Nearly every GOP answer was a joke or just stupid.
Ted Cruz wants us to go back on the gold standard, argues stupid reasons for it. He would let BofA fail because he's a moron.
Jeb! argued we need more capital requirements for big fnancial institutions, then railed against Dodd-Frank...WHICH FUCKING RAISED CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS.
Carly repeated idiotic Fannie/Freddie myths about the recession which has been debunked time and again. They are all literally advocating for the shit that led to the financial crash and no one argues against them. All Carly does is lie.
Rubio is all fluff. He just sounds good but he says very little.
Trump says nothing at all. Everything is "I'll do it cuz I'm Trump." There is no substance to anything he says.
Carson, I don't even know what planet he's fucking on. My girlfriend who watched the debates for the first time asked me if he was stoned the entire time, lol.
The Republicans describe a world that does not exist. America is in ruins, Obama ruined it, we're all dying, mass hysteria, etc. They really don't understand that Obama, from any objective measure, has been an overall success.
The only one out there that seems remotely rational other than Kasich is Rand. Now, I disagree with a lot of what he says, but at least he makes a coherent argument. At least he doesn't lie about what he states. At least he's willing to criticize some of the horrible economic and foreign policy arguments being made.
God. What the GOP has become in the last 8 years is startling.