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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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That video infuriates me because that cop did literally everything wrong. As a recap--he drives up excessively fast, jumps out of his car and immediately takes his gun out, comes around the back of the car by himself (I'm pretty sure in plain clothes as well), never identifies himself as a cop before shouting at the kids to get out of the car, threatening to shoot them before they even have time to react, then he makes the genius move of trying to put himself in front of the god damn car, and uses that as justification for shooting this kid.

Are you serious? That cop did exactly everything wrong, and somehow he still gets off?

You need to get to these weed dealers as quick as possible and be ready to shoot at any time. After all, drugs are so bad that murder is the better option! *Takes shot of vodka*


Professional Schmuck
You have to realize how badly Gore fucked up by not embracing Clinton's legacy AND choosing Lieberman. I mean, consider just how Not Inspiring Gore is and how close he still came to winning (being awarded by the SCOTUS) the Presidency. One of the classic political blunders of all time.

(and in future alternate fictions, a nice divergence point)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You have to realize how badly Gore fucked up by not embracing Clinton's legacy AND choosing Lieberman. I mean, consider just how Not Inspiring Gore is and how close he still came to winning (being awarded by the SCOTUS) the Presidency. One of the classic political blunders of all time.

(and in future alternate fictions, a nice divergence point)

Agreed 100%. He flatout refused Clinton's help and Lieberman was an awful choice.
Maybe this will be unpopular here but Bill was the one who fucked up big time and put Gore in a tough spot.

The Republicans overplayed their hand while Bill was in office but still.. All the scandal that Gore was close to being Vp gave Bush the "good clean family man, who cares about your kids education!" angle to run on. Made a massive difference

The party is in a good spot right now, but imagine how much harder it would be to stay in the White House next cycle had Obama pulled the same stupid stunts Bill did.


Maybe this will be unpopular here but Bill was the one who fucked up big time and put Gore in a tough spot.

The Republicans overplayed their hand while Bill was in office but still.. All the scandal that Gore was close to being Vp gave Bush the "good clean family man, who cares about your kids education!" angle to run on. Made a massive difference

I've long felt this way. Gore made a bad choice, but an understandable one. He should have never been put in that position though.
conservatives tend to be authoritarians, not a surprise. Besides, cops are local government- much different than the feds coming in from washington to impose the will of big government on you.

That crowd will revere local cops and sheriffs, while foaming at the mouth over the CIA, ATF, FBI, Black Helicopters, etc.

More like they are okay with government or none if it benefits them. If cops harass people that is not them then it is okay, but if cops do it towards them then it is bad. It is like those hypocritical tribalism things.


But what could have Clinton realistically done after SC made it's decision?
The idea is that by a. campaigning with Clinton and b. not picking that loser dweeb Joe Lieberman as his running mate that he would have won Florida by a not-so-razor thin margin and thus, the Presidency because the SCOUTS wouldn't have needed to intervene.


Why would anyone do that? Wasn't Clinton around 60 in approval rating? Such a clusterfuck. I'm sure picking Lieberman turned many democrats off.

My understanding was because of the sex scandal. Even back then, as someone too young to vote, I could tell it was dumb move but what can you do about it now? *shrug*
The idea is that by a. campaigning with Clinton and b. not picking that loser dweeb Joe Lieberman as his running mate that he would have won Florida by a not-so-razor thin margin and thus, the Presidency because the SCOUTS wouldn't have needed to intervene.
Right, so I think Al has only himself to blame for the disaster. There is absolutely no context in which picking Droopy of all the people makes sense.
My understanding was because of the sex scandal. Even back then, as someone too young to vote, I could tell it was dumb move but what can you do about it now? *shrug*
But the public largely forgave Clinton, and this was his approval rating

Should have embraced him.
But Hammond was a white dude and he got shot over weed.

It necessarily doesn't have to do with race conservatives, at least are publically against drugs and he is criminal, which means he is a bad person, cop is protecting them from bad things that are bad, therefor cops are good guys and can't be wrong. Plus in view, some conservatives seem to have a yes sir mentality to authority they respect. Although, I bet quite a few conservatives will be more sympathetic to a white drug dealer than a black one.


Unconfirmed Member
God, how the shit did Gore lose?

(I know how he lost, but he really did have so much going for him)

He lost because he distanced himself from Clinton, made it hard to differentiate himself from Bush, and had the most extremely boring personality possible, against someone with a pretty good personality. Of course election night and supreme court shenanigans hurt him too, but that stuff would have never happened if he didn't allow it to become so close when he should by all rights have an easy election.

The most confusing thing is why he distanced himself from Clinton, which I don't like to psychoanalyze too much, but daddy issues leading him to want to do it all by himself makes a lot of sense.


