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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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That's why I think Cruz has the best chance out of the actual politicians left in the race.

He could theoretically pull from both Trump's and Carson's supporters.

Perhaps, but I still think he's a pretty big long shot at this point. We'll see, though. I'm pretty confident now that Trump's just going to win this thing.


Cruz was the big instigator of the big liberal bias bullshit in the last debate. If he didn't get a massive bump from that, I don't know how he'll realistically catapult ahead of Trump or Carson.
Cruz was the big instigator of the big liberal bias bullshit in the last debate. If he didn't get a massive bump from that, I don't know how he'll realistically catapult ahead of Trump or Carson.
Exact same thing with Christie. We all saw the REAL Chris Christie talking to our souls that night. If he doesn't get a bump (all polls seem to say this is the case), I'm not sure what more real Christie can do. Dude came off like he wanted a brawl.
It's a few months in and still NOBODY can explain to me why Ted Cruz sounds like a bad actor every time he speaks. The voice, the body language, everything, just reeks of fake ass motherfucker putting on a (bad) show. How doesn't every human with a functioning brain not immediately see right through it?

I really want to punch him in the fucking face and I'm only about a 20 minute metro from Capitol Hill. Might be worth it.



Sen. Heidi Heitkamp had a late night and little sleep on her birthday, but she wasn’t out on the town celebrating.

As the Senate reconvened at midnight on Oct.30, and returned to vote on the budget deal, Heitkamp turned 60 years old. After the 1 a.m. vote, the North Dakota Democrat only had a few hours rest before she had to be at the airport for a 6:15 a.m. flight.

Heitkamp is traveling with the top senators from the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and two House members this weekend to learn about the root causes of migration from the Central American countries of Guatemala and Honduras. And though her birthday began with a Senate vote and continued with more Senate business, she did have a moment to celebrate on the plane when flight crew passed out cupcakes to mark the occasion.

Heitkamp’s staff also brought a smile to the senator’s face, posting signs in the windows of her Hart office that were visible from the office building’s foyer.

“Smile! Senator Heitkamp is 60!” read the signs that spanned the office windows.


Tomorrow is @SenatorHeitkamp's bday, & her staff put up posters for all of Hart to see. Caught her reaction this am.



Exact same thing with Christie. We all saw the REAL Chris Christie talking to our souls that night. If he doesn't get a bump (all polls seem to say this is the case), I'm not sure what more real Christie can do. Dude came off like he wanted a brawl.

Christie is terrible at feigning true outrage. Every time he makes a point he gesticulates and does a little Pillsbury Doughboy jiggle for extra emphasis.


Unconfirmed Member
It's starting to seem extremely likely the polls will generally stay where they are now up until Iowa. If Trump collapses, it's going to have to be from a worse than expected showing from the Iowa caucus.

That's definitely possible. There are times when you see polls being very wrong because voters get scared once they're faced with the possibility that their action will mean something. It happens a lot of marijuana legalization where a lot of people say "why not?" to pollsters but start imagining the potential for a pothead wasteland when their hand is hovering over their ballot.
Oh my god at that debate shit.

The DNC needs to run a campaign lampooning this for this shit. It writes itself :

"Will ISIS provide 30 days notice to the President before they threaten American lives? Will high level negotiations take place in nicely light, climate controlled rooms, where no on will hurt their fee-fees?"

God, if the DNC wasn't mostly useless.....


At this point the only way Trump collapse is on election day in IA and NH. His voters end up not voting for him despite telling posters for the last 6+ months he is their guy or they simply don't show up.

User 406

Rubio tainted by totally legit secret santa skeleton scandal, establishment has no choice but to line up behind Jindal.

Retromelon, are you high? Post if you're so fucking high right now.


Romney lost Iowa to Santorum, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't embarrassed this bad.

Not at all - santorum wasn't ever ahead in the polls before the caucus's in 2012. even the last poll published had Romney narrowly winning, but if you read the details the numbers from the last day of polling showed a potential santorum win.

in 2008 Huckabee winning Iowa was an upset to Romney and a shock, but again it wasn't anything like this. He'd never dominated the polls like Trump has for such a long time period.

