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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Unless I'm remembering incorrectly doesn't Private Sector Job Growth completely drop off under Republican Presidents? If I recall it was a big part of Obama's counter to Romney in 2012, that under him the Private Sector growth was outpacing every Republican president in recent memory.


I guess it doesn't "drop off", but it's clearly lower. Even before the Dot Com Boom really picked up Clinton saw great Private Sector job growth, and even Carter saw better job growth (on average) than the likes of Nixon and Ford.
I think comparing private sector job growth is a canard. Meanwhile, we had massive public sector job losses at the state level and it dragged down the rest of the economy:


But yes, it's true that every Republican president engineers a recession in their first term to jack up interest rates - with the exception of W, but he made up for it later.


god damn why aren't more candidates as ballsy as Edwards
I think Edwards and his folks know that, even though Vitter is incredibly unpopular/flawed/vulnerable, this is still Louisiana. Seems like he's leaving nothing to chance on this one (to continue my football metaphor from earlier: he's going to leave it all on the field).

I have liberal friends who still refuse to believe that he'll win, and they won't believe it until they see it actually happen.
So what was going on with Cruz talking positively about Calvin Coolidge's term as president regarding economic policy? It seems...odd...to put the economy of the early 1920s in a good light considering...you know.


No Scrubs
So what was going on with Cruz talking positively about Calvin Coolidge's term as president regarding economic policy? It seems...odd...to put the economy of the early 1920s in a good light considering...you know.

You see that a lot with conservatives lately for some reason. For the life of me I cannot explain it, usually I feel like I can make a guess but this is a legitimate mystery to me.


So what was going on with Cruz talking positively about Calvin Coolidge's term as president regarding economic policy? It seems...odd...to put the economy of the early 1920s in a good light considering...you know.
It was a period of very high growth until that one mulligan.
You see that a lot with conservatives lately for some reason. For the life of me I cannot explain it, usually I feel like I can make a guess but this is a legitimate mystery to me.

It's like saying we should emulate all of the policies that got us to the 2007 economy. It's fucking stupid on its face and deserving of only scorn but these people love it.
If memory serves, Coolidge was also The greatest example of a Fuck The Poor president, no? He could be trying to allude to dude Having The Gonads To Do What Needed To Be Done.

which, y'know, requires one to turn a blind eye to the results, but fuckit, at least he told the moochers and takers to get fucked.
So what was going on with Cruz talking positively about Calvin Coolidge's term as president regarding economic policy? It seems...odd...to put the economy of the early 1920s in a good light considering...you know.

Conservatives see as government interference that caused both the Great Depression and Recession, so they don't see Coolidge's Laissez-faire as the issue. They consider expansionist monetary policy by the FED as the issue back then, and that combined with Fannie and Freddie, housing subsidies, bank protections, etc. as the issue more recently. For the Great Depression, they point out that it was the Smoot-Hawley tariff they really mad things bad, and that many of FDR's policies also extended the downturn.

There's a bunch of conservatives at my school so I'll familiar with some of their arguments. Some of the points they make have some merit.
What an amazing picture of Vitter


John Bel Edwards looks so much like David Paymer, AKA the Saab dealer who could only say Hello in "Crazy People" and the coach in that ghost basketball movie with Dwayne Wayne and the Wayans brother.

EDIT: That ghost basketball movie was "The Sixth Man".


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I definitely felt more bored at yesterday's debate than any prior ones so far, so I guess it's not that surprising about the ratings.

Muses???? I thought you had one and only one muse by the name of sippy cupp. How could you

You would be correct, except that she sadly marred her beauty with her misguided dye job. :(
Coolidge only had a limited amount of time being president before his son died and Coolidge developed crippling depression that made him unable to work capably and led to his early death. Democrats judge him as a person too harshly.
Coolidge only had two years of being president before his son died and Coolidge developed crippling depression that made him unable to work capably and led to his early death. Democrats judge him as a person too harshly.