I remember as a kid thinking why the fuck did he lose. I was so baffled even then. "He had Bill!!!! I know he did a dumb thing but still!" I had no strong feelings for Lieberman one way or the other at the time. Of course now I know he's a total asshole. That's about it with my limited understanding of politics at the time.
I remember as a kid thinking why the fuck did he lose. I was so baffled even then. "He had Bill!!!! I know he did a dumb thing but still!" I had no strong feelings for Lieberman one way or the other at the time. Of course now I know he's a total asshole. That's about it with my limited understanding of politics at the time.
What kid knows who tf joe lieberman is
No lie, I knew nothing about politics back then so when the teacher asked who you wanted to win i said bush because in the comparison picture that was provided, bush had a nicer tie.


The 2000 election is something I sure wakes up Gore in a cold sweat during the middle of many nights or something he contemplates when he looks himself in the mirror and wonders where it "all went wrong".
OMG, pandas are so cute:


Well, I guess the impact of this news is lost on most GAFers


TransCanada wants to put the Keystone pipeline approval process on hold.

If we get good climate policies in place like a carbon tax or some form of regulation, the XL pipeline will have zero impact on climate change.

It would be a total waste of money and be as useful to the U.S. economy as spending a few billion hiring some people to dig holes and other people to fill those holes up, but it's weird how much attention the XL pipeline gets.


If we get good climate policies in place like a carbon tax or some form of regulation, the XL pipeline will have zero impact on climate change.

It would be a total waste of money and be as useful to the U.S. economy as spending a few billion hiring some people to dig holes and other people to fill those holes up, but it's weird how much attention the XL pipeline gets.
Speaking of which, would Al Gore have been able to push environmental regulation through a Republican congress?


What kid knows who tf joe lieberman is
No lie, I knew nothing about politics back then so when the teacher asked who you wanted to win i said bush because in the comparison picture that was provided, bush had a nicer tie.
Hah hah, I was asked the same thing and said Al Gore because he was Bill's VP and Bill was of course cool. That's it really.
I'm excited that Edwards may win, but the GOP are running some disgusting coded language/dog whistle piece of shit ads back to back to back. It's really infuriating.



NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama poked fun at Republican presidential candidates on Monday for promising that they could stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin when they couldn't "handle" the moderators from last week's debate on cable network CNBC.

Republican candidates Donald Trump, Ben Carson and others have criticized the journalists who moderated the well-watched debate for what they said was a failure to ask relevant questions.

Obama, speaking at a fundraiser for Democrats in New York, knocked the Republicans seeking the White House for saying they could turn around ties with Putin, with whom the president has a strained relationship.

"And then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators,” Obama said to loud applause from the audience of Democratic donors.

“If you can’t handle those guys, then I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you.

Young Gore was a looker.

In the new poll, conducted Oct. 25-29, 62% of Democrats chose Clinton as their top choice to win their party’s presidential nomination, while 31% picked Sanders. Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley received just 3% support.

Americans continue to have a net negative impression of her (40% positive/47% negative) — virtually unchanged from early October.

Now, 72% of Democrats say they’re satisfied [with Benghazi answers] and only 8% say they are not satisfied with her answers.

Among swing voters, the share who say they are not satisfied with her response to the Benghazi controversy has plummeted from 84% at the beginning of October to 40% now, although only about a quarter — 23% — are satisfied.

53% of registered voters — give her poor marks for “being honest and straightforward,” while just 27% give her a thumbs up.

42% call the email flap important to their vote, while 48% say it isn’t an important factor in their decision-making.

I think the Republican results were posted already, but didn't see where?
Carson's 29 percent is followed by Donald Trump at 23 percent, Marco Rubio at 11 percent, Ted Cruz at 10 percent and Jeb Bush at 8 percent.
Happy Election Day! Here's to hoping our mayoral candidate only loses by 20-30 points. That'll be a win for us. : takes a preemptive shot :

New Bernie Tactics

Interesting read. Bernie is going to lay of the big huge, preaching to the choir rallies. I mean, I'm shocked that his campaign just now realized they were filled with nothing more than confirmation bias, but I guess that's a good thing. Hillary's been doing the coffee shops, small business thing for months now. In fact, it's been her main focus. Interesting to see him take on that strategy now. I think the ship sailed on that being uber effective for him, though.

One thing stood out to me, though:

“We still have a whole set of goals, and one of those is introducing Bernie to constituencies like the Hispanic community and the African-American community, who just don’t know him because he’s not been a national figure,” explained one top Sanders aide.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-tactics-215458#ixzz3qPkXWGyA

Again, they seem to be so tone deaf on this. It's not enough to "introduce him" to these constituents. He simply hasn't been present in the African American or Hispanic community. If he knew he wanted to run for President, he's had since 2012 to start doing this. Now, he wants to do it with, what 90-100 days? Plus, he has to turn around his numbers with women and seniors, and he has to actually make sure that his young, energized voters actually mobilize and caucus/vote. Okay. Good luck and god speed.

