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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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where is this from?

edit: ah, saw the thread
Judging by your avatar I imagine you're from the south too?

I think its a tendency of people here not being around people with that accent very often, because I too think he sounds about as fake as a two dollar bill when he speaks. It's that same bible belt snake in a suit type speaking you hear from all the televangelists down here when they beg you for a $1000 donation in 5 easy payments.

No, just went to UF, and, yes, you're dead on about the similarities to televangelists. But to me it's worse. The voice is fucking absurd; sounds like an evil villain in a cartoon. Plus, the head movements and index-finger-to thumb pointing oozes inflated sense of self and over-acting.


David Plouffe's reaction to the latest poll:
@DavidPlouffe said:
Carson and Trump over 50, not doing a single thing conventionally. Anyone expecting the "real" campaign to start may be waiting a long time


{and I still can't get over white voters ditching Vitter. Holy hell. *blink* }
Rick Santorum says Ted Cruz is too liberal on Immigration

The comment came in response to a questioner who insisted that Santorum should take on Democrats more forcefully on the issue.

"It's not just the Democrats. It's Democrats and Republicans," Santorum said. "It's Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and, yes, it's Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz wants to take the H-1B program and increase it by 500 percent. He wants to go from 65,000 to 330,000. Again, 'Mr. Conservative.' Everybody (says) how conservative he is. He wants to increase it by five times."

Santorum also said that an amendment Cruz offered to a bipartisan immigration reform bill two years ago would have allowed people in the country illegally to stay after the border was secured.

Here we go.


Montana to expand Medicaid, becoming the 30th state to do so:


HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montana will become the 30th state to expand its Medicaid program after federal health officials on Monday approved provisions that include requiring beneficiaries to pay premiums that amount to 2 percent of their income.

Gov. Steve Bullock announced the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' approval of the federal waiver needed for state officials to start enrollment this fall and begin coverage on Jan. 1.

The governor's office has said 70,000 people or more would be eligible for coverage under the expansion, but legislative fiscal analysts predicted about 45,700 would actually participate over the next four years.

Medicaid expansion was a key part of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, but a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2012 made it optional for states.

So far, 29 other states and the District of Columbia have expanded their programs. Six of those states received federal waivers allowing them flexibility in designing their programs.

Current map:


East Lake

No, just went to UF, and, yes, you're dead on about the similarities to televangelists. But to me it's worse. The voice is fucking absurd; sounds like an evil villain in a cartoon. Plus, the head movements and index-finger-to thumb pointing oozes inflated sense of self and over-acting.
Cruz is like someone who is obviously playing a part like Colbert was but there's no comedy to his act. He's not exactly the same as Colbert's character but his manner of speaking is similar. So with Colbert you're in on the joke and you can laugh, but with Cruz unless you buy into every opinion he has he just comes across as creepy and fake with no moment that feels human or unscripted.
I would lose my shit if Louisiana didn't elect vitter. The sad part is that I know he would only last 4 years as Louisiana is still extremely red. People just hate vitter that much.


I would lose my shit if Louisiana didn't elect vitter. The sad part is that I know he would only last 4 years as Louisiana is still extremely red. People just hate vitter that much.

I hope not. Edwards would be really good for redistricting if he managed to win reelection.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That sample size in that last poll for Carson is really low.

Mike M

Nick N
I think Trump's ground game will carry the day against Carson, but my mind is full of fuck at his inexplicable ascension.
So do the hardcore religious really like that Ben Carson promoted snake oil and then lied about not doing so?

Because his involvement with ripping off cancer patients and him talking about taxing GDP were literally the only things he said at the debate and he went up.


The great thing about Carson is that as far as I can tell none of the pundits understand why he's leading either. He's the Shaggs of politics.


No Scrubs
I think Trump's ground game will carry the day against Carson, but my mind is full of fuck at his inexplicable ascension.

Flavor of the month syndrome. Last time it was Fiorina and now its Carson, though Carson is doing better than she ever did.
The great thing about Carson is that as far as I can tell none of the pundits understand why he's leading either. He's the Shaggs of politics.

I largely understand Carson, but that debate performance was fucking horrid. He lied about ripping off parents of autistic children and then made ridiculous tax claims that were obviously false. I don't understand what people saw in that debate that made them like Carson more.

Maybe the general GOP voters don't like being called on unethical behavior or badly thought out ideas either and felt sympathy for Carson because of that...?

Cain was so much easier to understand than Carson.
Besides the comic factor I'm not really sure people should be freaking out about the GOP Iowa state of the race. Only thing useful I can see emerging from there is not necessarily who wins (since it doesn't matter one whit overall) but which group of candidates is near the top and which is languishing at bottom. Right now, looks like Jeb is angling for that coveted position of 6-7th place and complete irrelevancy. Can it be true that his campaign hasn't knocked on one solitary door in Iowa? Amazing, guess we'll find out. Real fight is gonna be NH, SC, and Nevada. Can't wait for those. And of course Cruz is looking to pounce on Southern Tuesday.
I think Trump's ground game will carry the day against Carson, but my mind is full of fuck at his inexplicable ascension.