Regardless of who the man was, we should not look to the economy of the time, under his influence or not, as something we should replicate given its outcome.
Here is the gist of it

Sanders is left and he has always been left
Hillary is catering to the left when she has always been a centrist

non-establishment GOPers (minus trump) were right and will always be right
Bush, Kasich and Rubio are catering to the right but were always center right
Trump up until 2010 was centrist, he is catering to the right

When election time comes and catering part is over. Watch

as Clinton shifts to the center.
as Sanders shifts to center left
every GOP candidate except the non-establishment ones will shift to the center right instead of right
if a non-establishment Gop candidate is chosen, he will cater to the right and not move to the center


No Scrubs
You realize that, while she was in the Senate, Clinton was the 11th most liberal Senator? Right?

Or do facts like that not factor into the equation?


Some people blame Reagan I blame gutless Democrats for allowing such a shift. It's criminal that Nixon was more liberal than the 11th most liberal member of the senate.

This is one of your worst posts, but continue to think that while you live in your bizarre fantasy world!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"I just think the Department of Commerce is such a base of cronyism, we need to eliminate it twice," Cruz joked.

It's actually a brilliant idea to get rid of the Commerce department, cause that's where the BLS resides. No BLS, means no jobs report, and thus infinite jobs!


This is one of your worst posts, but continue to think that while you live in your bizarre fantasy world!

It's ok ivysaur, I'm honored that you are keeping track. The sad reality is that my opinion is not far removed from the facts. You seem to be one living in a fantasy land where you fail to recognize that Nixon was far more liberal than either Clinton or Obama.

Obama said:
"The truth of the matter is, when you look at some of my policies, in a lot of ways Richard Nixon was more liberal than I was,"


It's ok ivysaur, I'm honored that you are keeping track. The sad reality is that my opinion is not far removed from the facts. You seem to be one living in a fantasy land where you fail to recognize that Nixon was far more liberal than either Clinton or Obama.
And you continually attempt to conflate political environments from two radically different eras of politics. Things are not that simple.


Some people blame Reagan I blame gutless Democrats for allowing such a shift. It's criminal that Nixon was more liberal than the 11th most liberal member of the senate.
It's the people. We live in a democracy and the electorate chooses center-right governments because it is center-right.


And you continually attempt to conflate political environments from two radically different eras of politics. Things are not that simple.

Remember when the Democrats, the party of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, were for slavery and segregation? Cause I do I'll tell ya what.


Bcause Rubio is a mediocre but somewhat polished politician and nobody else in the field is even close to that, so he looks twice as good.

The desperation is real. Forgot which program I was watching before the debate but one of the pundits said Rubio is the future of the Republican Party.

Dude's gonna lose his Senate seat so my guess is he'll run for the FL governors seat (after Rick vacates). If he loses then it's all over for him as a GOP presidential shoe-in candidate. Unless of course, the Dems don't nurture their young guns properly.


No Scrubs
The desperation is real. Forgot which program I was watching before the debate but one of the pundits said Rubio is the future of the Republican Party.

Dude's gonna lose his Senate seat so my guess is he'll run for the FL governors seat. If he loses that it's all over for him as the GOP presidential shoe-in candidate. Unless of course, the Dems don't nurture their young guns properly.

The Dems have a lot of candidates that sat on the sidelines this go around due to Hillary's popularity within the party.


It's ok ivysaur, I'm honored that you are keeping track. The sad reality is that my opinion is not far removed from the facts. You seem to be one living in a fantasy land where you fail to recognize that Nixon was far more liberal than either Clinton or Obama.


Coolidge is maligned unfairly. If I'm recalling correctly Coolidge passed the 1924 tax cuts which lowered taxes on the poor, which increased revenues because the tax cuts were on the correct side of the Laffer curve. He later lowered taxes on the wealthy, but this policy alone wasn't what caused the depression.

The great depression was caused by the Federal Reserve drastically tightening the money supply to cool off the stock market, which was an incredible case of overkill to solve the problem. Then they kept the depression going by continuing to tighten the money supply. Economists of course now know better, which is why they did the opposite after 2008.

One thing you could fault Coolidge for was not creating a Securities and Exchange Commission to require companies to have an independent audit of their financial statements. Companies being able to fudge the numbers without penalty is what partly led to the overheating of the stock market which made the Fed tighten the money supply to begin with. But principally the depression was created by a Fed that had a poorer understanding of economics than we enjoy today.