I follow a couple liberal communities, mainly Kos, and watching the way some Sander's supporters rationalize this entire thing is really interesting to me. First, Sanders was going to win the debates so handily that Hillary would immediately decide to stop running. That didn't work out well. Then, she was going to say something stupid at the BENGHAZZI!!!!one hearing. Then, the media, viewers and post debate reactions were all wrong. Then the Iowa polls were even more wrong. Then, they rationalized that all polls everywhere are wrong, because Bernie's supporters are mythical unicorns that don't answer phones. Now, they think that the entire thing will turn around because of Rachel Maddow's forum on Friday. That's their current mark. I'm guessing that, for some, the convention'll be the place where Bernie turns the whole thing around.

I do sympathize, though. In 2007/8 that was me, just, instead of polls, I was using any type of delegate math I could come up with to keep Hillary in the race. I was not magnanimous in defeat....until the unity rally and then I sucked it up and did the right thing, like my girl Hillary.
Again, they seem to be so tone deaf on this. It's not enough to "introduce him" to these constituents. He simply hasn't been present in the African American or Hispanic community. If he knew he wanted to run for President, he's had since 2012 to start doing this. Now, he wants to do it with, what 90-100 days? Plus, he has to turn around his numbers with women and seniors, and he has to actually make sure that his young, energized voters actually mobilize and caucus/vote. Okay. Good luck and god speed.

Many of us suspect that he wasn't initially running to actually win the election, but rather push his social democracy agenda and also pull Hillary a little more to the left. I couldn't tell you what he's planning now though. Maybe he's changed his mind and actually wants to try and win now (or maybe he's caving into the agenda of his council), but it's a little too late for that.

Honestly, his current strategy completely baffles me. At the same time, it will do some good to get other demographics talking about his ideologies, so I guess it's not a complete waste of resources.
Many of us suspect that he wasn't initially running to actually win the election, but rather push his social democracy agenda and also pull Hillary a little more to the left. I couldn't tell you what he's planning now though. Maybe he's changed his mind and actually wants to try and win now (or maybe he's caving into the agenda of his council), but it's a little too late for that.

Honestly, his current strategy completely baffles me. At the same time, it will do some good to get other demographics talking about his ideologies, so I guess it's not a complete waste of resources.

At this point hillary has absolutely no competition at all besides sanders. The debates can't just be her on stage talking to herself.

Sanders is the only thing giving SOME contrast and debate. Even the joke candidates have all given up and said "eh...let her have it" at this point.
Many of us suspect that he wasn't initially running to actually win the election, but rather push his social democracy agenda and also pull Hillary a little more to the left. I couldn't tell you what he's planning now though. Maybe he's changed his mind and actually wants to try and win now (or maybe he's caving into the agenda of his council), but it's a little too late for that.

Honestly, his current strategy completely baffles me. At the same time, it will do some good to get other demographics talking about his ideologies, so I guess it's not a complete waste of resources.

See, that's my thing as well. I don't get this strategy. I really don't. I'm not saying you just give up or anything, but is his campaign just going through the motions, at this point? If that's true, then Sanders better be damn sure to not do anything to harm Hillary's chances. I have no qualms with a legit challenger taking the gloves off. If he's still in it to win, then sure, all's fair in love and war. If he's just in it for messaging purposes, he needs to stop listening to his campaign staff, or put them on a shorter leash.


See, that's my thing as well. I don't get this strategy. I really don't. I'm not saying you just give up or anything, but is his campaign just going through the motions, at this point? If that's true, then Sanders better be damn sure to not do anything to harm Hillary's chances. I have no qualms with a legit challenger taking the gloves off. If he's still in it to win, then sure, all's fair in love and war. If he's just in it for messaging purposes, he needs to stop listening to his campaign staff, or put them on a shorter leash.

The current going theory, which I subscribe to, is that this is more about his campaign team than him now. His campaign is being run by people who have consistently failed at presidential runs - Gore, Kerry, etc. Bernie got into the race in order to push his agenda, but his campaign is being steered by people who want to make it a more serious challenge because that's what they do. Combination of unrealised ambition, and also the sheer fact that campaign consultants only get paid for as long as there is a campaign...

Whether he eventually reigns them in will be the interesting question. If he is going to win he has to take Hillary down, and that's where the conflict between him and his team will come. Those incredibly stupid comments by his campaign manager about Hillary being good enough for the VP slot were really dumb and sort of show the difference in thinking between him and his team.


