This gets to the heart of the matter; the fear that a Bernie Sanders presidency would hurt corporate profits. But would it hurt the profits of
all corporations?
Let's say, for arguments sake, that I and almost all of Bernie's supporters come through in 2018, and boot the Republicans out of The House, thus giving Bernie the super majority he'll need to get anything done. He then instigates the trillion dollar infrastructure program, that would put over a million Americans back to work, on $15 and higher (the likes of Structural Engineers would obviously be earning way more).
All those Americans, as well as being able to support themselves and perhaps a family, will have extra cash to spend on consumer goods and services, a driver of economic growth, no? Also, they would be able to afford health insurance, in states that have blocked Medicaid expansion (despite ultimately only costing them 10% of the cost...).
And what about all the extra jobs created in our necessary transition away from fossil fuels, hopefully including an explosion in fully electric vehicles, which we should be manufacturing in this country, with again, jobs that, at a minimum, pay a living wage. All driving our economy forward and at the same time, a step in the right direction on Global Warming.
So, I would contend that some industries would actually see significant growth and Koch Industries share price would never recover