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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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No Scrubs
Trump's run is real. There's no way a Democratic strategist foresaw him taking over the party.

Oh no doubt. I'm just saying that if Bill Clinton came over to my table at Shake Shack and told he me tricked Trump into running, I would totally believe him.

Trump getting into the race was always going to mess with the dynamic, no one could have ever predicted that it would go this far though.
Pretty much. I mean, we make the joke but I think we all know a guy with the sort of ego that makes them easy to play. I mean, I spent most of high school trolling a guy like that for laughs (he was a huge bully, so I never felt bad about it).

Oh, I actually think you're probably 95% right here in what is happening.

Trump's run is real. There's no way a Democratic strategist foresaw him taking over the party.

I don't think the Dems/Clintons ever foresaw what is happening now. I think they thought Trump would just throw a wrench into everything and make the candidates do stupid shit for a few weeks that they could use come general election time.

This would be like someone telling you you're going on a blind date with someone who is at least an 8 and you end up with Scarlett Johanson (or Ryan Goseling depending on your preference).
I honestly don't get where the GOP thinks they're going with "the tax code is too long!" and "inflation is too high!" tactics. Are there more than five people on the planet who agree with the later or give a shit about the former?


How is a single fucking person on the planet swayed by Rubio? Debate after debate he just spouts off completely empty, inane off-prompt nonsense whenever asked a question or challenged by someone. In terms of depth he makes Mitt Romney look like Thomas Jefferson.

East Lake

How is a single fucking person on the planet swayed by Rubio? Debate after debate he just spouts off completely empty, inane off-prompt nonsense whenever asked a question or challenged by someone. In terms of depth he makes Mitt Romney look like Thomas Jefferson.
I don't know he's such a nothing candidate. Rubio what about your tax plan...? Goes into some lofty, aimless bs about working families or being in debt, or some other dumb canned story he has in his back pocket. I think that's why establishment types like him but it'll eventually backfire on them. He's a boring clown that'll get pummeled by some other candidate over immigration.
I don't know he's such a nothing candidate. Rubio what about your tax plan...? Goes into some lofty, aimless bs about working families or being in debt, or some other dumb canned story he has in his back pocket. I think that's why establishment types like him but it'll eventually backfire on them. He's a boring clown that'll get pummeled by some other candidate over immigration.

All he does is paraphrase his stump speeches. And avoids immigration talk.

But voters are stupid enough to vote for him because he does sound nice. If only politics were about policy.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Was I the only one that noticed that Cruz said his brilliant, freedom loving, pro-growth tax plan would create 4.9 million jobs over a fucking decade? That's 490K jobs a year, which is a little more than 12k jobs a month. Last month we had 270k.

I checked to make sure I didn't misinterpret what he meant to say, but he said the exact same thing during the last debate, and the tax foundation score that he bragged about using pretty much said the same thing:

According to our Taxes and Growth Model, the increased incentives to work and invest from this tax plan would increase the size of the economy by 13.9 percent over the long run. The plan would lead to 12.2 percent higher wages and a 43.9 percent larger capital stock. The larger economy would mainly result from a significant reduction in the service price of capital, due to the elimination of the corporate income tax and the significant reduction in the individual income tax. In addition, the reduction of marginal tax rates on individual income would increase incentives to work and result in 4.8 million full-time equivalent jobs.


Even for Republicans, this is an amazingly shitty thing to boast about.
Was I the only one that noticed that Cruz said his brilliant, freedom loving, pro-growth tax plan would create 4.9 million jobs over a fucking decade? That's 490K jobs a year, which is a little more than 12k jobs a month. Last month we had 270k.

I checked to make sure I didn't misinterpret what he meant to say, but he said the exact same thing during the last debate, and the tax foundation score that he bragged about using pretty much said the same thing:


Even for Republicans, this is an amazingly shitty thing to boast about.

I fucking hate the idea of even remotely defending Cruz but my understanding is those job increases are in addition to the status quo. That is an additional 490k jobs per year above whatever the number would have been. So instead of say 2.5 million per year it's now 3.

His numbers are pure bullshit but I don't think what's meant is just 490k per year.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I fucking hate the idea of even remotely defending Cruz but my understanding is those job increases are in addition to the status quo. That is an additional 490k jobs per year above whatever the number would have been. So instead of say 2.5 million per year it's now 3.

His numbers are pure bullshit but I don't think what's meant is just 490k per year.

Yeah that was a possibility I later thought about. Makes more sense.

Still, an extra 500k jobs per year is pretty pathetic for a plan that will supposedly unleash the power of the private sector!


270k is not the average monthly job growth for 2015.

Also, we can expect job growth to naturally slow as we get closer to 0% unemployment.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
270k is not the average monthly job growth for 2015.

Also, we can expect job growth to naturally slow as we get closer to 0% unemployment.

Yes, average monthly job growth is not 270k, but it's been way higher than the 42k/month.
I too don't get the allure of Rubio. I can't stand to hear the dude talk. It's like he's got a mouthful of....well,I won't finish that expression. The moment he can't recite something from memory, he's going to look a fool. I loved how the moderators threw him the easiest of the easy questions. They gave him the perfect questions to simply rehash part of his stump speech. Jeb! No Last Name is completely done. I think he'll stay in long enough to try and hurt Rubio. I don't know that he'll be successful, but I think he'll try. Carly was solid, I guess. I still see her angling for the Veep position. She's shown she loooves to go after Clinton. Plus, she can do it in a way that won't appear sexist. Sure, she'll lie her ass off, but it'd be harder for someone to call her on it. I don't even know with Trump. However, I think Carson is on his way down. It;s not the lying, per say, it's just the entire thing around him seems like a bubble ready to pop.