Lest we forget Gore's massive bulge

holy shit

God, how the shit did Gore lose?

(I know how he lost, but he really did have so much going for him)
He was a terrible campaigner, plus lots of voters acted like Bill Clinton invented oral sex or something.

The dumb thing is Gore had nothing to do with the Lewinsky scandal and he should have just embraced Bill's populist message and had him on stage


The current going theory, which I subscribe to, is that this is more about his campaign team than him now. His campaign is being run by people who have consistently failed at presidential runs - Gore, Kerry, etc. Bernie got into the race in order to push his agenda, but his campaign is being steered by people who want to make it a more serious challenge because that's what they do. Combination of unrealised ambition, and also the sheer fact that campaign consultants only get paid for as long as there is a campaign...
This is dead on. It's clear his campaign is running this, not him. And his campaign is staffed by c and d list talent. The left-overs from failed Kerry, Edwards, and Dean races since everyone in the Clinton and Obama machine all sided with Hillary.

The biggest thing Hillary did that doesn't get attention was locking up all of the key Obama campaign staff members very early and of course retaining all the Clinton loyalists. It made it virtually impossible for a formidable challenger to rise since there were no talented talent campaign staff experienced at the Presidential left for any potential candidate to hire.
The current going theory, which I subscribe to, is that this is more about his campaign team than him now. His campaign is being run by people who have consistently failed at presidential runs - Gore, Kerry, etc. Bernie got into the race in order to push his agenda, but his campaign is being steered by people who want to make it a more serious challenge because that's what they do. Combination of unrealised ambition, and also the sheer fact that campaign consultants only get paid for as long as there is a campaign...

Whether he eventually reigns them in will be the interesting question. If he is going to win he has to take Hillary down, and that's where the conflict between him and his team will come. Those incredibly stupid comments by his campaign manager about Hillary being good enough for the VP slot were really dumb and sort of show the difference in thinking between him and his team.

I can see this, and I would say that I agree. I am not a fan of Devine, and this really reeks of him. The thing that surprises me, though, is how weak Bernie is on managing his own branding. I think part of that comes from him not having to worry about that in Vermont. He has a movement. It's not big enough to win the White House, but, if leveraged, could be a great asset. If he lets the horses drive the chariot, he's going to tarnish that. He and is followers are going to realize that a national campaign isn't always rainbows and butterflies and daffodils.

The thing about his campaign that gets me is they are either lying out their asses or they're completely incompetent. (whynotboth.jpeg)? And after watching Kerry's campaign....They think they can win a war of attrition with Hillary Fucking Clinton? If Sanders is buying into this, then the dude needs a reality check and soon.


Bernie has never operated at anywhere near this level before. Even compared to other senators and mayors, he has very little experience full stop of campaigns outside of Vermont, which is a uniquely liberal state.

He's never had to worry about his brand, targeting his message, campaign organisations - all the sort of stuff that's bread and butter for wider political campaigns. That's another reason why this isn't a repeat of 2008 - Obama might have been green, but Christ did he and his team know how to campaign and how to play politics at this level. Sanders absolutely doesn't, and as Cheebo highlights Hillary locked up all the top level talent a long time ago. The entire thrust of her campaign could be summed up as 'learning from 2008'.

(It's really interesting the level to which Obama's staff and support networks shifted over to her. Practically unthinkable to those of us who were around in 2008, but it's been clear for some time she has Obama's blessing. They have really, really worked at this).


At this point hillary has absolutely no competition at all besides sanders. The debates can't just be her on stage talking to herself.

Sanders is the only thing giving SOME contrast and debate. Even the joke candidates have all given up and said "eh...let her have it" at this point.
Actually, Martin O'Malley is still "in" the race.

The Atlantic said:
There’s a double standard in the media, and it’s time to address it. When Republican candidates poll in low single digits, they are often accused of running either to sell books or to snag a prime perch on Fox News. The charge has been lobbed at candidates as varied as Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Herman Cain.

But what about when it’s a Democratic candidate? Take Martin O’Malley. The former Maryland governor has a strong résumé, but he just hasn’t taken hold with voters, and is currently averaging below 1 percent in RealClearPolitics’ average. What’s his ulterior motive? Obviously the progressive wonk isn’t aiming for Fox, and he also hasn’t published a book (yet). Sure, there are some sober answers to that question: Maybe he’s positioning himself to run in four or eight years. Maybe he’s angling for a cabinet post in a Democratic administration.

I have a different theory: I think O’Malley is in this race to get a record deal.


I went to the Sanders Reddit to see how they are taking the sustained massive Clinton leads in polling.

I found out they have banned any discussion of polling now. It is a full on cult at this point.
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