GOP leaders: National security will end Carson and Trump campaigns
Looks like the GOP knows they lost this. : (
Looks like the GOP knows they lost this. : (
i should have trademarked my avatar when i made it. What would Trump do....
I heard the news, is retromelon okay?
GOP leaders: National security will end Carson and Trump campaigns
Looks like the GOP knows they lost this. : (
Longtime Republicans dont have nearly as clear a theory of Trumps downfall.
Its always easier to predict how this ends up than how [we] get there, said Stuart Stevens, who was Mitt Romneys chief strategist. But as for Trump, I dont think he wins a single primary I think he gets out.
Look at this desperate reaching. Hell, they can't even read polls right.Im not too worried about it, said Charlie Black, another longtime adviser to Republican presidents and presidential campaigns. Trumps been losing a little steam since Labor Day, when he was up around 30, now hes in the low 20s. Carson is as high as hell ever be, just because hes beginning to demonstrate he doesnt have real good knowledge of the issues. Either of them might win a primary or something, but thats it.
Someone ought to make you an avatar of a cup of noodles with "Make America Great Again" as the label on the cupim bummed for sure. I thought maybe he could make it to Iowa and eke out a surprise 3rd or fourth and gain some traction.. that was the dream
im going to go eat my shrimp flavor cup of noodles now and try to fight the tears. Hillary2016, you guys won
GOP establishment is delusional as always. Trump's bluster and empty threats are exactly what their base wants to hear regarding foreign policy. Paris will only help Trump.
The debates consider specific polls as qualifying.I dont get this. Why was Kasich still on the big boy stage but Huckabee wasn't?
Retro's support is going to Carson. He's going to be ok.Is Retro OK?
Muslim students at my university seem to be avoiding class this week.
So everything's fine, no fear from hate speech here.
Fucking hell, even the Jewish refugee hate tropes in the 1930s were exactly the same as the Syrian refugee hate tropes today:
Look at this desperate reaching. Hell, they can't even read polls right.
What did you expect? Their jobs are literally on the line here. They can't say "Well Jeb, you're fucked. Time to go home." They have to keep reaching in order make money and fly around different places and have a good time.Look at this desperate reaching. Hell, they can't even read polls right.
I'm the other Bernie supporter. Maybe a little less fanatical.first erasureacer got banned, now melkr. watch your back daniel b.
"He is coming to the end of a long career of serving our country. Mr. Clarridge's input to Dr. Carson is appreciated but he is clearly not one of Dr. Carson's top advisors. For the New York Times to take advantage of an elderly gentleman and use him as their foil in this story is an affront to good journalistic practices."
What did you expect? Their jobs are literally on the line here. They can't say "Well Jeb, you're fucked. Time to go home." They have to keep reaching in order make money and fly around different places and have a good time.
This is comedic gold.
I just want Trump to get the nomination. The GOP would have no control over that entire freak show. You know, at some point during one of the debates, he'd just lose it completely when Hillary schooled him on something. My most fervent hope would be that he says something so completely sexist that the entire GOP brand is destroyed for that cycle. Her coattails. Oh, lord above, her coattails....
President Barack Obama is taking an even harsher tone against governors and lawmakers who want to stop the U.S. resettlement of Syrian refugees, blasting them for being "scared of widows and orphans" while playing into the hands of the Islamic State terrorist group.
"We are not well served when, in response to a terrorist attack, we descend into fear and panic. We don't make good decisions if its based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks," Obama said while visiting the Philippines for an economic summit. "I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that's been coming out of here during the course of this debate."
"ISIL seeks to exploit the idea that there is a war between Islam and the West," he continued. "And when you start seeing individuals in positions of responsibility suggesting that Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims are in a war-torn land, that feeds the ISIL narrative. It's counterproductive, and it needs to stop."
Obama has repeatedly said ensuring the safety of U.S. citizens remains a top priority when it comes to vetting those who enter the country. But he appears unusually frustrated by the fury over refugees who face terror and destruction in Syria. Earlier this week he expressed anger over the idea of admitting refugees based on religion — as proposed by GOP presidential hopefuls Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, among others — and he reiterated that sentiment in his latest comments in Manila, where it was Wednesday morning.
"When individuals say we should have a religious test and that only Christians, proven Christians should be admitted, that's offensive," he said.
The president also noted that many of the same people who have suggested stopping refugees from coming to the United States also claim they themselves are tough enough to stare down Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion," Obama said. "At first they were worried about the press being too tough on them in during debates. Now they're worried about three-year-old orphans. That doesn't sound very tough to me."
The only thing that gets me is that we Democrats used to pride ourselves as being based in the "reality based community." That baby's done been thrown out the bathwater. We've see people unskew polls, ignore everything because of this one candidate. It's all the things we used to ridicule the die hard Ron Paul/Rmoneybots for doing. Now some of us do it. (And I'm not calling anyone out here. I see it on a lot of progressive blogs.)
