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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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You miss the entire fucking point. Bernie shouldn't even have to defend himself from such low ball attacks. Hillary can't win on the issues so she resorts to this shit. This is the candidate you want to go up against Trump or Rubio? Yeah, good luck with that. Way to drive turnout down. It's all a fucking farce.

That's politics.

Yeah, and the key to massive Democratic turnout is nominating the guy who struggles to break into double digits with minorities.

They just haven't had enough time to hear his message.


How many Hillary supporters here denounced her comment here on PoliGAF? #PartOfTheProblem
How are we part of the problem? If Bernie were actually electable nationally I would vote for him in the primary. He's not, though. I'm just being a realist about this because it's either that or we completely roll over for the GOP without even giving them a fight.


That is child's play compared to what went on in 2008. Real kid's stuff. It barely registers on the political nasty scale.

Even if it was horrible (it's not, really) it wouldn't justify your namecalling towards all Clinton supporters.

His candidate, Dennis Kucinich, had a solid strategy for staying out of such nasty politics during the 2008 election. He just had to stay below 5% in the polls and he was golden.
I mean this really just a continuation of the 90s onward decimation of the Democratic party in the south. It's dead.

I really dont know how we overcome our geography problem. How can we win back what we've lost? The US is set up to deny power unless you hold political seats over a wide swath of land that doesn't want to vote for polices that don't ammount to fuck you I got mine.

VA is the only state that is going blue.
How are we part of the problem? If Bernie were actually electable nationally I would vote for him in the primary. He's not, though. I'm just being a realist about this because it's either that or we completely roll over for the GOP without even giving them a fight.

Maybe if we as a country stopped thinking like that we would actually have competent politicians with beliefs that aligned more with the general public. I think that's a really piss poor attitude to have, and is actually indicative of a real problem the Sanders campaign has--Democrats don't think he can win. Even if they support his platform and love his ideas, they know Hillary can beat any Republican so they won't consider anyone else.

Truth be told, I don't see anyone in the Republican field that could beat anyone (left) in the Democratic field.


I mean this really just a continuation of the 90s onward decimation of the Democratic party in the south. It's dead.

I really dont know how we overcome our geography problem. How can we win back what we've lost? The US is set up to deny power unless you hold political seats over a wide swath of land that doesn't want to vote for polices that don't ammount to fuck you I got mine.

VA is the only state that is going blue.

There is just going to continue to be major disparities between policies in the north/west and the south. Arizona and Texas will continue to move blue as long as hispanics stay mostly democrat.


I mean this really just a continuation of the 90s onward decimation of the Democratic party in the south. It's dead.

I really dont know how we overcome our geography problem. How can we win back what we've lost? The US is set up to deny power unless you hold political seats over a wide swath of land that doesn't want to vote for polices that don't ammount to fuck you I got mine.

VA is the only state that is going blue.
Dems are competitive if not dominant in the northeast, west, parts of the midwest and southwest... it's just the south that's a huge problem.
Yeah AP called it for Bevin. Boo.

Grimes and Beshear still winning though. Edelen looks like he's done, but not nearly as bad as Conway so maybe he can pull it out.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Tonight's results are exactly why I think saying Hillary will destroy whomever she faces is absolutely ludicrous. The democrats are awful at playing politics.


R's can win MA, IL, MD & ME but D's can't win anything extremely R. Sucks

I guess WV and MT will be the next to fall along with the KY senate. GOP will have trifecta after next year :(
I mean this really just a continuation of the 90s onward decimation of the Democratic party in the south. It's dead.

I really dont know how we overcome our geography problem. How can we win back what we've lost? The US is set up to deny power unless you hold political seats over a wide swath of land that doesn't want to vote for polices that don't ammount to fuck you I got mine.

VA is the only state that is going blue.

If it makes you feel better, many of these southern and Midwest states will continue to lose electoral points as the decades roll on. The states that will gain them will be the ones that are becoming more blue (VA, NC, GA, maybe one day SC). A lot of this isn't new to me. This is similar to how late 19th and early 20th century Republicans could not get a solid foothold in the South, and Democrats had a stronghold. The stagnant and declining states will forever be conservative, regardless of political party.


