Is there a future coalition that would be better?The current Democratic coalition produces really inefficient voting patterns.
Is there a future coalition that would be better?The current Democratic coalition produces really inefficient voting patterns.
good timing. he knows trump will dominate news this weekend
but really, I don't see the scandal if he paid for it. I charge personal expenses on my corporate card all the time. It's billed to me, and I pay it off and file expense reports for reimbursable items
It can get brought up in the debate at least.If I'm not mistaken, he billed his personal expenses to the Republican party and they paid for it. He only partly paid for his personal expenses. In the case of the tiling company, he says he "pulled the wrong credit card" to pay for it. Dude's slimy.
But I agree what other people are saying. It will get lost in the category 5 Carsonado that will continue to rage for next few days..
Michigan GOP has pretty much maximized their potential in the state House and Senate. More people voted for Democratic state legislators than Republican ones in 2012, but it didn't matter. The current Democratic coalition produces really inefficient voting patterns.
I do agree, though. I could see Michigan going being competitive in 2020/2024. Republicans would do well to target the Midwest as Georgia and North Carolina trend blue.
And we even elected a Democratic senator in the otherwise bad year last year.What reason for Michigan to go red 5 to 8 years in the future? Seems to me racial demographics would make it difficult for one and 2014 was a bad year in general. I say they might vote in non presidential years that leans republican .
Is there a future coalition that would be better?
What reason for Michigan to go red 5 to 8 years in the future? Seems to me racial demographics would make it difficult for one and 2014 was a bad year in general. I say they might vote in non presidential years that leans republican .
You are going to go into a deep dark depression when he isn't the nominee aren't you.
hillarygaf too smug, i almost hope trump wins to see yall faces
Daniel B·;184688162 said:What's going on? I could listen to this guy (a politician), every day of the week (well I'd perhaps take a break on the weekend's)!
Bernie Sanders at the South Carolina - Democratic Women's Council:
Bernie's way more electable (today), but he reminds me a little of Tony Benn (RIP), who was left-wing Labour MP, who I had enormous respect for, based on his appearances on BBC's Newsnight etc. I actually met him once, but totally wasted the opportunity.
Bernie not 1000% for Women and Women's equal rights; preposterous!.
hillarygaf too smug, i almost hope trump wins to see yall faces
hillarygaf too smug, i almost hope trump wins to see yall faces
He's just bad at this. I'm sorry, but Bernie is just terrible at politics. When your enemy is drowning, maybe you don't throw them another anvil, but you don't help him tread water!
This does reinforce the idea that the "going negative" stuff comes from his campaign and not from him. I cannot believe someone who has been in politics as long as Bernie has doesn't understand the importance of perception. This Carson stuff is ridiculous. It's not from 40 years ago, it's shit he brought up today. What's the time limit on stupid shit you can call someone out on? A week? A decade? The only chance Bernie has is maximizing any points you can gain on forced or unforced errors by your opponent.
He's just bad at this. I'm sorry, but Bernie is just terrible at politics. When your enemy is drowning, maybe you don't throw them another anvil, but you don't help him tread water!
There are all kinds of addictions and addictions occur in people who are vulnerable who are lacking something in their lives, so we really have to start asking ourselves what have we taken outside of our lives in America? What are some of those values and principles that allowed us to ascend the ladder of success so rapidly to the pinnacle of the world and the highest pinnacle anyone else had ever reached, and why are we throwing away all of our values and principles for the sake of political correctness?
Dr. Ben Carson has some thoughts:
As always, they're ridiculously stupid.
He's just bad at this. I'm sorry, but Bernie is just terrible at politics. When your enemy is drowning, maybe you don't throw them another anvil, but you don't help him tread water!
This does reinforce the idea that the "going negative" stuff comes from his campaign and not from him. I cannot believe someone who has been in politics as long as Bernie has doesn't understand the importance of perception. This Carson stuff is ridiculous. It's not from 40 years ago, it's shit he brought up today. What's the time limit on stupid shit you can call someone out on? A week? A decade? The only chance Bernie has is maximizing any points you can gain on forced or unforced errors by your opponent.
