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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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There's really "no such thing" as vastly underqualified to be VP. the position itself is almost completely ceremonial with ill defined duties, outside of acting as a tiebreaker in the senate (which takes virtually no skill to do) or an "in case of emergency, break glass" situation if the president dies in office.

If someone is underqualified, VP allows them to get whatever experience might be appropriate for a presidential run in an 8 year span. Since VP doesn't really *do* anything, you can have him do *anything*.

It's a waste to take a skilled senator or popular governor and have them waste away as VP for 8 years.

When Hillary goes to jail for killing Vince Foster, the VP is next in line. And that person should not be some green, political noob. A noob who doesn't even help bring in swing state votes.

We don't need to coddle Julian like a baby. He's a big boy, and if he wants to be president, he can go out and win a congressional seat, like his brother. And then maybe, just maybe, he can think about the next step.

Picking Castro is one of the worst moves Hillary could possibly do, besides picking Joe Lieberman.

Lincoln Chafee is not getting anywhere near the White House. Give up the dream.

Maybe not VP, but what about secretary of state? Imagine the amazing things he could do!
When Hillary goes to jail for killing Vince Foster, the VP is next in line. And that person should not be some green, political noob. A noob who doesn't even help bring in swing state votes.

We don't need to coddle Julian like a baby. He's a big boy, and if he wants to be president, he can go out and win a congressional seat, like his brother. And then maybe, just maybe, he can think about the next step.

Picking Castro is one of the worst moves Hillary could possibly do, besides picking Joe Lieberman.

I should really be better than I am at spotting the joke posters
Cuomo for sure, he's solidly in Clinton's camp and would never run against her in a million years. He hasn't been very good on economic inequality, but he's been pretty good on social issues.

There's also Kirstin Gillibrand. If Hillary wasn't in this she likely would have jumped in to set up a run at a later date, I've always said if Hillary isn't our first female president then Gillibrand will be. She's just got the right stuff and is really far more impressive than anyone originally gave her credit for.

DeBlasio was never going to run this go around, but if his term as mayor goes well and he gets reelected and avoid screwing up he could make a run. If the country keep shifting left he'd be a solid candidate in 8 years.

That's just off the top of my head though. It's got a NY focus if only because that's where I live and so most of my attention on the local and state level is there.

EDIT: Someone else could probably expand on that list.

My mom works for Cuomo and his entire staff is shady as fuck. I don't want him anywhere near the presidency.


Carson warned that an uninformed populace will absorb propaganda “into their method of thinking,” adding it then “becomes real easy for them to swallow things.”

“If they don’t really understand the financial situation of the country,” Carson continued, “and somebody comes along and says, ‘Free college for everybody!’ They’ll say, ‘Oh what a wonderful thing!'”

“They have no idea that all you’re talking about is hastening the destruction of the nation,” Carson concluded.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Ignorance is strength.

from the same dude that brought you

“Yeah, but I’m not going to talk about them,” Carson said. “I’m going to choose not to talk about them, because I would be talking about them from now until the election and I’m not going to let people drive this. I’m not going to let them drive it.”

Yahoo then asked Carson why he wrote stories about his past that he no longer wants to discuss.

“Because before it was an autobiography, and it’s not an autobiography now because it’s already been written,” Carson said.




I am awaiting the inevitable O'Reilly/Limbaugh dustup over Rise of the Tomb Raider, where the bad guys are called "The Trinity" and experience Stigmata and the good guys are bearded men who follow "The Prophet".
I am awaiting the inevitable O'Reilly/Limbaugh dustup over Rise of the Tomb Raider, where the bad guys are called "The Trinity" and experience Stigmata and the good guys are bearded men who follow "The Prophet".

Fox News will probably jump on it sooner or later. They'll label it a Christian Killing Simulator and get the IT guy with no experience on there to debate Harvard grads with extensive prep. It's the their general strategy--here's Dick Cheney to debate Steve the Intern.

I think he'll win. Vitter is probably one of the most reprehensible people in politics (Paul Lepage takes #1 in my mind) and people are really not happy with Jindal, so all JBE has to do is run as not Bobby and not Obama, and point out Vitter can't get out of the brothels long enough to do anything impactful. I love that he is running an aggressive campaign, because the Democrats really need to get their heads out of their asses on the state level and start hitting back.


Just watched the debate. Cruz was the clear winner here, followed by Rubio and then Paul. Cruz should gain a lot of momentum and move up in the polls. The Donald is starting to look tired and uninterested. He'll still retain the lead though.

Also, Fox Business did a great job with the debate. Finally a proper debate and not a verbal brawl.


Fox News will probably jump on it sooner or later. They'll label it a Christian Killing Simulator and get the IT guy with no experience on there to debate Harvard grads with extensive prep. It's the their general strategy--here's Dick Cheney to debate Steve the Intern.