Looks like the Houston nondiscrimination ballot measure is also going down tonight in a very significant way. So far, it's about 2-to-1 against.


Dems are currently leading in D32, D52, D55, D86, D87 and D100. All currently republican districts in the VA House. Republicans are only leading in one currently Dem district, D34, by a 2% margin.

Also leading in D10 for the VA senate, a currently republican held district.

@vpapupdates November 3, 8:11 p.m.

In SD 10, Gecker up by nearly 1,000 votes -- but no Powhatan results at all. Also out: 1 Chesterfield; 13 Richmond https://t.co/SLArrOD6QQ
R's can win MA, IL, MD & ME but D's can't win anything extremely R. Sucks

I guess WV and MT will be the next to fall along with the KY senate. GOP will have trifecta after next year :(

I would say LA was pretty Republican and all signs point to a Democrat winning. I wouldn't be shocked if next Gubernatorial Election Kansas flips since Brownback is now viewed less favorable than that devil-worshiper Obama.


R's can win MA, IL, MD & ME but D's can't win anything extremely R. Sucks
Well, PA is usually 'extremely R' when there isn't a Presidential election, we're strange like that. Wolf still defied the national mood.

I would say LA was pretty Republican and all signs point to a Democrat winning. I wouldn't be shocked if next Gubernatorial Election Kansas flips since Brownback is now viewed less favorable than that devil-worshiper Obama.
Is there anything of value in Kansas? As in, job market? Nice communities?
Any state that votes that loser in twice is scary to me. What we're seeing tonight is a mix of voter ignorance and campaign incompetence on behalf of Dems... but Kansas is just downright scary.


Dems are currently leading in D32, D52, D55, D86, D87 and D100. All currently republican districts in the VA House. Republicans are only leading in one currently Dem district, D34, by a 2% margin.

Also leading in D10 for the VA senate, a currently republican held district.

The prospects of Virginia turning into a lean-blue state has to scare the hell out of the GOP. Just like 2014 - this would be a huge bright spot in tonight's proceedings.


Hillary has to win next year or this country will be a sea of red with nothing to stop the R's with the SC at their grasp.

34 possible Governorships counting MT and WV with a trifecta federal government.

The problem isn't necessarily that red states are finally removing Democrats (well at least not on its own), the problem is that there's nothing similar going on in blue states in the other direction.

The problem isn't necessarily that red states are finally removing Democrats (well at least not on its own), the problem is that there's nothing similar going on in blue states in the other direction.
Dems are currently leading in D32, D52, D55, D86, D87 and D100. All currently republican districts in the VA House. Republicans are only leading in one currently Dem district, D34, by a 2% margin.

Also leading in D10 for the VA senate, a currently republican held district.
Yeeeeeeeeess. Please hold.


Hillary has to win next year or this country will be a sea of red with nothing to stop the R's with the SC at their grasp.

Yup. SCOTUS is incredible insurance for guarding against the worst tendencies of the opposing party.

Actually, Ted Strickland was on MSNBC earlier tonight and this topic came up. Chris Hayes asked him basically, "Why do you want to be in the Senate? It's not like you'd be able to get much done legislatively, given that the GOP will likely retain the House."

Strickland's answer: "We MUST keep the White House and the Senate for the Supreme Court."

Yes, I squealed with delight. The man gets it.

I think this is what's being referred to:

Red State elects only statewide Republicans. No Democrats anywhere.
Blue State elects a mix. They send a Republican to the Senate. The GOP controls a house or two in the state legislature.

The level of dominance by Democrats in Blue States simply isn't as intense as the dominanace seen by the GOP in Red States. The Dems might want to begin trying to tie all Republicans to the national party's reputation. They need to make it known that you're enabling the James Inhofes and the Ted Cruzes of the Senate by voting for their allegedly "moderate" Republican candidates.


