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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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It looks like a one-off gaffe that he's yet to stand behind. Yes it's a shitty idea and statement, but it won't hurt him. Probably makes him stronger.

My support for him has faltered a bit over the last few months. My views are fairly atypical for a conservative, and I don't really match up with any of them. One of those political compass-type websites says I'm most closely aligned with Rubio. Idk. We'll see how it plays out.

He said two different fascist statements at two different instances. What more do you want? A signed letter?

I think it's time for you to look for a new candidate.


He said two different fascist statements at two different instances. What more do you want? A signed letter?

I think it's time for you to look for a new candidate.

No. I think he needs to vote for Trump and get all his friends in the primary to vote for Trump.

Make me rich SourShoes.


No Scrubs
No. I think he needs to vote for Trump and get all his friends in the primary to vote for Trump.

Make me rich SourShoes.

Imma ditto this one, I could use the extra cash. Beer ain't cheap.

Seriously though, if the fascism thing doesn't kill trump then nothing will.
While his party drifts to fascism, Rubio compares Muslims to Nazi Party members, showing that America is in an interesting place right now.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw Secretary Clinton there did not want to use the words radical Islam. Your response.

MARCO RUBIO: I think that's, I don't understand it. That would be like saying we weren't at war with Nazis because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi party, but weren't violent themselves. We are at war with radical Islam, with an interpretation of Islam by a significant number of people around the world who they believe now justifies them in killing those who don't agree with their ideology. This is a clash of civilizations. And as I said at the debate earlier this week, there is no middle ground on this. Either they win or we win, and we need to begin to take this seriously.

All ya'll buying them shares of Trump, and I'm sitting here (unemployed) trying to figure out how much cat food a human can eat without dying....
Kidding. I'm not that bad off.

I read Bernie's statements about ISIS. Not great but whatever. However, I think Devine should be taken behind the woodshed for allowing him to give his "Socialism" speech yesterday. The entire campaign seems completely unable to pivot or change based on the realities of the world. I also question the wisdom of giving it where he did, but whatever. The speech didn't clarify anything at all, and if that's his entire answer to "Bu--buu---but Socialism!" then....good luck with that.


I'm not sure who I'd bet on in the Republican primary - the odds generally look pretty fair. It's not easy money like the 2012 general.
— By 54-43, Americans oppose taking in refugees from the conflicts in Syria and other Mideast countries even after screening them for security.

— By 52-47, Americans are not confident that the U.S. can identify and keep out possible terrorists who may be among these refugees. (One bright spot: 78 percent of Americans don’t think religion should be considered in determining whether to accept refugees.)

— By 81-18, Americans think it is likely that there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. in the near future that will cause large numbers of lives to be lost.

— By 55-45, Americans are not confident in the ability of the U.S. government to prevent further terror attacks against Americans here.

— By 72-25, Americans say that it is more important for the government to investigate terror threats, even if that intrudes on personal privacy, rather than refraining from intruding on personal privacy.

In fairness, this is pretty vague — “intruding on personal privacy” could mean a lot of different things in terms of actual policy — but it’s still pretty lopsided, perhaps another reminder that public fear sends concerns about civil liberties right out the window.

— 60 percent of Americans want to see an “increased use of U.S. ground forces” against ISIS, and 73 percent of Americans want to see increased air strikes.

— Americans say by 59-37 that the U.S. is “at war with radical Islam.”

I love the fact that Americans don't trust the government to be able to background check refugees but think America (which hasn't had a successful war since 1945) can win a war in Syria (which is fucked beyond belief).


User 406

However, I think Devine should be taken behind the woodshed for allowing him to give his "Socialism" speech yesterday. The entire campaign seems completely unable to pivot or change based on the realities of the world.

He's just pandering to his base.



This is semantics, and nothing more
So... people who follow conservative media, how are they taking this bold new direction of Trump's? Is this more of the same, or finally a step too far? I'm inclined to think the former, but maybe the basic admission that his plan is largely indistinguishable from Hitler's will finally push some of them over the edge.

Honestly, aside from Ann Coulter, I'm not sure many conservative commentators take Trump seriously--and that's been true since he announced.

The GOP probably said outright that Cooper couldn't do it. He'd tear the candidates apart molecule by molecule, there'd be nothing but quarks left at the end of it.

Sometimes I wonder whether people really understand what the role of moderator entails. They aren't participants.
Anyone else need a dose of hopium or some shit after these recent crazed ramblings from the right and the numbers about American's views on refugees / terrorism and all that? I'm genuinely bummed about this shit.
It looks like a one-off gaffe that he's yet to stand behind. Yes it's a shitty idea and statement, but it won't hurt him. Probably makes him stronger.

It was at first, but it seems he's either stood behind it or at least failed to clarify in ways that leave it open that he supports the idea.

It's a bit tricky sifting through the nose of the topic, but that's how I interpreted one follow-up-- that he refused to back off the comment.
That tweet creates more questions than it does answers. No one said he proposed databases himself but he sure as hell said he would absolutely implement them.

I wonder how many PR gurus stayed up all night making sure the wording on that one was perfectly done. No denial, no clarification of stances, and a generic finisher.


I fully support a watch list of Syrian refugees, for the record. I think that's a wise idea given the happenings of these times.
Daniel B·;186222953 said:
As you may have missed Bernie's excellent speech, on Democratic Socialism, I captured the best bit for you:


He should be talking foreign policy right now. Nobody wants to listen to a speech on Bernie's brand of "socialism" at the moment.


