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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Is this any more ridiculous than NC and VA going blue in 2008? All three states are at different stages of the same process.



i would edit that, sourshoes, before a certain someone sees it if i were you
I appreciate the concern retro, I really do. *fist bump* But the truth here is worth the consequence. I'll not accept being called a troll just because this guy is the polar opposite.


SourShoes please keep fighting the good fight even if you get sent on vacation from GAF. If you're in an early voting state, go volunteer for Trump, he's got a great ground game from what I hear. If you're not, donate to him or phone bank. Spread rumors that Rubio fathered a black child. Do whatever. I'm counting on you!


No Scrubs
SourShoes please keep fighting the good fight even if you get sent on vacation from GAF. If you're in an early voting state, go volunteer for Trump, he's got a great ground game from what I hear. If you're not, donate to him or phone bank. Spread rumors that Rubio fathered a black child. Do whatever. I'm counting on you!

Holy shit dude :lol


SourShoes please keep fighting the good fight even if you get sent on vacation from GAF. If you're in an early voting state, go volunteer for Trump, he's got a great ground game from what I hear. If you're not, donate to him or phone bank. Spread rumors that Rubio fathered a black child. Do whatever. I'm counting on you!

I do keep wondering when the Bushes are going to bring out the big guns.


poligaf, i bring forth GRAVE ANECDOTAL TIDINGS from the ULTRA PC world of COLLEGE CAMPUSES in america

today, my "global society" professor was forced to apologize for his support of TRUE AMERICAN VALUES by insurgents who would tear the country apart

this is so shocking, i'm going to put what happened in spoilers...

he was forced to apologize for showing the class statistics about how many more syrian refugees are taken in by the middle east than by the western world, how far more middle eastern muslims are killed in terror attacks than westerners, and for saying that trump's refugee policy is "un-american" and goes against our values

bombastic snark aside, am i the only one who feels that modern-day conservatives are very hypocritical in that they accuse others of being "politically correct", yet seem to also have a constant persecution complex and a habit of taking the presentation of evidence as an attack
SourShoes please keep fighting the good fight even if you get sent on vacation from GAF. If you're in an early voting state, go volunteer for Trump, he's got a great ground game from what I hear. If you're not, donate to him or phone bank. Spread rumors that Rubio fathered a black child. Do whatever. I'm counting on you!
Here we goooo
I look at the landscape of this country right now and I wish that Rod Serling was alive and making Twlight Zone episodes. He would have endless inspiration for the awful nature of man these days.
Look, if everyone plays nice then nobody has to go on vacation.

This thread isn't meant to be an echo chamber - there's bound to be disagreements. People who disagree with you aren't necessarily trolling and generally, throwing labels at people isn't really conducive to discussion. At the same time that discussion should be on a substantive basis and it would be good if people engage a bit of self-awareness wrt that. If someone brings up valid counterpoints to your view it's worthwhile for you to actually take the time to consider them.

And if you don't think you can engage on a topic without either throwing insults or profanities, then it's probably best to disengage.

Now kiss.
Pope declares War on Christmas

Christmas festivities will seem empty in a world which has chosen “war and hate”, Pope Francis said Thursday.

“Christmas is approaching: there will be lights, parties, Christmas trees and nativity scenes … it’s all a charade. The world continues to go to war. The world has not chosen a peaceful path,” he said in a sermon.

“There are wars today everywhere, and hate,” he said after the worst terror attack in French history, the bombing of a Russian airliner, a double suicide bombing in Lebanon, and a series of other deadly strikes.

“We should ask for the grace to weep for this world, which does not recognise the path to peace. To weep for those who live for war and have the cynicism to deny it,” the Argentine pontiff said, adding: “God weeps, Jesus weeps”.



Nate's credibility relies on his model being correct. Not whatever musings he posts on twitter.

People need to chill out with this shit.
If he's going to write articles about how dumb the media is for considering a Trump victory, he's putting his credibility on the line. Nate regularly posts odds for each of the candidates. He has Trump at 6%, almost tied with "Other."

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
This man is amazing.
Agreed. My parents are deeply deeply Catholic and I wish they'd listen to their pope instead of the GOP. I see so little New Testament thinking in modern day Christianity. The more that politics have wound their way into religion, the more cruel American Christianity has become. I don't mean that as a blanket statement, because I know plenty of Christians that haven't hardened their hearts. I just get discouraged when I see these people who claim to worship someone who wouldn't support the majority of their politics.


