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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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So what's winning is a completely repeal of HERO? Doesn't HERO cover sex and race discrimination as well? How the hell does that work if it's repealed? Wouldn't that go against federal statute?
I thought race and sex being included in the wording of the text would've helped it but I guess it wasn't enough.
I live in Richland County.

Shitty election results and a break up. Today's been awesome for me.

Glad to see Issue 3 fail, though. I'm 100% for legalization for recreational use. I was not for that ridiculous amendment. I don't even have pot to get me through the night. Hahaha.

: single emo tear :

DWS needs to go, though. Woman's been a nightmare.


I'm sorry Adam.

Did he keep the cat?
yeah, who needs the supreme court? A couple decades of conservative decisions are good for the soul.

This. I rather the Democrats keep the White House, while the GOP shit up things on the state level. A left-leaning court could finally strike down all of these inane laws being passed by Republicans, including voter suppression and gerrymandered maps.
It's alright. Naw, I got the animals. Most of them pre-dated him anyways. I'm basically a crazy cat lady at this point. I don't even mind! It wasn't a bad break up. Just a "Ya, we probably aren't right for each other" type thing. It's all good though.

Well at least it was amicable, that's good.
Elizabeth Warren?


Woo. Not a total wipeout with him and Grimes. Too bad Eidelen couldn't pull through.

I mean, too bad Conway couldn't either, but seeing that margin it's clear he didn't really have a chance after all.

I think the Conway result just again brings polling methodologies into question. I mean, seriously, WTF was up with that. Certainly things didn't swing that much in one week.


I think the Conway result just again brings polling methodologies into question. I mean, seriously, WTF was up with that. Certainly things didn't swing that much in one week.

I'm scared those Edwards Vs Vitter numbers will be off and the fundamentals will save Vitter in the end.


Unconfirmed Member
We'll increase taxes to pay for a huge $856 million stock show center, but vote against taxes to help with student debt.

I don't get it. I understand the want to not increase taxes too much and accepting everything that comes across the ballot, but priorities seem so screwed up to me.

But I guess there was a ton of money spent on advertising for the stock show center, while not so much to promote the needs of students in debt, so that's what people vote for.


The statewide Democratic candidates are doing well in PA, but the suburbs appear to be pulling through some tea partiers in my county. It's interesting how many of the small, well-to-do towns appear to be going Democratic, though. Otherwise, it's the usual mix of non-partisans and soft Republicans.


edit: I just checked Ohio's legislature numbers, and holy fuck. You'd think this was fucking Alabama or something with the level of control Republicans have. Jesus Christ...
In 2011, Alabama got a Republican legislature for the first time since 1874*. :p

*And that one was only in place because of Reconstruction.
Dems are doing great in New Jersey's assembly elections which were tonight. Looking to pick up 4-6 seats, padding the majority further.

Christie continues to be ineffective as balls.
I'm glad that the national media actually did a pretty good job at covering Issue 3 and all of its failings.

I was afraid it would be spun as "Backasswards Ohio squashes marijuana legalization," but most outlets did a solid job making it clear that the plan was garbage.
I'm scared those Edwards Vs Vitter numbers will be off and the fundamentals will save Vitter in the end.

Look at the 2014 senate elections though: Grimes massively underperformed, Landrieu didn't (in the runoff).

Now granted, neither of them were in the lead in the polls, but still, this suggests something's up with Kentucky polling in particular.

I thought we had to gain two seats to get back the Senate here in VA. So we could gain one, but still not flip control. I'm in VA, but honestly haven't paid too much attention since I'm not in any of the contested areas so I may be wrong on this.

It's currently 21-19 Republican, Lieutenant Governor is Democrat.


Oh shiz. A gain in the Senate would flip it.

I thought we had to gain two seats to get back the Senate here in VA. So we could gain one, but still not flip control. I'm in VA, but honestly haven't paid too much attention since I'm not in any of the contested areas so I may be wrong on this.
I thought we had to gain two seats to get back the Senate here in VA. So we could gain one, but still not flip control. I'm in VA, but honestly haven't paid too much attention since I'm not in any of the contested areas so I may be wrong on this.
A gain would tie the Senate 20-20, and right now the Dems hold the LG seat who would break ties.


in Ohio, if both issue 2 and Issue 3 passed

wouldn't the content of issue 2 counter the monopoly problem that people have with issue 3, and still allow marijuana legalization? i have no idea

but what I do know, is that Nick fucking Lacey bankrolled issue 3. dude almost hit the jackpot.
All white, 2/3rds male jury given for the white male cop that raped 13 black women, good job, America.

Black feminists are fucking furious about this whole situation and how little people care about it.


Here in Columbia, SC we had a candidate who was a member of city council up for reelection. in 2008 and 2010 he courted the LGBT vote and managed to get elected in 2010.

Shortly after, he got into some accident and had a life-changing point of view, becoming an Evangelical right wing nutjob. He was the only member of city council who voted against benefits to same-sex couples, proposed making homeless illegal in the city of Columbia, and essentially turned on the LGBT community who helped vote him in.

Bitch got his ass handed to him tonight.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's an almost impossible hurdle for the R candidates to overcome.

After seeing how those jackass governors from Illinois, Maryland and Kansas getting a surprise win at the last minute, I'm not going to do preliminary celebrating.

It's really weird reading any of your posts with an avatar. I am never going to get used to it.

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