment, but I can't see how a Republican can use it against her.
Jeb's commemoration of the Columbia astronauts back in 2003

Description courtesy of wonkette.com:
As a special bonus video, here is Jeb movingly recalling the names of the Columbia astronauts, and clearly not tripping over “Kalpana Chawla” because he’s seeing the mission specialist’s name for the first time ever:

It’s quite the honor — first Indian-American astronaut, first Indian woman in space, and the first of two videotaped Columbia-related flubs by the Smarter Bush Brother.
Rubio seems like he would be a truly terrible president.

And not just because he has shitty political views that I disagree with. He just seems to be a really inept person in general that probably couldn't manage an administration with any sort of competence.


The only way that could make an effective attack ad for Republicans is if Trump wins the nomination.

Do you really expect someone like Rubio or Bush to call out Clinton for being lax on regulating Wall Street when they're very much in favor of loose regulation of the financial sector?

You think they care? Lol...it's an attack ad....hypocrisy and double-standards are in the cards. Not to mention, attack ads are usually full of deceptive, out of context information that preys on low information voters. Clinton has the Wall Street stigma. They could care less about the overwhelming number of voters that will be unmoved....they care about the ones that will ONLY.

There is no moral compass to attack ads.
Wouldn't a party registering voters at candidate rallies sound like...communism? I don't know, it just sounds very top down. In my opinion, if a candidate wants the job, they should drive the voters and not rely on the party for doing that.

When the customer comes to your store, you try to close the sale then and there. Why in blazes would you miss that opportunity?

Can't even remotely see how it would be communism either.

The only way that could make an effective attack ad for Republicans is if Trump wins the nomination.

Do you really expect someone like Rubio or Bush to call out Clinton for being lax on regulating Wall Street when they're very much in favor of loose regulation of the financial sector?

It wont be the candidate calling her out. It'll be the SuperPACs. Over and over again.
Pretty good piece from Politico this morning on the current state of the Rubio campaign.

Dude has a pretty steep hill to climb if he wants the nomination.

Sounds like he needs an organizational shakeup. Even if he starts getting a lot of money from donors fleeing Bush, the infrastructure of his campaign seems pretty unsound.

I think Rubio was campaigning for VP or national attention for the 2018 Florida Governor's seat and being christened as the establishment's last hope caught him off guard.


I think Rubio was campaigning for VP or national attention for the 2018 Florida Governor's seat and being christened as the establishment's last hope caught him off guard.
Oh, governor. That makes sense. I don't feel bad for him anymore. He can stay relevant for another year.


You'd think that given the amount of people fired up for Trump they'd go out of their way to give him money Bernie/Obama small donor style. Or is actively preventing people from giving him money?


You'd think that given the amount of people fired up for Trump they'd go out of their way to give him money Bernie/Obama small donor style. Or is actively preventing people from giving him money?

I think that part of the Trump fantasy is that he's a politician you don't have to give money to.


You'd think that given the amount of people fired up for Trump they'd go out of their way to give him money Bernie/Obama small donor style. Or is actively preventing people from giving him money?
They are. Average donation for Trump is $50. He's refusing PAC donations, I guess. Not sure how that works.
Okay, I feel fine with Hillary as the next president, but I do have to say that some of the things she said during the debate really irritated me.

Lie about Snowden.
Lie about prior position on TPP.
Ridiculous claim about how we need more marijuana studies.
Defending U.S. intervention into Libya.

These things will probably help her in the general and she'll never be attacked for these things because we (the left) don't want to eat our own and these are statements that the right largely likes.... But it was still irritating to watch.



Mr. Trump revealed in a filing Thursday to the Federal Election Commission that the vast majority of the money he raised and spent this summer as he rose to the top of national polls came not from his own coffers, as it had in the spring, but from about $3.7 million in what he called “unsolicited contributions.” Some 74,000 donors pitched in an average of about $50 to help his campaign, he reported.
I think Rubio was campaigning for VP or national attention for the 2018 Florida Governor's seat and being christened as the establishment's last hope caught him off guard.

I think its more likely that Rubio just doesn't have the infrastructure in place to run a massive Presidential campaign or the skill set to build one. He's had one state-wide campaign and may not have won that if it wasn't for a historic Republican wave. People discount how hard it is to build a national system because Obama did it so well easy but even HRC is struggling to duplicate what OFA did.


