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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I've noticed that Hillary does have a rather large gay male base of supporters. I'm going to generalize here, but I want it to be clear I'm only generalizing myself. I figure, if I'm going to be a stereotype be a good one, ya?

I think a lot of gay men are attracted to strong, powerful women. It's one of the reasons I adore Cher, Liza and Judy. We know what it's like to get kicked down and have to claw your way back up. Hillary's always been a fighter, and that appeals to me. You give me a woman in a pant suit with a plan, and I'm putty in her hands. And, I know this comes as a shock to some, but I actually agree with Hillary not only on the issues, but on the political realities that surround them. She knows how to get stuff done. She's not going to offer you pie in the sky. She's going to offer what she believes she can deliver. I also just like her. : shrugs : It's as simple as that. I like her. I want her to be President. I think she's our best choice. I think she's the most electable. I think she's the most qualified.

Also, for the record, I don't hate Bernie Sanders. I'm not a huge fan of his, but I'm not foaming at the mouth to see him lose. Obviously, I want my girl to win. For her to win, someone else has to lose. I just disagree with Sanders on his approach and position on several issues. He's completely wrong on guns. His inability to see that is a problem. I don't understand why he's so hesitant to talk about foreign policy. I also disagree that every, single issue in this country is rooted in economic inequality. It's a problem, yes. It's a big problem. It's not the only one, though. I don't wish him ill, though. He seems very dedicated and sure of his convictions.'

And, ya, O'Malley is hot. I wouldn't mind caucusing with him. I ain't voting for him no matter how hot he is, though. The only time I vote with my no-no parts is when I'm at the club.

I never go to the club. Obviously.


If JBE loses Democrats are really sailing into total suck territory when it comes to being able to win a fucking election. If they can't beat a dirtbag like Vitter they will have a hard time beating just about anyone unless you're in a deep blue state. That's troubling.

Choakly, Quinn, Brown, Corzine & Michaud says otherwise.
Chris Cillizza is the best, he doesn't get enough internet love. His weekly chats are great.

He's a little turd. Remember reading a piece by him coming to Ben Carson's defense by saying the media did not vet Obama as much as Carson. Anyone that pulls bubu bothsides card is immediately out in my book. I absolutely cannot sanction that buffoonery.


"Kasich has already spent $6 million on ads in New Hampshire and his numbers have gone down. People from NH are smart!"


The great thing is now that Trump has set the bar, all the other GOP candidates have to match his crazy or risk looking "weak" in comparison.


my family is buying full sale into trump's rhetoric and are already fully supporting this plan for mandatory registration and tagging of all muslims

kind of horrifying, considering our german heritage... and they say that i've lost touch with the past

milgram was right about humanity
The "don't feed the trolls!" thing Nate Silver and other garbage dudes preach when they don't want to have to deal with a terrible person is really a bad strategy.

Trump is promoting the most hateful speech seen in America in many years and he has an audience that will hear and believe it no matter how much the media talks about him. You need to stop the people on the fence from buying into the ideas in Trump's hate speech or else Muslim Americans and Mexican Americans could start seeing even more serious hate crimes committed towards them.


Oh man, you should see my plan for the next GOP debate I get: Inglorious Basterds.

But whatever we chose should also be classy, luxurious and have some take on the phrase "losers" on it.
Rubio: Frederick Zoller



genetic determinism isn't the ideology of the inevitability of cruelty, but rather the refusal to accept that at some point in time, no matter our genetic purity, we were all susceptible to the corruption of hateful ideology

people say that those who see the world as one of (predominantly) "free will" are naive idealistic fools, but consider that "free will" simply means "people acting on their perceptions"... if evil was genetic, it would something tangible, something that through transhumanism we could control and mitigate... but if evil is subjective, a result of miseducation and critical errors in perception, it is no longer so simple - it means that we can never stop fighting, that "evil" is simply intrinsic to the human condition

of course, this also means that we are all capable of love and that humanism and the philosophy of universal positive regard is also true - which means we need to cultivate a positive environment throughout the world

(the argument could also be made that some people are genetically predisposed towards having a weaker sense of perception, but that's moving the goal posts and demonstrating that there is only SOME genetic influence on behavior - which is clearly demonstrated by abnormal psychology - and isn't full, hard determinism)

guess what i'm saying is we have our work cut out for us, poligaf... but that it isn't impossible
Rabble, rabble...but labor participation rates...rabble, rabble.
That's authentic frontier gibberish!

