I'm not sure if I buy the premise about the stock market reflecting what's going on in the economy, or that low commodity prices matter that much to the US economy, or that the dollar will pull us down rather than give us a slight headwind.Charts
I'm not sure if I buy the premise about the stock market reflecting what's going on in the economy, or that low commodity prices matter that much to the US economy, or that the dollar will pull us down rather than give us a slight headwind.Charts
I don't know if Republicans want their political future to be harmed via association to a fascist campaign that got started by hatred of Hispanics or via association with Ted Cruz's hatred of LGBT people.
I bet at least 93% of those "so called" blacks have refrigerators in their house as well.Trump retweets impossibly racist "What about Black on Black crime?!?!" meme:
These last two days have seemed to honestly frighten Nate Silver into thinking Trump might be an actual Nazi:
The numbers themselves are bullshit as well. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...percent-of-blacks-are-killed-by-other-blacks/Wow, look at that fucking picture. I can't even
Source? I don't see anything about this.
On executive orders, @JohnBelforLA has already said he is issued an executive order to protect state workers who are LGBT. #LaGov #lalege
Source? I don't see anything about this.
Van Hollen 45
Edwards 31
I like Edwards a lot, so I hope she can pull it off.
Damn. Plenty of time though.
I want details, but the idea of anything of this sort being done in Louisiana is remarkable. Edwards is going to get smeared non-stop by the holier-than-thou crowd for this.
She really is. What are the odds of her stepping down before the middle of next year?the woman is a joke
0She really is. What are the odds of her stepping down before the middle of next year?
That'd be great.
If the economy gives out, Dems are probably screwed.
NOLA.com: What ads did you produce that you thought were most successful?
Ourso: Looking back on it, the ad that really helped a lot was the one with (Republican primary candidates Jay) Dardenne and (Scott) Angelle where we took the clips of him from the debates. If you look at all of our commercials, we were speaking to the Angelle-Dardenne supporters. We weren't necessarily trying to appeal to the Vitter supporters, nor did we have to persuade the Edwards supporters. We knew if we could get a high percentage of Dardenne-Angelle supporters, we'd be in good shape.
That particular commercial, I think we launched it the Tuesday after the primary -- so about four days later -- I think in our mind it froze the race. It gave those folks who had voted for either Scott Angelle or Jay Dardenne a moment's pause to remember why they didn't vote for David Vitter and also give them permission not to vote for him" in the runoff election.
NOLA.com: Of everything that was said in the televised debates, did you think there was anything that was key to Edwards' victory?
Ourso: I think what people really liked was about the debates from John Bel's perspective is he didn't cower down to David Vitter. He stood his ground and he spoke the truth. David Vitter's been a very successful politician for many years, mostly operating from strength and power and in many cases intimidation. I think John Bel Edwards earned a lot of respect from standing his ground.
NOLA.com: Will this be looked back on as a historic race?
Ourso: I think it's going to be looked back on as a historic race just in the sense of where it started and where it finished. I think we have to wait for a couple years to see what the overall the dynamics of it -- from not only the state, but now John Bel will be the only Democratic governor in the south and there's only one (Democratic) U.S. senator, and that's in Florida.
So I think time will tell. But from a purely electoral standpoint, it's historic.
Holy fuck, that's awesome. Medicaid expansion and LGBT rights in particular.
I look forward to a glorious single term from Governor-elect John Bel Edwards.
This is the quickest I've ever seen anyone start diablosing![]()
Yes but surely enough Democrats see how ineffective she is? Can't they force the issue?You don't switch party chair mid-election cycle, no chance at all barring a major scandal. It's not something you do well under a year before a party convention.
Yes but surely enough Democrats see how ineffective she is? Can't they force the issue?
Yes but surely enough Democrats see how ineffective she is? Can't they force the issue?
Trump retweets impossibly racist "What about Black on Black crime?!?!" meme:
These last two days have seemed to honestly frighten Nate Silver into thinking Trump might be an actual Nazi:
the amount of "i told you Hillary was unelectable, why didn't you feel the bern" will reach critical levels if this happens.
As far as I know, the trend is towards less and less publicly traded companies. Maybe the privately held companies are outperforming the publicly traded ones.First, let me preface by saying that the markets reflect whats happening in the economy. If the markets are down its because the underlying companies and the economy at large are experiencing trouble.
Rank 'em!I'm dropping my support for Donald Trump. The last few days have been too much for me.
Looking at Rubio, but I'm not that happy with him either. Fuck.
I think it's fair to bring up a discussion from our past, where both him and I were in agreement on a pull back, but I thought his prediction waited too long by saying sometime up until march, and predicted too large of a drop.First, let me preface by saying that the markets reflect whats happening in the economy. If the markets are down its because the underlying companies and the economy at large are experiencing trouble.
Basically all the leading indicators just keep breaking down and the markets stay at their highs after the Aug. 24th flash crash due to the cap weighted over performance of few high capitalization companies. Let me start with the first chart, the divergences chart. The grey line is the S&P 500 index. The 10 largest companies in the S&P 500 are up 13.9% for the year while the other 490 are down -5.8% (red line). Thats very bad when you have a literal handful of companies holding up the markets and the GDP growth rate, and there's going to be a very narrow door when everyone realizes it and wants out. Earnings per share are down year over year for the first time since 2009, thats very significant. Insider buying (purple line) is down. High yield bonds relative to 7-year treasuries (blue line) are down. Looking at the second chart, the very strong multi-year trendline up has been broken and it's very unlikely it will be reclaimed. From a technical perspective, these divergences among the leading indicators have to be resolved, and it's probably going to be the downside, which reflects what's happening in the overall economy.
