Wow tony Abbott went down.
Wow tony Abbott went down.
Well, I offered two completely different theories. If you've got an explanation as to why an evangelical christian conservative university is inviting Bernie fucking Sanders to speak at their school then feel free to let me know.
Otherwise, your d-tier sarcasm has been noted. And they are salivating at the thought of having to face him, that's just a fact. Take one look at newsmax, breitbart, or hotair comments section and those nutjobs practically have a hard on every time an article about Sanders surging is on their site.
"I'm getting crushed in polls right now, so I might as well just pretty much openly attack the middle- and lower-class."
Yeah, let's get rid of the group that makes sure employers aren't taking advantage of employees. Let's get back to the good ol' days of the Industrial Revolution! Any 7-year olds up for some coal mining?
Screw you, Priebus. Not surprising though.
Screw you, Priebus. Not surprising though.
Must read Yglesias on Jebs tax plan, Clintons email and 2000 redux
I genuinely hope Donald Trump ruthlessly attacks Jeb! for his bullshit tax plan.
lmaoCan someone trick that 13.5 dimensional imp into saying his name backwards already? It can't be that hard to get him to say Prince Rebius.
I understand the reality of using the "right" words, doesn't mean it's not awful though.He's not wrong, from a practical perspective. Yes, ideally, implementation of policies would be more important, but it's the rhetoric about the policies that win elections. As unfortunate as it may be, it has proven itself time and time again.
I understand the reality of using the "right" words, doesn't mean it's not awful though.
Sometimes I almost say to myself that a Trump presidency could potentially be less damaging to the country than a Jeb! presidency, but then I remember to check my white privilege and realize how truly horrible a Trump presidency would be for Latinos.
I dont think he will fall trap to terrible advisers. Trump is the kind of guy that surrounds himself with yes men.That's the thing, I don't think it would be. At the end of the day he is a practical businessman, and he knows any strong deportation or immigration restriction approach would have terrible consequences for business (as well as the immigrants themselves) so he would not push it. I firmly believe it's lip service to the conservative base and if he wins he will focus his efforts on other things. He is far better served long term from building strong international relations and getting a good international reputation. That said he might fall trap to terrible advisers.
That's the thing, I don't think it would be. At the end of the day he is a practical businessman, and he knows any strong deportation or immigration restriction approach would have terrible consequences for business (as well as the immigrants themselves) so he would not push it. I firmly believe it's lip service to the conservative base and if he wins he will focus his efforts on other things. He is far better served long term from building strong international relations and getting a good international reputation. That said he might fall trap to terrible advisers.
GOP Presidential Debate No. 2 |OT| Round 2: Fight!
Or something similarly fighting-game related, to reflect someone's earlier observation about the Reagan airplane backdrop.
whoa whoa whoa, what is that girl doing in the background....
whoa whoa whoa, what is that girl doing in the background....
I'll be in my bunk.
PollGaf, unfortunately I wont be able to watch the debate. Its on the same day as my son's 1st birthday. I will be here for the coke fueled after party though.
Your son sounds like a baller.
I think he means our afterparty.
They're also salivating at the thought of nominating trump.
Truly wondrous people there.
In a poll released two days before the second GOP presidential debate, billionaire developer Donald Trump is riding Republican voters' wave of anti-establishment preference, polling 33.6 percent. Fellow non-politician and neurosurgeon Carson drew 22.4 percent.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is the closest veteran politician, drawing just 15.2 percent in his home state.
Florida's U .S. Sen. Marco Rubio fell to fifth in the Gravis Florida poll at 5.4 percent. At that level Rubio is in a tight pack, just a few tenths of a point behind businesswoman Carly Fiorina and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, and just a tenth of a point ahead of Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
The rest of the GOP candidates fell below the poll's margin of error. Gravis, of Winter Springs, conducted the poll Sept. 5-11, calling 891 Republicans for a margin of error of 3 percent; and 693 Democrats, for a margin of error of 4 percent. The pollsters used both automated telephone calls and cell phone responses.
Gravis also asked Florida's Republican voters who they liked better, Bush or Rubio. If the Florida primary were between just those two, Rubio leads 51 percent to 31 percent.
On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads with 41.6 percent of Florida's Democrats, followed by Vice President Joe Biden with 21.4 percent, and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont at 12.5 percent.
Hillary is doomed!
Recap in Florida poll by Gravis.
Trump 34
Carson 22
Bush 15 (LOLOLOL)
Fiorina 6
Cruz 6
Rubio 5
Kasich (5?)
Walker and everyone else, < 4
Bush 3rd in his own state. Walker doesn't even poll above the MoE.
edit: For Dems
Hillary is doomed!
Wow. Obviously this is going to change in the coming months as people drop out, but Bush being down in Florida as much as he's down (just about) everywhere else is a bad sign.
Wait, what? Liberty University invited Bernie Sanders to speak? Da fuq.
And ahead this much with 16 other competitorsTrump has more than a third of GOP voters at this point. Has anybody had that many this early in a race before in recent history?
As bizarre as it sounds, I still could see a Trump meltdown where Carson picks up his voters.
I think the next debate is the key. If Trump backs off a LITTLE and doesn't make a fool out of himself where he attacks the other candidates too much, he'll be fine. If he turns into a pitbull and starts slamming everyone, I think we'll see his numbers drop a bit.
I wonder if there are many GOP voters out there looking at these numbers, looking at the map, and pulling their hair out since their fellow voters are effectively ignoring the two viable swing state candidates.
Take a peek at the conservative comment sections, and the map barely comes-up. Which is puzzling, given how (in some ways) it's their worst enemy. After being out for two terms, you'd think that their voters would try to think this through a bit more.
Why on earth would you think that? Every time he's gone full pitbull in the past it's only helped him.
I wonder if there are many GOP voters out there looking at these numbers, looking at the map, and pulling their hair out since their fellow voters are effectively ignoring the two viable swing state candidates.
What if he makes a racist comment about Carson in the debate?
What if he accuses Fiorina of being on her periodWhat if he accuses the moderator of being on her period?
What if he accuses Fiorina of being on her period