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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I'm sure there will be, there was for the last one. I won't be able to see the whole Kids Table debate, since it starts when I get off work.

Who do we have left for the kiddie debate?

Pataki, Jindal, Graham and Santorum I think..

I can't see any of them breaking out of the loser tier.




Question not Pop-GAF, lest they take notice and pay you a visit.

I mean, if you visit the 2012 thread you'll see plenty of examples of yours truly attempting Pop-GAF gif cross-pollination. Pop star gifs are a very present help in times of trouble.

The real problem is that he only ever posts the ONE gif. Which is probably because Lana del Rey is not a real pop star and so doesn't have a solid gif selection.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mlive said:
LANSING, MI — A political outsider leads a new Michigan poll of Republican presidential candidates — but it's not brash businessman Donald Trump.

Ben Carson, a Detroit native and retired neurosurgeon, led the field in a poll of 600 likely GOP primary voters conducted last week by the Lansing-based Marketing Resource Group ahead of tonight's CNN debate.

Carson polled at 24 percentage points, narrowly edging out Trump, who garnered support from 22 percent of respondents.

Flavor of the month, or actual contender? I still bet flavor of the month, but we'll see after tonight.


Ronald Reagan's son on the Republican Party's obsession with his father.
RR: It just gets old. It seems to me to be kind of an obvious angle to take, because the Republicans keep bringing up my father and they have for a long time. It’s for pretty obvious reasons. Who else do the Republicans have who they can hold up as a hero? I mean, unless you want to go back to Abraham Lincoln. And they may not have that much affinity for him! It’s not going to be Nixon. It’s not going to be H.W. Bush. It’s not going to be W either, for various reasons. So it’s my father. He’s their touchstone. He’s their fetish. They’ve all got to sort of genuflect to him.
It’s senseless, too. The man has been out of office now for a quarter of a century. I mean, who knows what Ronald Reagan would be if he were around today and running for president? My guess is that he would not be exactly the way he was back then. We grow. People move on. So the idea of comparing yourself to him is really sort of meaningless. I’ve gotten tired of talking about it.
I do remind people, though, that my father never went around comparing himself to someone else. He didn’t go around comparing himself to Eisenhower. It strikes me as odd that these people are so eager to pretend to be another person, and suggests that they aren’t fully developed themselves.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...s-interview-donald-trump-213149#ixzz3lvFsDaFg


Now read it in Sarah Palin's voice
I love this, and I'm doing it for all Trump speeches from here onward.

Democrats can invoke both Bill and Obama and be fine. Republicans can't bring out H.W Bush or W. Bush at all, and yet here we are with plenty of them pushing for Bush #3.
This is a small part of what makes me confident about next year. Clinton's years are remembered fondly, Obama can make a careful argument that he's pulled us out of the ditch that the GOP allegedly drove us into..

If the electoral map is like a chessboard, this is like having an extra rook or two over your opponent. Hell, if Biden isn't the nominee, I'm willing to bet that he'd still be an incredible salesman for the Democratic ticket in the Rust Belt; add him to the board, too. He alone could ensure that Pennsylvania doesn't wander off (not like it would).

Meanwhile, I'm trying to imagine where Cheney would be deployed..


Just confirms Barry Hussein is a Muslim, dont you think?

This was post #1776, by the way.



Candidates can just as easily get caught — or entrap themselves — in self-reinforcing cycles of negative media attention and declining poll numbers. Hillary Clinton looks like she’s stuck in one of these ruts right now.

The Washington Post’s David Weigel recently observed that voters were hearing about only three types of Clinton stories, all of which have negative implications for her. First are stories about the scandal surrounding the private email server she used as secretary of state. Next are stories about her declining poll numbers. And third are stories about how Vice President Joe Biden might enter the Democratic presidential race.1

Weigel isn’t exaggerating: For roughly the past two months, voters have heard almost nothing about Clinton apart from these three types of stories. I went through the archives of the news aggregation website Memeorandum, which uses an algorithm to identify the top U.S. news stories of the day. I tracked whether there was a Clinton-related headline in one of the top three positions at 11 a.m. each morning and, if so, what the subject was.2 You can see the results below:

So who is doing the Debate OT? And is there a Jr. Debate tonight as well?

There is a kids table debate tonight. Graham, Santorum, Pataki, and Jindal. Gilmore didn't make the cut and Perry was supposed to be there, but he dropped out. I believe it is at 6 pm et.

I don't know about who is making the official thread, though.
I took it as him politely saying, "mind your damn business", not him being coy. But who knows, I could be wrong.

problem is that he's the guy that attacked trump for not signing that silly pledge before, so him suddenly becoming reserved won't fly.

not like his campaign wasn't already dead anyway.
Ronald Reagan's son on the Republican Party's obsession with his father.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...s-interview-donald-trump-213149#ixzz3lvFsDaFg
Good point about comparing yourself to other people. Obama makes comparisons to Reagan sometimes but he's largely his own man, his own legacy. Same with Bill Clinton. Even Hillary doesn't bring up Bill herself that much, even though her connection to a popular former president is often mentioned as a positive. Meanwhile the Republicans trip over themselves to say they'll be just like Reagan which shows a lack of conviction on their part. I don't want to know what Reagan would do, I want to know what Walker or Paul or Rubio or whoever would do.


lol wat


MEDINA – A proposal to allow Ohioans to register to vote online is gaining support around the state, but so far hasn’t been accepted at the Ohio Statehouse.