Jeremy Alford ‏@LaPoliticsNow 8h8 hours ago
RIGAMER: "Early voting will represent about 20% of votes & this bump is not reflected in nightly track… (JBE) will be our next governor"

Jeremy Alford ‏@LaPoliticsNow 8h8 hours ago
After overnights, NOLA pollster Greg Rigamer is calling it for @JohnBelforLA. Says JBE was at highest level of support during early voting.

don't panic just yet.


But none of the refugees have done anything. Paris was done by EU citizens.
One of them came through with the refugees in Greece. Look, I have nothing against Muslim people, but if you're going to seek refuge in our country then I think it's completely fair to be watched given your country of origin and its link to Islamic terrorism.


One of them came through with the refugees in Greece. Look, I have nothing against Muslim people, but if you're going to seek refuge in our country then I think it's completely fair to be watched given your country of origin and its link to Islamic terrorism.

No. One of the passports found near the bomber had gone through a Greek checkpoint. There's no evidence he's from Syria. No evidence that the passport was actually the bomber's. No evidence that the person wasn't a European national to begin with.


A Syrian passport found next to a suicide bomber in the Paris terror attacks may have been planted, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said.

Reports that the identity in the passport may have been registered in several countries along the so-called Balkan route raise the suspicion that it could be a deliberate attempt to implicate refugees and “make people feel unsafe,” de Maiziere said.

“There are indications that this was a planted lead, but it still can’t be ruled out that this was indeed an IS terrorist posing as a refugee,” he told reporters in Berlin on Tuesday, referring to Islamic State, which France blames for organizing the violence.

Any link between France’s worst terror attack since World War II and Europe’s refugee crisis would raise the stakes for Chancellor Angela Merkel as she defends her open-door policy for asylum seekers in Germany’s debate over immigration and security.

French prosecutors have said the remains of an assailant who attacked the Stade de France stadium during a soccer game between France and Germany matched the fingerprints of an individual registered by Greek authorities as an asylum seeker in October. Investigators were weighing the authenticity of the passport, made out to Ahmad Al Mohammad, 25, born in Idlib, Syria.

“It’s certainly unusual that such a person would have been faithfully registered in Greece and Serbia and Croatia, while we’re constantly pressing for registration and aren’t happy that it isn’t happening to the necessary extent,” de Maiziere said.

We don't actually know the full story yet. It is not fair game to watch every single immigrant who comes through the border like they're terrorists in waiting. First, the US refugee process is a 1.5-2 year process with a thorough vetting. Why would any terrorist wait that long versus just getting a traveler's visa?


This is way too early to be trying to convert Trump supporters, guys.

We want him to be the nominee. Hillary wins in a landslide, GOP loses minorities for a generation, and I make a lot of money. What's not to like?
I love the fact that Americans don't trust the government to be able to background check refugees but think America (which hasn't had a successful war since 1945) can win a war in Syria (which is fucked beyond belief).


I feel like this

— By 81-18, Americans think it is likely that there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. in the near future that will cause large numbers of lives to be lost.

is the big number here. The longer we go without an attack post-Paris, the more the anti-refugee sentiment will diminish.


This is way too early to be trying to convert Trump supporters, guys.

We want him to be the nominee. Hillary wins in a landslide, GOP loses minorities for a generation, and I make a lot of money. What's not to like?

The downside is someone going Dylan Roof to a Mosque if Trump's hate speech continues to be popular.
Daniel B·;186222953 said:
As you may have missed Bernie's excellent speech, on Democratic Socialism, I captured the best bit for you:


I like when Bernie tries to do air quotes, because instead of using two fingers, he just flaps his hands around in the air.
“The grand, big scale ones we’ve been able to disrupt,” Rubio said. “But in my mind, the odds are that eventually one of them will succeed and we need to be prepared for that reality. We are at war with radical Islam and they want to kill Americans here in the homeland and all over the world.”

The Florida senator said that the U.S. should be concerned about foreigners entering the country from nations in Europe that participate in the visa waiver program with the United States.

“It appears now that if not all, almost all, of the attackers in the Paris attack last Friday, were passport holders in Europe,” Rubio said. “And that means that they came from visa waiver countries and could’ve easily entered the United States, given the visa waiver programs we have with most if not all of those nations.”

Rubio is a ridiculous person and politician who has abandoned the only things he's cared about other than war:



"Indications...but it still can’t be ruled out that this was indeed an IS terrorist posing as a refugee." *shrug.ascii*

So instead of waiting until the dust settles to see what actually occurred, instead of understanding that the US refugee process is already incredibly rigid and cumbersome to the point where its extremely unlikely that an ISIS operative wouldn't just enter through another avenue, instead of looking at how every single other person within the Paris attack was an EU national, you want to throw that all to the wind and create a tracker on anyone immigrating from a Muslim nation because reasons.
So instead of waiting until the dust settles to see what actually occurred, instead of understanding that the US refugee process is already incredibly rigid and cumbersome to the point where its extremely unlikely that an ISIS operative wouldn't just enter through another avenue, instead of looking at how every single other person within the Paris attack was an EU national, you want to throw that all to the wind and create a tracker on anyone immigrating from a Muslim nation because reasons.

To be fair, some people in the GOP just want to track everyone who enters this nation at any time for any purpose now.


So instead of waiting until the dust settles to see what actually occurred, instead of understanding that the US refugee process is already incredibly rigid and cumbersome to the point where its extremely unlikely that an ISIS operative wouldn't just enter through another avenue, instead of looking at how every single other person within the Paris attack was an EU national, you want to throw that all to the wind and create a tracker on anyone immigrating from a Muslim nation because reasons.
Syrian refugees friend
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