I feel like Obama really misread the public mood this week and appeared tone deaf. He just didn't harness any of the public's anger by giving priority to an impassioned defense of western values, and so instead most of his clip replays were of him scolding Republicans and a lot of Americans about not wanting to accept refugees. Irregardless of the merits, I was taken aback by how awful the optics looked.


No Scrubs
I feel like Obama really misread the public mood this week and appeared tone deaf. He just didn't harness any of the public's anger by giving priority to an impassioned defense of western values, and so instead most of his clip replays were of him scolding Republicans and a lot of Americans about not wanting to accept refugees. Irregardless of the merits, I was taken aback by how awful the optics looked.

He did the right thing. When the dust settles and nothing happens to us he'll look like one of the few grown-ups in the room.
I feel like Obama really misread the public mood this week and appeared tone deaf. He just didn't harness any of the public's anger by giving priority to an impassioned defense of western values, and so instead most of his clip replays were of him scolding Republicans and a lot of Americans about not wanting to accept refugees. Irregardless of the merits, I was taken aback by how awful the optics looked.

He is banking on all this hysteria going away. Which it will.
I feel like Obama really misread the public mood this week and appeared tone deaf. He just didn't harness any of the public's anger by giving priority to an impassioned defense of western values, and so instead most of his clip replays were of him scolding Republicans and a lot of Americans about not wanting to accept refugees. Irregardless of the merits, I was taken aback by how awful the optics looked.

I believe his most recent comments in Malaysia will be more to your liking. Maybe this is what he plans to go with when he returns to the US?

President Barack Obama made another emotional case Saturday for welcoming migrants, who are fleeing violence, into the United States.

Doing so, he argued, would demonstrate American values around the globe.

"When we talk about American leadership, American leadership is us caring about people who have been forgotten or who have been discriminated against or who've been tortured or who've been subject to unspeakable violence or who've been separated from families at very young ages," he said Saturday.

"That's when we're the shining light on the hill," he said. "Not when we respond on the basis of fear.
Nate's really starting to backpedal


I don't think it's fair to call it back pedalling if he starts to notice what's going on and react to it. The dude went hard on "Trump can't win" and has been mocked here for it, now he's recognizing the possibility and being mocked for it.

EDIT: been said already...


I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.


I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.

My prime reason: I'm voting for her because I don't see her name on the ballot; I see Ruth Bader Ginsburg's name on the ballot.

I'm not voting on personality, or alleged "niceness" - I'm voting on the reason we send politicians to Washington: policy. This isn't some high school election where I can sneer at a candidate's personality defects and decide that fucking over the causes I claim to care about is logical or acceptable. And as such, I base my voting decisions on something a bit more substantial than mere personality. If I want to vote on personality, there's a new season of American Idol coming up soon enough.

20 years from now, I don't want folks to look back and go, "well.. the country's fucked and hope for our causes is dead. But we sure did teach that mean-ass ***** a lesson, now, didn't we?"

I hope that this is clear enough.


And on a cheerier note, the last poll before today's runoff:
52-40, Edwards.
I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.

Just as a heads-up, the author of the book that quote is from was most recently the chief Washington correspondent for Newsmax. Also won a "Robert Novak" journalism award from CPAC.

He has a long and accomplished career beforehand but, you know, context.
I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.

Because I am much more economically centrist than someone like Bernie. For example, I don't think a $12 minimum wage is good policy, and $15 one is much worse, I've been a little disappointed that Clinton has started drifting towards him on some of those things, but Bernie also pushed her on some of his ideas I agree with, like ending the war on drugs.


I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.
You are quoting a bullshit right-wing anti-Hillary book like it's actually trustworthy?

Also why do I support her? Bernie is naive and seems in over his head in this arena. Look at how poorly his campaign is run. I mean a speech on socialism that generated no media attention when the focus in the campaign is ISIS? And not even giving it in a early primary state at that. His campaign is pure bad politics each and every day. His campaign has idea how to play the media game. I do not trust someone who has ran such an awful campaign in a primary to win a general election. And above all else, I want to win.

Not to mention his promises are beyond naive for what kind of Congress we have. Hillary actually knows what is doable and can get done. I rather have 4 years of getting shit done than 4 years of pie in the sky dream proposals that get ripped to shreds by congress.
I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.

Yeah and I also heard she killed Vince Foster.


I have a serious question for Clinton supporters. Why do you support her as a candidate? Is it a stance on a particular issue(s)? You think she has the best chance to win for the Democratic party? I'm genuinely curious.

