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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Trump Cabinet

Oprah - VP
Carson - United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Cruz - Supreme Court

Than assigns a camera crew to follow them around, once a quarter his cabinet meet and one of his Secretaries gets cut on live tv for failing to deploy his policies.

And a high position for each and every Kardashian.


The most dangerously stupid ticket since like... the 1850s or so?
Still better than Goldwater.



Is the "motion to vacate the chair" an actual House rule or something internal to each caucus, meaning, if the Republicans go along with Ryan and actually abolish the thing, would Dems have to actually reinstate it if they took control of the chamber?

It's part of Robert's Rules of Order. If the GOP actually got rid of it, they'd have to put it back.

It would be kind of insane to get rid of it, though, like, then how would you vacate the chair? Sometimes you need to do that.


Republican Voters, in Focus Group, Express Rage at Career Politicians

The anger of Republican primary voters at the political class could have blistered the paint in a conference room during a focus group in Indianapolis.

“We did what we were supposed to do: we wrote the letters and we made the phone calls, and they did not listen,’’ said Marenda Babcock, 60, a freelance writer.

“We’ve lost our voices as constituents,’’ echoed Christopher Berry, 50, who works in agriculture.

Dwight Podgurski, 58, coordinator of a campus ministry, compared Washington to the cesspool depicted in “House of Cards.’’

The voters were part of a focus group convened on Tuesday night by the pollster Peter D. Hart, who asked with some befuddlement why Republicans, who for decades picked presidential nominees with deep governing experience, were throwing the rule out the window. Donald J. Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, who between them poll at more than 50 percent, have no elected experience.

“I think we’re just tired of politicians in general,’’ said Shonda Sonnefield, 40, a homemaker. “They don’t keep their word. Their morals are loose. We’re ready for someone who has not been in that world, whether Carly, Ben or Trump.’’

Pretty entertaining.

This sense of rage - this word keeps popping-up - will be maintained when the debt ceiling is raised and PP is funded. Delicious.


I don't think Biden would announce with Obama there.. but who knows?


aka andydumi
Pretty entertaining.

This sense of rage - this word keeps popping-up - will be maintained when the debt ceiling is raised and PP is funded. Delicious.


I don't think Biden would announce with Obama there.. but who knows?

The thing is the outrage has some legitimate roots. But the answer seems to be in part lobby and funding reform, to make politicians accountable to the people, not to the corporations/PACS that fund them. As opposed to picking someone without experience. Except Trump I guess, who is self-funded.


I wonder if the reactions to the comments the past few days sealed the deal.

Taking dibs on whether they keep including Biden in polls . . . you know . . . just because.


gg Biden.
Not really

I think he made the right choice.

He has been a fantastic VP; seems like a perfectly good place for him to end his career.

I can't think of a VP that was stronger since George H.W. Bush. Well, Cheney was strong, but in the worst ways.
Not sure why anyone ever thought this was a legitimate possibility. Just the media pissing in the wind over a viable challenger to Hillary.

And no, Sanders isn't a viable challenger.
Not surprised whatsoever. I am amazed that so many people (reporters/politicians) were willing to stake claims based on 'insider knowledge' that ended up being completely wrong at numerous times.

It's not like Biden was in every dem poll though, so I don't know how much that changes the stats as opposed to the narrative.


Not sure why anyone ever thought this was a legitimate possibility. Just the media pissing in the wind over a viable challenger to Hillary.

And no, Sanders isn't a viable challenger.
Biden's own supporters and people he presumably spends time with behind closed doors were teasing this forever. There's a lot of reasons why we would have deemed a Biden run as being entirely possible.

He's a sitting vice president and Hillary is 50/50 going to jail. Of course it was a legitimate possibility.
Hillary's not going to jail.

If she is, fuck you Biden for not running. It's not your fault, but I have to blame someone.


Man, Walker and the republicans are doing some bullshit in Wisconsin right now.

One bill, passed by the Republican-controlled state Senate and Assembly on Tuesday, limits the tools available to investigate corrupt officials on the city, county, and state level. For more than 100 years, using Wisconsin’s unique process called a “John Doe” investigation, prosecutors have been able to subpoena witnesses and gather evidence to present to a judge without having to convene a grand jury.

On Wednesday and later this week, the legislature will debate a bill to make several changes to Wisconsin’s campaign finance law — doubling the amount that can be donated directly to candidates, and allowing outside groups that can anonymously collect unlimited funds to coordinate with those candidates in advertising and campaigning.

Finally, Wisconsin Republicans are pushing a bill to take the state’s non-partisan Government Accountability Board (GAB) and split it into two partisan agencies: One to oversee elections and one to investigate and enforce ethics law. Each would have three Democrat and three Republican members, yet the agencies could only act if a majority of the board members vote together. The change would take place just four months before the 2016 presidential election.
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