The problem for Republicans is that they haven’t found a candidate who can appeal to Trump’s politically-disaffected supporters — whether they’re worried about immigration, jobs, terrorism or an overreaching social liberalism — without trafficking in slurs and empty bluster. But that’s roughly what Nixon did in 1968 and 1972, when he addressed (liberal historians would say exploited, but we can have that debate another time) widespread anxieties over social change and disorder without ever repudiating racial equality or civil rights.
In this year’s Republican primary, the non-Trump candidates have struggled mightily to make that kind of nuanced case. And they’ve struggled, in part, because they lack a second Nixonian gift: An instinct for the non-ideological character of many American voters, primary voters included.
I like when people support candidates because they "tell it like it is!""I support Trump because he speaks his filthy, racist, fascist mind!"
I liked this, but holy shit the artstyle managed to make three-year-olds look eighty.The New York Times said:
As hate speech from Republican candidates reaches 1960s levels, Dawkins mocks the idea that Muslims are an oppressed minority:
D Wasserman SchultzVerified account ‏@DWStweets
The red streak in the Deep South is broken! Congratulations to Governor-Elect John Bel Edwards, the next Governor of Louisiana! #momentum
As hate speech from Republican candidates reaches 1960s levels, Dawkins mocks the idea that Muslims are an oppressed minority:
Too bad he missed the filing deadline.Boston Globe put Romney in their NH poll and he beat Trump 2:1.
This is why I was so happy to see CNN's December debate requirements. They threw Kasich and Christie a lifeline by including New Hampshire polls in their criteria. They've both got no reason to drop out before NH and will ensure the establishment vote is split four ways (five if you include Fiorina).At this point, if I worked for the RNC, I would be ordering horse's heads by the dozen to send to every candidate except Rubio.
The funny part is it probably doesn't matter. I'm starting to think Jeb has too many Bush-loyal funding sources to winnow effectively. Fiorina/Paul/Santorum/Huckabee don't care what anybody thinks. (Although maybe give Fiorina a cabinet post and get rid of her that way?) So, what, you can winnow Kasich and Christie?
My three-pronged prediction is still on point, I think. Rubio if the party decides. Trump if we're in a new age of crazy. Cruz if both are a little bit true.
Retired state appeals court judge James Stewart was elected district attorney of Caddo Parish on Saturday, defeating prosecutor Dhu Thompson in a race that received national attention amid a backdrop of debates over the death penalty and outside campaign contributions.
Stewart received 55 percent of the vote to 45 percent for Thompson, according to complete but unofficial returns.
Stewart will serve the remaining five years of the term of the late District Attorney Charles Scott, who died in April of a heart attack. He takes office after the official vote recount on Tuesday.
Stewart led a six-candidate field for D.A. in the October primary but was short of the majority of votes needed to win outright. Thompson, who was a strong second, received the endorsements of most of the other D.A. candidates during the runoff.
The race grabbed national headlines when billionaire George Soros of New York, a philanthropist known for his support of liberal causes and racial justice, put more than $800,000 into a local political action committee that backed Stewart, a Democrat.
Republicans complained about outside money being put into a local race, but then formed one of their own late in the campaign and aired anti-Stewart ads.
Of the 12 death sentences handed down in Louisiana in the last 5 years, 8 have come from Caddo Parish. Caddo is also among the 2% of U.S. counties responsible for 56% of people on death row. With a population of just 257,000, Caddo Parish has sent 16 people to death row, the second highest of any parish in Louisiana. Two prosecutors, one of whom is under investigation for prosecutorial misconduct, are responsible for 6 of the recent death sentences. Hugo Holland, who handled two cases that resulted in death sentences in the last five years, is being investigated by the Disciplinary Board of the state's bar association for failing to turn over evidence favorable to a defendant being tried for the murder of a prison guard. That defendant's death sentence was overturned in 2014. Prosecutor Dale Cox, who obtained four of Caddo's recent death sentences, has said he believes death row inmates spend too long awaiting execution, but waited 10 months to sign off on the release of Glenn Ford after evidence of Ford's innocence was uncovered. Ford was convicted in Caddo Parish and spent 30 years on death row before his exoneration. (Pictured: Caddo County Courthouse, 2010.)
unrelated political musing because i can't even look at dota twitterspace without finding (links deriding) people who just don't know how to human
as usual, let me be politically incorrect = let me fundamentally misunderstand human psychology
"shit, we have created a society that through social factors and pressures causes emotional problems for everyone... the solution is clearly for women to be forced to have sex with me"
with some extra "shit, we made ourselves the 'default' archetype for humans in our society that all else is to be measured against and now we are linguistically treated as the 'default' how could this be" for good measure
i guess it ties in with isis because the author's proposed solution to the ongoing crisis is forcing women to have sex with people who defect from isis
D Wasserman SchultzVerified account ‏@DWStweets
The red streak in the Deep South is broken! Congratulations to Governor-Elect John Bel Edwards, the next Governor of Louisiana! #momentum
Probably not too difficult.Debbie has found a new strategy for Democratic success in the south!
