They've had a lot of fun with that question. I've also seen disgust at our failure to recognize that Jim Webb had the best answer since he talked about real enemies and not just political enemies.
Even when the question was about political enemies.
They've had a lot of fun with that question. I've also seen disgust at our failure to recognize that Jim Webb had the best answer since he talked about real enemies and not just political enemies.
The new Canadian PM. A true HOSILF
As did people into hot dudes. Trudeau is distractingly pretty.
that Fiorina drop is pretty amazing. i guess once people googled her CEO background they pretty much jumped out the window saying NOPERepublican results from the CNN/ORC poll posted earlier have Trump at 27 and Carson at 22.
Jeb! and Rubio at 8%.
Fiorina's brief stint near the top is seemingly over. She's down to 4% losing 11 points since last CNN/ORC poll.
Dem results from the NBC/WSJ poll has Clinton up 7 from their last poll at 49.
Sanders is down 6 at 29% and Diamond Joe is at 15%.
38% don't want Biden to run, 30% do.
Clinton 54
Sanders 23
Biden 16
Clinton 64
Sanders 25
Clinton 49
Sanders 29
Biden 15
Clinton 58
Sanders 33
Never stop believingMess. Sandersummer is over.
I don't think he can recover tbh. The debate was so, so crucial. The dream is (almost) dead.
Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb will announce Tuesday that he is dropping out of the Democratic presidential race, Fox News has learned.
Webb is said to be disillusioned with the Democratic Party -- as well as the Republican Party -- and how the political parties are being pulled to allegedly extreme positions by the huge amounts of loosely regulated money fueling the campaigns.
Webb has a press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. ET.
While Webb is thought to be weighing a possible independent bid, he is not expected to launch an independent campaign for president Tuesday. Rather, he's expected to take some time after his announcement to talk with people from across the political spectrum before making a decision.
Mess. Sandersummer is over.
I don't think he can recover tbh. The debate was so, so crucial. The dream is (almost) dead.
Biden is announcing in two days though to send her back down the stairs.
I'm sure ErasureAcer will stop by shortly to unskew these polls for everyone.
Nah, he will just claim the true test of how well a candidate will do is Facebook likes.
I'm sure ErasureAcer will stop by shortly to unskew these polls for everyone.
He was an okay Senator but never Presidential material.
Can't find any legit source for that schiavo thang, btw.
melon, you've disappointed me.
Up your journalist game 19 brahJeb deciding to go to his most popular issue left after Trump shoved him into another toilet:
These new polls showing plunging Sanders deserve a new OT thread. I really want to hear more about how Sanders supporters support Biden!
To be fair, these polls only counted people that were mostly or partly alive.
He's not wrong about the polarization, although as president he really wouldn't be able to do much about it anyhow. If he wants elected office he should go back to state politics or the legislative branch where his talents will be better put to use.
Biden previews his message against Clinton: "I don't consider Republicans enemies, they're friends."
If THAT is how he differentiates his campaign ... holy shit. He's fully indoctrinated into the Obama syndrome of not calling out the problem -- you cannot negotiate with terrorists.
If THAT is how he differentiates his campaign ... holy shit. He's fully indoctrinated into the Obama syndrome of not calling out the problem -- you cannot negotiate with terrorists.
If THAT is how he differentiates his campaign ... holy shit. He's fully indoctrinated into the Obama syndrome of not calling out the problem -- you cannot negotiate with terrorists.
If THAT is how he differentiates his campaign ... holy shit. He's fully indoctrinated into the Obama syndrome of not calling out the problem -- you cannot negotiate with terrorists.
Is there anyone who knows Cruz on a personal or professional level who actually likes him?
I haven't read a single positive anecdote about the guy. It's amazing that someone so thoroughly disliked has ascended to such a high level in politics.
Biden what are you doing. Ugh. She is going to destroy you.
Yeah, no thanks Biden. You lost me before it even began.
And I think saying Cheney is a decent guy makes me question your character. says was neither in the go or don't-go camp on Bin Laden in front of other advisers to give Obama space; privately he advised, "Go." president then turned to Mr. Biden. “He said, ‘Joe, what do you think?’ And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.’ ”
How can anyone be friends with Republicans when they don't even like EACH OTHER?
if anyone is being honest with themselves, the only way to heal the divide in this country is to reach out to each other, not double down on hatred. Blah blah republicans suck I know but in politics in this country you can't go it alone. I agree with and support what Biden said.
Btw corey read the last page if you haven't
Maine could become the first state to swap its traditional election system for one in which the winning candidates for Congress and state offices are selected by ranked-choice voting.
On Monday, the Committee for Ranked Choice Voting, a state organization backed by national advocates, will submit signed petitions to the Secretary of States Office seeking to put the proposal on the November 2016 ballot. If the petition signatures are certified, the measure would appear alongside several other questions on legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage and a Maine Republican Party-led initiative to overhaul the states welfare system and reduce the income tax.
Ranked-choice voting is designed to ensure that the winning candidate receives a majority vote. Advocates say it also ensures that candidates appeal to a cross-section of voters, not just the narrow, active constituencies that often decide party primary contests.
No longer can you win by turning out a certain excited group of people within your party, but you really have to reach out to moderates, conservatives and progressives within your own party, said Kyle Bailey, the campaign manager for The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting. I think that will make a very powerful impact in improving our politics.
Here's how to fix polarization: Shut down Fox News. Not sure how you legally do that, but that'd be a great start.