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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Biden saying he doesn't consider republicans as enemies isn't a big deal.

But him saying that Dick Cheney was a decent man, that's too much for me. Please never repeat those words again Joe.

You can't blame bush for 9/11.

Dick cheney said so.....

The complete abetting by the media of republican evasion on the very real fact bush was president for 9 months before 9/11 is astonishing.
Ari Fleischer totally played the same card, saying Clinton had 8 years whereas Bush had 9 months
This seems like a self defeating post, but continue on.
You are right now that I think about it. Or maybe I'm just weary from defending myself on a thousand fronts
Short of resigning or impeaching himself I don't know how else he was supposed to cater to them.
You're laboring under the incorrect assumption that I think Obama should have sacrificed more principles to wrest compromise from the gnarled fingers of the conservatives. Don't look for ways to prove me wrong. My position is clear as day: Don't fuck them all, or sacrifice what you believe in to win bipartisan votes, just leave the door to compromise open.
Now I have to go somewhere and I don't have data on my phone so I hope I will not be the recipient of more fired shots
Biden might jump in because of Bernie not being a good alternative to Hillary.

But I don't think Biden will last long and could end up like Romney early this year .
I think there's some "Not Hillary" vote amongst the Bern, but the with/without polling generally shows he pulls votes by about 3:1 from Clinton vs Sanders, or higher.

I mean I think if he does jump in it's because he genuinely thinks he'd make a better President, if that's what you mean. His inner circle probably believe it too and for whatever reason think they can mount an effective campaign this late from a standing start. There doesn't seem to be any data-driven/logical rationale to it.

And that doesn't actually seem to be a reflection of the wider party or electorate sentiment. There really doesn't seem to be any clamouring for him to run (beyond the self-interest of the media).
I'm just saying that those are the things that happen in the name of compromise, and if all we get for that is "surplus," well count me out. I don't really find the concept of a surplus to be that compelling.
That speaks more to the failure of the official elected on your side of the aisle to not veto it, then. And a surplus is 18 trillion dollars better than what we have now.
Now I swear I'm leaving for real


After the 2008 elections you had a President elected with over 350 EV and a near filibuster proof Senate. Republicans dug in even deeper and were rewarded for it hugely. If that wasn't enough to wake up conservatives I don't know what will.

That was typical Democat herding cats and why I re-registered Non Partisan instead of Dem before that :lol

Washington Post Accidentally Publishes Biden Presidential Announcement Story

The Washington Post accidentally published the article it had prepared in the event Vice President Joe Biden announces his presidential campaign on Monday night, due to a "technical glitch" when someone was attempting to embed a video. The story included background and analysis, if Biden were to become a candidate.

The article was quickly replaced with an editor's note: "This file was inadvertently published."


Cruz being the nominee and then losing badly would be the first step towards mainstream Republicans taking their party back from the Tea Party.
I think there's some "Not Hillary" vote amongst the Bern, but the with/without polling generally shows he pulls votes by about 3:1 from Clinton vs Sanders, or higher.

I mean I think if he does jump in it's because he genuinely thinks he'd make a better President, if that's what you mean. His inner circle probably believe it too and for whatever reason think they can mount an effective campaign this late from a standing start. There doesn't seem to be any data-driven/logical rationale to it.

And that doesn't actually seem to be a reflection of the wider party or electorate sentiment. There really doesn't seem to be any clamouring for him to run (beyond the self-interest of the media).

I don't doubt he thinks he can be a good president. I think considering that Bernie isn't be the best alt it may give him room to jump in also. It is probably just him and some people pushing to run. With all the issues with jumping in late, I don't think he will last very long.


I just don't see the point in pushing for bipartisanship at this particular point in time when the major right-wing party is so fundamentally broken that it can't even negotiate with itself, let alone the left-wing party.

I mean, bipartisanship can work when we're dealing with two functional political parties. What's the point of Democrats bending over backwards to appease Republicans when the Republican Party is holding a gun to its own head?

Right. If your selling point is that you can negotiate with republicans to get bill passed, then I really don't want you in office.


Anyone thinking Gowdy is going to postpone the hearing?

Not a chance. The landscape has shifted completely against the committee, but if they delay it further, the Dem surrogates can just keep hammering away at its legitimacy. The GOP fucked up their best opportunity to take down Hilldawg. Certainly, she could get pinned down on a question or just completely fuck it up on Thursday, but the bottom line is that Republicans were handed the best possible advantage one could have ever hoped for and they managed to bungle it.
Not a chance. The landscape has shifted completely against the committee, but if they delay it further, the Dem surrogates can just keep hammering away at its legitimacy. The GOP fucked up their best opportunity to take down Hilldawg. Certainly, she could get pinned down on a question or just completely fuck it up on Thursday, but the bottom line is that Republicans were handed the best possible advantage one could have ever hoped for and they managed to bungle it.
I believe Gowdy and his buddies are thinking about letting the smoke blow over. It's the silly season, and soon enough the media will chase a new story from Trump or Jeb or whoever and McCarthy comments will be in the rear view mirror. They might also think they will need to uncover a megaton and need more time.


That speaks more to the failure of the official elected on your side of the aisle to not veto it, then. And a surplus is 18 trillion dollars better than what we have now.
Now I swear I'm leaving for real

Not trying to draw you back, but just to be clear to lurkers, a "surplus" is a temporary moment of positive deficit and not a moment where our $18 trillion national debt is erased. For context, Clinton's surplus was 710 billion dollars "better" than what we have now.


Reid backs Paul Ryan for Speaker, which feels like that time Reid convinced Bush to nominate Harriet Miers for the SCOTUS.

He really knows how to play this game.


Over 40 is different than over 45 especially when the poll in question doesn't even provide a breakdown for ages above 45. 5 years is a considerable amount of people and Bernie does much worse with people 65+

While New Hampshire’s total population has fluctuated little, the state’s 65 and older population swelled 8.7 percent since 2010, according to Census Bureau estimates. Its median age also increased from 41.1 to 42 years – the largest increase of any state.


These polling people know what they are doing.
If Larry David as Bernie Sanders becomes a recurring thing, I wonder how it will influence the public's perception of Sanders.

I mean, this feels like it could potentially be the most culturally relevant SNL thing since Tina Fey as Palin, and that had a HUGE impact on people's opinions of Palin. And not in a good way.

And if it does end up being as influential as I think it could be, I wonder if it's a net positive or or a net negative for Sanders. LD is funny and endearing as him, but he's also portraying him as a ranting old fart. So I could see it going either way.
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