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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Republican results from the CNN/ORC poll posted earlier have Trump at 27 and Carson at 22.

Jeb! and Rubio at 8%.

Fiorina's brief stint near the top is seemingly over. She's down to 4% losing 11 points since last CNN/ORC poll.

Dem results from the NBC/WSJ poll has Clinton up 7 from their last poll at 49.
Sanders is down 6 at 29% and Diamond Joe is at 15%.

38% don't want Biden to run, 30% do.

Bye Fiorina


also, interesting question from the CNN/ORC poll:


say goodbye to the "trump is no one's second choice" narrative.


Sidhe / PikPok
You can tell emailghazi is running out of steam...

Judicial Watch is now digging up Whitewater documents.

They really are scrambling around for anything.

Once again the strategy of the entire Right seems to be focused on trying to discredit the candidate with tenuous and petty claims and accusations rather than building great policy positions of their own and attacking the policy of the candidate. Pretty much the same as how the GOP field is attacking amongst each other.

Will be about as effective as "pals around with terrorists" was.
What were you hoping for?

Ryan is about as far-right economically as you're gonna get and that's bad news.

Ryan is a hard-liner. Much more so than Boehner ever was. I'd much rather him turn down the job and force Boehner to stay. I'd much rather there be dysfunction than him. Dysfuntion would have hurt them in next year's election.

Ryan may fail but he also has the potential to be much stronger in hard-line positions than Boehner. And he will be given credit for every deal actually made by the press. This is not good news for any Dem, imo.


Ryan is about as far-right economically as you're gonna get and that's bad news.

Ryan is a hard-liner. Much more so than Boehner ever was. I'd much rather him turn down the job and force Boehner to stay. I'd much rather there be dysfunction than him.

Ryan may fail but he also has the potential to be much stronger in hard-line positions than Boehner. And he will be given credit for every deal actually made by the press. This is not good news for any Dem, imo.
I agree with you.

But, short of there being a GOP-Democratic coalition this is as "good" as it can get because it's either Ryan or some fuckwit from the Freedom Caucus.

I am surprised Cathy McMorris Rodgers didn't aggressively pursue this though.



Ryan is about as far-right economically as you're gonna get and that's bad news.

Ryan is a hard-liner. Much more so than Boehner ever was. I'd much rather him turn down the job and force Boehner to stay. I'd much rather there be dysfunction than him. Dysfuntion would have hurt them in next year's election.

Ryan may fail but he also has the potential to be much stronger in hard-line positions than Boehner. And he will be given credit for every deal actually made by the press. This is not good news for any Dem, imo.
Hardline policies also hurt. I much prefer him to the other candidates.
Hardline policies also hurt. I much prefer him to the other candidates.

He IS the hardliner. When did he become the moderate? Ryan is about as far-right as you can get in the real world.

Freedom Caucus was never getting anyone to become speaker, diablos. Boehner would have stayed or some no-name more moderate person would have taken the reigns at some point.

Paul Ryan is pretty much the Freedom Caucus, just probably slightly not willing to go as far to destroy the world.


He IS the hardliner. When did he become the moderate? Ryan is about as far-right as you can get in the real world.

Freedom Caucus was never getting anyone to become speaker, diablos. Boehner would have stayed or some no-name more moderate person would have taken the reigns at some point.

Paul Ryan is pretty much the Freedom Caucus, just probably slightly not willing to go as far to destroy the world.
The whole reason Ryan didn't want to be Speaker is that he knows if he has the job he has to be relatively responsible and can't lob bombs from the sidelines and take "no" votes on things like the debt limit anymore.

That's why he's telling the FC to shut up and get in line.

Also, he's no more influential as Speaker than as W+M chairman (read: very) within the party. If he wanted a vote on something, he'd just have to ask Boehner.


Unconfirmed Member

Sounds like what we've been hearing over the weekend. Ryan's demands are pretty large because he doesn't care if he doesn't get the job and the Freedom Caucus isn't sure what to think about it. They're basically giving up the control they had over the speaker in exchange for a speaker they like a little better.



Sounds like what we've been hearing over the weekend. Ryan's demands are pretty large because he doesn't care if he doesn't get the job and the Freedom Caucus isn't sure what to think about it. They're basically giving up the control they had over the speaker in exchange for a speaker they like a little better.

Peeking over at FreeRepublic, they really don't want Ryan. Seems like freepers (and Breitbarters, etc) need to start calling their Freedom Caucus reps, reminding them of what David Brat did to Eric Cantor.


What is wrong with this country, that we elect these fools.

They're grim over the prospect that their guy doesn't want the nation to default on it's debt? What is it? For fuck's sake. Can I move to Canada on the Liberal tidal wave pls


They can't primary Ryan, his district is just R+3. There wouldn't be enough hardline conservatives there to pull off an effective primary.


Mitt Romney: Here’s why I’d rather not have Paul Ryan as speaker


Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) says that there's one major downside to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) becoming the next speaker of the House.

In an interview with CNN on Sunday, the former Republican presidential nominee said he was concerned that if Ryan takes on the job as speaker, it may spoil the congressman's chances for potential future White House run.
This poll is not fulfilling my needs 1) it doesn't provide statistical breakdown of the age groups above 45 years of age 2) 70% of the polled are above 45 y/o.
Polling generally aims to reflect the nature of the electorate, rather than to specifically please your needs.

