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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Primaries are like the reverse of the electoral college. The less of a hold the party has in a state, the more each voter counts towards getting delegates.
NY primary is in April though. Prettttty sure Carson won't be in by then. I mean how much longer can he hang on after March 1st?


Because their last poll had JBE up by 20, and did we really think at any point in time anyone in this race was going to win by 20 points?
Hellllll naw. I even offered to make my avatar BobbyJ through Iowa if JBE wins it by 10 or more.

The gap is closing, but JBE's number remains stubbornly near or above 50%. That, along with really promising turnout stats thus far, is encouraging.

I'm thinking he wins this by less than 5%. Enough to make us whittle our nails down on Election Night.


And the immigration ruling gave me the same reaction: no matter what SCOTUS does, the GOP candidate will be forced to react to it. They can't afford to piss-off Hispanics, but they also can't dampen base turnout..


But this has been their world view for decades. We can't expect them to change over night. Their problem is, there just aren't enough angry white people out there to drag them across the finish line. They've created this base that must be appeased at all times. They're terrified of saying or doing something that's going to harm them with this group. The only way for them to survive is to piss a few of them off. Their base needs some tough love. The only one in the clown car who would give it to them is Kasich. They won't let him give them their medicine, though. (He's still bat shit insane on some things, but he's at least not a complete "moran.")

Even though I am a liberal, I want the GOP to not be so freaking dysfunctional. I can't stand living in absolute terror every 4 years that one of their more insane members makes it to the White House. I really can't. I mean, Daddy Bush wouldn't have been my choice, but at least we knew he wouldn't drive us off a freakin' cliff. This current group of GOPPERS would drive us off the cliff, while blaming the guy they've tied up in the trunk. It's just....it is terrifying.
I'd love two sane parties to choose from, but remain convinced that the only way the GOP will change is if they lose repeatedly enough, especially to the point where their big donors decide to stay away.

There was a report a few days ago about how big donors weren't as active/giving yet during this GOP cycle, and almost everyone seemed to assume that they'd eventually jump into the process at some point. But what if, deep down, they know that the party can't win in this environment?


(Another edit, so I don't double-post)
Now we have a state senate candidate running and ad that ties his opponent to "the Vitter-Jindal record."

Nice use of the Jindal painting, hehe.. 😂
[/B]Even though I am a liberal, I want the GOP to not be so freaking dysfunctional. I can't stand living in absolute terror every 4 years that one of their more insane members makes it to the White House. I really can't. I mean, Daddy Bush wouldn't have been my choice, but at least we knew he wouldn't drive us off a freakin' cliff. This current group of GOPPERS would drive us off the cliff, while blaming the guy they've tied up in the trunk. It's just....it is terrifying.

Well, sure, but evidently one can't directly change their current crop of leaders, so the best one can do is ensure that they'll never get to hold both congress and the presidency at the same time. You've already got pretty good odds at one, so how does the party increase its chances with the other? (without resorting to the standard method of "lol, let the other party take the presidency for a while", obv)
Well, sure, but evidently one can't directly change their current crop of leaders, so the best one can do is ensure that they'll never get to hold both congress and the presidency at the same time. You've already got pretty good odds at one, so how does the party increase its chances with the other? (without resorting to the standard method of "lol, let the other party take the presidency for a while", obv)

Well, I think the GOP can leverage the fact that they've got control of the white, Southern Christian bloc. That gives them a base to start with. Now, you may have to piss a few of them off in a Presidential year and hope you offset that loss with gains elsewhere.

Honestly, though, their best bet would be to get a non-batshit person through the primary without damaging them too much. I think someone like Kasich could have been that person. Rmoney definitely could have been.The problem is, though, their base isn't going to let them do anything other than keep out crazying the next person.

They need a "Come to Jesus" moment. I don't think they'll get it any time soon. They seem happy controlling the House at the expense of the Presidency. Their rich overlords are fine with the status quo because it's better than any type of progress at all.



Taniel ‏@Taniel
56 to 34: a *second* public poll is out today with John Bel Edwards leading #LAGov by double-digits—this time by 22% http://www.uno.edu/cola/political-science/documents/2015LouisianaGubernatorialRunoffSurvey.pdf …

Taniel ‏@Taniel
Edwards leads by double-digits among voters who chose Angelle or Dardenne (both Republicans) in the primary.