Yet the only post wishing death upon a candidate has come from a Sanders supporter talking about Clinton.
cmon now.Ted, Jeb, Bobby, Mitt... I have nothing against those guys using whatever names they prefer, but it's just a ridiculous contradiction.
The line of logic from addictions to political correctness is absurd. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It is basically like everything he says: starts off decent then descends into a puddle of talking points and hyperbole. What exactly is he arguing? Decline of religion in America? Rise of gay rights? Decline of the traditional family? He is clearly covering up what he really wants to say, but does a terrible job of saying anything in the process.
Good god that makes me wanna puke.
Leave it to Hillary supporters to criticize Bernie for being too decent.
did that really happen. whoa. its not that serious dawg
Hillary is just pandering for more "donations" from her corporate benefactors.
This fuck isn't going to do shit.
Hopefully this piece of shit either dies before the elections, drops out of the race or continues and takes the L she rightfully deserves.
Yeah, it seems like Obama's still getting vetted.Carson is building his entirebook tourcampaign on a narrative about being a poor kid who pulled himself up by his bootstraps to become a world-renowned neurosurgeon.
If there are embellishments in that narrative, they are fair game.
Also, it's kind of funny watching GOP candidates point to Obama (as Carson did) or Clinton (as Rubio's campaign did about finances) and claim that no one has investigated them as with as much scrutiny.
Yeah, it seems like Obama's still getting vetted.
Carson's "shtick" so to speak, is embody the conservative memes. He grew up poor, but believing in a conservative, bootstraps worldview rid him of his food stamps-destined fate. He also found Jesus, and Jesus turned him from a violent hammer-wielding mad-man to a soft-spoken, calm savior.Carson is building his entirebook tourcampaign on a narrative about being a poor kid who pulled himself up by his bootstraps to become a world-renowned neurosurgeon.
If there are embellishments in that narrative, they are fair game.
Also, it's kind of funny watching GOP candidates point to Obama (as Carson did) or Clinton (as Rubio's campaign did about finances) and claim that no one has investigated them as with as much scrutiny.
did that really happen. whoa. its not that serious dawg
cmon now.
So, the Guardian today put out this interesting article that is pretty topical:
New Democrats' sound alarm over Sanders and Clinton's leftward march
Interested in thoughts and opinions. I'm fairly confident of how Bernie supporters are going to think about it, but I'm interested in Hillary backers. Do you fear Hillary tracking back to the right? Do you want her to track back to the right?
Bobby Jindal should be called Bobby Jindal, I'm just upset that the right tries to deny the ability of transgender individuals to go by the names they want at the same time.
I'm not entirely convinced that the core principles underlying the disparate base of the Democratic party are necessarily all aligned or of equal weight. And this probably goes for other Western leftwing parties as well.
There's a schism between the identity politics/civil rights driven social progressive agenda and the economic leftist and labour driven agenda. The low income, white, straight, cis and typically male voter to whom the Democratic Party's policies, on things like wages, should probably appeal are more often than not voting Republican.
I don't know whether a renewed focus on economic populist messages will necessarily bring them back.
Thomas Edsall has a bunch of interesting op-eds on the NYT about the topic.
So, the Guardian today put out this interesting article that is pretty topical:
New Democrats' sound alarm over Sanders and Clinton's leftward march
Interested in thoughts and opinions. I'm fairly confident of how Bernie supporters are going to think about it, but I'm interested in Hillary backers. Do you fear Hillary tracking back to the right? Do you want her to track back to the right?
Al From, a leading figure of the centre-left who chaired the Democratic Leadership Council during the first Clinton presidency, argues that a focus on inequality, though understandable after the banking crash, risks driving all candidates too far from policies that would promote growth.