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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm listening to "double down" right now on audiobook. In many ways it seems Carson is pretty similar to Huckabee in 08, only with less oratorical skill and political credentials.

Both had rabid, passionate evangelical fanbases, despite the party not taking them seriously as contenders. Huckabee's support though as it turns out was extremely regional- he was a serious contender in the bible belt and caused establishment candidates no shortage of problems, but was an also-ran and noncompetitive everywhere else.

I suspect Carson's support is similar.

Keep in mind, though, that the feelings of the base were incredibly different back in 2008.
How many of you donated to Conway? Knocked on doors? Did anything besides give your two cents in this thread? Yeah, that's why Democrats lose.
we're so bad at running for office


At least there is hope for LA.
Guess we'll have to hope that Grimes can give Bevin a good run in 2019.

This is like the exact same thing as in Kansas, where the Republican is a complete doofus and the Democrat is fairly respectable and moderate. Except I don't know what's worse - in Kansas it was the incumbent governor who was literally destroying the state, here Conway was following up on a well-liked, successful governor of the same party. Either way, voters are fucking terrible.

And yes the Kentucky House is Democratic so they'll be able to serve as a check on Bevin - but we'll see how long that lasts.

ErasureAcer said:
How many of you donated to Conway? Knocked on doors? Did anything besides give your two cents in this thread? Yeah, that's why Democrats lose.

1) sorry I am in Minnesota

2) I didn't give anything to Conway. I did however give money to several of the candidates in Virginia running tonight and hopefully we'll see the State Senate flip and the gap close in the House of Delegates

3) I can't wait to throw this back in your face when Sanders loses


It sucks. At least it's not a disaster. You learn from it, move on and make a better effort next time. Locate your votes and get them out.
Is this a preview of the responses in 2016 when Republicans win the White House? Voters sucks, white people suck, everybody is a moron, fuck this country?

You guys need to chill out.
Is this a preview of the responses in 2016 when Republicans win the White House? Voters sucks, white people suck, everybody is a moron, fuck this country?

You guys need to chill out.
To be fair voters are pretty awful. Even many of the ones who vote for Democrats do so for completely inane reasons.
we're so bad at running for office
I swear it shouldn't be this hard.

I do elections of a different sort but the absolutely wretched shape of the party in many states needs to be changed. It's not just a 50 state strategy its building a democratic party in each state for each state.

In the 2000s and especially post 2010 its been utterly annihilated.

People have completely bought the government has no money to do anything but pay their social security check and Medicare.


Unconfirmed Member
To quote Ben Carson on the American people, "many of them are stupid".
3) I can't wait to throw this back in your face when Sanders loses

You support(ed) Sanders. You've said so in this very thread.

I vote in off elections. I vote in off off elections(this one hear in Minnesota where I'm voting for City Council Member). If Bernie loses it has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with people like yourself saying you support Sanders while apparently having no backbone to stick with your convictions. It also has everything to do with Hillary and her supporters low-balling Sanders by calling him a sexist and a racist and so on. Don't forget that if/when Hillary loses the general election. Maybe you dipshits should have played nice.


Is this a preview of the responses in 2016 when Republicans win the White House? Voters sucks, white people suck, everybody is a moron, fuck this country?

You guys need to chill out.
If Republicans win in 2016 the GOP will basically be running the entire country at the federal, state and local level with a few exceptions. That's not worth getting upset over? I realize some of the rhetoric seems hateful, and that's unfortunate, but at the end of the day it's not hard to see why people leaning left get very concerned when another seat is lost to the GOP.


It also has everything to do with Hillary and her supporters low-balling Sanders by calling him a sexist and a racist and so on. Don't forget that if/when Hillary loses the general election. Maybe you dipshits should have played nice.

Well, I mean, I guess I assumed you guys were progressives.

My bad!


You can't pick up a phone and remind people to vote?

Yeah. Hold on. Let me go and get the house and cell phone directory for Kentucky phone numbers from down the street. Damn, can't do that? Well I'll get right on calling the zero people I know in Kentucky.


You can't pick up a phone and remind people to vote?
Oh, now it's about the phone. That wasn't in your previous post.

Yeah. Hold on. Let me go and get the house and cell phone directory for Kentucky phone numbers from down the street. Damn, can't do that? Well I'll get right on calling the zero people I know in Kentucky.
Well to be fair I didn't know who I was calling when I did phone calls for OFA.

What the fuck are you even asking?

Are you telling us to call up all of our Kentucky friends, if we have any?
I'm trying to find that backpedal emoticon from the 2000's that you would often see on message boards.


