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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Unconfirmed Member
Colorado's Jefferson County education board recalled, so overall I'd consider tonight a big liberal victory in colorado too.

No more rewriting history for them.


Wow at those graphs, Benji. For the best, imo. We need competitive elections.
Most people focus on the Presidential elections. But the Solid South didn't truly break until 1994 for Governors, Congress and State Legislatures. (You can see the decline start in those Virginia graphs from 1968 forward though.)

It's also recently that blue states became YES, BLUE at the state level: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/national/red-blue/

California is unique for the mainland in its slow transfer to complete dominance by the Democratic Party. Even New York has had split legislatures and Republican Governors (like George Pataki, available now for President!) and even NYC Mayors at regular rates in modern times so it hasn't fully transitioned from Republican stronghold to Democratic one just yet like California has.

Hawai'i is different, other than Linda Lingle it's almost a one-party state. There's exactly one Republican State Senator. There hasn't been more than three (out of 25) except for one term since 1989. There's been less than 10 out of 51 House Republicans since 2007. (Currently 7.)

There's never been more than 19 Republican House members and 10 Republican House Senators since Hawai'i's first "normal" elections in 1962. After Hiram Fong retired there's never been a Republican U.S. Senator, and other than Pat Saiki's brief period 1987-1990 and Charles Djou, taking advantage of a special election where neither major Democrat would drop out so he won with 39%, for 2010-2011, there's never been a Republican member of the U.S. House.


Glad to see the Republicans will likely keep hold of VA Senate. Looks like (R)Sturtevant will barely beat (D) Gecker. A ton of ads were shown for that race on both sides.


It's been a long time since I've lived in Hawaii, but the people I know say that it's actually become a notorious machine politics state because of how one-party it is.

Also, the main reason Hawaii has had so many Democratic US Congressmen is that it just always reelects the incumbent in every election unless they die.


It's been a long time since I've lived in Hawaii, but the people I know say that it's actually become a notorious machine politics state because of how one-party it is.

Also, the main reason Hawaii has had so many Democratic US Congressmen is that it just always reelects the incumbent in every election unless they die.

The Republicans know Hawaii isn't traditional american or something like that.


It's been a long time since I've lived in Hawaii, but the people I know say that it's actually become a notorious machine politics state because of how one-party it is.

Also, the main reason Hawaii has had so many Democratic US Congressmen is that it just always reelects the incumbent in every election unless they die.
Or they stupidly run for Governor then stink at it so much even the Democrats kick them out.

Frank Fasi pulled the old Southern State thing where a popular but not quite enough Democrat avoids the primaries by running as a Republican so he could get the Mayorship back. He was Mayor 1969-1981, 1985-1994. (A few southern Republican Party basically came into real existence (with regular staff and funding, etc.) because of so many people doing this. In the early 1990's Buddy Roemer pulled it in disastrous Lincoln Chafee/Charlie Crist like fashion. Then later ran a doomed campaign for President. Just like Chafee and hopefully Crist.)

Mufi Hannemann almost did in the same thing in 2014 because he had angered so many in the Democratic machine over years of patronage clashes, but then Manny Pacquiao endorsed Duke Aiona so he ran as an Independent. (This last part may or may not be in the correct order of events.)


HARRISBURG - Democrats on Tuesday won all three open seats on Pennsylvania's Supreme Court, a stunning result in a historic race that could dramatically reshape the powerful but scandal-plagued institution for years to come.

Judges Kevin Dougherty, David Wecht, and Christine Donohue will join the seven-member bench in January, creating a dominant 5-2 Democratic majority as the court is poised to consider landmark cases involving the death penalty, natural gas drilling, and legislative redistricting.

Dougherty, a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge and brother of the city labor leader John J. Dougherty, was the only Philadelphia-area candidate to win. He also was poised to outpoll all candidates, days after the city's Democratic establishment publicly urged voters to support him.

Republicans had controlled the bench since 2010, and hoped to retain the majority. But the Republican nominees - Judges Judy Olson, Mike George and Anne Covey - were solidly defeated, as was independent Paul Panepinto.

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/p...c_Supreme_Court_race.html#q2ATixdJHReOGWsz.99

I'll take this win for the night.


I'm just shocked Virginia is so resistant to low turnout, anti-Obama, wave years. Bodes well for 2016.

Hillary should have a slight advantage, although it is by no means a lock for her in the state. Also depends on who is running against her and what happens in next year. A year is an eternity in politics.


Two of the vacancies were created when former justices Joan Orie Melvin and Seamus McCaffery resigned - Melvin after being convicted for corruption, McCaffery to end an inquiry into X-rated emails. The other seat became open when former Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille reached the mandatory retirement age of 70.
Another e-mail scandal takes out a Democrat.


Hawaii's been majority minority since it became a state. The GOP has no message there.

Hawaii was almost completely GOP dominated until statehood. Hawaii seems like one of those states that, due to it's peculiar formation, is probably going to vote one party for a long, long time.


On May 7, 2013, Orie Melvin was sentenced to 3 years of house arrest followed by 2 years of probation. She was also ordered to perform community service in a soup kitchen 3 days a week, to send a hand-written apology to every judge in the state along with a picture of herself in handcuffs, and to pay for the cost of the photograph.


Hawaii was almost completely GOP dominated until statehood. Hawaii seems like one of those states that, due to it's peculiar formation, is probably going to vote one party for a long, long time.
One reason is because as a Territory, their high political positions were all essentially appointed by the President since he appointed the Governor. And that creates political careers.

Their non-voting House seat was mostly dominated by two guys (one of whom was a Prince of the Kingdom) who served until they died and the one guys wife. So in other words, nothing's changed on that front. Together those three served 33 of the first 59 years. Add in another feller who resigned to join the war and you get 45 years.

Oh, and the freakin' Doles were Republicans. They kicked the bucket right as it moving towards statehood which probably helped.


I got out of work and voted today. Boise should re-elect Dave Bieter, a democrat. Here's hoping anyway.
I typed in "Boise" into Google and this is the first news result:
UPDATE: Farmer Killed In Bizarre Incident Involving Bull, Wrecked Vehicle and Law Enforcement Gunfire

The election story on there has Bieter winning with 74% of the vote so far.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I typed in "Boise" into Google and this is the first news result:

The election story on there has Bieter winning with 74% of the vote so far.

Ha! Awesome. When I checked just a bit ago none of the districts were reporting. Then again, it can't take that long to count them. No one else I know voted today. Every now and then I get the feeling that 500 like minded people could completely change this town just by showing up to vote on non-Presidential election years.


Caucuses are the true barometer of the candidate's voter drive. Santorum's people were simply willing to show up and make a difference than Romney's in iowa. I think Carson's supporters are the same way.
(inb4 benjipwns post about Ron Paul actually winning Iowa)
Well, technically, his point still stands. The Paulites were the only ones who actually bothered to find out how the delegates were actually selected. Everyone else went home after the straw poll and never came back, let alone attended the convention.

This happened in a lot of caucus states.

The Obama team did the same thing. If you remember, they worked out pacts with Kucinich and Edwards people in different states. The fact that Mark Penn didn't know how caucuses worked probably helped too.

The obvious replacement is Chafee.
Alan Grayson.


Larry O'Brien of the NBA's Larry O'Brien Trophy fame twice was the DNC chair, and top lawyer.

So clearly the answer is David Stern.
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