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten
If John Bel Edwards doesn't win in LA, we won't just need a polling conference... We'd need a polling convention. My goodness.

Well, I think the GOP can leverage the fact that they've got control of the white, Southern Christian bloc. That gives them a base to start with. Now, you may have to piss a few of them off in a Presidential year and hope you offset that loss with gains elsewhere.

Honestly, though, their best bet would be to get a non-batshit person through the primary without damaging them too much. I think someone like Kasich could have been that person. Rmoney definitely could have been.The problem is, though, their base isn't going to let them do anything other than keep out crazying the next person.

They need a "Come to Jesus" moment. I don't think they'll get it any time soon. They seem happy controlling the House at the expense of the Presidency. Their rich overlords are fine with the status quo because it's better than any type of progress at all.

Well, yes. Sure. The thing is, as you've mentioned... this method seems to work very well at the municipal and state level, and then crashes and burns at the federal executive level.

Which is why i tried (and might've failed) to pose the question as "how do democrats take back congress and states, so that when Republicans do reorient and retake the presidency, they won't be able to inflict massive damage?", which one can also read as "what are dems trying to do to increase voter turnout outside of presidential elections?", although these are not exactly the same thing.

Tbh if reps manage a veto-proof majority in congress, that's already scary fucking territory, so that's the real concern.
Comrades, rejoice ;).

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU), who represents 200,000 U.S. Postal Service employees and retirees from across all 50 states, has endorsed Bernie (source: ABC News):

Politics as usual has not worked. It’s time for a political revolution.

Bernie Sanders stands above all others as a true champion of postal workers and other workers throughout the country. He doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk.

Despite the ever increasing use of e-mail and other [electronic] messaging services, we should fight to keep the postal service (as you obviously can't email a physical copy of your latest PS4/XB1 game or a Blu-ray etc), as a reliable service, that is affordable for all Americans. Also, I'm sure Bernie would not only end these unwarranted and outrageous attacks, on the service, by Republican politicians, who would relish its demise (as it represents competition for commercial mail services), he would quite possibly expand the service too (I believe he proposed a banking initiative, for those who couldn't otherwise have a regular bank account).


Daniel B·;185191967 said:
Comrades, rejoice ;).

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU), who represents 200,000 U.S. Postal Service employees and retirees from across all 50 states, has endorsed Bernie, for President (source: ABC News):

Bernie had proposed Post Offices take up some banking duties in the past. So that's possibly another reason the Union has chosen to throw their endorsement his way.

Bernie said:
If you are a low-income person, it is, depending upon where you live, very difficult to find normal banking. Banks don’t want you. And what people are forced to do is go to payday lenders who charge outrageously high interest rates. You go to check-cashing places, which rip you off. And, yes, I think that the postal service, in fact, can play an important role in providing modest types of banking service to folks who need it.

In fact, Sanders’s idea is quite sensible. “Postal banking”—which just means that post offices run savings accounts, cash checks, and perform other basic financial services—is common in most of Asia and Europe, and only about 7 percent of the world’s national postal systems don’t offer some bank-like services. Postal banking is a really good way to reach people who haven’t had access to standard savings accounts. One estimate figures that more than 1 billion people have used post offices for making deposits.

The reason why this would be so useful in the U.S. is that somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of the population has to rely on check-cashing or payday-lending services, which in some places charge usurious rates that send people into spirals of recurring debt. Mehrsa Baradaran, a professor at the University of Georgia School of Law and the author of How the Other Half Banks, touched on the promise of postal banking in a book excerpt published in The Atlantic last week:

Obviously Republicans would be absolutely livid at such an idea



Trump is teaming up with the architect of the Swiftboat ad campaign.

Donald Trump’s team has been in talks with Rick Reed, a veteran Republican operative known for his bare-knuckle TV ad campaigns, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.

Reed, a mainstay of GOP politics, has served as a strategist for a number of conservative causes. During the 2004 presidential race, he was a chief architect of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth effort to take down John Kerry. He has previously worked for a number of congressional Republicans, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and former Virginia Sen. George Allen. He also spent years as a top operative for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.


Trump seems to be the only candidate who came to win this thing, damn
Yeah, it's pretty clear that if he loses this thing, he's going to leave the winner incredibly bloodied.