No hope now. Fully expect to see Governor-elect Vitter in a couple of weeks.
I'm not buying that quite yet. I can see how polls can be off by single digits (as we're seeing here with KY), but we're seeing near-20% deltas in Louisiana's numbers.. Edwards would have to have a collapse of epic proportions on a very short timescale. And early voting starts this Saturday.
You're not Bernie Sanders. Bernie can stand up for himself.

You miss the entire fucking point. Bernie shouldn't even have to defend himself from such low ball attacks. Hillary can't win on the issues so she resorts to this shit. This is the candidate you want to go up against Trump or Rubio? Yeah, good luck with that. Way to drive turnout down. It's all a fucking farce.


Sure, but you and I were also provided the phone numbers by the lovely folks at OFA who know how to put that shit together.
Haha that's so true, I wasn't even thinking of that.

Unless Conway actually has an OFA-type of system that allows me to do some phone banking how would we know who to call?

You miss the entire fucking point. Bernie shouldn't even have to defend himself from such low ball attacks. Hillary can't win on the issues so she resorts to this shit. This is the candidate you want to go up against Trump or Rubio? Yeah, good luck with that.
I'm really sorry and I am going to say this as politely as possible: Sanders cannot win the general election. I agree with him generally speaking and he deserves a decent amount of credit for setting the tone of this campaign, but he is not electable. Period. Hillary could still lose, sure... but she has a better chance than Bernie.
I'm not buying that quite yet. I can see how polls can be off by single digits (as we're seeing here with KY), but we're seeing near-20% deltas in Louisiana's numbers.. Edwards would have to have a collapse of epic proportions on a very short timescale. And early voting starts this Saturday.

According to the last poll I saw Edwards was up 52/32 on Vitter, and Vitter is now widely known as one of the most horrible human beings on a ticket anywhere, so there's very little chance Edwards doesn't win--but it won't be by 20 points. He'll probably squeak out a 5 point win because State level elections are so stupid.

You miss the entire fucking point. Bernie shouldn't even have to defend himself from such low ball attacks. Hillary can't win on the issues so she resorts to this shit. This is the candidate you want to go up against Trump or Rubio? Yeah, good luck with that. Way to drive turnout down. It's all a fucking farce.

Those "low ball attacks" are mostly circulating amongst Sanders supporters--who know they are baseless but still are getting mad about them. If you want to support Sanders practice as you preach, get out there and improve his ground game. I'm vehemently pro-Bernie, but lets not act like Hillary is literally Satan pulling some strings behind a curtain screwing Bernie over--he's running a hit or miss campaign.

There's also something to be said about a candidate that doesn't crumble after years of manufactured scandals. The Republican party has done literally everything they can to make her look bad and she still polls well nationally. You may not agree with or even like her, but she's pretty damn good at what she does.


According to the last poll I saw Edwards was up 52/32 on Vitter, and Vitter is now widely known as one of the most horrible human beings on a ticket anywhere, so there's very little chance Edwards doesn't win--but it won't be by 20 points. He'll probably squeak out a 5 point win because State level elections are so stupid.

Once he ties Edwards enough to Obama its over for him


According to the last poll I saw Edwards was up 52/32 on Vitter, and Vitter is now widely known as one of the most horrible human beings on a ticket anywhere, so there's very little chance Edwards doesn't win--but it won't be by 20 points. He'll probably squeak out a 5 point win because State level elections are so stupid.
That's right around where I'm thinking. 5% sounds right on the nose - double digits sounds waaaay too optimistic.

Hell, I'll change my avatar to Bobby Jindal until next year's Iowa caucus if Edwards wins by double digits.

You miss the entire fucking point. Bernie shouldn't even have to defend himself from such low ball attacks. Hillary can't win on the issues so she resorts to this shit. This is the candidate you want to go up against Trump or Rubio? Yeah, good luck with that. Way to drive turnout down. It's all a fucking farce.

Yeah, and the key to massive Democratic turnout is nominating the guy who struggles to break into double digits with minorities.
You can't pick up a phone and remind people to vote?

Sure. Just like Bernie travels around the US stumping for Democrats to win House and Senate seats! Oh wait....

And some of us do volunteer. We had our own races to lose tonight, thank you very much. So, no, I didn't call Kentuckians and remind them to vote. I reminded the lady down the road. The woman who didn't have a way to the polls. The people outside the local football game.
That is child's play compared to what went on in 2008. Real kid's stuff. It barely registers on the political nasty scale.

Even if it was horrible (it's not, really) it wouldn't justify your namecalling towards all Clinton supporters.

How many Hillary supporters here denounced her comment here on PoliGAF? #PartOfTheProblem
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