Any special interests that can donate enough money to potentially influence his decisions are not acceptable donors, IMO. I would be very disappointed in Bernie if he went that route.

"I'm not buying their program, they're buying mine." - Reagan. I don't think Bernie is beholden to big money donors. If they're expecting him to be a wise investment for corruption, hey, the guy substituted a criticism of SuperPACs with further explanation of how he's a socialist.
genetic determinism isn't the ideology of the inevitability of cruelty, but rather the refusal to accept that at some point in time, no matter our genetic purity, we were all susceptible to the corruption of hateful ideology

people say that those who see the world as one of (predominantly) "free will" are naive idealistic fools, but consider that "free will" simply means "people acting on their perceptions"... if evil was genetic, it would something tangible, something that through transhumanism we could control and mitigate... but if evil is subjective, a result of miseducation and critical errors in perception, it is no longer so simple - it means that we can never stop fighting, that "evil" is simply intrinsic to the human condition

of course, this also means that we are all capable of love and that humanism and the philosophy of universal positive regard is also true - which means we need to cultivate a positive environment throughout the world

(the argument could also be made that some people are genetically predisposed towards having a weaker sense of perception, but that's moving the goal posts and demonstrating that there is only SOME genetic influence on behavior - which is clearly demonstrated by abnormal psychology - and isn't full, hard determinism)

guess what i'm saying is we have our work cut out for us, poligaf... but that it isn't impossible
The fact that people didn't immediately abandon their anti-refugee beliefs when it was pointed out that's exactly how people felt towards Jewish refugees in the late 1930's is shameful. If your policies start echoing that of the Nazi's, it's time to rethink your stance.


I've noticed that Hillary does have a rather large gay male base of supporters. I'm going to generalize here, but I want it to be clear I'm only generalizing myself. I figure, if I'm going to be a stereotype be a good one, ya?

I think a lot of gay men are attracted to strong, powerful women. It's one of the reasons I adore Cher, Liza and Judy.

I think you forgot someone.

I think you forgot someone.


They're so going to revoke my gay card.....

I'm not crazy about Barbara. I mean, I like some of her stuff....but mostly I'm a Cher guy. I got the vapors when we saw Cher in concert last May. I lost it entirely. But I do love that she's a strong Democrat!
Antoni Macierewicz is one of a number of controversial appointments the rightwing Law and Justice party made on Monday after securing an absolute majority for the first time in the country’s general election.

His appointment could complicate Poland’s relations with Nato and EU allies as they seek to contain Russia. It could also prove difficult for David Cameron, whose European Conservatives and Reformists group is propped up by Law and Justice.

Macierewicz told listeners to Radio Maryja in 2002 that he had read Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a pamphlet that purports to be a Jewish plan to control the global economy and media, but which has been exposed as a hoax.

He acknowledged there was debate about the pamphlet’s authenticity, but told a listener: “Experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.”

Law and Justice party in Poland off to a great start.




This article is amazing because as far as I can tell it just faithfully documents Trump's slide into fascism as if it were totally reasonable.

All Trump has to do at literally any point along this conversation is say "No, obviously we shouldn't register Muslims in databases, that would be wrong." He's given like half a dozen chances to say so. Every time he's asked, he dodges the question and just starts talking about how we need more security and monitoring. Guess what? That's called a dog whistle. If you think that putting people in a special database is bad, you should say so when asked. But if Trump did that he'd be revealing the limits of his xenophobia, and that would be a problem for his campaign.

The Breitbart article is so great because the defense it offers is literally "Trump never said specifically he wanted to register Muslims in databases, he just refused to say he wouldn't, so it doesn't count."
Bunch of state level polling by Morning Consult for a drug pricing interest group of the early states, not sure how reliable they're meant to be.