Make sure every single Republican candidate for statewide office has a sex scandal!
What would Trump have to do or say to not have an open invitation to appear on ABC/CBS/NBC/Fox/CNN whenever he wants?
Throughout our lives, all of us can remember: "we're gonna be tough on crime", "we're gonna throw away the key", "we're gonna do this", "we're gonna do that". But all of that has resulted in an international disgrace, and I trust that all of you know it, that the United States of America today, has more people in jail, than any other country on Earth, including, China, which is an authoritarian communist country, four times our size.
And we as a people, have to lay this issue right on the table; and that is, people in American jails are disproportionately, to a very significant degree. people of color. And that is the reality in America today, and that is a reality that has to change. Too many lives. too, too many lives, are being destroyed, and together, we are going to bring about major reforms, of a broken criminal justice system.
Tiraje Lester said:Q: I want to know how we have an America, where black lives matters. and by the first term, as President, how would it happen?
A: How it would happen, is that, for a start, we would make this issue, a major issue, in my administration. Another words, it's not something we would push aside.
It's an issue that we would bring the country together, and say, in the following many ways, we are going to end the absurdity, the horror, the embarrassment, of unarmed black men and women and children, being killed by police officers, or in police custody, We are going to bring about sweeping reforms, of police departments, all over this country. So, to answer your question, it becomes for us, a major priority, in a Sanders administration.
Every weekend I do my technical and fundamental analysis of the markets and economy for the week ahead, and everything has been looking sickly for months and getting worse. I feel the evidence now is strong that the business cycle is giving out, and Democrats need to be prepared for it. I can do a detailed writeup why if anyone's interested.
Every weekend I do my technical and fundamental analysis of the markets and economy for the week ahead, and everything has been looking sickly for months and getting worse. I feel the evidence now is strong that the business cycle is giving out, and Democrats need to be prepared for it. I can do a detailed writeup why if anyone's interested.
Trump retweets impossibly racist "What about Black on Black crime?!?!" meme:
I am definitely interested to know what you're looking at. If you're right, I think we're basically screwed.
Glorious, fuck you Vitter.
-in charge of SuperPAC that helped Edwards.Melinda Deslatte ‏@MelindaDeslatte 3m3 minutes ago
State Sen. Ben Nevers will be @JohnBelforLA chief of staff and will lead the transition team. #LaGov #lalege
Newell Normand is the Sheriff of Jefferson Parish.Julia O'DonoghueVerified account ‏@JSODonoghue 2m2 minutes ago
Newell Normand is one of the chairs of @JohnBelforLA's transition team.
Keith Boykin
The election of John Bel Edwards will bring health care to 225,000 Louisiana residents.
Julia O'Donoghue ‏@JSODonoghue 2m2 minutes ago
On executive orders, @JohnBelforLA has already said he is issued an executive order to protect state workers who are LGBT.
Transition plans begins today and tomorrow. I expect Jay Dardenne to be offered a position.
-in charge of SuperPAC that helped Edwards.
who is Newell Normand?
fantastic news.
As hate speech from Republican candidates reaches 1960s levels, Dawkins mocks the idea that Muslims are an oppressed minority:
Trump retweets impossibly racist "What about Black on Black crime?!?!" meme:
These last two days have seemed to honestly frighten Nate Silver into thinking Trump might be an actual Nazi:
I can't believe Trumps is saying the BLM protester deserved to get beat up by his crowd.
Incitement. That's the best word I can think of. What he's doing is incitement.
At some point his rhetoric is going to catch up to him. Right?
Scott Adams has been a total misogynist nut job for so many years now.
So when Trump or Cruz win the nomination, do Establishment Republicans split away from the party and run Rubio or Kasich or Christie as a third-party?
Things like this are scarier for the 2016 election than any Republican candidate. Next year probably isn't going to be so smooth sailing after all.First, let me preface by saying that the markets reflect whats happening in the economy. If the markets are down its because the underlying companies and the economy at large are experiencing trouble.
So when Trump or Cruz win the nomination, do Establishment Republicans split away from the party and run Rubio or Kasich or Christie as a third-party?
So when Trump or Cruz win the nomination, do Establishment Republicans split away from the party and run Rubio or Kasich or Christie as a third-party?
So when Trump or Cruz win the nomination, do Establishment Republicans split away from the party and run Rubio or Kasich or Christie as a third-party?
An LBGT executive order from Edwards, on the day after his election?
I'm a bit verklempt at this news.
Why would they ever do this? There's no motivation for it, it'd just further erode their control over the party when they would get blamed for inevitable electoral disaster. What do you think stabbing Cruz or Trump in the back would do to their already unruly base?