Because a small group of people on the internet doesn't constitute a cult of personality. And for the most part what Bernie supporters do isn't that different from what what most supporters of losing candidates do. I know a lot of Bernie supporters are annoying and naive, but the significance of it all is going to some hyperbolic places here.it's weird because 2008 was characterized by a lot of talk on the right of a "cult of personality" surrounding Obama just because Democrats were much more enthusiastic about his candidacy than the GOP base was about McCain's
meanwhile 8 years later there actually *is* one (or something approximating one) in the Democratic Party primary and there's nary a peep
it's weird because 2008 was characterized by a lot of talk on the right of a "cult of personality" surrounding Obama just because Democrats were much more enthusiastic about his candidacy than the GOP base was about McCain's
meanwhile 8 years later there actually *is* one (or something approximating one) in the Democratic Party primary and there's nary a peep
Because a small group of people on the internet doesn't constitute a cult of personality. And for the most part what Bernie supporters do isn't that different from what what most supporters of losing candidates do. I know a lot of Bernie supporters are annoying and naive, but the significance of it all is going to some hyperbolic places here.
It kinda feels like the GOP voting base want people who don't have experience in government, to a certain degree. They've had the "government is bad" narrative beaten into their heads so much they're now inherently distrustful of anyone who's been in the game for a while.I read an interesting take on Jindal's dropout. A lot of people expected governors to do well because they have experience but can claim to be Washington outsiders. Nope. All of the dropouts have been governors (Perry, Walker, Jindal) and more are on the way (Jeb, Huck, Christie, Kasich, Pataki, Gilmore). The people at the top have no experience at all and the second tier candidates are first-term senators.
Just to note, the old guy they're talking about is the NYT source, not Carson. I admit I was confused initially.
You left out the best parts:
rip in peace VoxThe site, wrote Gawker’s founder, Nick Denton, “will ride the circus of the 2016 campaign cycle, seizing the opportunity to reorient its editorial scope on political news, commentary and satire.”
Politics, writ large, “has provided the scene for some of Gawker’s most recognized editorial scoops,” he said, citing reporting on Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto smoking crack cocaine, and the power of Fox News.
“Is there any doubt,” he wrote, “that the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, a contest between reality-defying fabulists and the last representatives of two exhausted political dynasties will provide rich new opportunities for sensation and satire?”
In an interview, Alex Pareene, Gawker.com’s editor, said that he wanted to define politics broadly, and that it would include coverage of big business, the media and culture when appropriate.
“There is going to be a lot of campaign coverage, because this campaign is great and a dream for any writer. But we’re not going to become Real Clear Politics,” he said, referring to a political news site.
“There will be a sort of satirical tone and satirical approach to reporting real news,” he said, citing John Oliver, whose HBO show combines aggregation, reporting and humor.
Gawker, Mr. Pareene said, will be hiring editors, and at least one political reporter. In an email to the company’s staff, John Cook, the executive editor of Gawker Media, said that two reporters, Allie Jones and Sam Biddle, would head out on the campaign trail, while Ashley Feinberg will “obsessively monitor the dark and hilarious lunatic fringes on the right and left.” Tom Scocca, currently executive features editor, will begin writing a column, as will Mr. Pareene.
Gawker, Mr. Cook wrote, “will take a ‘Daily Show’ approach to covering the ever-intensifying culture wars, documenting, satirizing and reporting on the ways that political disputes are refracted in every aspect of our popular culture.”
I read an interesting take on Jindal's dropout. A lot of people expected governors to do well because they have experience but can claim to be Washington outsiders. Nope. All of the dropouts have been governors (Perry, Walker, Jindal) and more are on the way (Jeb, Huck, Christie, Kasich, Pataki, Gilmore). The people at the top have no experience at all and the second tier candidates are first-term senators.
To note a few things here that either support or don't support your post:I read an interesting take on Jindal's dropout. A lot of people expected governors to do well because they have experience but can claim to be Washington outsiders. Nope. All of the dropouts have been governors (Perry, Walker, Jindal) and more are on the way (Jeb, Huck, Christie, Kasich, Pataki, Gilmore). The people at the top have no experience at all and the second tier candidates are first-term senators.
President of the NRAI left out Cain because of no elected experience.
I left out Cain because of no elected experience.
Might as well go all the way back.
I think it's hard to discern any clear pattern as to how candidates benefit.
I did disregard that. There's a decent number of them that went from just one prior elected office though. Not counting if they ran and lost:Did all of those rush straight to governor/congress or are you disregarding any public office under those levels? (aside from rudy and the other dude)
I bet Kasich gets sent down to the kid's table next debate.
Trump - 23%
Carson - 13%
Rubio - 13%
Cruz - 8%
Jeb - 7%
Kasich - 7%
Christie - 6%
Paul - 5%
Fiorina - 4%
Graham - 2%
Jindal (rip in peace) - 1%
Pataki - 1%
Huckabee - 1%
Sanoturm - 1%
Gilmore - 0%
Would you like to see Mitt Romney join the race and run for President in 2016 as well?
Yes 34%
No 64%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Republican Party leaders are handling their job? Order
Approve 24%
Disapprove 64%
Which of the following would you prefer for our next President? Order rotated.
Somewhat from outside the political
establishment 46%
Somewhat with experience in elected office 36%
Both / neither / depends (not read) 13%
Estimates suggest between 8 and 12 million people are living in the United States illegally. Which one
statement comes closest to what you think? Order rotated.
We should create a pathway to citizenship for
these people 34%
We should grant these people legal status so
they can live and work here, but not become
citizens 21%
We should find and deport people who have
come to this country illegally 42%
Do you think the amount the U.S. currently spends on the military is ____________? Order rotated.
Too high 14%
Too low 54%
About right 27%
In terms of the Middle East, do you think the next President should ______________? Order rotated.
Remove as many troops as possible from the
Keep troop levels about where they are 28%
Send more troops to the region 38%