I know her platform in only a generally sense, but even if she was batting a thousand in terms of coinciding with my own views I couldn't vote for her. She seems like an insufferable person to be around. Secret Service agents viewed getting assigned to her detail as punishment and described her as an "especially abusive Arctic monster." "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness becomes evident."

I admit finding a politician at this level with moral character is difficult, but come on, at least treat the people WHO ARE PROTECTING YOU with some shred of dignity.
You mean like how finding out the validity of your source for the stories about Hillary is difficult?

I thought it was some high level fanfiction.
While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f - - - did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ”
A site where the trending stories in the sidebar right now are:
Skanky suicide bomber used to be a selfie-taking party animal
A new taxpayer bailout to cover up ObamaCare's failure?
'It's my baby!': Woman rips baby from pregnant woman's womb

There's a buttload of other books written by various people talking about how Hillary is nasty shit too, would you like to read them? Ed Klein wrote a book titled Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary that also has a lot of stories about how she is a bitch.
Some choice quotes:
"You've thrown us in the crap again!" Hillary screamed. "I've never been this pissed off at you! I don't think you really want me to be president."

Bill looked up over the rim of his eyeglasses, which were perched on the tip of his nose.

"Calm down," he said.

His air of nonchalance only made Hillary angrier, and with a sweeping motion of her arm, she shoved everything off the top of his desk, sending papers and an expensive piece of Chihuly blown glass flying onto the floor.

"Jesus!" Bill said.

He got up to retrieve the Chihuly sculpture, which fortunately wasn't damaged. He put it carefully back on his desk. He had one of the largest private collections of Chihuly glass in the country.

"You don't care about anything but that fucking piece of glass," Hillary said.
While Jarrett gave her briefing, the president paced, his head bowed, deep in thought. Jarrett was happy to see Hillary in trouble. Obama wasn't so sure. He felt a great deal of animosity toward both Clintons, and he smiled when Jarrett told him of Hillary's latest travails, but he didn't want to see the Democratic Party lose the White House.

"It's all her own fault," he repeated over and over, according to sources who spoke to Jarrett. "Bill should have advised her better. He should have made her goddamn behave, follow the rules."
Because you know, Obama would think that a man should make his woman behave.
I don't think it's fair to call it back pedalling if he starts to notice what's going on and react to it. The dude went hard on "Trump can't win" and has been mocked here for it, now he's recognizing the possibility and being mocked for it.

EDIT: been said already...

He should have started backpedaling long ago. Trump has been in the lead in polling for about 7 months now, with 3 to go until the Iowa caucus.

Yes, there are lots of other factors needed to secure the nomination but the main criteria is winning primaries.

He's obviously not Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain or, for that matter, Ben Carson.

Nate is just being contrarian at this point.


My prime reason: I'm voting for her because I don't see her name on the ballot; I see Ruth Bader Ginsburg's name on the ballot.

I'm not voting on personality, or alleged "niceness" - I'm voting on the reason we send politicians to Washington: policy. This isn't some high school election where I can sneer at a candidate's personality defects and decide that fucking over the causes I claim to care about is logical or acceptable. And as such, I base my voting decisions on something a bit more substantial than mere personality. If I want to vote on personality, there's a new season of American Idol coming up soon enough.

20 years from now, I don't want folks to look back and go, "well.. the country's fucked and hope for our causes is dead. But we sure did teach that mean-ass ***** a lesson, now, didn't we?"

I hope that this is clear enough. [/url]

Definitely understand this point of view. I disagree to a certain extent as I ascribe more of my vote to someone's character as I believe it's an indication of how someone will act under pressure and work well with others.

Don't know how people can completely discredit the accounts regarding Hillary's character though. Sources from the same book spoke generally favorably of Bill. Maybe she wasn't THAT bad, but come on........


Don't know how people can completely discredit the accounts regarding Hillary's character though. Sources from the same book spoke generally favorably of Bill. Maybe she wasn't THAT bad, but come on........

It's from a right-wing author. A book released as she was going to run for President. Bill isn't running. The book is 100% trash. Not even a debate here.

Would you trust a well known left-wing Democrat partisan writer releasing a book that included negative stories about Marco Rubio released in a middle of a Presidential campaign?


Don't know how people can completely discredit the accounts regarding Hillary's character though. Sources from the same book spoke generally favorably of Bill. Maybe she wasn't THAT bad, but come on........
You know what's different between Bill and Hillary?