R's can win MA, IL, MD & ME but D's can't win anything extremely R. Sucks

I guess WV and MT will be the next to fall along with the KY senate. GOP will have trifecta after next year :(

If Democrats want to win in the south, they should do what Republicans do in Massachusetts: run a Democrat but put an (R) next to his/her name (but the opposite). I mean, this is what radical righty Charlie Baker did today:

A program aimed at boosting government contracting relationships with minority- and women-owned businesses will now also include businesses owned by veterans, people with disabilities and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, Gov. Charlie Baker announced Tuesday.

The move to include LGBT-owned businesses in contracting and procurement opportunities alongside those run by women and people of color, through the Supplier Diversity Office, is a first-in-the-nation effort, according to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.
If Democrats want to win in the south, they should do what Republicans do in Massachusetts: run a Democrat but put an (R) next to his/her name (but the opposite). I mean, this is what radical righty Charlie Baker did today:
I just never want to leave the north east or west coast. Nothing good comes from anywhere else.
My county's taking Ohio's SoS directive as holding off all results. I don't know the results of the local races until after 9:00. I'll have to hold off my "Oh dear god why" drinking for a little bit more.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well that sucks.

But at the very least, it should make things relatively easier for Dems to challenge Republican governors in 2018 once it becomes clear to the people how much they fucked things up.


Well that sucks.

But at the very least, it should make things relatively easier for Dems to challenge Republican governors in 2018 once it becomes clear to the people how much they fucked things up.
We said this in 2010, too. 2014 didn't turn out so good except for Wolf.
Well that sucks.

But at the very least, it should make things relatively easier for Dems to challenge Republican governors in 2018 once it becomes clear to the people how much they fucked things up.

That is some wishful thinking alright.

Scott Walker destroyed his state, stagnated the Wisconsin economy and ran a massive deficit to the point where they couldn't even pay back existing debt and he still won.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
That is some wishful thinking alright.

Scott Walker destroyed his state, stagnated the Wisconsin economy and ran a massive deficit to the point where they couldn't even pay back existing debt and he still won.

Meaning that it's probably easier for a Dem to run against a Republican incumbent instead of a Dem incumbent being able to defend is seat.
That is some wishful thinking alright.

Scott Walker destroyed his state, stagnated the Wisconsin economy and ran a massive deficit to the point where they couldn't even pay back existing debt and he still won.

People are loyalists a lot of time they only way kick people out if either a campaign obliterate the opponent and really convince some people or demographics change.

Dems need to work much better on the local and state level .


So are millions of people in Kentucky going to lose health insurance straight up now? :(

Why are people allowed to play politics with people's lives in this way?

Looks like the Houston nondiscrimination ballot measure is also going down tonight in a very significant way. So far, it's about 2-to-1 against.

I really don't understand how this argument works on people. THAT'S NOT HOW GENDER IDENTITY WORKS! That and bathroom assaults are already illegal I'd assume.



Looks like the Houston nondiscrimination ballot measure is also going down tonight in a very significant way. So far, it's about 2-to-1 against.
So sad... I really feel for the residents who will be impacted negatively, I really do.
If Democrats want to win in the south, they should do what Republicans do in Massachusetts: run a Democrat but put an (R) next to his/her name (but the opposite). I mean, this is what radical righty Charlie Baker did today:
This is why I like Charlie enough. He's alright with me, though I wish he'd actually do more for trans rights too.
"It was bad enough back in 2010, when he called it “the bathroom bill” and said he’d veto it.

But five years later — with the then-candidate now an enormously popular governor — Charlie Baker’s unwillingness to take a strong stand on expanding protections for transgender men and women looks truly awful."

"We’ve come a long way since then, with a remarkable expansion of gay rights, and a better understanding of the struggles of transgender men and women. Eighteen other states now guarantee them the right to be served in restaurants, and to choose the bathroom in which they are most comfortable and safe. But not Massachusetts, the state that led the nation on gay marriage rights. So a big coalition of legislators, businesses, police, mayors, and colleges are pushing the state to catch up.

Opponents have pushed the bathroom panic button again. Even though, as Attorney General Maura Healey said at an October hearing, there hasn’t been a single recorded incident of somebody using the protections to commit crimes — not in any of the states, or the 225 cities (including 13 in Massachusetts), that have public accommodation laws."
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