Louisiana update:

Hearing that the Republican Governors Association is pulling out of Louisiana. Que taps for David Vitter.


And then, just minutes ago:

I can confirm this: @FundForLAFuture has taken foot off accelerator, now outspent 3:1 on TV by @GumboPac DGA #LaGov


Holy shit.
It's ok ivysaur, I'm honored that you are keeping track. The sad reality is that my opinion is not far removed from the facts. You seem to be one living in a fantasy land where you fail to recognize that Nixon was far more liberal than either Clinton or Obama.

In terms of legislation? Maybe. Socially? Nixon was laughably, hilariously, publicly racist towards Jews and blacks, and is on record as being in favor of aborting mixed race children.

So no, not really.
It's ok ivysaur, I'm honored that you are keeping track. The sad reality is that my opinion is not far removed from the facts. You seem to be one living in a fantasy land where you fail to recognize that Nixon was far more liberal than either Clinton or Obama.

Here, read these and get back to me - spoiler alert, Nixon looked like a "liberal" on _some_ domestic policy because he was facing an overwhelmingly liberal Congress.






No Scrubs
I know some did but it's always nice to hear different perspectives on names. Who do you think kept himself out?

Cuomo for sure, he's solidly in Clinton's camp and would never run against her in a million years. He hasn't been very good on economic inequality, but he's been pretty good on social issues.

There's also Kirstin Gillibrand. If Hillary wasn't in this she likely would have jumped in to set up a run at a later date, I've always said if Hillary isn't our first female president then Gillibrand will be. She's just got the right stuff and is really far more impressive than anyone originally gave her credit for.

DeBlasio was never going to run this go around, but if his term as mayor goes well and he gets reelected and avoid screwing up he could make a run. If the country keep shifting left he'd be a solid candidate in 8 years.

That's just off the top of my head though. It's got a NY focus if only because that's where I live and so most of my attention on the local and state level is there.

EDIT: Someone else could probably expand on that list.
Louisiana update:

Hearing that the Republican Governors Association is pulling out of Louisiana. Que taps for David Vitter.


And then, just minutes ago:

I can confirm this: @FundForLAFuture has taken foot off accelerator, now outspent 3:1 on TV by @GumboPac DGA #LaGov


Holy shit.
Not getting my hopes up yet - after all RGA pulled out of Kentucky and still won there. Although that was more out of frustration with the candidate and they went back in with a week left. Here they only have a week left.
I know some did but it's always nice to hear different perspectives on names. Who do you think kept himself out?

Both in terms of short-term and long-term - Kloubacher, Booker, Cuomo, Hickenlooper, the Castro's, Tulsi Gabbard (assuming the Hillary Death Squads don't taker her out by complaining about the debates :)), Gillibrand, Kamala Harris. Just off the top of my head.
DeBlasio was never going to run this go around, but if his term as mayor goes well and he gets reelected and avoid screwing up he could make a run. If the country keep shifting left he'd be a solid candidate in 8 years.

Talking about DeBlasio as a serious national candidate when he has awful approval ratings and is likely a one term mayor seems a bit off.


Not getting my hopes up yet - after all RGA pulled out of Kentucky and still won there. Although that was more out of frustration with the candidate and they went back in with a week left. Here they only have a week left.
I'm hoping we see one more round of polls, just to see if there's any tightening..


Cuomo for sure, he's solidly in Clinton's camp and would never run against her in a million years. He hasn't been very good on economic inequality, but he's been pretty good on social issues.

There's also Kirstin Gillibrand. If Hillary wasn't in this she likely would have jumped in to set up a run at a later date, I've always said if Hillary isn't our first female president then Gillibrand will be. She's just got the right stuff and is really far more impressive than anyone originally gave her credit for.

DeBlasio was never going to run this go around, but if his term as mayor goes well and he gets reelected and avoid screwing up he could make a run. If the country keep shifting left he'd be a solid candidate in 8 years.

That's just off the top of my head though. It's got a NY focus if only because that's where I live and so most of my attention on the local and state level is there.

EDIT: Someone else could probably expand on that list.

my NY rep Elise OG Stefanik

youngest woman ever elected to congress. will be the youngest woman ever elected to the presidency.

oh but she's a republican, nevermind.
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