I'm thinking the same thing re: the ground game. If they're close in polling the day of, Better organization on Trump's part is going to win out.

I get carson's appeal in Iowa though. Santorum won that (out of nowhere!) in 2012, and Huckabee won it in 08. They LOVE crazy ass evangelicals there, and it's not a great metric for the rest of the country.
I still can't believe that racist white people are still defending cops shit with the Zachary Hammond murder. For a nation that fucking hates government, we sure revere government backed, union members that are legally allowed to kill U.S. citizens.
I still can't believe that racist white people are still defending cops shit with the Zachary Hammond murder. For a nation that fucking hates government, we sure revere government backed, union members that are legally allowed to kill U.S. citizens.

conservatives tend to be authoritarians, not a surprise. Besides, cops are local government- much different than the feds coming in from washington to impose the will of big government on you.

That crowd will revere local cops and sheriffs, while foaming at the mouth over the CIA, ATF, FBI, Black Helicopters, etc.
John Oliver eviscerated Matt Bevin last night, holy shit.

Regarding Carson, I think what we might be seeing is the same effect for Trump, but from another angle.

A lot of people seem to support Trump not for his ideas but for his rhetoric and for not being a career politician. Carson fills the latter but also the former, just from a difference way. He's calm and mild-mannered, so for those people who want an outsider but not someone who comes across as an asshole, there's Ben Carson.

I really am starting the think about half of the GOP base doesn't actually care about the politics/policies being espoused. What they care about is language. about being different.

Chuck Klosterman believes this to be the case. He said something like the people he knows that support Trump don't think he'd be a good President. They don't even think he'd be the best shot at beating Hillary. But they're sick of the regular politicians and they like how Trump talks.

But he also wonders if they'll actually do it when push comes to shove at the polls. It's an interesting thought and I guess we'll see how it plays out.
John Oliver eviscerated Matt Bevin last night, holy shit.

Regarding Carson, I think what we might be seeing is the same effect for Trump, but from another angle.

A lot of people seem to support Trump not for his ideas but for his rhetoric and for not being a career politician. Carson fills the latter but also the former, just from a difference way. He's calm and mild-mannered, so for those people who want an outsider but not someone who comes across as an asshole, there's Ben Carson.

I really am starting the think about half of the GOP base doesn't actually care about the politics/policies being espoused. What they care about is language. about being different.

Chuck Klosterman believes this to be the case. He said something like the people he knows that support Trump don't think he'd be a good President. They don't even think he'd be the best shot at beating Hillary. But they're sick of the regular politicians and they like how Trump talks.

But he also wonders if they'll actually do it when push comes to shove at the polls. It's an interesting thought and I guess we'll see how it plays out.

Except Fiorina is polling like trash and most Republican voters believe Trump would be the best economic candidate and is the most electable candidate.


Clinton was damaged due to the lewinsky scandal business. He eventually recovered but it was too late for Gore by then
Clinton had already recovered by the 98 midterms where Dems had a big win due to backlash against Republicans for overplaying their hand.
Well...everyone said that about Trump, too. It's probably easy to increase your ambition when you're in the spotlight.
Trump has a massive ego and is already megarich. He probably thinks he would be a classy luxurious President.

Carson's campaign is a useful promotional tool, but I don't know how lucrative it would be for him to actually become President. He can barely function in a debate. There isn't enough of whatever anti-anxiety drug he's taking for him to cope with the Situation Room.
Except Fiorina is polling like trash and most Republican voters believe Trump would be the best economic candidate and is the most electable candidate.

Fiorina is establishment and a failed businesswoman. She also talks exactly like every other politician ever.

To the rest, I was only paraphrasing what Klosterman said of the people he personally knew.

Sometimes I don't know what to believe regarding the GOP polling. But I can't tell how fucking stupid some of the voters are.
I still can't believe that racist white people are still defending cops shit with the Zachary Hammond murder. For a nation that fucking hates government, we sure revere government backed, union members that are legally allowed to kill U.S. citizens.

That video infuriates me because that cop did literally everything wrong. As a recap--he drives up excessively fast, jumps out of his car and immediately takes his gun out, comes around the back of the car by himself (I'm pretty sure in plain clothes as well), never identifies himself as a cop before shouting at the kids to get out of the car, threatening to shoot them before they even have time to react, then he makes the genius move of trying to put himself in front of the god damn car, and uses that as justification for shooting this kid.

Are you serious? That cop did exactly everything wrong, and somehow he still gets off?
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