The most interesting thing is how each of these candidates has taken a part of the party for their own. Who can unify Trump, Establishment, Carson, and Cruz supporters? Trumps people are never going to trust an establishment candidate. Establishment candidate supporters aren't entirely stupid, they know what a Trump or Carson ticket would do. Evangelicals are not going to be crazy about Trump. Rmoney was at least palatable to different parts of the party....who is that candidate now?

The only one I could make a potential case for is Cruz...but I don't think it's a good case. If they can just keep a few of them in the race, splitting the delegates as they go, I'll be happy as hell.
I've decided who Fiorina reminds me of. She's a female Rod Serling. Like, she doesn't look like him, and I have no idea what his political beliefs are, but she speaks exactly like him. Same kind of cadence and such. Especially on her closing remarks tonight.

Well, that abortion speech of hers from the previous debate does sound like something from the Twilight Zone.
270k is not the average monthly job growth for 2015.

Also, we can expect job growth to naturally slow as we get closer to 0% unemployment.

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly doesn't Private Sector Job Growth completely drop off under Republican Presidents? If I recall it was a big part of Obama's counter to Romney in 2012, that under him the Private Sector growth was outpacing every Republican president in recent memory.


I guess it doesn't "drop off", but it's clearly lower. Even before the Dot Com Boom really picked up Clinton saw great Private Sector job growth, and even Carter saw better job growth (on average) than the likes of Nixon and Ford.

Therefore, the average amount of private sector jobs created during Democratic Presidential terms is 1,502,750 and the average amount during Republican Presidential terms is 650,360.

User 406

I opted to get a good night's sleep rather than stay up for this debate, and from the sound of things this morning that was the right choice. The candidates got their limpdick safe moist as dudes moderators and the network got their ratings. I expect that will be the settled pattern for the rest of the GOP debates as well. Or maybe we'll get lucky and the free propaganda platform will start to bore people, ratings will dip, and the networks will go back to hardball questions.

It is amusing that a big part of the candidate pushback against pointed questions was about the ones intended to get the candidates to argue, but now that they got their castrated moderators, they start arguing with each other anyway. XD


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How are any of these fucks not able to touch Rubio?

I expect Trump to go on a tear about immigration again starting tomorrow.

Bcause Rubio is a mediocre but somewhat polished politician and nobody else in the field is even close to that, so he looks twice as good.
Underestimating Rubio is the mistake his opponents keep making.

If anything Rubio is overestimated. Despite the other florida politician tanking and backing from the establishment flocking his way, he's struggling to pass Ted Cruz in polls.

Getting to Trump/Carson level is out of the question for him unless the rest of the field drops out en masse and endorses him.
I honestly don't get where the GOP thinks they're going with "the tax code is too long!" and "inflation is too high!" tactics. Are there more than five people on the planet who agree with the later or give a shit about the former?

There are probably some creditors who are crazy enough to actually want deflation.

Plus yes, tons of people do think that any inflation value above 0 is too high.


Early voting stats from Louisiana.. very very encouraging.



So apparently Beijing for Bernie is like a thing, and not only is this a thing, they're showing the Democratic debate at my local sport bar at Sunday morning.
Everything is awesome.

Can't wait to get shitfaced at 9:30 in the morning and watch my communist Italian friend go about how social democracy saved capitalism.


I want to get excited but after the last couple of mid-terms its tough. Hopefully Dem voters continue to come out.
It feels like a football game where my team is up several scores, but I still can't relax because they're on the road against an offense that is capable of scoring points in a hurry.

I'm cheering for the clock to run out.


How is a single fucking person on the planet swayed by Rubio? Debate after debate he just spouts off completely empty, inane off-prompt nonsense whenever asked a question or challenged by someone. In terms of depth he makes Mitt Romney look like Thomas Jefferson.
I feel like I'm in a bizarro world when anyone tells me they're impressed by Rubio. The guy oozes inauthenticity and is awkward as all hell.
I feel like I'm in a bizarro world when anyone tells me they're impressed by Rubio. The guy oozes inauthenticity and is awkward as all hell.
He had a total deer in headlights moment when Rand caught him off gaurd. Any deviation from script makea him nervous.


Trump is actually pretty bad at these debates. I don't see him actually winning a debate any time soon. Of course, he doesn't seem to suffer any adverse effects in polling just yet, but with all the additional ratings he brings in some of his more casual fans are bound to be disappointed.

In fact, between the last two debates, SNL and his Late Show visit in September, I'm not so sure Trump is even all that mediagenic.
I honestly don't get where the GOP thinks they're going with "the tax code is too long!" and "inflation is too high!" tactics. Are there more than five people on the planet who agree with the later or give a shit about the former?

A lot of economists think the completely disastrous tax code we have is hurting the economy, so I don't think you should dismiss that complaint.


With Kasich on his way out, I'm wondering if Christie isn't due for his comeback (or at least his turn as flavor of the week). Next debate might be his moment to the shine, assuming he makes it back onto the varsity stage. He's probably the best debater of the field, certainly the most capable of delivering zingers and one-liners (yes, better than Trump). On the other hand, the base for relatively sane candidates has been shown to be very limited.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Wow at that post-debate interview where Carson says he isn't answering any more life questions.

The guy is a nutcase.
Wow at that post-debate interview where Carson says he isn't answering any more life questions.

The guy is a nutcase.
That's more reason for the press to dig further. Hopefully they find the supposed paternity lawsuit woman, the alcoholic secretary and obtain the payroll of Mannatech and see the extent of Benny's involvement in the fart pills.
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