I don't really know what your first point is supposed to mean. They did breakdown the over 45s into two groups 46-65 and 65+.


Unconfirmed Member
They can't primary Ryan, his district is just R+3. There wouldn't be enough hardline conservatives there to pull off an effective primary.

They'll probably have to take him out of that district before 2018 given how much people hate speakers these days.


They'll probably have to take him out of that district before 2018 given how much people hate speakers these days.

yes indeed. If there is a wave next year and Ryan is shared in the blame watch out. I did not know he was in a +3 district. Walker and the legislature did not draw his lines more Republican?


Unconfirmed Member
yes indeed. If there is a wave next year and Ryan is shared in the blame watch out. I did not know he was in a +3 district. Walker and the legislature did not draw his lines more Republican?

Probably didn't think they needed too. His seat is super safe right now. Just might not be after the stink of leadership rubs off on him.


Harry Reid endorsed Ryan.

The Democratic leader offered his surprise backing for Ryan (R-Wis.) to assume the House speakership, saying he hopes Ryan runs and wins the job because he's a "Paul Ryan fan."

"He appears to me to be one of the people over there that would be reasonable. I mean look at some of the other people," Reid said. "I don't agree with him on much of what he does. I think what he's done with Medicare and Medicaid, what he's wanted to do I disagree with. But generally speaking we've been able to work with him."
There was probably a long, desperate lecture pleading the freedom caucus to accept ryan, and stern reminders that they better not throw into the trash the chance to dominate the the house, white house and senate.
If i were one of them that would leave me sober too
Because you prefer not to have you eyeballs spontaneously combust in your skull?
Hee hee but i read wonkette don't i
And sometimes i will hatewatch sean hannity
I honestly don't see the Freeper Caucus agreeing Ryan's bid for speaker, especially after the way the news got out; "I will be a speaker only if the idiots shut up and get in line". I would expect him to get shot down really fast and frankly speaking, I see Paul Ryan wanting to get shot down so he's finally out of the circus, which is why he is going about this in an ostensibly boneheaded way. I don't really blame him.
Harry Reid endorsed Ryan.

Reid poisoning the waters. Lol.
I honestly don't see the Freeper Caucus agreeing Ryan's bid for speaker, especially after the way the news got out; "I will be a speaker only if the idiots shut up and get in line". I would expect him to get shot down really fast and frankly speaking, I see Paul Ryan wanting to get shot down so he's finally out of the circus, which is why he is going about this in an ostensibly boneheaded way. I don't really blame him.

Reid poisoning the waters. Lol.
Cory Gardner's spokesman was complaining about Reid's endorsement saying he was trying to stoke division. Like its controversial to say someone from the other party might be a workable alternative? lol

I mean don't get me wrong. That's totally what he's doing. This is the "Obama endorses oxygen, Republicans stop breathing" play.


Zeke Miller ‏@ZekeJMiller 60m60 minutes ago
Biden hits Hillary again: The other team is not the enemy. If you treat it as the enemy there is no way you can ever..to fix the dysfunction

Zeke Miller ‏@ZekeJMiller 1h1 hour ago
Biden in veiled shot at Clinton ‘enemy’ line says it’s “naïve” to think “it’s remotely possible to govern this country” without consensus.

Jonathan Martin ‏@jmartNYT 2m2 minutes ago McLean, VA
.@vp today signals: he'll run & it'll get negative FAST or: he's not happy about being sidelined, will troll

Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 58m58 minutes ago
2/2...and probably won't endorse anytime soon. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/10/2...in-laden.html?referer=https://www.google.com/ …

Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 59m59 minutes ago
Biden's subtle digs at Clinton indicate that if he runs it'll be ugly, and if he doesn't, he isn't happy w her...1/2

2 things:

Firstly: in principle, Biden is right. In practice, he's wrong. You cannot govern without consensus, but when the entire purpose of the other side's tenure in congress is to kill any potential consensus... there's not much point in courting them. Do what you can without them, and don't bother pussyfooting around about it. They're not gonna suddenly become responsible statesmen 'cause you were polite.

Secondly: I'm now totally convinced that the only way this Speaker thing is going to be resolved is if Boehner just sticks around (no resolution at all) or the next Speaker gets in with D votes, which would necessitate either a really moderate republican, or one that makes massive concessions.


Watching the zoo of the speakership race vs. Biden's "how your horses guys we can work with these folks" is too much for me.


Perhaps it's time to break the seal on Joe Lieberman's room and get him for Speaker.

That certainly seems like a terrible idea that both sides might vote for.
And this attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, "If you expel them, they'll all come here." "So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, "Burn them." And he was sought in, during the Nuremberg trials for prosecution. He escaped it and later died of cancer, after the war, died of cancer in Cairo. But this is what Haj Amin al-Husseini said. He said, ":The Jews seek to destroy the Temple Mount."

Who said it: Ben Carson or the head of the Israeli government?
He IS the hardliner. When did he become the moderate? Ryan is about as far-right as you can get in the real world.

Freedom Caucus was never getting anyone to become speaker, diablos. Boehner would have stayed or some no-name more moderate person would have taken the reigns at some point.

Paul Ryan is pretty much the Freedom Caucus, just probably slightly not willing to go as far to destroy the world.

If he takes the position soon, he'll be forced to deal with the government shutdown. No matter which stance he takes there, he'll take a hit.

long term it's win win.
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