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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I'm not sure that post is a very good example.
Granted, he's drastically increasing the power of the state, but look at his motivations. He has an intense hatred of laws and institutions. Everything expires after 8 years. I can't imagine most government agencies surviving a regime change.


I think automatic sunsets are probably a good idea, we already do it. The Patriot Act and Bush Tax Cuts were both set to sunset after 10 years. They didn't because they were popular.

But an anarchocapitalist wouldn't even entertain the notion of this state and its lawmaking in the first place. Let alone one with an absolute dictator.


James Lambert ‏@hellofasandwich 15m15 minutes ago
Gov-elect Jon Bel Edwards only had one actual staffer on his campaign team up until this summer. #LaGov


You're right, benji. I lumped him in there because I'm used to classmates/coworkers who wonder why we can't replace laws and institutions with software. I remember being surprised by people agreeing with Jeb that we could replace Obamacare with a smart watch app that tells you you're fat.


Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump’s ‘Muslim’ Comments

Left-wing cable news network CNN has been caught red-handed selectively editing Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s comments about a “Muslim registry,” and doing so in order to make it sound as though he is agreeing to this registry. He is not.

The edited video is yet another lying log on the left-wing garbage fire that is CNN, and yet in just three weeks, this very same garbage fire is hosting the next Republican presidential debate!

What exactly does CNN have to do in order to lose its right to depose these candidates for two hours in front of the whole world? If CNN is already maliciously editing video to “take out” out the frontrunner, I don’t even want to speculate.


It is time for Reince Priebus and the Republican Party to stand up these left-wing hit squads disguising themselves as journalists.

CNN should not be allowed within a country mile of a GOP debate.

How many more warning signs does the Republican Party need to realize that this is a suicide mission?

Do we want to win in 2016, or not?
Moral of tonight: don't let turnout completely tank and we'll do fine.

Louisiana was about 40% compared to 27% in Kentucky.

Still hope Mitch sees an opportunity. In an open seat it'd be much harder than against Vitter, but it'd be good to have a solid candidate here.


Rubio has moved up to first in "second choice" tho.

Most honest and trustworthy/personality and temperament brehs:

No candidate’s support has shifted beyond the poll’s six-percentage-point margin of error since September.
...what? You can't lower that margin any WaPo/ABC?


I'm reeling from the 'Best change of getting elected in November 2016" ratings.

They think Trump then fucking Carson? I guess the Romney experiment in 2012 pissed off a lot of the base.
One thing I'd consider is that many people likely think their candidate has the best chance. The numbers don't drastically differ from the base support + second choice. Not even accounting for the 6% MoE.


One thing I'd consider is that many people likely think their candidate has the best chance. The numbers don't drastically differ from the base support + second choice. Not even accounting for the 6% MoE.
I like that electability isn't even a priority - 4% most important attribute.


I like that electability isn't even a priority - 4% most important attribute.
Again, I think that might be combined into "change Washington" in some respects. You can't "change Washington" without being elected, and a candidate who can win + change Washington > a candidate who can merely win.
I like that electability isn't even a priority - 4% most important attribute.
I imagine a lot of GOPers take electability for granted because they don't know many (if any at all) Democrats personally, so there's a feeling of "Well who likes Obama? Everyone I know votes Republican!" which they apply to the entire country.


It'd probably be better to have them rank the priorities and candidates, top three or something, because having to pick just one is going to give you the main priority when there could be multiple.

For a great example of this, any question on "the most important issue" where only one response is taken.


I didn't realize that Breitbart was rooting for Trump. They've got a number of articles criticizing the media's reponse to his Hitler comments. They're also investigating Trump Card LLC, the organization that wants to make fake pro-Trump ads. They made a GoFundMe page and raised $356 before they took it down and shifting focus to big donors.

The goal, according to the memo, isn’t to convert Mr. Trump’s supporters into backing other candidates, but to dissuade them from voting altogether, especially in New Hampshire’s influential first-in-the-nation primary.


Breitbart is a number of separate writers.

That said BIG CONSERVATIVE MEDIA has jumped on board the Trump/Carson train with way more force than I've seen them since maybe 2000 with W. Bush. (Although it was more like big conservative media back then. And mostly Rush Limbaugh leading the way, he's a late comer this time.)

Cruz is their true dreamboat, but winning/liberal media attacks have swung them into the Trump/Carson camp. Plus immigration.

Just to illustrate something going on in conservative circles. Ann Coulter endorsed Romney well before the primaries in 2012 because he's the "only one who can win." She's been twitter stumping for Trump for months now.

Michael Savage was backing Cruz with Rand as his second choice, now Trump's agreeing to interviews on his show he's such a fanboy.

Limbaugh still seems hesitant and likely to play more on the left-wing media attacks angle. I feel like if Cruz started going up in the polls, he could start giving a little push for him. Hannity too in terms of moving over into Cruz territory.

The Jeb?!? love around here was always funny to me because conservative media was always painting him (and Christie) as a betrayer to the cause and getting excited with practically everyone else who started jumping in who was more conservative.


I thought Limbaugh endorsed Trump months ago. Glenn Beck hates Trump. I don't think most of the Fox News guys have come around, either.
It amuses me to no end that benji listens to and enjoys(presumably) michael savage. His old jewish man screaming style of oration is unlistenable
That said I would listen to him over levin and hannity every time. They are establishment bullshitters and even worse, bores


Trump implied that Erickson was fired from Red State for bashing him.

Btw, early Trump articles are fun. Zogby, October 12:

"I'm in a margin-of-error business, so plus or minus a couple of weeks … I do think he'll fizzle out, I really do," Zogby, senior analyst at Zogby Analytics, tells "Newsmax Prime" with J.D. Hayworth on Newsmax TV.

"He's starting to, he's peaked a little bit and I think his numbers are coming down … he'll fizzle out shortly.".
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