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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Democrats on the Benghazi committee release Cheryl Mill's testimony, Gowdy's spokesman accuses them of making this about Hillary and not the four Americans

What...I mean, what? This is blatant misinformation. I woupdnt be surprised if morons start calling Limbaugh's show and accuse democrats of politicizing the deaths and using the committee to boost her polling numbers.

The Dems need to push this as a response:

The mothers of two CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs killed in the 2012 attacks on the U.S. compound in Benghazi are outraged by a “cruel and callous” political ad that invokes images of their sons to level charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Barbara Doherty of Woburn, whose son Glen Doherty died in the attack, told the Herald, “It’s so crude and so unfeeling to do something like this. To see your own son and hear a voice coming up from the grave, it’s tasteless.”

A picture of Doherty’s son appears first in the ad. “Dear Hillary Clinton, I’d like to ask you why you ignored calls for help in Benghazi and then four Americas were murdered,” a voice reads.

Doherty’s mother said this is the first time someone has put words into her son’s mouth like that — and he wouldn’t have liked it. “I won’t use the language he would have used, but he would be very upset.”

Cheryl Croft Bennett, whose son, Tyrone Woods, died in the attacks, said the ad triggered the type of anger that she had avoided since he was killed.

“I have not been angry because it’s counter-productive. But this ad made me angry,” she said.


Remember, the guy who made the commercial worked for Gowdy recently and Gowdy had to return donations as a result of it.


Reading crap bout the potential Ryan speakership, a news story reminded me all about that debacle about him and his family washing already cleaned dishes at a soup kitchen for the photo-op during the campaign, haha. I'd forgotten about that.


Did not take long.

After Biden exit, Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (@GovernorMarkell) endorses Hillary Clinton in interview. "She is the strongest candidate."

This didn't take long, from Wilmington Mayor @DennisPWilliams: "Yes, I am supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton.” via @JennaPizzi
I wish.
I mean, RuPaul supporters, at the end of the day still went and voted for the party, no?

I'm more referencing the online passion coupled with the sudden train that will hit them after the vote is counted.

Ron Paul voters were convinced the night of the election they'd win. Every time.

A new Monmouth poll finds that 52% of the American public feels that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account during her time as Secretary of State was mainly a matter of convenience compared to 33% who say this behavior suggests she has something to hide.

In addition, 59% of the public are tired of hearing about this issue while just 32% say the media should continue to cover it.



Conservative Republican Representative Thomas Massie told reporters Ryan's conditions for running "crossed into the unreasonable category" and were designed to give him a way out.
LOL! called it the moment the news broke.


Are we really measuring the drapes if its a Hillary Vs Trump race?

PoliGAF can't survive a six month snooze fest of a general election


Still don't get all this Nate hate. I think it stems to 2014 and people refusing to believe his numbers. Then him gloating about being right.
I have thought the same thing.

The denial of his numbers in 2014 was embarrassing. No objective observer could honestly believe Dems would hold the Senate as we got closer to election day.

It was crazy and just a really embarrassing time all around. I really hope if things are starting to look bad Fall 2016 we don't see the same level of absurd denial.


I don't even know if I believe that FiveThirtyEight is in that much trouble. Traffic is way up from last year (when it was truly anemic), it'll only continue increasing as the cycle continues.

I'm just disappointed with how facile and, frankly, not particularly numbers-based, a lot of their politics stuff has been. But I blame that as much on Nate, the editor, as opposed to Nate, the writer, (plus ESPN), as it seems like 60-75% of all the politics coverage is written by Harry Enten and not Nate. At the end of the day, 538 is still Nate. Enten seems like a pretty standard, competent politics guy, but not the numbers wonk that Nate advertises himself as. it's still a nice looking site and some of the interactive stuff they've done, like the endorsement tracker, is intuitive and useful.

also, their new CARMELO model sucks. if he went to ESPN to get a chance to do more sports projection stuff like PETCOA, he's going to have to do a way better job than that... kind of a shockingly simplistic model to get in the game with this late


When I go to Nate, I want numbers stuff. I can get punditry anywhere.

Reminds me of a Zelda quote: "he was separated from the elements that made him a hero.."
Still don't get all this Nate hate. I think it stems to 2014 and people refusing to believe his numbers. Then him gloating about being right.
Nate talking about Trump's personality and other nonsense as a predictor of nomination is simply him being another dumb media bobblehead. We liked Nate because of his strict, religious devotion to numbers and data. But him veering into punditry because there is not enough data is just disappointment. 2012 Nate would have simply said there is no historical data or a big enough trend for me to analyze, so I cant make any prediction. But right now, he's as reliable as punxatawney phil.
It's gotta gnaw at them a bit that things haven't collapsed yet. MREs stashed-away, along with their cases of .22LR ammo and seed collections..

