Comrades, rejoice

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU), who represents 200,000 U.S. Postal Service employees and retirees from across all 50 states, has endorsed Bernie (source:
ABC News):
Despite the ever increasing use of e-mail and other [electronic] messaging services, we should fight to keep the postal service (as
you obviously can't email a physical copy of your latest PS4/XB1 game or a Blu-ray etc), as a reliable service, that is affordable for
all Americans. Also, I'm sure Bernie would not only end these unwarranted and outrageous attacks, on the service, by Republican politicians, who would relish its demise (as it represents competition for commercial mail services), he would quite possibly expand the service too (I believe he proposed a banking initiative, for those who couldn't otherwise have a regular bank account).