And this latest LA polling still has me stunned. This was an eminently winnable race for the GOP - they had two other viable candidates who would've surely won, and they stuck with Vitter. *giggle*
Trump's comments about having a Gestapo like "Deportation force" are so poisonous. It will poison the gop primary well even more, and is general election death.


Follow-up questions are important. Ted could have been severely damaged by, "you named Commerce twice, you want to take another shot? EPA?"


No Scrubs
Follow-up questions are important. Ted could have been severely damaged by, "you named Commerce twice, you want to take another shot? EPA?"

Yep, it would have sunk him if they had pressed. Now he's got to hope that no one noticed and that the conservative media doesn't care enough about him to point it out.
Trump has been coasting ever since half-way through the second debate, he's still got a few gears of crazy he can shift up into if needed.

Support for Operation Wetback was enough crazy for months, let alone a single debate.

That will get any Super PAC GE ad going, no matter the nominee.

"Rubio supports Trump's deportation plan. The same one from the 1950s known as Operation: Wetback where thousands of Mexicans were deported in busses some likened to slave ships."


As much as I hate Super PACs and such, it's time for the GOP to get a dose of their own medicine. The Super PACs should be nasty with regards to GOP immigration stances.

On a separate note, Rubio today claimed Ted Cruz supports his immigration plan which is bizarre since Ted Cruz most certainly does not agree with Rubio.
Daniel B·;185191967 said:
Comrades, rejoice ;).

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU), who represents 200,000 U.S. Postal Service employees and retirees from across all 50 states, has endorsed Bernie (source: ABC News):

Despite the ever increasing use of e-mail and other [electronic] messaging services, we should fight to keep the postal service (as you obviously can't email a physical copy of your latest PS4/XB1 game or a Blu-ray etc), as a reliable service, that is affordable for all Americans. Also, I'm sure Bernie would not only end these unwarranted and outrageous attacks, on the service, by Republican politicians, who would relish its demise (as it represents competition for commercial mail services), he would quite possibly expand the service too (I believe he proposed a banking initiative, for those who couldn't otherwise have a regular bank account).

Of all the products to choose as an example of something you can't send digitally, you chose video games and movies?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump Twitter said:
Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship.

Every day with this.


No Scrubs
Support for Operation Wetback was enough crazy for months, let alone a single debate.

That will get any Super PAC GE ad going, no matter the nominee.

"Rubio supports Trump's deportation plan. The same one from the 1950s known as Operation: Wetback where thousands of Mexicans were deported in busses some likened to slave ships."


As much as I hate Super PACs and such, it's time for the GOP to get a dose of their own medicine. The Super PACs should be nasty with regards to GOP immigration stances.

Like I said, he's coasting. It's the same crazy shit he opened with, he finally let us put a name to it is all. He's still got room to ratchet up the crazy.


I don't understand how conservatives are able to complain about political correctness "going mad" when the most egregious example of "political correctness" is the yearly conservative Christian persecution complex manifestation in "the War on Christmas".

It is absurd that a coffee shop not having snowflakes on its cups or a single mall not displaying secular Christmas decorations constitutes a "War on Christians" - ironically, the current reactions of the conservative media to not being exclusively catered to is almost as extreme as their hypotheticals on what "political correctness gone mad" would look like in the future. Christianity is basically the "default" religion in America - why are people getting so upset when stores opt for a neutral expression or one that includes everyone?

My theory is this stems from the "default" archetype for a modern person not actually being a true neutral, but rather the most statistically common set of answers to demographic questions. The "baseline" of what a person is for society should be a non-descript, neutral person - instead, over the years society has pushed one archetype as the one to be conformed to and marginalized the others. This has not only marginalized people who do not fit this archetype and attempted to mold them to fit the arbitrary standard, but has interestingly enough diluted the culture shoehorned into the "default" prototypic schema as well. "Western Christian white male" culture being forced on everyone has ironically led to identity issues for western white males because they feel as though they have no identity of their own - because they made what their identity is the default standard for what a person should be! Now that society is starting to transition towards a neutral schema as the "default", these people feel as if they are "losing" their culture, even though if it is no longer pushed onto everyone they will actually regain a culture. It is the conflict of wanting to push their culture onto everyone while still remaining unique, and their push-back as the "default" shifts to a true neutral - even if that would solve their identity problems.