Well they can always use the MREs for dinner dates: http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=42740

I know the story is fake...its still funny though

On a more realistic note, I know MREs can last for a very long time. I don't know how long the modern MREs can hold up, but my dad would tell me about the equivalent MREs they would get while he was serving over in Vietnam. The US Military had packaged a bunch of extra for use in World War 2, and they were still using them up in the mid to late 60s...so at least 20 years. I'm told they were pretty unpalatable (and the cigarettes were so dried out, you got maybe 2 puffs out of them before they were gone.)


Still don't get all this Nate hate. I think it stems to 2014 and people refusing to believe his numbers. Then him gloating about being right.
I was a big fan of his until a few months ago. I completely agree with his longstanding fox vs hedgehog metaphor - media predictions are regularly wrong because they are rooted in rhetoric instead of data. Media may even embrace data, but use them in inappropriate ways to support their claims. I was excited by the rollout of his website and its "foxy" content.

But he's thrown that all away to join the hedgehogs. He and his team continue to bungle this primary and he still acts as if his hand-waving is more credible than the mainstream media. In the same breath, he says "the polls don't mean much this early" and pretends some nonsense metric had any predictive power. Maybe he should wait until he can offer a prediction with confidence. I expect him to have excellent general election coverage.


Well they can always use the MREs for dinner dates: http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=42740

I know the story is fake...its still funny though

On a more realistic note, I know MREs can last for a very long time. I don't know how long the modern MREs can hold up, but my dad would tell me about the equivalent MREs they would get while he was serving over in Vietnam. The US Military had packaged a bunch of extra for use in World War 2, and they were still using them up in the mid to late 60s...so at least 20 years. I'm told they were pretty unpalatable (and the cigarettes were so dried out, you got maybe 2 puffs out of them before they were gone.)
The oldest MREs I've ever eaten were about 10 years old, on a camping trip. Naaaaasty.


No Scrubs
Does Monmouth have a pretty accurate track record?

52% say Hillary used e-mails for convenience
33% say it was cause she had something to hide

59% say they're tired of hearing about e-mails
32% say the media should continue covering it


Oh and one other fun thing:

Jeb Bush:

27% favorable
47% unfavorable


The sample feels a little whiter than usual, but otherwise it looks ok.


I am so fucking tired of Jeb! ads here in South Carolina. They are so bad and only take into account what happened before the recession and not after.
No Diamond Joe.

I'm kind of curious at what point he came to this decision considering he spent the last few days taking veiled shots at Clinton.

I wonder how long it will take for those who were holding out on endorsing her and donating to her campaign to come into the fold now.


No Diamond Joe.

I'm kind of curious at what point he came to this decision considering he spent the last few days taking veiled shots at Clinton.

I wonder how long it will take for those who were holding out on endorsing her and donating to her campaign to come into the fold now.

It's gotta gnaw at them a bit that things haven't collapsed yet. MREs stashed-away, along with their cases of .22LR ammo and seed collections..

I'm not familiar with the term either, but this is exactly what several conservatives I know have been pinning all their hopes on since around when Obama got elected. It hasn't worked yet.

Yeah all we have to do is give Republicans full reins for a couple of years, and then everyone will realize how great the Democrats are! How could this possibly lead to disappointment among hard liberals



I've never even heard this term "accelerationism" before. Basically, full steam ahead to third-world to "teach everyone a lesson"?

My understanding is its not really tied to politics as much as economics and technology. Its kinda weird "humanitiy is vile" stuff. Read the link I posted above. Is some scary stuff.

It mostly comes from disaffected men. Its a type of facism which seeks to undermind the ability of humanity to make decisions and instead have decisions done to us


I am so fucking tired of Jeb! ads here in South Carolina. They are so bad and only take into account what happened before the recession and not after.
Are they only on TV? I haven't seen so much as a yard sign anywhere. I drove up to Chapel Hill for the weekend and they were everywhere.


Does Monmouth have a pretty accurate track record?

52% say Hillary used e-mails for convenience
33% say it was cause she had something to hide

59% say they're tired of hearing about e-mails
32% say the media should continue covering it


Oh and one other fun thing:

Jeb Bush:

27% favorable
47% unfavorable


i actually work at the company that does the surveys for Monmouth (and many other national polls), I can confirm they are at least more accurate than Fox News's polls.
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