“Online registration is an important election reform supported by Democrats and Republicans across the nation,” Secretary of State Jon Husted said in a statement. “It is time for Ohio to get it done.”

In an effort to rally support for the proposal, Husted sent his deputy Josette Burns to Medina last week to ask county commissioners to consider endorsing the proposal.

Like many state legislators, however, Medina County commissioners have some reservations about people registering to vote online. Commissioners Adam Friedrick and Tim Smith both expressed concerns about a potential increase in fraud being perpetrated by people registering to vote online.

Friedrick also has another reason for not immediately embracing the proposal.

“I think voting is a privilege that people should make more of an effort to exercise,” he said. “That’s why I think we should make it hard for people to vote, not easy.”
Well, this was a particularly weird article.

He was convicting the Christian leaders and the religious leaders in that university, and calling us out for being complicit in the abandonment of those who suffer, the least of these, and siding with the powerful and rich, the masters of this world. And he was convicting us and calling us out, and we scorned him, and we stared him down; and, with sour faces, we thought, "Who is this wacko, and why do all these people seem to follow him, seem to like him – this wild-haired Jew, crying out from the wilderness of the political left, in his hoarse voice?"

When I heard Bernie speaking in that way, when I saw that guy on stage at Liberty University, I saw John the Baptist...crying out to the religious leaders, the Pharisees of his day, calling them corrupt and complicit with those who have all the power and all the money and all the wealth, and abandoning the people that God loves, that God cares about...

As I heard Bernie Sanders crying out to the religious leaders at Liberty University, in his hoarse voice, with his wild hair – this Jew – and he proclaimed justice over us, he called us to account, for being complicit with those who are wealthy and those who are powerful, and for abandoning the poor, the least of these, who Jesus said he had come to bring good news to. And in that moment something occurred to me. As I saw Bernie Sanders up there, as I watched him, I realized Bernie Sanders for president is good news for the poor. Bernie Sanders for president is Good News for the poor. Bernie Sanders is gospel for the poor. And Jesus said "I have come to bring gospel" – good news – "to the poor."

And lightning hit my heart at that moment. And I realized that we are evangelical Christians. We believe the Bible. We believe in Jesus. We absolutely shun those who would attempt to find nuance and twisted and tortured interpretations of scripture that they would use to master all other broader interpretations, to find some kind of big message that they want to flout. We absolutely scorn such things, and yet somehow we commit to the mental gymnastics necessary that allows us to abandon the least of these, to abandon the poor, to abandon the immigrants, to abandon those who are in prison.

Obv unless some evidence that this phenomenon can happen in a very large scale happens he still has no chance, (heck, even if it happens, i doubt he'd be able to defeat hillary just with that) but it sure is weird listening to a guy refer to another as "that jew", even in support.
Also jacobin with an article on huey long, and how even the left at the time was all "fuck dat guy". Interesting read, but then, jacobin usually is.


No Scrubs
From husted? I can't believe this. Onion article?

EDIT: B-dubs where is the thread?

I thought someone else wanted it. A lot of conservatives complained so I figured let one of them do it. I'm stuck on the train on my way home from work anyway, I couldn't get the day off.


Well, this was a particularly weird article.

Obv unless some evidence that this phenomenon can happen in a very large scale happens he still has no chance, (heck, even if it happens, i doubt he'd be able to defeat hillary just with that) but it sure is weird listening to a guy refer to another as "that jew", even in support.
Also jacobin with an article on huey long, and how even the left at the time was all "fuck dat guy". Interesting read, but then, jacobin usually is.

It'll never happen because of abortion.

But I would love to see a socially conservative, fiscally liberal Republican. At least I could see the religious through line there than supply side Jesus.
It'll never happen because of abortion.

But I would love to a socially conservative, fiscally liberal Republican. At least I could see the religious through line there than supply side Jesus.

I'd say that it'll never happen because, going out on a leg, most evangelicals probably do not register as democrats.

The particularly interesting bit would be successfully raising that narrative, though, forcing republicans to reposition towards a kinder stance on poor and immigrants.

hella long shot, obv.
There is a kids table debate tonight. Graham, Santorum, Pataki, and Jindal. Gilmore didn't make the cut and Perry was supposed to be there, but he dropped out. I believe it is at 6 pm et.

I don't know about who is making the official thread, though.

Oh, damn, 6? Nice.
I don't know how to make those fancy OTs like last time, but I hope someone has something planned. Hasn't PoliGAF gotten warnings from mods for not making New Threads For New News before? I'll post something if no one has anything planned, but expect it to be crazy bare bones.
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