Black Mamba
"Yes, problems have gotten much worse under Democrats." - Carly Fiorina
Have they? I can't remember Democrats having anything as bad as the 2007-2008 Economic Collapse or The Great Depression happen under their watch.
"We must take our Government back!" - Carly Fiorina
That slogan didn't work so well in Vermont.
They have no response to the whole "our best times were under Clinton, our worst times were under Bush" thing. By "best," I refer to most of the living electorate that routinely votes.
This will probably be the defining aspect of 2016. Bill Clinton led us to prosperity, Bush led us to turmoil, Obama led us out of the turmoil, and now another Clinton can return us to prosperity...or we can trust another Republican to not fuck up yet again.
This is why they blame everything and anything but Bush. It was the Fed's loose money policy (even though they raised rates during the peak boom)! It was Freddie and Fannie (even though they outperformed the market)! It was too much regulation (even though the result came from deregulation of the derivatives market)! Republican policy had nothing to do with 2008 and somehow Republican policy was the cause of the 90s (welfare reform did it all!) or something.
They just can't answer for the fact that job growth, GDP growth, and pretty much everything has been better under Clinton and Obama than either Bushes. Mitt promised 6% UE and Obama gave us 5%. But the numbers are fake, of course.
And they will continue to lie and hope the voters have amnesia. Because they can't actually make any real argument, otherwise.
So it is imperative that the Democrats continually remind the country who was in charge in 1991, 2007 and who was in charge as the economy grew. And thank god for the Democrats the #1 person to be rolled out there the entire general election will be none other than Bill fucking Clinton. Not only the best straight talker, smooth operator, simplifier to spread this message, but the man who led the time of most prosperity.
Everyone talks about how Obama's 2nd debate performance solidified his campaign and eventual win, but IMO, it was when Clinton gave his DNC speech. After that, it was over. Mitt had no chance to recover. And it will happen again...only every week, in every swing state town and on televisions all across this country. Not just one night. Not just one week. But all election season we will see Bill Cliton trumpet the fact that the Republicans cannot answer to why the economy sucks when they're in charge.
Bill: "four years ago at the DNC I told y'all that we were on the verge of turning the corner and that if we gave the job back to the Republicans they would undo all the hard work. Well, you trust me and we delivered. Mitt promised 6% UE, we gave you 5%. We gave you 200k jobs a month the last 2 years. We gave 150k over 8 years of Obama compared to 12k under Bush. Yes, my fellow Americans, we turned that corner. And now we are so close to being on the verge of another prosperous age not unlike the one myself and Hillary managed in the 90s. So I ask you, will you look at what progress we've done the last 8 years in this economy, an economy which turned the corner, and hand the keys back to the people that put us into a terrible mess, or will you once again trust me and led us bring America back to its full potential. I didn't let you down in the 90s, I didn't let you down 4 years ago, and together, my wife and I will not let you down going forward."
Something of that ilk but of course with much better Slick Willy presentation.