Lawrence Lessig announces that he won't resign after all.

the atlantic said:
If the Democrats won’t take seriously a candidate with a viable, credible, and professionally managed campaign just because it includes a promise to step aside once the work is done, then fine. You win. I drop that promise.

I am running for president. I am running with the purpose of restoring this democracy. I will make that objective primary. I will do everything possible to make it happen first, by working with Congress to pass fundamental reform first.

After we pass that reform, I will remain as president to make sure the reforms stick. I will work with Congress to assure they are implemented. I will defend them against legislative or legal attack.

But beyond that priority, I would do everything else a president must do, too. Which means I bear the burden in this campaign of convincing America I could do that well. Like every other candidate, I will outline my position on the policies that I would press, once reform is achieved. In every relevant way, my campaign will be like every other campaign—except mine will place democracy first.


This is, actually, a little better than the original magical president theory, although Lessig is still basically the Donald Trump of the Democratic party.
Okay, I feel fine with Hillary as the next president, but I do have to say that some of the things she said during the debate really irritated me.

Lie about Snowden.
Lie about prior position on TPP.
Ridiculous claim about how we need more marijuana studies.
Defending U.S. intervention into Libya.

These things will probably help her in the general and she'll never be attacked for these things because we (the left) don't want to eat our own and these are statements that the right largely likes.... But it was still irritating to watch.

I don't see why she's playing it safe with marijuana. If anything, saying you're for legalization could help with turnout among young voters.
I don't see why she's playing it safe with marijuana. If anything, saying you're for legalization could help with turnout among young voters.

Maybe HRC could have answered it better but I think there are legitimate concerns with how legalization has been implemented so far. Especially with how easy it is for minors to get consumables. My friends in Colorado are really worried that the middle class parents are going to turn against legal pot because of all the stories it.
It wont be the candidate calling her out. It'll be the SuperPACs. Over and over again.

You think they care? Lol...it's an attack ad....hypocrisy and double-standards are in the cards. Not to mention, attack ads are usually full of deceptive, out of context information that preys on low information voters. Clinton has the Wall Street stigma. They could care less about the overwhelming number of voters that will be unmoved....they care about the ones that will ONLY.

There is no moral compass to attack ads.

This makes no sense.

Republicans won't paint her as being lax on Wall Street because that's exactly what they want from a president.

They'll try to do the opposite: paint her as an over-regulating, job-killing Democrat.

Like if you agree
Anyone have link to the next question from the black dude?

No but I gotta say based on his bored behavior (and race) I can't help but think he's a planted questioner. My friend worked on Ron Paul's 2008 campaign and said every planted questioner they used would be bored as fuck since he or she had to stay at the rally the entire time, whereas actual supporters would be excited or awake regardless of age.

User 406

"Hillary Clinton helped Barack Hussein Obama crash the global economy so her Wall Street fatcat backers could make trillions shorting the market. But CANDIDATE NAME HERE is ready to fight to get Washington regulators off the back of job creators and hardworking small business owners, and build a new prosperity for America."

C'mon, are we forgetting Karl Rove already? They can totally take two completely contradictory positions at the same time and sell it with a straight face. They've done it plenty of times.


No but I gotta say based on his bored behavior (and race) I can't help but think he's a planted questioner. My friend worked on Ron Paul's 2008 campaign and said every planted questioner they used would be bored as fuck since he or she had to stay at the rally the entire time, whereas actual supporters would be excited or awake regardless of age.
Jeb: "Did you remember your line?"




LMAO at Rubio's third quarter fundraising compared to Trumps. Rubio raised $5.7 million in the third quarter spending a significant portion of his time dedicated to fundraising while Trump raised $4 million without even trying. Come on Rubio, are you even trying?
I never mean it as a competition, but every time I see stuff like this I just link


Where so many people died because Reagan told marines to not load their guns in known hostile territory. It's not even conspiracy. The order is documented, and Reagan's own administration said he was at fault.

and they never seem to post about Benghazi again.
Are you talking about the barracks bombing? That's different than the embassy
LMAO at Rubio's third quarter fundraising compared to Trumps. Rubio raised $5.7 million in the third quarter spending a significant portion of his time dedicated to fundraising while Trump raised $4 million without even trying. Come on Rubio, are you even trying?

trump's poll numbers are at least triple what rubio's are, and bush is competing for donors from rubio's home state. I'm not sure thats the fairest of comparisons.
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