Am I the only one who sees a spider on her chin? The way she's furrowing her chin looks like a spider. It's not just me, right?

And, no, I'm not critiquing her for her appearance. It's just...I see a spider.


It's a few months in and still NOBODY can explain to me why Ted Cruz sounds like a bad actor every time he speaks. The voice, the body language, everything, just reeks of fake ass motherfucker putting on a (bad) show. How doesn't every human with a functioning brain not immediately see right through it?

I really want to punch him in the fucking face and I'm only about a 20 minute metro from Capitol Hill. Might be worth it.

Judging by your avatar I imagine you're from the south too?

I think its a tendency of people here not being around people with that accent very often, because I too think he sounds about as fake as a two dollar bill when he speaks. It's that same bible belt snake in a suit type speaking you hear from all the televangelists down here when they beg you for a $1000 donation in 5 easy payments.
please tell me if atleast romney/mccain wasnt doing this bad in iowa back then?
To be fair McCain was polling in fifth between 5-7% in the winter of 2007. He was fortunate enough that despite coming fourth, the media proclaimed him tying for third with Thompson (Hillary received no such luxury), and he had enough comeback momentum going into NH.

Jeb might still place Top 5 in Iowa, but judging by his internals he might be lucky to come 8th. That'd be a deathblow.
Not at all - santorum wasn't ever ahead in the polls before the caucus's in 2012. even the last poll published had Romney narrowly winning, but if you read the details the numbers from the last day of polling showed a potential santorum win.

in 2008 Huckabee winning Iowa was an upset to Romney and a shock, but again it wasn't anything like this. He'd never dominated the polls like Trump has for such a long time period.
Caucuses are the true barometer of the candidate's voter drive. Santorum's people were simply willing to show up and make a difference than Romney's in iowa. I think Carson's supporters are the same way.


Lol @ a Rubio soundbite about missing a shitton of Senate votes. It boils down to "fuck the senate as long as Hillary isn't president.
Perhaps, but I still think he's a pretty big long shot at this point. We'll see, though. I'm pretty confident now that Trump's just going to win this thing.

Cruz has to start getting aggressive if he really wants it because he's running out of time.

Sooner or later (sooner rather than later, actually) Trump's support is going to really shore up and you're not going to be able to pull from it anymore.

But Cruz still has the best shot of any of the real politicians in the race. Trump and Carson's supporters simply will not accept Rubio or Jeb! It's just not going to happen.

Am I the only one who sees a spider on her chin? The way she's furrowing her chin looks like a spider. It's not just me, right?

And, no, I'm not critiquing her for her appearance. It's just...I see a spider.

The power of suggestion is... powerful. Now that you've made the pattern connection, I can't unsee it, lol.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Lawrence Lessig drops his bid for the presidency.

They're more wall street cronys than republican cronys, but I guess that's basically the same thing.

I'll never forget them as the people that tried to blame the 2008 crash on Obama because his likely election was causing everyone to lose faith in the markets.
Sure, and that's why I used the "right-leaning" phrasing, to not even get into labeling them as Republican advocates. But generally speaking, I'd say the kinds of tax and economic policies that are given positive coverage on CNBC would be right-leaning.
Carson would be one of the worst presidents if elected. He has zero composure, and would be an extremely weak president.

while true, this statement works for every single GOP candidate. To different degrees of course, but every one of them would be one of the worst presidents if elected.

I think Trump is making a big mistake if he does boycott a Telemundo debate. what a way to seem weak. So easy to attack him for being too soft to even stand up to people he disagrees with!

GOP candidates in general look like whiny babies.
Guys, it's November 2015 and Donald Trump has a significant chance to win the GOP nomination.

Do you know how weird that sounds?

Imagine you told yourself this in 2013 after Obama was inaugurated into office a 2nd term.


He's on a whole different level.

At some point, he's going to point to every instance where he got his way in this process as somehow being credible evidence that he's a good negotiator.

Trump got the other campaigns to jointly kill the Telemundo debate so he isn't on the hook and then went solo anyway. That's pretty damn good negotiating.
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