Was up really late last night doing some research for various entities/reasons. Some of it is proprietary, but I can bottom line it for you removing all biases, pretense, preferences, etc.
My new odds to win the GOP nomination:
Trump 40%
Cruz 40%
Rubio 19%
Field 1%
There is ample evidence that Carson is this month's Fiorina. He's losing support both in national and state polls, and I increasingly hear from folks in Iowa (a state where's strongest) they just don't see him as a commander-in-chief. And that is the toughest narrative for a presidential candidate to overcome.
Also, in the history of GOP presidential politics, there has never been a candidate who has polled as consistently and strongly both nationally and in the early states as Donald Trump.
Combined with his personal resources and demonstrated organization, I think it is quite possible if he wins the Iowa Caucuses he could be unstoppable going forward. He would then win New Hampshire. It's just a matter of the margin of victory. Trump and Cruz are the best organized in South Carolina from what I am told, and you have to think if Trump wins IA & NH the momentum would carry him to a win there, too.
And if he wins all three early states he will be the nominee -- period -- unless the party flat out cheats to stop him. Which would likely result in Trump running as a third party candidate to burn it down either way.
That means, as I said months ago, Trump will not implode and he cannot be stopped. He must be toppled. And he can only be toppled by a candidate who can build a 35% base. In my view, that candidate is Cruz because he's the only other candidate who matches the environment and can coalesce the conservative base.
I think Rubio is stuck as long as Jeb remains in, there's just a certain segment of the establishment that will not turn its backs on the Bush family. And even if Rubio were to take out Cruz, if Trump even got a third of Cruz's support and Rubio got the rest Trump would still have too big of a base to be beaten.
Conclusion: if the conservative movement doesn't want Trump to be its nominee, it has 65 days until the Iowa Caucuses to do something about it. And every day it waits to actively engage the process brings us another day closer to Trump being tougher to beat.