Black Mamba
I've yet to comment on the La polling this cycle.
Here's my thoughts.
I really don't have much. State polling in harder. The race is bizarre in that a generic R would easily win but Vitter got caught in scandals making him not as palatable. of course, the closest comparison is Akin but it's all an off-year election.
I would just say Dems should be cautiously optimistic about the election. Accept that there's a really good shot to take the state but be aware that it's no where close to a guarantee given the state involved.
Hopefully JBE pulls it off. But I'm not going to assume he'll win like I assumed Obama would win in 2012. No fucking way. I don't trust those people once they enter the voting booth.
Here's my thoughts.
I really don't have much. State polling in harder. The race is bizarre in that a generic R would easily win but Vitter got caught in scandals making him not as palatable. of course, the closest comparison is Akin but it's all an off-year election.
I would just say Dems should be cautiously optimistic about the election. Accept that there's a really good shot to take the state but be aware that it's no where close to a guarantee given the state involved.
Hopefully JBE pulls it off. But I'm not going to assume he'll win like I assumed Obama would win in 2012. No fucking way. I don't trust those people once they enter the voting booth.