Happy Election Day! Here's to hoping our mayoral candidate only loses by 20-30 points. That'll be a win for us. : takes a preemptive shot :
New Bernie Tactics
Interesting read. Bernie is going to lay of the big huge, preaching to the choir rallies. I mean, I'm shocked that his campaign just now realized they were filled with nothing more than confirmation bias, but I guess that's a good thing. Hillary's been doing the coffee shops, small business thing for months now. In fact, it's been her main focus. Interesting to see him take on that strategy now. I think the ship sailed on that being uber effective for him, though.
One thing stood out to me, though:
We still have a whole set of goals, and one of those is introducing Bernie to constituencies like the Hispanic community and the African-American community, who just dont know him because hes not been a national figure, explained one top Sanders aide.
Read more:
Again, they seem to be so tone deaf on this. It's not enough to "introduce him" to these constituents. He simply hasn't been present in the African American or Hispanic community. If he knew he wanted to run for President, he's had since 2012 to start doing this. Now, he wants to do it with, what 90-100 days? Plus, he has to turn around his numbers with women and seniors, and he has to actually make sure that his young, energized voters actually mobilize and caucus/vote. Okay. Good luck and god speed.
I follow a couple liberal communities, mainly Kos, and watching the way some Sander's supporters rationalize this entire thing is really interesting to me. First, Sanders was going to win the debates so handily that Hillary would immediately decide to stop running. That didn't work out well. Then, she was going to say something stupid at the BENGHAZZI!!!!one hearing. Then, the media, viewers and post debate reactions were all wrong. Then the Iowa polls were even more wrong. Then, they rationalized that all polls everywhere are wrong, because Bernie's supporters are mythical unicorns that don't answer phones. Now, they think that the entire thing will turn around because of Rachel Maddow's forum on Friday. That's their current mark. I'm guessing that, for some, the convention'll be the place where Bernie turns the whole thing around.
I do sympathize, though. In 2007/8 that was me, just, instead of polls, I was using any type of delegate math I could come up with to keep Hillary in the race. I was not magnanimous in defeat....until the unity rally and then I sucked it up and did the right thing, like my girl Hillary.