I think he'll win. Vitter is probably one of the most reprehensible people in politics (Paul Lepage takes #1 in my mind) and people are really not happy with Jindal, so all JBE has to do is run as not Bobby and not Obama, and point out Vitter can't get out of the brothels long enough to do anything impactful. I love that he is running an aggressive campaign, because the Democrats really need to get their heads out of their asses on the state level and start hitting back.

no doubt. Jindal cruised to two unnecessary easy wins.
Also, Fox Business did a great job with the debate. Finally a proper debate and not a verbal brawl.

Didn't they essentially lob the easiest questions imaginable and stick to the candidates strengths at all times? While not pointing out they were flat out lying about many issues.


Didn't they essentially lob the easiest questions imaginable and stick to the candidates strengths at all times? While not pointing out they were flat out lying about many issues.
They essentially questioned their prior statements and asked how it they would fix the economy. There were quite a few times that the moderators called them out for not answering the questions. It was hands down the best (R) debate. I know most of poliGAF wants blood though :(

90% of politicians flat out lie. Dems and Republicans.


Didn't they essentially lob the easiest questions imaginable and stick to the candidates strengths at all times? While not pointing out they were flat out lying about many issues.

I wouldn't say that the questions were the easiest imaginable. They weren't hostile, but that's probably a good thing. Like, the first round of questions was about stuff that Republicans usually don't want to talk about too much. A minimum wage increase is popular. Right off the bat Trump was asked if he was sympathetic to an increase. There was a follow-up to make him explicitly say that he was against raising the minimum wage. Same for Carson. Rubio's first question started by detailing nice things Democrats have promised and asked him what he would "take back". He dodged. Kasich was asked what he'd do to balance the budget and was then pressed for specifics.

That's just reading the beginning of the transcript.

I think the moderators didn't do much to call candidates out on bullshit, and they also didn't do a great job setting up other candidates to do that, but the thrust of the questions seemed pretty reasonable to me.

Edit: Hell, Fiorina's first question just lays out that Clinton and Obama had way higher job growth than Bush and asks "what's up with that?"
I think the moderators didn't do much to call candidates out on bullshit, and they also didn't do a great job setting up other candidates to do that, but the thrust of the questions seemed pretty reasonable to me.

Edit: Hell, Fiorina's first question just lays out that Clinton and Obama had way higher job growth than Bush and asks "what's up with that?"

Fair enough. I found a bad quality link on YouTube so I'm gonna watch it and see what I think.
Compared to the horrible mess of debate we had last time, this one was cordial. We still have the problem of candidates loudly interrupting and refusing to stop talking until the moderators concede defeat. They need to more strictly enforce who is allowed to speak and for how long, start cutting off their mics aggressively for pete's sake. Plus the candidates have basically decided that answering the actual questions is optional, but I'm not sure how to fix that without interrupting the candidates (which just plays into the media bias trap). I think you just have to hope that voters judge them for avoiding the question, but the moderators could do a much better job of following up.

They also need to move away from abstract questions and actually anticipate the answers. If you just ask them what they would do about 'X', then of course it's no surprise to see canned responses full of noncommittal generalities. Rather than letting someone say, "Well I've put out a plan that solves X, and if you want the details you can look it up, but my plan really solves X," actually ask them about a particular granular proposal in their plan. Why are the journalists apparently ignorant of all the candidates' published policies and proposals beyond one sentence summaries? They should already know the ins and outs so they can call out candidates when they make grandiose claims about a 'plan' without providing any details.


Kasich is one of the rudest I've seen at debates. Time for him to go since no one gives a shit about what he has to say.
That happened a few days ago, but didn't see it posted (and somehow missed it) -

Seattle's Experiment With Campaign Funding.

Basically every resident get four $25 vouchers that they can donate to campaign (you get them for free).
Really interesting approach to campaign finance reform, I hope it works well.

Stay winning Seattle.

It's a really clever solution to the problem of how to treat everyone's campaign fairly. Rather than the government having to pick who gets funding and who doesn't given limited resources, you just give citizens the pot of money and let them pick and choose. Very interested to see how it works in practice and whether people just opt out in favor of traditional fundraising. And whether it does anything to boost alternative/outsider candidates or if it just reinforces the established politicians/groups.
They should already know the ins and outs so they can call out candidates when they make grandiose claims about a 'plan' without providing any details.
Grill them on the spot like kebabs like AC did in the democratic debate. I want to see how Rubio squirms out of one of those. He gets shaken very easily when someone bumps him off script. Carson will flop too. Trump, Jeb and Cruz might make it out alive.


Grill them on the spot like kebabs like AC did in the democratic debate. I want to see how Rubio squirms out of one of those. He gets shaken very easily when someone bumps him off script. Carson will flop too. Trump, Jeb and Cruz might make it out alive.
Christie would do better than all, I think.


"Yes, problems have gotten much worse under Democrats." - Carly Fiorina

Have they? I can't remember Democrats having anything as bad as the 2007-2008 Economic Collapse or The Great Depression happen under their watch.

"We must take our Government back!" - Carly Fiorina

That slogan didn't work so well in Vermont.
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