One can never be president again, while the other can.

It's also nice that you are digging in and trying to defend the conservative portrayal of Hillary, because it's so easy to just do that to a woman. You don't fucking question if Bernie Sanders is only nice for the cameras and privately an asshole. You don't fucking question if Romney is awkward in front of the cameras but a jackass in private. You don't fucking question if Obama is only swag and cool in front of cameras but actually a thug in private.

No. But you think that Hillary Clinton is obviously a bitch and has questionable moral character. Because a bunch of Republicans came up with a bunch of stories about how she did shitty things to her Secret Service, and therefore they must be true. Just like how Obama was really born in Kenya.


You know what's different between Bill and Hillary?

One can never be president again, while the other can.

It's also nice that you are digging in and trying to defend the conservative portrayal of Hillary, because it's so easy to just do that to a woman. You don't fucking question if Bernie Sanders is only nice for the cameras and privately an asshole. You don't fucking question if Romney is awkward in front of the cameras but a jackass in private. You don't fucking question if Obama is only swag and cool in front of cameras but actually a thug in private.

No. But you think that Hillary Clinton is obviously a bitch and has questionable moral character. Because a bunch of Republicans came up with a bunch of stories about how she did shitty things to her Secret Service, and therefore they must be true. Just like how Obama was really born in Kenya.
And his ONLY evidence is a completely discredited right-wing account of her from a partisan Republican writer.

You don't see this shit for any other candidate. No one is basing their personal views on the "morals" of the GOP candidates based on accounts of liberal democratic writers.


It's from a right-wing author. A book released as she was going to run for President. Bill isn't running. The book is 100% trash. Not even a debate here.

Would you trust a well known left-wing Democrat partisan writer releasing a book that included negative stories about Marco Rubio released in a middle of a Presidential campaign?

I guess it would depend.

Kessler quotes other sources within the Secret Service so it's not entirely from his experience.

I hope you are right as she could very well be our leader in chief in a little over a year.


I feel like Obama really misread the public mood this week and appeared tone deaf. He just didn't harness any of the public's anger by giving priority to an impassioned defense of western values, and so instead most of his clip replays were of him scolding Republicans and a lot of Americans about not wanting to accept refugees. Irregardless of the merits, I was taken aback by how awful the optics looked.
I don't give a fuck about the optics, tbh. The bloodlust, xenophobia, and overall lack of human decency I've been seeing since the Paris attacks has been disgusting, and frankly a lot of Americans needed a scolding. Even some people i know who i expected better from have said some stupid things. The president refused to give into fear, and remained rational and true to American/decent human values. His speech at the G20 after the attacks was exactly what needed to be said, imo, and it's moments like that that make me proud to have voted and volunteered for him.


I guess it would depend.

Kessler quotes other sources within the Secret Service so it's not entirely from his experience.

Why in the world would you believe him about his supposed "sources"? When the writer has a clear anti-Hillary bias and is a right-wing author with a clear bias against Hillary you shoudn't be taken his word on the fact he has sources.

Literally every word of that book should be ignored. A right-wing Republican author is not a valid source for secret accounts of the Democratic nominee for President.


You know what's different between Bill and Hillary?

One can never be president again, while the other can.

It's also nice that you are digging in and trying to defend the conservative portrayal of Hillary, because it's so easy to just do that to a woman. You don't fucking question if Bernie Sanders is only nice for the cameras and privately an asshole. You don't fucking question if Romney is awkward in front of the cameras but a jackass in private. You don't fucking question if Obama is only swag and cool in front of cameras but actually a thug in private.

No. But you think that Hillary Clinton is obviously a bitch and has questionable moral character. Because a bunch of Republicans came up with a bunch of stories about how she did shitty things to her Secret Service, and therefore they must be true. Just like how Obama was really born in Kenya.

Easy mate. If you have suggestions regarding reading material of other candidates' character feel free to send me a PM if you don't want to clog up the thread. I'd love to read up and become more informed.

Just some talk in the work place about the book previously referenced. That's why I brought it up.
Easy mate. If you have suggestions regarding reading material of other candidates' character feel free to send me a PM if you don't want to clog up the thread. I'd love to read up and become more informed.

Just some talk in the work place about the book previously referenced. That's why I brought it up.

If I tried to bring up even half the stuff I've heard at work and pretend that it is something people should take seriously I'd have probably been banned 1000 times by now. It's usually a good idea to vet/research a source like this before you trot it out for an argument Just sayin..
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