I think this explains a lot of contradictions I've noticed in the disconnects between conservative rhetoric regarding "political correctness", the fact that despite their rhetoric condemning "political correctness" they are the most extreme about being "politically correct" towards their group, and the fact that they are already the mainstream culture being prescribed as a default. This could also explain why they hold such negative views towards previously marginalized cultures regaining equality as the baseline archetype that humans judge each other against shifts towards a true neutral as opposed to everyone being judged against the "standard" western Christian white male. It also seems like a reasonable explanation to why so many people are latching onto the Confederates as "white culture" when they've already succeeding in setting their own "white culture" as the default.

Any thoughts on this line of reasoning? I might make a thread on this as Christmas gets closer, feels like a point that needs to be made and that a good discussion on some apparent logical inconsistencies could be had.
Chris Cilizza, the WaPo guy that's been reporting nonstop about Hillary's emails for the past year has a new article today: "Why aren't Clinton's personal exaggerations bigger news?"

When will WaPo fire this shrill?
Christians will tell you companies trying to appease Muslims and Atheists by removing "Christmas imagery" and saying "Happy Holidays" is the most PC thing one can do because we're abandoning our roots or something of the sort.


Christians will tell you companies trying to appease Muslims and Atheists by removing "Christmas imagery" is the most PC thing one can do because we're abandoning our roots or something of the sort.

I don't think i've ever witness such a wave of persecution complex in all my life. Are christians that afraid that they are losing a grip on... Something? Even though they are far more visible and have infiltrated such a large swatch of government than ever before?


Most people freak out when they think about their own mortality. There is no Heaven without God and religious people are reminded that God's existence is in dispute when they see Happy Holidays or red Starbucks cups.


Most people freak out when they think about their own mortality. There is no Heaven without God and religious people are reminded that God's existence is in dispute when they see Happy Holidays or red Starbucks cups.

Which is stupid because I was always taught that your relationship with God was between you and God. Not you, God, and coorperate America.


Which is stupid because I was always taught that your relationship with God was between you and God. Not you, God, and coorperate America.
Well, they can't help it. They consider it an atheist symbol and it's probably about as offensive as "God is dead" billboards.
Of all the products to choose as an example of something you can't send digitally, you chose video games and movies?

And yet, I was so careful to mention, "physical copy"...

You do get that some people still prefer physical copies of their media, because, for games, it means you can resell them, and for movies, as highlighted in the recent [thread=1137746]thread[/thread], Blu-ray will likely offer the very best experience, for some time to come (as it can use high bit rates for video and lossless 7.1 surround sound, that are not offered by most streaming services and / or, users internet connection couldn't presently accommodate).
I don't think i've ever witness such a wave of persecution complex in all my life. Are christians that afraid that they are losing a grip on... Something? Even though they are far more visible and have infiltrated such a large swatch of government than ever before?

I want it to be clear I'm not bad mouthing all Christians. I grew up going to church every time the doors were open. I went to a Christian school. There are some wonderful, wonderful Christians in this world. There are some shitty ones too. Just like every other group of people. And I'm not painting all Christians with what I'm saying. I'm talking about mainly the Evangelical "Everyone Hates Us" subset.

But, for an Evangelical Christian their entire worldview is wrapped up in their religion. There is no way for them to separate their religion from anything else. They believe that Jesus told them that the world will hate them. That the world will ridicule them. It doesn't matter that they are the majority religion in this country. It doesn't matter that they literally hold all the power when it comes to what is "acceptable religion." When something goes against their interpretation of scripture, it simply cannot just be a difference of opinion. It cuts to the deepest heart of their faith. If they believe in a verbal plenary interpretation of the Bible, there is zero wiggle room. It cannot happen, because if you pull at one thread, no matter how small, the entire thing will unravel. Everything contrary to their view is an attack on every, single thing they believe. It doesn't matter what the facts say. The facts have to be wrong so that their beliefs can go on unchecked.

It's very, very scary.
Daniel B·;185205737 said:
And yet, I was so careful to mention, "physical copy"...

You do get that some people still prefer physical copies of their media, because, for games, it means you can resell them, and for movies, as highlighted in the recent [thread=1137746]thread[/thread], Blu-ray will likely offer the very best experience, for some time to come (as it can use high bit rates for video and lossless 7.1 surround sound, that are not offered by most streaming services and / or, users internet connection couldn't presently accommodate).

Oh, no. Don't worry. I get what you were going for. Just thought it was funny to pick those two products, from all things.
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