Forget it, Jake, it's gaming side.
*peddlingPretty cynical article and quote, not surprising you are paddling such nonsense.
If I wanted to go to post in SpellGAF I'd make a thread
The problem with Carson flying high in polling is that it reinforces the establishment view that Trump, Carson, Carly are just 2012 flavors and will make way for REAL candidates soon. There is a kernel of truth to that viewpoint. Carson appeals to a very vocal minority within the electorate and does not seem to have broad based, deep appeal. The sooner he goes away the better it is for Trump to lead the charge.
However, that reuters poll firmly establishes that Trump has all the numbers it takes to be a frontrunner: best on economy, foreign policy, trade, etc. Hopefully future polls follow this trend.
The way I see it, Trump is the one with a small but loyal minority within the GOP. Carson seems pretty popular throughout the entire party.
I think Carson probably currently has the best odds of anyone to win the nomination, or at least win the national popular vote for it. I'm just not sure if he has the infrastructure to do things like get on the ballot in states with tough requirements, or manage the unbound delegates.
The way I see it, Trump is the one with a small but loyal minority within the GOP. Carson seems pretty popular throughout the entire party.
I think Carson probably currently has the best odds of anyone to win the nomination, or at least win the national popular vote for it. I'm just not sure if he has the infrastructure to do things like get on the ballot in states with tough requirements, or manage the unbound delegates.
Trump's support spans broad demos within the Republican base. The only common thread seems to be an anger at the system.The way I see it, Trump is the one with a small but loyal minority within the GOP. Carson seems pretty popular throughout the entire party.
I think Carson probably currently has the best odds of anyone to win the nomination, or at least win the national popular vote for it. I'm just not sure if he has the infrastructure to do things like get on the ballot in states with tough requirements, or manage the unbound delegates.
Good news for Conway in #KYGov: His % in key Fayette Co. is 54.9%. Beshear won 54.7% there in 2011 in his easy win. We'll see if that holds.
Scott Jennings ‏@ScottJenningsKY
#kygov In 2011, Gov. Steve Beshear got 33k votes. Conway is now at 32k votes. If that's true, then turnout should be higher than 2011.
New batch of figures from Fayette help Bevin, hurt Conway. Beshear on 54.7% there in '11, Conway now at 52.7%. 73% in there via @AoSHQDD.
Scott Jennings ‏@ScottJenningsKY 8s9 seconds ago
Update from @Erwin502 "turnout may be huge in Franklin." Would be a relief to Conway if true. #kygov
Both Carson and Trump should be easy to beat during the general. Too many dumb things they said that would be easily used against them, their inexperience with campaigning for the generals would hurt them, and they really appeal to specific groups of people and their appeal because of that might not last long.
Trump's support spans broad demos within the Republican base. The only common thread seems to be an anger at the system.
Carson's vote is the evangelical right. He has high favourables, but that doesn't equate to a broad support base for him as President.
Trump's support spans broad demos within the Republican base. The only common thread seems to be an anger at the system.
Carson's vote is the evangelical right. He has high favourables, but that doesn't equate to a broad support base for him as President.
The way I see it, Trump is the one with a small but loyal minority within the GOP. Carson seems pretty popular throughout the entire party.
I think Carson probably currently has the best odds of anyone to win the nomination, or at least win the national popular vote for it. I'm just not sure if he has the infrastructure to do things like get on the ballot in states with tough requirements, or manage the unbound delegates.
Are there any Sanders polling / campaign articles that aren't a tad bit cynical at this point?
“I was excited when Hillary Clinton decided to run. I thought she was the one,” said Brigid Ernst, also of Altoona. Although she could be happy with Clinton or former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, “Bernie represents my core beliefs.”
Conway underperforming
They have some glaring weaknesses that would be easy for Demoncrats to drum turnout over, especially among certain demographics. It'd be real nice for the downticket races.
Not feeling too optimistic.Conway underperforming
Bevin is going to tear Kynect to shreds if he wins.
Gotta wonder how many KY voters are literally voting for their Medicaid to be ripped away from them because something someting Democrat something Obama
Super PACs are spending the most on the two hotly contested gubernatorial races in Kentucky and Louisiana. Some groups raising unlimited sums for Kentuckys gubernatorial race, including the ones involved only in the primary election, have collected more than $14 million. Those involved in Louisianas election have pulled in more than $16 million.
Man I thought Conway had it in the bag. Oh well.
Joe Sonka ‏@joesonka 2m2 minutes ago
Looks like Jefferson County/Louisville is reporting from outside of city to middle, so there's the only good news for Conway so far. #kygov
Is there a link to actual results somewhere?
I don't think you can blame Conway if he loses (although I've heard his campaign isn't that great). Coakley lost twice in an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Kentucky on the other hand is another state like West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas etc. which has been solid red on the presidential level for years and the state elections are just catching up.NeoXChaos said:Conway is going to be another choakley
Yes but we also live in the Citizens United era of US politics so I think that puts Dems at a huge disadvantage.we're so bad at running for office
I hate seeing stuff like this. Literally nobody wakes up worse when Democrats when. Tomorrow hundreds of thousands will be forced to change healthcare, lose coverage or be forced to pay more. And the sad thing is. It will be blame on obamacare itself.
Fuck. This country sucks. We have a middle who are the greediest people on the planet. It literally is just that simple greed.