Now, as to what's fundamentally ailing the economy, the dollar has risen 25% from summer '14, and it's badly hurting American competitiveness by making our exports much less competitive globally. Europe has been in bad shape for a while now, and a QE spree there hasnt spurred inflation but it has definitely materially strengthened the U.S. dollar. There can be no brushing aside that American companies are suffering and are going to continue to suffer if the dollar is uncompetitive, and right now it's sitting at the extreme highs since 2008 and climbing.
Commodities are the bellweather of global aggregate demand. Look at the CRB commodities index, it looks absolutely terrible due to the well known slowdown in China and developing countries. The all important copper is so low that it's below the current cost of production for many, maybe even most, manufacturers. If global demand was healthy then commodities prices wouldn't be absolute dogshit right now.
Business cycles typically last 5-7 years and we're approaching completion of the seventh or eighth year (depending on where you started counting). Using a normal distribution with a mean of 6 years and a (generous) standard deviation of 2.5 years, the chances of completing an 8th or 9th year without a reset in the business cycle are well, very low. Bear in mind I'm not saying we're about to fall off a cliff like 2008 or anything, I'm just saying that the evidence I'm seeing is saying we're experiencing the beginnings of a natural, contractionary slowdown that characterizes the end of a multi-year business cycle.
I think it's fair to bring up a discussion from our past, where both him and I were in agreement on a pull back, but I thought his prediction waited too long by saying sometime up until march, and predicted too large of a drop.
That said, I would not jump in on selling until the pattern finishes completing, but that is the pattern that I'm seeing becoming built. I would be very neutral over the next two weeks, and start selling if the market starts selling.
I can't right now. I'm currently shopping for a candidate; however, I can say that Rubio's box is the shiniest so far. Not even looking at Cruz.Rank 'em!
I can't right now. I'm currently shopping for a candidate; however, I can say that Rubio's box is the shiniest so far. Not even looking at Cruz.
The choice is obviousI can't right now. I'm currently shopping for a candidate; however, I can say that Rubio's box is the shiniest so far. Not even looking at Cruz.
May I offer a suggestion?I can't right now. I'm currently shopping for a candidate; however, I can say that Rubio's box is the shiniest so far. Not even looking at Cruz.
Donald "I have a great relationship with the blacks" Trump is seriously insane.
Haha. Actually I just read his ISIL plan. Sounds just like Obama's plan if you ask me.Do you know what rubio's plan is to stop ISIS? "Whatever it takes". Send Obama that hot tip.
"The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product -- a sign of strength, right? But not for us. It was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It's never below zero." - Donald Trump
I love how the Koch brothers' CATO institute is calling out the GOP as being fucking ridiculous regarding refugees. We need Scott Walker's empty suit up on the debate stage right now.
New odds on Predictwise:
Rubio: 48%
Trump: 22%
Cruz: 14%
Jeb!: 9%
Christie: 3%
Carson: 3%
No one else above 0%.
I'm going with insane.It's either insanity or he's doing a performance art take on The Producers.
Lmao."The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product -- a sign of strength, right? But not for us. It was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It's never below zero." - Donald Trump
No, I got disgusted and pissed off at him today. I hold grudges and never forget.I bet you go back to Trump, SourShoes. In a month, we'll all forget that he's Hitler. Polling seems to bear this out.
Turns out Trump's great rich uncle died, and the stipulation in the will is he has to spend a billion dollars and he'll gain a trillion, but he can't have anything to show for the money he spends, and can't let other people know what he's doing. Wait until he unveils his 'none of the above' campaign slogan. Then it'll start making sense.It almost seems like Trump desperately wants to be out of the presidential race and he's trying to say more and more outlandish things and none of them are working. I see him going home and screaming to Melania, "what the hell is wrong with these people!"
But in reality I know he's just a nutbag.
It almost seems like Trump desperately wants to be out of the presidential race and he's trying to say more and more outlandish things and none of them are working. I see him going home and screaming to Melania, "what the hell is wrong with these people!"
This is a perfect SNL skit.
I shorted Rubio at 56 cents because I think he's overhyped and not at all trusted by the nutjobs that form the majority of the Republican party. Honestly I think Cruz has a better shot than Rubio; he's actually held office, so he's viewed as experienced, but he also has outsider appeal and nutjob cred.Ted Cruz is around 28% to win the Republican nomination on predictit, meaning you can buy No (betting he won't win it) shares for $0.78, which cash out at a dollar each if the nominee is anyone besides Ted Cruz.
I took about a $400 position on this and am thinking of buying in for more. There's just no way he gets it. Only Rubio and Trump have a serious chance at this point, IMO.
I also have another $200 or so in the market shorting Jeb at about 85 cents per No share, so just over a 10% return once predictit takes their 5% cut.
Honestly there's good money to be made if you're willing to wait awhile to get it.
Hillary to win the Democratic nomination is about 89 cents a share right now... took a small position in that, but it's not a great return.
Now if you want to swing for the fences:
Trump to win the Republican nomination: roughly 25 cents, so you basically quadruple your money. I have a small position here.
Hillary to win it all: under 60 cents, so you almost double your money, though this is a year out, so time value of money is a factor. I have about a hundred on this.
Rubio to win the Republican nomination: 45 cents. I still think it'll be Trump, so I'm not buying into this one yet.
Trump to win New Hampshire: 30-something cents. I have just over a hundred on this.