Dem: Clinton/Sanders/Other guy
IA: 55 / 37/ 2
NH: 48 / 44 / 3
SC: 64 / 20 / 0

Trump - 29
Carson - 17
Rubio - 12
Bush/Cruz - 9

Trump - 33
Carson - 15
Rubio/Cruz - 9
Bush - 5

Trump - 27
Carson - 25
Rubio/Cruz/Bush - 10

Also some polling out for some lesser polled states.
Clinton/Sanders/Other guy: 66 / 22 / 4

Trump - 36
Rubio - 18
Carson - 15
Cruz - 10
Bush - 9

Clinton/Sanders/Other guy: 64 / 27 / 2

Trump - 31
Rubio - 18
Carson - 11
Christie - 9
Cruz - 6


Trump ahead again in Iowa? Good news.

If he sweeps the first three early states it's over.

What is the best betting market if I want to put some money on Trump? It looks like I'd get decent odds. Serious advice wanted.
Trump is Poe's Law and Godwin rolled into one.

Honestly, I thought he was a troll for the most part but this new stuff legitimately scares me. This kind of rhetoric is fucking insane.


Unconfirmed Member
It's so fucking weird. GamerGate exposed to the world how many modern day Nazis love anime girl avatars.

I know. It's so sad.

I prefer it when they just use pictures of their children instead. I have no problems associating their children with those neo-nazi statements, but why do they have to make me associate Ryuko and Kirino with it?


Trump ahead again in Iowa? Good news.

If he sweeps the first three early states it's over.

What is the best betting market if I want to put some money on Trump? It looks like I'd get decent odds. Serious advice wanted.
It's illegal to bet on election int the US, you need to put you money across the ponds.
Oddschecker is a good place to start.

After the clown show that was the 2012 republican primary I decided to just spread some money on a bunch of longshots early on, I caught both Trump and Carson (missed on a few, but whatever) and hedged the shit out of it on betting exchanges.


pulled the trigger way too early on Trump though, but I really thought he would crash and burn much earlier.

User 406

Why does that Trump fan end his posts with a space and an exclamation mark?

Perhaps psychotically slavish hero worship manifests itself in punctuational tics ! ;)

The Breitbart article is so great because the defense it offers is literally "Trump never said specifically he wanted to register Muslims in databases, he just refused to say he wouldn't, so it doesn't count."

The fact that Breitbart of all places even has enough conscience to try and squirm away from the idea of such a blatantly Nazi-esque policy shows just how far into racist fascism Trump has dived. At this point supporting Trump is the biggest dogwhistle of all.
my family is buying full sale into trump's rhetoric and are already fully supporting this plan for mandatory registration and tagging of all muslims

kind of horrifying, considering our german heritage... and they say that i've lost touch with the past

milgram was right about humanity

sadly stuff like this always brings out the strongest fears in us, even the mild mannered ones


Honestly, I thought he was a troll for the most part but this new stuff legitimately scares me. This kind of rhetoric is fucking insane.

I think he started out as a troll. I mean up until this year Trump has been pretty liberal. Pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, buddy buddy with the Clintons...etc.

The thing is while he started out as a sort of left leaning troll Trump has always had one major personality quirk since he has been in the public eye. His ego. And his ego trumps all (no pun intended).

And I think his ego has gotten so far out of control due to how well he has done that it has all but consumed him and he believes the shit he is saying. Dude has all the makings of a dictator which is kind of frightening. Which seems to be growing by the day.

He really is the American version of Putin.

The only silver lining is the GOP in congress also thinks he is out of his fucking mind so they wouldn't go along with it if he won and he starts going on some insane power grab unlike with someone like Putin where their party members in government are fiercely loyal.
Um, we've got a number of Sanders voters in this thread who are over 30, intend to support the nominee in the general regardless, and aren't buying into the silly political revolution/everyone else is a corporate shill/accelerationism garbage.

There's nothing wrong with supporting Sanders in the primary. He's good people.
I'm 41 next week. Sanders in the primary, Stein in the general if Hillary grabs the Democratic nom.


I'm 41 next week. Sanders in the primary, Stein in the general if Hillary grabs the Democratic nom.
Yes, we know you are voting for the Republicans
in the general through your protest vote in a swing state.

Just remember if you vote how you say in the general in a swing state like WI that you are voting to have Obamacare dismantled and the lives of minorities and gay people to be fucked over.
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